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Safe For A Woman Who Will Be Alone Half The Month?

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Hi folks,

Would appreciate your honest opinion on a safety issue.

My hubby and I would like to spend 6-9 months on Phuket next year.

However he is a pilot, and typically works one week on, one week off.

I feel like every time I check the Phuket Gazette, there's another stabbing, gun fight, murder, robbery, etc. etc. etc. which is making us worry that perhaps renting a house in Phuket may not be such a good idea since I would be alone every other week.

Do any of you by chance live in a 'gated community', which at least has security? I'm sure there are lots of single female travellers in Thailand who have never had any problems, but would rather be safe than sorry.

Any thoughts?

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Do not think you are 100% safe because there is security guard, i had a house in one of the gated community with only 10 houses, 2 of the houses was broken in to in 6 months, get a house with a good alarm system, when they see you have alarm system for sure they will get the next house. There might be safe places on Phuket but a lot of people without work turn to the easy way to get money.


Most of those stabbings/gun fights/murders reported in the Gazette are between Thais, and the average Farang living quietly in Phuket should not need to worry about that.

Robbery is another matter and can happen to any of us. Doubt whether a gated community is much more secure than an ungated community. I always recommend taking care not to leave doors & window open or unlocked when sleeping or not at home, make sure there are window & door grills, and an alarm system would help. Be careful who you allow into your home.


Certainly -- security for a large part is in your own hands and locking up is essential. I'm sure robbery is quite common and yes, from what I've read, the violent crime is Thai against Thai and rarely involves the typical visitor.

I suppose it's just strange for us to have to think about security since the places we've lived before, like Tokyo and Hong Kong, are so ridiculously safe the thought never even crosses your mind.

Is it easy to find a rental house with a good (and obvious) security alarm?


>>Is it easy to find a rental house with a good (and obvious) security alarm?

Not at the low to medium end of the spectrum. You could buy a DYI alarm and install yourself pretty cheaply. FYI we own a house in a newer development by the heroines monument and for the last 1.5 years, the tenants tell us they feel real safe there as there is always someone around keeping an eye on things. If you're used to HK and Tokyo life, then having neighbors close by shouldn't be a problem for you.


DYI alarm system -- will have to look into it.

Not sure just yet where we will be living. Pretty flexible in terms of location. Will need to go to Patong twice a week to go to a language school. Other than that, it's open.

We have a budget of about 20,000. Are houses by the Monument a bit cheaper?


I've lived in Phuket for over 10-yrs and almost every friend (who does not have a dog) has been burglarized at least once. There are many foreigners here who have been the victim of violence due to a consequence of an attempted theft, etc. Your best "alarm system" is a dog!

Violence and crime vary from area-to-area in Phuket. It seems that the better falang neighborhoods are targeted for theft, etc. Don't believe, for one minute, that foreigners are immune to involvement in any violent crimes here.


I know loads of falang women that are home alone every day and I dont believe any of them worry about crime on a day to day basis. Maybe its slightly different at night i'm not sure.

Personally i feel that having a security guard does make things better, at least for slight peace of mind. Maybe its just that I quite like the security guard at my property.

Is a women safe in any country home alone for half the month?

My hubby and I would like to spend 6-9 months on Phuket next year.


Guys she say she will only stay for months,, why will you guys want her to get a dog, are you gonna take the dog when she move again??


I vote that it's a bad risk for the OP, as a lone female who is not familiar with the environment and who is outside of any form of a secure compound, not 100% good in my eyes. Having said those things, everyone is different and maybe the OP can cope well, if my wife I would vote against the idea.


Its pretty safe as long as you can cope with being burgled (which is just as likely to happen whilst your husband is there) and stay away from the obvious problem areas of an evening/night.

Its also probably a good idea not to travel on your motorbike with your handbag over your shoulder and, to be VERY WARY whilst on a motorbike at night.

Other than that you should be OK.

p.s. Agree with previous poster, don't even think about getting a dog unless you are staying here permanently AND love dogs. Only the lowest percentile of the common denominator would get a dog to satisfy their own selfish needs without a thought about the needs of the dog.

I vote that it's a bad risk for the OP, as a lone female who is not familiar with the environment and who is outside of any form of a secure compound, not 100% good in my eyes. Having said those things, everyone is different and maybe the OP can cope well, if my wife I would vote against the idea.

Yeah but you live in Patong, I think it's different out here Kata/Rawaii way, not that they motorbike robberies have pretty much stopped since they arrested that gang. I know farang women living alone in Patong too though. In fact there is a farang girls club of sorts. OP you can PM me and I will put you in touch and you cat speak to them directly if you want.


