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Anyone Have Schindlers List With Thai Subs?


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I was astonished the first time I spoke to a Brit who boycotted German restaurants or pubs, because of the war. I am Jewish, and I don't hold anything against modern day Germans. They have completely repudiated their past. But, apparently, there are a number of Brits who still hold grudges against Germany. Imagine if the U.S. did the same with Japan? Now, if we could all just get along, and be careful not to mention the war.

to be honest I think you will find the majority of Brits really don't have a beef with the Germans. I'm a Brit myself, and have met some wonderful German people, and have always found them to be very hospitable in their own country. However, some of the older ones do still have a problem with them, including my Gran who was in London during the blitz , she has plenty of stories about that time, and I can fully understand why she finds it difficult. However, boycotting German food and produce, is all rather bizarre.

Should have been in Dresden when the revenge came raining down :) ....i love: "the americans bombed Japan only once or twice..." that is a good one - hey guys let's reconcile, let's put all the BS down and forget and FORGIVE - all and everyone for ever!

after all, yes, many, many outrageous evil things have been done, by many to many...

" .....I was in St.Peterburg, when it was time for a change...

pleased to meet you, hope you guess my name..."

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Brits of a certain age were bombed by the Germans on a regular basis. The Japanese only bombed the USA once. We can't really blame the Brits for having a hard time forgetting.

And Germany was bombed with Napalm by the British. And the British declared war on Germany not the other way.

But there is peace since 1945 and Germany, Poland, England, France, USA are good friends now. Even the USA put Nuclear weapons at German army bases to protect Germany.

I understand that some very old people still have nightmares but it is over for some time now. Time to pardon each other......

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Great film but the average Thai lady or any lady enjoying it? nah don't think so personally......

Does the average Thai even know about Germany / Jews concentration camps or even WW 2 ? nah didn't think so....

I'm a Brit and one of my neighbours when i was a kid was a German lady(RIP). My mom used to get all embarassed when us kids were playing army in the streets and shouting things like kill the jerry! hahaha

boycotting German products is just ridiculous and barmy the OP must be a right nut case....

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Great film but the average Thai lady or any lady enjoying it? nah don't think so personally......

Does the average Thai even know about Germany / Jews concentration camps or even WW 2 ? nah didn't think so....

I'm a Brit and one of my neighbours when i was a kid was a German lady(RIP). My mom used to get all embarassed when us kids were playing army in the streets and shouting things like kill the jerry! hahaha

boycotting German products is just ridiculous and barmy the OP must be a right nut case....

Our neighbor opposite puts out the Nazi -flag (he is lawer, so not uneducated).

One of my customer/free lancer sales always greets me with "Heil Hitler" (I am Austrian).

What my wife learned about Germany at school is very strange as well.......

Seems the Nazi thing is pretty famous in Thailand while in Germany most people don't care much----very strange.

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Brits of a certain age were bombed by the Germans on a regular basis. The Japanese only bombed the USA once. We can't really blame the Brits for having a hard time forgetting.
Yes you can blame them. It's pathetic blaming a nation for something that happened a long time ago and was no fault of theirs. Guys like the OP are sad bastards and I feel sorry for the wife. She sounds more mature than him.

Ulysses said they had a hard time forgetting, not they are blaming.

I will NEVER EVER forget, and neither should you or your children or your grandchildren and their children etc etc, EVER.


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Brits of a certain age were bombed by the Germans on a regular basis. The Japanese only bombed the USA once. We can't really blame the Brits for having a hard time forgetting.

My grand-grand -grand -grand father was killed by a Japanese guy, i having a very hard time eating shusi and each time i see a Japanese car i burst out in tears :D .

I agree, also if you only read or been told about it " :) BOYCOTT THEM ALL :D " and keep this attitude alive by teaching your wife and children about it.


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The sad thing is that the OP seems to want to educate his gf on the subject. Some teacher.

the op has no desire to "educate" anyone. the op wishes to shock or emotionally bully his girlfriend into sharing his own views, very probably in a manner similar to the way a bitter parent or grandparent harangued him when he was a boy.

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I have an English Subtitle track for Inglourious Basterds.. will that do? (Half that move is subtitled anyway, but for the English parts it's helpful to also have English subtitles. )

And Basterds is a far more entertaining movie anyway.

funny, i thought it was just another tarrantino self indulgent pastiche of movie cliches and violence.

