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Valium Bust Strands Kiwi Teen In Phuket


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In Australia possession without a script carries a prison sentence also. I have locked up a few of these druggies myself.

Typical arrogant but ignorant pig.

It is not the quantity but simply the fact he broke the law and was subsequently arrested. Don't blame the Thai Police they were simply doing the job they are paid to do. I have arrested and charged kids for having less than this kid did. I to was simply doing my job. Yes I know people will cry bloody police ruin a kids life and it is the police fault that he/ they end up with a criminal conviction. The police did not give it to him. It was he alone that set the wheels in motion not the police.

I see the "druggie" has now turned into a "kid" :)

And "if" you arrested and charged kids for having less in Oz, you were not "simply doing your job". You were choosing not to exercise a discretion which you had, in favour of building up your arrest count.

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And "if" you arrested and charged kids for having less in Oz, you were not "simply doing your job". You were choosing not to exercise a discretion which you had, in favour of building up your arrest count.

In Oz, the neighbor with his Casino would be arrested first.

No collection of "donations".

In Oz, pharmacies would not sell Valium like in Thailand.

in Oz, you will never see Keystone Cops stopping cars and claiming that they were speeding, but you can keep driving if you make a "donation".

In Oz you will not see hundreds of motor drivers without helmet passing the Keystone Cops with a big smile on their face.

In OZ ............ The police is for real and a bunch of Keystone Cops.

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Simple.....one law for the foreigner (shake down) and one for the local Thai. This is NOT justice.

This happens here in the US all the time. Try driving through Alabama or Mississippi with a plate from anywhere but the south, and you will be pulled over repeatedly. Especially if you are driving through small towns. You will also be asked to pay the ticket on the spot, and it isn't unusual for the cops to escort the driver of the car to an ATM so the driver can get the money to pay the ticket.

If you are a migrant worker, driving through certain states, its almost guaranteed you'll be pulled over, your car searched for "drugs", and the cops will confiscate any cash found on you. Its normal for migrants to carry their life savings with them in cash, as they don't trust the banks and often don't have the documentation to open an account anyway.

So having the law selectively enforced isn't just a Thai thing. At least in the US, you can be sure the money is likely being turned over to the local government, rather than going directly into the cops pocket. But either way the "foreigner" is getting it worse than the local.

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In Australia possession without a script carries a prison sentence also. I have locked up a few of these druggies myself.

Typical arrogant but ignorant pig.

It is not the quantity but simply the fact he broke the law and was subsequently arrested. Don't blame the Thai Police they were simply doing the job they are paid to do. I have arrested and charged kids for having less than this kid did. I to was simply doing my job. Yes I know people will cry bloody police ruin a kids life and it is the police fault that he/ they end up with a criminal conviction. The police did not give it to him. It was he alone that set the wheels in motion not the police.

I see the "druggie" has now turned into a "kid" :)

And "if" you arrested and charged kids for having less in Oz, you were not "simply doing your job". You were choosing not to exercise a discretion which you had, in favour of building up your arrest count.

No it's called not turning a blind eye to criminal activities. I can see which team you like to play with and it is certainly not the good guys.

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His family moved to Australia from Wellington when he was a child, but he is a New Zealand citizen.

Well better get to the kiwi embassy & try to sort things out might have a bit more clout than aussie embassy but since there`s no border you can get both of them to go into bat for you

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So Motownblues, I guess your trying to tell the board that your an ex cop from a developed country.

I would have throught your police training and supervision would have taught you to not 'label' people until there is appropriate evidence.

But hel_l no, you choose to quickly label this 'kid' a 'druggie'. Where's your evidence?

And sorry if you don't like the word 'kid' but he is after all a 17 year old high school boy and the age where people are considered to be adults is 18 in most countries .

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Daewoo, i think the officer got upset over the lack of co operation from kid. "Wha!? No money!? Not even 2000, ok, 1000??"

And then it goes like.. "alright, we'll see about that!" and the kid, thinking whats the worst that can happen probably told the cop to go perform some activity on himself. Kid simply did not know about the power of the dark side.

Poor kid, I feel for him.. rotting in some jail over 10 tablets of THE most harmless trangualizer.. bad luck, needs to make merit, I guess.

I have been stopped at Ekamai 2 times within 1 year, when I was stupid enough not to take taxi. Officers only went through pockets, especially jeans little coin pockets.. and wallet.

Even knowing there's nothing to be found on me, it is an unpleasant experience.. cos even if there's nothing there, something can be found. I take taxi now to bkk.

that and I guess we can blame it on a lack of experience from the 17 yo... he didn't recognize the moment when to yield to the cop and let the things run their course.

fatal error in Thailand, you have to resolve the "case", i.e. make it a non-issue before the charges are recorded.

Sorry, nothing to do with lack of experience. Don't pay those pigs off. Get your Embassy and the world press involved, sue Thailand and everyone for allowing pharmacies selling those 'drugs' without showing prescription. Learn them a lesson.

