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Thaksin's New Passport Name: Takki Shinegra


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The Takki story.

You know, you really couldn't make this stuff up.

I am eagerly awaiting a major Hollywood movie along with a Broadway musical on the lines of Evita!

What to name it? Why, Takki, or course. Or perhaps Redshirts!

Who should play Takki?

I propose Jack Nicholson --


Don’t cry for me, Land of Smiles.

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Tis but thy name that is my enemy;

Thou art thyself, though not a Shinawatra.

What's Shinawatra? it is nor hand, nor foot,

Nor arm, nor face, nor any other part

Belonging to a man. O, be some other name!

What's in a name? that which we call a Thaksin

By any other name would smell as rotten;

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Long Live Kakki, You are the best and you will be best... God is with you he will help you out. let those barking dogs bark, they will soon die barking...

not Takki

not Kakki

more like...

Shakey Viagra


Let's call him "Bozo" from now on then :)

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Wonder how long it will be before this story is shown to be just another sad PR stunt by the Foreign Ministry, as they know no Thai journalists will bother to fact check before printing it.

Seeing as the report mentions 'several African countries' having given him a new passport and then lists Nicaragua, Uganda and Montenegro as the countries in question, I have my doubts about it's accuracy.

Read, people. Read. Where does it say or even hint at Nicaragua, Uganda and Montenegro being African countries? Bats.

Ermm,lost the reading glasses lately?/

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Makes one wonder, this nick, or a very close one, has been used a many times before here in TV for his nick'.

Suits his all over Character really well!

But I do keep doubts about the genuinity of this "News",

it might very well be another media stunt to keep his name up in circulation!

Maybe he goes high on this!

"Ah, see, more news about me every day!"

Edited by Samuian
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"Problems can happen when we ask foreign countries to extradite him. We name him in our request as Thaksin Shinawatra but when those countries check his presence, they would not find him because he used different name," Panich said.


How's about you tell the foreign countries what that different name is.... Takki Shinegra?


Well I cannot believe that the extradition processes (which involves a large percentage of the countries in the world) do not provide well constructed ways and means of grabbing people regardless of whether they have changed their names or travel under aliases.

Surely the world is a little more sophisticated.

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Wonder how long it will be before this story is shown to be just another sad PR stunt by the Foreign Ministry, as they know no Thai journalists will bother to fact check before printing it.

Seeing as the report mentions 'several African countries' having given him a new passport and then lists Nicaragua, Uganda and Montenegro as the countries in question, I have my doubts about it's accuracy.

Read, people. Read. Where does it say or even hint at Nicaragua, Uganda and Montenegro being African countries? Bats.

Read the complete article (1st post) including the titles.

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The Chinese and Thais are very superstitious about their names and choose them with great care.

The anagram of his previous name Thaksin Shinawatra became:

"Harsh snake in a twit" and also "A shark, in with Satan"

... which he probably no longer thought suitable.

To keep up with the moment he changed it to Takki Shinegra, the anagram of which is:

"Hate A, irks King" and other hidden messages, but I don't want to get into trouble exposing them here.

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So this means, and I never knew it was this easy; "original name" has was a warrant for his/her arrest. By changing name tags, we don't recognize the person because we can't get past the name tag? And therefore, they become invisible, or can't legally be arrested, because no one is anything more than a name?

Thai politics, aka ludicrous, that doesn't make sense either I gather. :) oy!

you have to understand... the Thai govt. is explaining to the Thai people why they can't find Tacky... since most Thai people have no clue how things work outside Thailand, they will believe this explaination... see... :D

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Next time I pass through imigration...and have a few days overstay on passport....I'll simply wear a "Hi My Name is Bob" sticker on my shirt and save a few hundred baht.

:) dam_n, I just spit Singha out my nose, now the girls in the internet coffee shop are giving me dirty looks...

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this is a late halloween or april's fools day, right

that would be too easy for all the criminals in the world to follow

anyway, in my home country, some group of people just flee back to their home country (specially north-africa) to get away from prosecution and never to be found to stand trial or pay damages

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I would like an official moderator ruling on whether we are allowed now to refer to Thaksin as

Takki Shinegra



as it is against forum rules to refer to politicians in anything other than their actual names (nicknames are verbotten).

As he has named himself

Takki Shinegra



it seems reasonable now for us to be allowed to do the same here on this forum.

Ruling please?

And if the answer is yes,

who can we call Bones, Sulu and Scotty?

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