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To the OP – if you want your wife to really understand Schindlers List you have a long hard struggle ahead of you. The history we were taught during our formative years means nothing at all to Thai people. Thais have their own history and it doesn't include the holocaust, or even the Death Railway.

Couldn't have said it better myself.


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Great film but the average Thai lady or any lady enjoying it? nah don't think so personally......

And there you are completely wrong.I saw Schindlers List at the Scala Cinema in Siam Square when it came out, 1994 I think.The cinema at the matinee screening I attended was not only packed out but the staff had to provide fold up chairs for the spillover audience in the aisles.

If however you mean that uneducated bargirls or former bargirls wouldn't enjoy it you are probably right.

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thanks to everyone who replied about where to find a copy. i hadn't thought of khao san so will take a trip up there.

downloading isnt an option as my speed isnt too good and im not sure about how to add the subs after as has also been suggested.

i havent seen the pianist...but noticed it is in my dvd rental shop so will watch that soon.

just trying to teach my wife a little history that's all guys, no need to get so excited.

would many of you have been so quick to jump on me if i had asked for a thai translation of mein kampf for her?

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dangerous discussion....

...sitting in a glashouse....should not throw with stones(f.e. RAF-Dresden bombing)

lot of countries before were british colonies...or not?

i think most countries have their "special history"

(TV not the place to discuss the holocaust)

Dresden bombing.

Don't forget who bombed who first, and if Dresden saved one british live then it was a success.

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thanks to everyone who replied about where to find a copy. i hadn't thought of khao san so will take a trip up there.

downloading isnt an option as my speed isnt too good and im not sure about how to add the subs after as has also been suggested.

i havent seen the pianist...but noticed it is in my dvd rental shop so will watch that soon.

just trying to teach my wife a little history that's all guys, no need to get so excited.

would many of you have been so quick to jump on me if i had asked for a thai translation of mein kampf for her?

I can borrow you mine, but it is in German and as you know already I usually need on hand my evil plans even worse than Germans as I am Austrian.

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dangerous discussion....

...sitting in a glashouse....should not throw with stones(f.e. RAF-Dresden bombing)

lot of countries before were british colonies...or not?

i think most countries have their "special history"

(TV not the place to discuss the holocaust)

Dresden bombing.

Don't forget who bombed who first, and if Dresden saved one british live then it was a success.

Please don't start such a discussion, it does not lead anywhere.

Who bomb more, who bomb more civilians etc etc.......

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I was astonished the first time I spoke to a Brit who boycotted German restaurants or pubs, because of the war. I am Jewish, and I don't hold anything against modern day Germans. They have completely repudiated their past. But, apparently, there are a number of Brits who still hold grudges against Germany. Imagine if the U.S. did the same with Japan? Now, if we could all just get along, and be careful not to mention the war.

to be honest I think you will find the majority of Brits really don't have a beef with the Germans. I'm a Brit myself, and have met some wonderful German people, and have always found them to be very hospitable in their own country. However, some of the older ones do still have a problem with them, including my Gran who was in London during the blitz , she has plenty of stories about that time, and I can fully understand why she finds it difficult. However, boycotting German food and produce, is all rather bizarre.

Should have been in Dresden when the revenge came raining down :) ....i love: "the americans bombed Japan only once or twice..." that is a good one - hey guys let's reconcile, let's put all the BS down and forget and FORGIVE - all and everyone for ever!

after all, yes, many, many outrageous evil things have been done, by many to many...

" .....I was in St.Peterburg, when it was time for a change...

pleased to meet you, hope you guess my name..."

Maybe you should look at why they bombed Japan "once or twice" before you condemn the yanks for it.

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Brits of a certain age were bombed by the Germans on a regular basis. The Japanese only bombed the USA once. We can't really blame the Brits for having a hard time forgetting.

My family lived under Japanese occupation. Trust me, those that survived that are more severe in their views towards Japan. Something about watching massacres as a child, deprivation and watching friends & family beaten leaves a lasting impression. It's a story that is never told in Thailand either.

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You might also want to search for 'Escape from Sobibor' Very topical at the moment. I have a copy dubbed into Thai. This is far more of a story and can easily be followed, It deals with one of the Aktion Reinhard Camps. Schindlers List centers around the work camp at Plaszow.

Like so many posters have said already does she really want to be educated on this? I doubt it, better to just do your own research and leave it at that.

