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British Expats And Tourists Encouraged To Register With New Embassy Tracking System

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Does not seem like a bad idea to me. If I were run over by a taxi in Bangkok, it might be nice to be able to have the embassy contact my next of kin rapidly. Works the other way too. I'm not paranoid, the government has everything they need on me anyway. I'm not British but if I was traveling and had an easy way to do the registration as is suggested here, why not? For those of you hiding out in Thailand, from ex-wives or the taxman I suggest you skip the registration process. Why all the drama over something that really is not a bad idea.

Yes not a bad idea: Stalin, Mao, Pot, Hitler would have been great advocates of such a system.

PS remember that many governments are effectively proven criminals, liars, cheats and murderers. The more information they have helps them do their job much easier!

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I have nothing to hide either, no debts to run from, no illegitimate kids (that I know of), no ex-wives, no taxman beating on my door.

The issue is entirely to do with privacy, and the UK government's scant regard for it.

They want us to give them our personal details 'just in case' of disaster, or if the police needs it, or if the taxman wants it etc. My friends and family know how to reach me and thats good enough.

I dont want to trust them with that data, just for some civil service ponce to leave it on a train for any old Joe to do whatever they wish with..

So thanks gov, but no thanks. I'll make my own arrangements.

If you dont have anything to hide ,whats the problem . :)

privacyprof writes "One of the most common responses of those unconcerned about government surveillance or privacy invasions is 'I've got nothing to hide.' According to the 'nothing to hide' argument, there is no threat to privacy unless the government uncovers unlawful activity, in which case a person has no legitimate justification to claim that it remain private. The 'nothing to hide' argument is quite prevalent. Is there a way to respond to this argument that would really register with people in the general public? In a short essay, 'I've Got Nothing to Hide' and Other Misunderstandings of Privacy, Professor Daniel Solove takes on the 'nothing to hide' argument and exposes its faulty underpinnings." At the base of the fallacy, as Bruce Schneier has noted, is the "faulty premise that privacy is about hiding a wrong."


Was this an idle rumour from the UK or was there some truth in it?

British people who receive Government Pensions will have their payments stopped if they permanently reside out of the country?

If say a person lived in Thailand for 6 months of the year and had an Old Age Pension as part of their income is it beyond the bounds of imagination that they may pro-rata it some how?

They are grasping at straws in the UK now if they can make cutbacks and claw money back they will.

No source I'm afraid - I don't get a pension either

If you dont have anything to hide ,whats the problem . :)

Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms (of government) those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny. — Thomas Jefferson

More like another Big Brother move by the British Government. They can stick their LOCATE service where the sun doesn't shine.

I use it, there again I have nothing to hide...

It is not new, it has been a round for a year or so.

Yes, I've been registered for a good couple of years... if you've got nothing to hide, so what?

The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the Constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first. — Thomas Jefferson


Wow paranoia is rampant as usual. I've been registered since they started it - and paper based one before that. Never had any issues or calls (or even letter) from them. I believe if you need a proof of income or proof or address/residence then you have to fill in forms that are then registered anyway. So, anyone here under two years and/or that needed to open a bank account etc and got the Embassy letter, are probably on the registry anyway! (and yes you are still charged for the letter!)

The UK has no way of knowing my income here, so could not tax me (indeed it would be against internatiuonal tax laws anyway I'd suggest as I pay taxes in the country and never transfer the money back to the UK). UK earnings are not taxed under the overseas domicile provisions. I am taxed on UK savings (interest), but I'm not rich enough to worry about it! Besides you can not be extradited for non payment of taxes or debts - and they would have little recourse to your money here, other than try and sue you in a Thai court (expensive for them and will have serious juristiction problems) - you would have to have some serious debts for them to consider this viable.

Credit companies etc would never be allowed access to the information - neither would ex-wives etc. Most people are traced on Facebook these days (oe so an interesting article I read stated). Besides, once they had lost you for a while (a couple of years at most!) then they would have claimed off their insurance policy - bad debt ius actual;ly a fairly good business for banks in theUK as they can offset a large portion of profits to cover it tax free - after 7 years they claw it back (with billions over 7 years coming back tax free - the few millions in insurance costs and staff to cover bad debt and attepts to trace etc fade into blissful imsignifance). After 5 years even the credit agencies drop the information.

The only ones to watch are the 'arrestables' - COuncil Tax default and TV License are the main two - as it is a criminal offence not to pay them, in theory you could be arrested on arrival in the UK. However,as these 'crimes' are not extraditable, holding your Thai address is of no use either.

