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Things You No Longer Do


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Been here five years now and just reflecting in things I no longer do and thought it might make a good topic.

My top three.

Never go to Go Go's anymore. The drinks are over priced the sight of semi naked flesh no longer excites me and watching girls do the Pattaya shuffle is now downright boring.

Never go near the beach on Saturday and Sunday as crowded out by Thais all of whom are cooking fish on little barbecues.

Tip is 20 baht everywhere for anything no matter what the bill total is and tips go in the waitresses hand not the checkbin.

Over to you...

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No Longer drive motorbikes with out expecting the unexpected.

Expect Ferry's etc to be on time.

Wai everybody I meet

Complain about ice in beer.

Believe all the fat beer swilling expats are ex special forces :D

Smoke. :)

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Stopped the go gos, which is somewhat a deviant thing to not do in Pattaya.

Realized that I hate traditional Thai massages, especially the violent neck twists and the blood vessel thing they do on the thighs.

I don't go to Bangkok much anymore. When I moved here I thought it would need that a lot, but now that Pattaya is morphing into Bangkok by the sea, less need.

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Interesting topic...I'm game. Agree wholehartedly with your first point...I would rather be shot in the head than spend a minute another minute in a gogo bar. A few times a month, I will spend some time at a couple of my fav beer-bars however. Ditto for the soapies...I prefer to bathe myself now :) Don't really have sexual relations with humans at all anymore...but have reverted back to my preference for masturbation...I guess I can actually return Stateside now.

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I only go to Go-Go's if mates are over from the U.K. it seems strange to me that everyone is so starved of female flesh back in England.

I am now a compulsive shoes-off person, that habit developed quickly after my first twelve months here.

I have given up motorbikes completely, even the motorcycle taxis.

Most of all, I no longer worry about bills or unexpected expenses. in the U.K. you can be fined 500 quid for putting your rubbish out on the wrong day.

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Over to you...

Road rage, only put's you in a bad mood and I'm never going to change the ways Thai's drive, learnt to drive as they do. :D

Wear shoes when out with freinds or on own, only time I do is when SHE is out, go's mad, don't need the hassle or mucky looks. :D

Bar fine or lady drinks, been there seen it done it have the video and have the T shirt. :D

Try the bug barrow when drunk........ :D

Complain about the exchange rate, I'm out to have a good time not worry about world reccession or ecomomy. :)

Moan about why I pay 20 baht and a Thai pays ten, cant be arsed. :D

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I no longer:

- Search for a tissue if I have something in my nose, just dig it out like the rest

- Avoid the French style toilets

- Pay for the luxury of eating cheese (Pla-khem is not too bad if you need a cheese like taste!)

- Eat at Farang restaurants unless I know the owner (the Thai owned ones are s***)

- Go out to Go Go bars, massage, etc unless it's with the wife (and kids)

- Pay more than 1000 baht a night for a hotel room

- Buy suits from the tailors (I've had about 1 in 4 decent items)

- Speak to other farang, except on TV

- Allow the street food people to make me a farang version (tasteless) of somtam ('farang mai gin phet')

- Worry about riding with the kids on motocy or without car seats in the car.

- Lie in the sun

- Wear shorts unless I'm actually on the beach (and then I wear a T-shirt too)

- Wish my wife would wear a bikini! (ok, maybe sometimes!)

- Buy anything at Central unless it's heavily discounted

- trust a Thai to do anything right

- Find Thai Elvis even remotely entertaining

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After twelve years in LOS I find the things I did as a tourist are not that exciting any more and now consider many to be a rip off or scam.

I rarely go down walking street and subject myself to rip off prices with overpriced, overweight and over-rated females.

I found Soi six to be a dustbin.

Soi seven and eight is for the partially deaf as it’s to foo*ing loud and in your face.

“Buy hey” lets not forget these places are aimed at tourists not expats who wise up to Thailand from years of living here.

Give me the tranquillity of a quiet restaurant/bar around Maprachan Lake any day.

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I tend not to get upset over thing's that would upset me in Europe anymore.

Bad service, bad driving, different price structure and overt corruption no longer make me see red as it used to.

I am not convinced it is a good thing.

The friendly laid back attitude make's it almost acceptable.

I no longer go to California fitness for my twice weekly reigime. I simply got board lifting weights .

Nor wander around to cowboy for a draught after that. Suddenly that world just lost it's appeal.

I no longer eat food off the street after I was told about test's that found so many bad chemical's being used.

Nor drink the fresh orange juice's for the same reason.

I no longer try to learn Thai because I think it will take me far too long. English can suffice and I am sure I can get by on it.

Most Thai people I come in contact with speak far better English than my poor Thai anyway.

This is an interesting question.

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The first 6 or 7 times I got the plane home; I haven't done that in nearly a decade.

I used to avoid going to Starbucks, Burger King and Subway; now I look forward to the treat.

I used to stare at the beautiful dark skinned ladies; now I find them ugly and consider the Chinese Thais to be the beautiful ones...

Edited by jasreeve17
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After twelve years in LOS I find the things I did as a tourist are not that exciting any more and now consider many to be a rip off or scam.
I found Soi six to be a dustbin.
“Buy hey” lets not forget these places are aimed at tourists not expats who wise up to Thailand from years of living here.

It took you 12 years to wise up and know soi 6 is a dustbin, I'd have told you that after 1 night, mucky street don't take much fathoming out... :)

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Also, I no longer allow others (friends or relatives) to hold me captive for hours while they speak totally in Thai, with me sitting there like a gnome, understanding nothing. Now after a reasonable amount of time if I am not somehow included, I leave. Took me two years to finally put an end to that crap.

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