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Correct Visa Information Needed

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I need some correct information or reliable advice in regards to my situation in Thailand. Seeing that there are members here that know more about the rules and regulations than the countries own immigration department, I am sure you can put me on the correct path.

Here goes:

I moved to Thailand (Wife from Thailand – Married for 8 years, one kid with dual papers), based on an acceptance of a work offer, in April 09. The company have been sending me back and forward to Singapore for 3 Months Non-B visas. Every time I ask them what is happening in regards to my work permit, I am told that it is in the processes and I have to wait.

I might be wrong by saying that it is impossible to wait this long for a work permit if they have applied for it, but I do not know the government system in this country.

I have a feeling that I am working in Thailand illegally and do not want to get deported based on a situation that is out of my hands. I am looking in staining in Thailand permanently based on the fact that the country offers more safety for my kid.


1.) What can I do personally in regards to Visas that will cover me from not get Deported out of the country if the situation ever arises?

2.) If I not have the funds to cover a 400k in bank account, what are my options?

3.) What is the time line for solutions offered if applicable?

If anybody can assist me or help me in regards to the above, it will be highly appreciated.

Thanks. :)

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First you are working illegally and subject to arrest at any time. Are they providing you a work permit application receipt? That is normally required to obtain a visa if not for teaching. And once that is submitted it should only be days before the work permit is available.

1. If you are working you will be arrested and could be deported regardless of what visa you have.

2. Obtain non immigrant O visa from outside Thailand for 90 day stay. KL will issue multi entry valid for a year with proof of about 100k in a bank account (and normal marriage/id paperwork).

3. Visa takes about 26 hours to obtain at most locations.

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" If you are working you will be arrested and could be deported regardless of what visa you have."

That's not technically correct. Without a work permit he will be working illegally and could be arrested.

I'm in no way encouraging anyone to work illegally, but telling anyone they will be arrested is a little harsh, in my opinion. It's a possibility, but is the worst case scenario.

I often make plans based on worst case scenarios...

The rest of the advice about the non O is right on.

OP, with a non O instead of a B, you can still get a work permit to work legally and the visa is not tied to any employer. That means that if you stop working, your visa is still good.

On a B, once extended for employment, your visa would be cancelled when you stop working.

OP, take a look at posts 2, 4 and 6 above. Those posters know what they're talking about.

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I received a PM, politely making the observation that since I was picky about a word choice, that I might consider making a small amend to my post, correcting the language.

"On a B, once extended for employment, your visa would be cancelled when you stop working."

In the above quoted post, instead of 'your visa will be cancelled', it should say "...your permission to stay will end...".

That is, of course, correct. Color me red.

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Boy this is confusing.....the OP is married right, he needs a work permit? Why would a Non Imm "O" solve anything? Would he not still need an Non Imm "B"?

to the best of my knowledge ..limited though it may be ...Non Imm "O" visas issued outside Thailand for visiting family do not require any funds in a Thai bank....Or are there different classes of "O"s?

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" If you are working you will be arrested and could be deported regardless of what visa you have."

That's not technically correct. Without a work permit he will be working illegally and could be arrested.

I'm in no way encouraging anyone to work illegally, but telling anyone they will be arrested is a little harsh, in my opinion. It's a possibility, but is the worst case scenario.

I often make plans based on worst case scenarios...


That quote was in answer to a specific visa question "What can I do personally in regards to Visas that will cover me from not get Deported out of the country if the situation ever arises?". He will be arrested regardless of the visa he holds and that was what I was addressing. I had earlier said he could be arrested rather than world be arrested in preface.

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Boy this is confusing.....the OP is married right, he needs a work permit? Why would a Non Imm "O" solve anything? Would he not still need an Non Imm "B"?

to the best of my knowledge ..limited though it may be ...Non Imm "O" visas issued outside Thailand for visiting family do not require any funds in a Thai bank....Or are there different classes of "O"s?

A work permit can be issued on a non immigrant O visa entry - and is the better type of extension of stay as it would not end if employment were to end.

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