If you take the precautions you do at home like staying on well lighted streets at night; not getting drunk in public; not being abusive to people you meet; not flashing money, you can avoid most street crimes. Sadly, there are almost no homes here with adequate security including so-called gated communities, since their security staff have almost no training that would prevent a violent crime on the property. Alarm systems and cameras in your home do nothing more than let you know that someone has broken into the house so without facilities and protocols to protect you when that happens, you should not be blase about your safety at home.


I know 2 Thai women kicked off moving motorbikes in the last 18 months.. One in broad daylight.. Obvious bike crash injuries as well as the issues with a violent mugging. Neither in Patong. Thats without the 2 male farang mates of mine attacked by gun wielding bike punks late on the road, while 2 farangs can fight them off and have a dust up thats not a position a woman has.

My home burgled last month.. GF asleep upstairs.. Now I have a TGF who is freaked at being left alone at night, even when I am in the house locks every door behind her as she goes, etc etc.. I know its her state of mind but its driving me nuts having every door locked every time around the home.

I trust Thais to understand Thai crime better than I.. But even with my GF's current break in related fears, many Thai females seem to live in a state of mild paranoia about after dark travel or lock ins. A couple of mates with Thai wives live in a condo development thats (sort of) secured simply as their wives have told them they dont want to live in a moobaan or single house for security. Lets not forget, life is cheap here, and its often easier to get rid of a witness than risk being caught, look at the old Thai woman killed on the secure moobaan by bike punks not long ago, the dead farang in his home at tesco lotus, the throat cut nanny etc. To think this isnt the case is to deny reality IMO.

Of course a woman can live here, same as a man can, but with the amount of break ins, the lack of police interest in a crime, the various issues its not something to be ignored. The house needs to be secure, and it needs to actually be secured even while your inside it, and some thought should be applied to the defence and action if an intruder is heard, a baseball bat tucked away in the bedroom helps you sleep easier. All these things are possible, but it has to be considered when looking at 20k and under moobaan homes, not too many of them are nicely secured.


^You should write the phuket tourism advertisments.........whats your logo going to be, "Come to phuket where you can get kicked off your motorcycle, robbed and raped, all before you leave the airport carpark".

The OP hasnt reported back much about crime in her home city or town.....shes probably at risk there too, what steps does she take to protect herself at home? Common sense goes along way these days, I've been coming to Thailand for a little while now and have never been kicked off my motorcycle, robbed, raped etc etc.

^You should write the phuket tourism advertisments.........whats your logo going to be, "Come to phuket where you can get kicked off your motorcycle, robbed and raped, all before you leave the airport carpark".

But did they hand out 'rape whistles' free for new arrivals at the airport..

Remember that ?? Superb PR !! :)

As per my comments.. Not saying dont come live here, but am saying theres elements to living here to be considered that you dont see on a couple of week vacation.

^You should write the phuket tourism advertisments.........whats your logo going to be, "Come to phuket where you can get kicked off your motorcycle, robbed and raped, all before you leave the airport carpark".

The OP hasnt reported back much about crime in her home city or town.....shes probably at risk there too, what steps does she take to protect herself at home? Common sense goes along way these days, I've been coming to Thailand for a little while now and have never been kicked off my motorcycle, robbed, raped etc etc.

Let me get this correct, since you have not personally been kicked off your motorcycle, robbed or raped and have "been coming to Thailand for a little while", you conclude that crime is not a problem in Phuket.

I agree that common sense does go a long way, but evidently not long enough!


^Nope I wasnt trying to say that at all, were those my exact words?

My main points about it all was that has the OP thought about where she resides now and possibly the crime that occurrs there as opposed to that of Phuket. Lets face it Phuket is hardly the universe crime central & secondly, even in dangerous places if you use a little bit of common sense, then you reduce your chances of becoming victim.

When I have to spell that out to you, its obvious that Common Sense didnt come knocking at ur place bustersizemore :)

If you take the precautions you do at home like staying on well lighted streets at night; not getting drunk in public; not being abusive to people you meet; not flashing money, you can avoid most street crimes. Sadly, there are almost no homes here with adequate security including so-called gated communities, since their security staff have almost no training that would prevent a violent crime on the property. Alarm systems and cameras in your home do nothing more than let you know that someone has broken into the house so without facilities and protocols to protect you when that happens, you should not be blase about your safety at home.


Don’t quiet agree with you here, if you have 2 houses and one has alarm and you can see the flasher, sign and the siren/camera and the other don’t have anything, which one do you think they will choose?? Also you can turn the alarm on when you sleep, and then you at least will know if they try to enter your house.