As the information is not much more than is in the phone book anyway, there seems little point in avoiding it.


I am assuming it is, but just to check - this is not just a local initiative by Quint and Co - meaning it's being rolled-out globally?

Did the stage an event like the one in Phuket in Bangkok as well?

LOL the data will be used in line with the Data Protection Act . That really makes me laugh. British government agencies are renowned for breaching the act by their negligence.

The entire database found on a CD-ROM on the London Underground in three.. two.. one...

but the timing of this campaign says, that something unpredictable migh be happening in thailand shortly

Something unpredictable happening in Thailand ..??? Good God whatever next ! :)


"Quinton Quayle"... You gotta be kidding me. :)

I came to Thailand to get away from the must CCTVed country in the world, the control freakery of Nu Labour. The UK embassy is rubbish at helping it's citizens.

Quinton, you can stuff your database right up your superannuated pension plan.

If you dont have anything to hide ,whats the problem . :)

What a simplistic view of this complex privacy issue. I seem to remember gentlemen in brown shirts in a certain European country around the middle of the last century saying that to all the Jews, communists, gypsies and homosexuals. :D


It seems that a lot of you guys/gals are either conspiracy theorists or have something to hide. However, it is worth looking at the registration form and the blurb that goes with it. In the first place, the FCO admits in the disclaimer that it may well release your details from the form in accordance with the data protection act if they see a 'legal' need to do so, police, tax etc, so those with something to hide should certainly be wary of registering. Secondly, the 14 page registration form is indeed not entirely relevant to expats: P1 - personal and passport info; P2 other info; Pp 3-7 Travelling Family Info; p8 Travelling/Living Info, in which your destination and arrival and departure dates are "required fields! This would seem that if you fill out the form on line you won't get past this one. p9 Travel Insurance details; Pp 10 - 12 Emergency contact details; P 13 Blank; p 14 Employment and address.

On balance, if one has been living here for some years and has already registered with the British Embassy, this new Locate form will serve only to complicate matters in my view. What is needed is a form for travellers and another for expats; not rocket science surely?

It seems that a lot of you guys/gals are either conspiracy theorists or have something to hide. However, it is worth looking at the registration form and the blurb that goes with it. In the first place, the FCO admits in the disclaimer that it may well release your details from the form in accordance with the data protection act if they see a 'legal' need to do so, police, tax etc, so those with something to hide should certainly be wary of registering. Secondly, the 14 page registration form is indeed not entirely relevant to expats: P1 - personal and passport info; P2 other info; Pp 3-7 Travelling Family Info; p8 Travelling/Living Info, in which your destination and arrival and departure dates are "required fields! This would seem that if you fill out the form on line you won't get past this one. p9 Travel Insurance details; Pp 10 - 12 Emergency contact details; P 13 Blank; p 14 Employment and address.

On balance, if one has been living here for some years and has already registered with the British Embassy, this new Locate form will serve only to complicate matters in my view. What is needed is a form for travellers and another for expats; not rocket science surely?

It sounds like a make work programme - funded by taxpayers. Not having seen this booklet, why would any traveller bother to do this for a two week holiday?

It seems that a lot of you guys/gals are either conspiracy theorists or have something to hide. However, it is worth looking at the registration form and the blurb that goes with it. In the first place, the FCO admits in the disclaimer that it may well release your details from the form in accordance with the data protection act if they see a 'legal' need to do so, police, tax etc, so those with something to hide should certainly be wary of registering. Secondly, the 14 page registration form is indeed not entirely relevant to expats: P1 - personal and passport info; P2 other info; Pp 3-7 Travelling Family Info; p8 Travelling/Living Info, in which your destination and arrival and departure dates are "required fields! This would seem that if you fill out the form on line you won't get past this one. p9 Travel Insurance details; Pp 10 - 12 Emergency contact details; P 13 Blank; p 14 Employment and address.

On balance, if one has been living here for some years and has already registered with the British Embassy, this new Locate form will serve only to complicate matters in my view. What is needed is a form for travellers and another for expats; not rocket science surely?

So what is a conspiracy theorist. Oh, yes it is someone who believes that goverments conspire to do things - how silly! When have those in power ever conspired agianst the best interests of the people. Now let me think ....... Nope!

looks like it's a usuful tool for travelling/staying not only to thailand, but anywhere in the world.

but the timing of this campaign says, that something unpredictable migh be happening in thailand shortly

I would say that it's predictable..... and worrying!

Nudge, nudge, wink, wink, say no more. :D

I reg'd with the Oz gov't years ago.