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The pianist (which someone else recommended) and the grey zone (particularly graphic) are a couple more available here, subtitled but no dubbing

i have never heard of ''the grey zone'' ... can you please tell me what is it about and where i can get hold of a copy in bkk

many of the replies on this thread are depressing...''we should forget about it, it was a long time ago, it isn't their fault'' etc etc

those kinds of ideas are exactly why the human race keeps repeating these episodes. we need to learn from history, not just ignore it ''because it happened a long time ago''

im not sorry that i think the deaths of 50 million people two generations ago still bothers me and that i hold the perpatrators responsible. i believe that to think otherwise would be an insult to all those who died fighting them.

my wife has seen saving private ryan and many other WW2 war movies but i think schindlers list is the one that captures the absolute horror in the most realistic manner. i understand that, as a thai, she does not have much of an idea about what happened but i blame that on the education system. she likes to know things and broaden her horizons and this movie may help her do that.

i have talked to her about this subject and she has also told me many things about asia that i did not know before. it is an exhange of ideas.

i wont eat in places displaying the german flag as i find it offensive and that is my choice. but i simply wanted to know where to get a copy of schindlers list, which is a thoughtful and intelligent film.

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You might also want to search for 'Escape from Sobibor' Very topical at the moment. I have a copy dubbed into Thai. This is far more of a story and can easily be followed, It deals with one of the Aktion Reinhard Camps. Schindlers List centers around the work camp at Plaszow.

Like so many posters have said already does she really want to be educated on this? I doubt it, better to just do your own research and leave it at that.

i dont like dubbed movies, they lose so much of the original message and the dubbing seems to be done by the same two or three people on every movie!

yes, she has expressed an interest. i defy anyone to watch schindlers list and not be moved. she is thai but we are all human. the sight of women and children being sent to the gas chambers can be universally understood.

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yes, she has expressed an interest. i defy anyone to watch schindlers list and not be moved. she is thai but we are all human. the sight of women and children being sent to the gas chambers can be universally understood.

Come on, it is a movie. Actors making money playing parts. Movies are entertainment, not real life. There is nothing universal about anything.

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yes, she has expressed an interest. i defy anyone to watch schindlers list and not be moved. she is thai but we are all human. the sight of women and children being sent to the gas chambers can be universally understood.

Come on, it is a movie. Actors making money playing parts. Movies are entertainment, not real life. There is nothing universal about anything.

That is absurdly simplistic. There are different kinds of movies. Not all are pure entertainment. While Schindler's is not a documentary and of course can't reflect the history exactly (not even humanly possible), it tells a story about history in a very emotionally moving way, and the story is based on facts about an actual man, Schindler, and the things that did happen at that time. I am sure some people might wish for such a film to be told from the Nazi point of view; happily they lost and we were spared that. If you really need "fair and balanced" there are still plenty of Nazi propaganda films available today for your viewing pleasure. Compare and contrast Schindler's with the Basterds film which is pure entertainment.

Now about the money issue. Actors don't work for free. Making a movie costs a lot of money. Schindler's did very well commercially but clearly there was more than money behind the motivation to make the film. Here is proof of that:


This stuff is still important because there still exists crazy people who deny the holocaust, including that Iran dude with the funny name.

Edited by Jingthing
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Whilst you are at it OP, why don't you show your GF the "braveheart" movie. Easy to follow and entertaining the movie clearly demonstrates just a fraction of the atrocities committed by the English.

Of course, I'm sure you'll understand if she decides to boycott English sausage.

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im not sorry that i think the deaths of 50 million people two generations ago still bothers me and that i hold the perpatrators responsible. i believe that to think otherwise would be an insult to all those who died fighting them.

Your logic seems a bit twisted and hypocritical. Who are the perpetrators in your mind? Ze Germans of today? How is it my fault what had happened 70 years ago? My parents werent even born yet when all of this had happened.

Also, how can you live with yourself eating British food then and immersing yourself in British culture given Britain's colonial past? Your former life in the UK must have been just one big walk of shame. Did you apologise to every African immigrant you met?

I dont wanna point fingers here, but this statement

i am british and my wife always asks me lots of questions when i refuse to eat or drink in places that are linked to germany. when i try to tell her why, she just says ''it was a long time ago, don't worry'' etc etc.

is just hypocrisy at its best.

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