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Sleaze In Thailand


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Lets hope the "sleaze factor" stays predominately in the west. In LOS, there is lots of sleaze, but who really cares?? Who cares what a certain high profile man does , whose nud_e pictures of his latest 20 something year old Thai Mia Noi ( white as a ghost ) are circulating on the internet as we speak?? not me.. Who cares about the bald, pot - bellied, problem - drinking 60 something year old farang expat with a nubile 20 something year old Thai stunner on his arm ?? not me. ( but the west does )

In the west, its not about the dirt on the athletes uniform , its about the "dirt" in the bedroom. Whether its golfer Woods as the brunt of Letterman jokes, whether it's basketball player Wade allegedly giving his wife a sexually transmitted disease ( he was named " Father of the year" in 2007 by the US Father's Day Committee), the sleaze has migrated from Wall Street and Washington to the Sports arena. Sleaze is the Sportsman of the Year!!! It makes you wonder, which one is worse..the athletes who commit the personal "sins", or the folks who rush to read about it with glee??

LOS copies the west too much already.. farang LOS lovers should hope this Sleaze aspect can stay under the western microscope and not migrate carte blanche to LOS.

Question..do you think it will ???? :)

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I should add that I DO care about young Thai women being exploited in the sex trade; I wish it would STOP..but that is different from the Western "National Enquirer" mentality of "shame on you", but do nothing to attempt to be proactive in making the world a better place. In my humble view, making the world a better place through Education is preferable to ridiculing people who screw up . In many cases its..but for the grace of God go us..

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Quote :-

Who cares about the bald, pot - bellied, problem - drinking 60 something year old farang expat with a nubile 20 something year old Thai stunner on his arm ?? not me. ( but the west does )


You obviously do. You are a latter day Adonis of course. What business is it of yours to comment on somebody else's choice of female company? Is getting on in years a crime? In Eastern cultures age is respected and if a comely young lady prefers the company of of somebody who is old enough to be her father, or grandfather, then so be it.

Many of the 'old codgers' that you seem to despise and apparently want to set a limit on their freedoms, have lived through hard times, fought wars and oppression so that the present generation can be free. You write about the need for education. I suggest that you go out and get some.

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This will degenerate as quick as an intelligent conversation in the football Forum

it may "degenerate" to an "intelligent" forum about why sleaze is not much of an issue in Thailand per se (eg: the my bpen rai attitude of Thais and of most expats, inherently different cultures, where sex scandals are not high on most anyone's priority list..but it SHORE is da big issue in da states)..but then again..probably not :)

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Quote :-

Who cares about the bald, pot - bellied, problem - drinking 60 something year old farang expat with a nubile 20 something year old Thai stunner on his arm ?? not me. ( but the west does )


You obviously do. You are a latter day Adonis of course. What business is it of yours to comment on somebody else's choice of female company? Is getting on in years a crime? In Eastern cultures age is respected and if a comely young lady prefers the company of of somebody who is old enough to be her father, or grandfather, then so be it.

Many of the 'old codgers' that you seem to despise and apparently want to set a limit on their freedoms, have lived through hard times, fought wars and oppression so that the present generation can be free. You write about the need for education. I suggest that you go out and get some.

if you are a mind reader Bagwan, you have a great skill to cultivate..but your perceptions aside..we will agree to disagree..I COULDN'T CARE LESS about the age differences/ choice of a farang's choice of company.If you don't believe me, that is your prerogative to believe as you wish.

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Nothing wrong with a 60 yr old with a 20 yr old

The 20 yr old would not be with the 60 yr old

if he/she did not want to be.

The reason you see the mentioned sports stars

being blasted in press by media is the media's non

stop desire to put people on pedestal then find ways

to knock them off the pedestal. It sells print !!!

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Aunty cognos....

In what ways do you think LoS copies the West too much already?

Thai teenagers are hooked into Japanese and Korean fashions/music/lifestyle not the latest garage band from the states...

Its a bit of an urban myth spread by farangs to other farangs that Thais wannabe farangs...they just want to be rich rich and rich just like most people on earth...

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Unless your a Sleaze why would you want it around you or your children, or other peoples children ? The answer is you don't. If the Thai's want to change their attitudes towards the Sleazy people in their country it might reduce sleazy behavior ...... newsflash : That would be a good thing ...... The idea that "Thai's don't care" is incorrect,(just another misguided excuse) they care like any other parent or prostitute cares, they just don't show it to others. The idea that Farangs who come here to exploit the young don't care would be true. Not caring about others isn't exactly something you would want to present as the foundation for a new society now is it ? Most everyone has some degree of care for others it's just a matter of how much. Maybe we need a poll to make the point. Is sleazy behavior ok for my daughter and the other guys ? Only ok for the other guys ? Or I would prefer neither my or the other guys daughter be doing sex shows in Pat Pong ?

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