If the shit is going to hit the fan, I want to know about it. :)

I assume that most British citizens move to Thailand because they do not want to get tracked by their government.

I just thought that too LOL. I wonder why they need that. I am registered at my embassy and updated every time I get

a new passport. Big brother is watching =)


Pages and Pages of cynical, paranoid bullshit. Many countries offer this kind of service to their citizens abroad. How can they "track" you if you don't report where you are?

If you really don't want to be "found"...don't report...(Geez that's really hard) If you are interested in having your family informed if you get run over by a dump truck

or if your family needs to contact you for some reason that is what this facility is for. If you have not evaded the tax authorities why would you worry about the "tax man"

If you have not run afoul of the law in UK, why would you worry about the police? The system could be used to your advantage if you really are trying to cover your tracks...

all you have to do is provide wrong information about your whereabouts.....then how can they " track" you?

This facility is for normal, crime free, legitimate travelers or residents who want to be found if and when it becomes necessary.

None of you every have anything good to say about Thailand.... or the UK. I suspect you would not be happy or approve of things anywhere even when done in your best interests. Much better to sit around and whine and complain.........nothing will ever be right for you will it??

Pages and Pages of cynical, paranoid bullshit. Many countries offer this kind of service to their citizens abroad. How can they "track" you if you don't report where you are?

If you really don't want to be "found"...don't report...(Geez that's really hard) If you are interested in having your family informed if you get run over by a dump truck

or if your family needs to contact you for some reason that is what this facility is for. If you have not evaded the tax authorities why would you worry about the "tax man"

If you have not run afoul of the law in UK, why would you worry about the police? The system could be used to your advantage if you really are trying to cover your tracks...

all you have to do is provide wrong information about your whereabouts.....then how can they " track" you?

This facility is for normal, crime free, legitimate travelers or residents who want to be found if and when it becomes necessary.

None of you every have anything good to say about Thailand.... or the UK. I suspect you would not be happy or approve of things anywhere even when done in your best interests. Much better to sit around and whine and complain.........nothing will ever be right for you will it??

There you are. A real rant.

I dont register, I have my personal and contact details on me all the time. Government can find me in ways they want. thats not whining or complaining so everything is "right"

looks like it's a usuful tool for travelling/staying not only to thailand, but anywhere in the world.

but the timing of this campaign says, that something unpredictable migh be happening in thailand shortly

all part of the service :)


Please tell me that the picture you've used is a mock-up and not a real Playmobile toy set. If is really is something that is sold to children, we are seeing some very blatant indoctrination. "OK kiddies, let's all accept a police state with no more freedom or privacy."

Why shouldnt it be a playmobile set? - it is a commonplace security scanner at an airport that many kids will have been through - such models give children the opportunity to play with real life things - this is no different to any other childs toy. There seems to be no shortage of toys which mimic violence and war - the very things that have led to the need for these scanners in the first place.

As for the registration system then I dont see the problem - there is no way the UK government can enforce it in a foreign country so it is just a voluntary thing - anyone who has ever done anything on line is likely to be on hundreds if not thousands of databases, many held in countries where you have no data protection rights at all. It is life in the 21st century and anyone who has even registered here is already part of it. If you have an inernet connection you are given an IP address which can ultimately trace back to you.


Another nail in the coffin of the hub of crackdowns.

Obviously the BritEm considers LOS to be so dangerous for Brits that they have to track us to make their sinecure easier.

Proud to be paranoid.

If you dont have anything to hide ,whats the problem . :)

What a simplistic view of this complex privacy issue. I seem to remember gentlemen in brown shirts in a certain European country around the middle of the last century saying that to all the Jews, communists, gypsies and homosexuals. :D

jo mate, you are right, but I still dont understand which system is better. A system taking care for the family, giving work to everybody or a system influenced by mass hypnosis, constantly delivered by a box in every livingroom.

I have nothing to hide is the best joke at these times. Someone talked about a chip here, wait 10years more, you will get your chip and I not wonder if in twenty years from know chips are transplanted in every born baby. Call me what you want, governments collect data not only for make US safe!

As far as I know England has the best net of CCTV cams since years, allegedly for preventing and fighting crime. Has it changed anything?

And which one was the worst surveillance society, England or Europe this times or Adolfs Germany?

If you dont have anything to hide ,whats the problem . :)

What a simplistic view of this complex privacy issue. I seem to remember gentlemen in brown shirts in a certain European country around the middle of the last century saying that to all the Jews, communists, gypsies and homosexuals. :D

Just how old are you? Of course we watch it on television at least once a day on some channel don't we?

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