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One of my Cats has a serious paw infection.

He stayed with the Vet for 3 days before I took him home.

Now, two days later he puked something I never seen before.

Black goo, mostly consisting of grass and his favourite dried fish..

The problem is that is was black as oil, and a lot of it.

I give him the prescribed medication and shift and clean his paw everyday.

Any Idea what the black vomit is?


how are his feces ? what did they give him at the vet's food wise and antibiotic wise? im not the cat person here but certainly these two questions are important to know ...

general behavior? urination? is he drinking?



I had a bit of a look on google Poor Sucker and i wonder if this description sounds like the vomit you are seeing:

Ulcers and bacterial infections can also cause dogs and cats to vomit. You should suspect that your pet has an ulcer when the vomit looks black and grainy, like used coffee grounds. This is a sign that your pet is throwing up digested blood, and he needs to see a vet, says Dr. Hibbs.
Source: http://home.ivillage.com/pets/symsolve/0,,j6cm,00.html

From other sites I browsed through, they all talked of black vomit being digested blood, so it does seem that that is the problem. The reason, well could be connected to the paw infection in some way, but get the vets advice to be on the safe side.

Edit: Just been reading some more. Most of what i see is talking of the vomit being black and grainy, not black and oily. However, the oily part may be coming from the digested fish. It could be serious, so best to get the cat checked out asap. Good luck!

One of my Cats has a serious paw infection.

He stayed with the Vet for 3 days before I took him home.

Now, two days later he puked something I never seen before.

Black goo, mostly consisting of grass and his favourite dried fish..

The problem is that is was black as oil, and a lot of it.

I give him the prescribed medication and shift and clean his paw everyday.

Any Idea what the black vomit is?

Dab some on a wet napkin and rub it in a little. If it turns red it is blood. Could be from licking the paw or somthing serious internally.


Best get it checked out as eek mentioned, but I am inclined to think that the black coloration in the vomit is more likely from the grass that the cat has ingested, they choose a specific type which to our eye looks oily when vomited, but it is more mucous like. I would always look at the content, if it indeed is black, then it is a sure sign of problems. Lets know how it all goes


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