My house has an alarm and a flasher whilst those of my neighbours do not. In the past two months we have had intruders inside the house at night whilst we were asleep, entering via the roof or top floor windows and only setting off the alarm as they exited via the front door!

^Yes and theres also not much point having a light flashing and a siren sounding, if nobodys on the way to help.

The house back behind me has been robbed multiple times in the last 6 months.. First time they fitted flood lights like stalag 14 (pointing at my bedroom all night till dawn) and an alarm.. Now that alarm system is either flaky or they themselves set it off a lot as it goes off for a few mins at least a couple of times a week.

Seeing the alarm go off, you wonder what if any good its doing.


All this talk about Phuket crime... years ago there was no crime at all here, today it exists. Its still one of the safest places to be.

For OP I would choose one of two solutions. Live in Land & House which is a very secure village, keep some lights on after dark (if there are burglars in L&H they go for the vacant houses) and use car for your trips outside the village. Or live close to your language school in Patong, and be nice to all your neighbors. Avoid showing off watches, gold or cash and you should be fine.

Talking about security alarm, nobody cares iff it goes off anyway. Better to have a couple of floodlights on a timer kicking in a few minutes every hour, and a couple on movementsensor and the burglars stay away.


Agree with katabeachbum here.

Regarding alarms: the point of an alarm or any kind of burglary prevention is not to make it impossible for burglars to enter your home. The purpose of an alarm is to deter burglars by making your neighbour's house more attractive to them than yours.


I used to think that Land and House was fairly secure but friends who live there tell me that there has been a significant increase in burglaries there during the past six months with entire houses being emptied at one go. The problem apparently has become so severe on the side that borders the temple that L & H has taken steps to increase the height of the perimeter wall along this border to eight feet.



Sorry but still think its a good idea to have an alarm, CM something must be wrong with your setup, if somebody enter my house the alarm goes of, moving sensors in all rooms, and LOS have not had 1 single false alarm, i think they will run away if the alarm sounds, believe me its loud, and i will have my phone ringing if it goes off. BTW i have seen the cheap charlie alarms for 2000 Baht and i think they are very bad, get a good one, about 60.000 >up for a 3 bed house

I know 2 Thai women kicked off moving motorbikes in the last 18 months.. One in broad daylight.. Obvious bike crash injuries as well as the issues with a violent mugging. Neither in Patong. Thats without the 2 male farang mates of mine attacked by gun wielding bike punks late on the road, while 2 farangs can fight them off and have a dust up thats not a position a woman has.

My home burgled last month.. GF asleep upstairs.. Now I have a TGF who is freaked at being left alone at night, even when I am in the house locks every door behind her as she goes, etc etc.. I know its her state of mind but its driving me nuts having every door locked every time around the home.

I trust Thais to understand Thai crime better than I.. But even with my GF's current break in related fears, many Thai females seem to live in a state of mild paranoia about after dark travel or lock ins. A couple of mates with Thai wives live in a condo development thats (sort of) secured simply as their wives have told them they dont want to live in a moobaan or single house for security. Lets not forget, life is cheap here, and its often easier to get rid of a witness than risk being caught, look at the old Thai woman killed on the secure moobaan by bike punks not long ago, the dead farang in his home at tesco lotus, the throat cut nanny etc. To think this isnt the case is to deny reality IMO.

Of course a woman can live here, same as a man can, but with the amount of break ins, the lack of police interest in a crime, the various issues its not something to be ignored. The house needs to be secure, and it needs to actually be secured even while your inside it, and some thought should be applied to the defence and action if an intruder is heard, a baseball bat tucked away in the bedroom helps you sleep easier. All these things are possible, but it has to be considered when looking at 20k and under moobaan homes, not too many of them are nicely secured.

alarmist....negative...sorry about your break in but REALLY..........Thai females live in mild paranoia????????? PLEASE............


There have been many burglaries around my ex's home in a gated estate in Kathu but so far ours has not been touched. No alarm system, just a medium sized dog & imported security screens on the windows. Given the OP's circumstances she should not have a dog but I agree that any kind of deterrent such as alarm, grills on the window, being friends with the neighbours & keeping an eye out for each other, etc will possibly make potential burglars look for an easier mark.

As for L & H there was a spate of burglaries there at one stage which were done in connivance with some of the security guards. The standard of security guards in general on Phuket is pretty abyssmal but you get what you pay for although I am sure there are some good ones out there.

As far as being a victim of violence I guess the chances of it happening here are no greater or no less than many other places, depends on which cities you compare them to.

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