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It is not the quantity but simply the fact he broke the law and was subsequently arrested. Don't blame the Thai Police they were simply doing the job they are paid to do. I have arrested and charged kids for having less than this kid did. I to was simply doing my job. Yes I know people will cry bloody police ruin a kids life and it is the police fault that he/ they end up with a criminal conviction. The police did not give it to him. It was he alone that set the wheels in motion not the police.

I see the "druggie" has now turned into a "kid" :)

And "if" you arrested and charged kids for having less in Oz, you were not "simply doing your job". You were choosing not to exercise a discretion which you had, in favour of building up your arrest count.

No it's called not turning a blind eye to criminal activities. I can see which team you like to play with and it is certainly not the good guys.

I imagine you and I would have wildly different ideas on what constitutes "good".

I am quite comfortable with mine. :D

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This kid comes to Thailand and disrespects the Thai people with his drug usage? Why didn't he stay at home if he wanted to abuse drugs? Thai government must keep a hard line on this type of trouble making by farang. I think he deserves a few months inside to sober up.

Ridiculous comment again from Joker: The OP does not mention where the teenager got the diapezam from.

I checked my pharmacy box and found a box of alprazolam 0.5mg containing 14 pills I brought to Thailand on my doctor's prescription (but the OP mentions 10mg pills???)

Since the prescription was used to buy the medication in my home country pharmacy I can not show the prescription to the mib, so I can be jailed, right?

Oh, the Joker must be joking again :)

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Simple.....one law for the foreigner (shake down) and one for the local Thai. This is NOT justice.

This happens here in the US all the time. Try driving through Alabama or Mississippi with a plate from anywhere but the south, and you will be pulled over repeatedly. Especially if you are driving through small towns. You will also be asked to pay the ticket on the spot, and it isn't unusual for the cops to escort the driver of the car to an ATM so the driver can get the money to pay the ticket.

If you are a migrant worker, driving through certain states, its almost guaranteed you'll be pulled over, your car searched for "drugs", and the cops will confiscate any cash found on you. Its normal for migrants to carry their life savings with them in cash, as they don't trust the banks and often don't have the documentation to open an account anyway.

So having the law selectively enforced isn't just a Thai thing. At least in the US, you can be sure the money is likely being turned over to the local government, rather than going directly into the cops pocket. But either way the "foreigner" is getting it worse than the local.

I have to say Shaun that in 50,000 kilometres (so far) of riding my Harley all over the Western States I have had no hassle....touch wood!

I was busted once in Mesa Verde N.P for speeding. Five armed rangers...3 SUV's and a credit card swipe! I was relieved of $150 and the threat of jail and having my bike confiscated for dangerous driving!! Bit extreme I though...but maybe I will wait till I get to those Southern boys and see what happens....next May after Route 66...as I have Alaska plates!

The absolutely corrupt and thuggish cops in Thailand are like no other police force in the Western world. This kid is suffering for nothing.....a mean act by a disgraced force. I have no truck with hard drugs and especially the dealers.....but 9 sleeping tabs???

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for all of you making assumptions about taylor, you are wrong about him being a criminal. i am a friend of his and he, and most of his friends did not think that valium required a prescription, and if he had been caught in australia, would have most likely been let off.

the reason he was caught was because his cab driver was searched for drugs. when the cop found nothing on him, he tried the passengers. found valium, took taylor to his hotel and bribed his friends $10,000 and when they didn't have the money, put him into an adult jail, without acknowledging that he is a MINOR. he was later moved to a juvenile centre where the other kids were taking multiple illicit drugs (i'm talking coke speed and ice, not valium) and he was physicaly beaten, and didn't allow himself to fall asleep out of fear. his parents had to spend thousands of dollars to get him out and to pay for lawyers and accomodation, and not to mention constantly "paying" the judge and court to bring forward his hearing which was meant to be in february or later.

speaking to taylor while he was away, he described it as living hel_l and he couldn't wait to get home, having missed out on christmas, new years, and university offers. he arrived home today and we are all happy to see that he isn't completely messed up from this injustice.

stop making assumptions about things you know nothing about.

imagine if you were in his situation, an innocent 17 year old kid just trying to celebrate the end of year 12. you wouldn't enjoy it much either. he doesn't need your judgement

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Thank you friend of Taylor. This is just an internet forum with a lot of cranks on it. Pay the loons no mind. Most all civilized people know exactly what you are saying and know your friend was just at the wrong place at the wrong time, and not a criminal.

Edited by Jingthing
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for all of you making assumptions about taylor, you are wrong about him being a criminal. i am a friend of his and he, and most of his friends did not think that valium required a prescription, and if he had been caught in australia, would have most likely been let off.

the reason he was caught was because his cab driver was searched for drugs. when the cop found nothing on him, he tried the passengers. found valium, took taylor to his hotel and bribed his friends $10,000 and when they didn't have the money, put him into an adult jail, without acknowledging that he is a MINOR. he was later moved to a juvenile centre where the other kids were taking multiple illicit drugs (i'm talking coke speed and ice, not valium) and he was physicaly beaten, and didn't allow himself to fall asleep out of fear. his parents had to spend thousands of dollars to get him out and to pay for lawyers and accomodation, and not to mention constantly "paying" the judge and court to bring forward his hearing which was meant to be in february or later.

speaking to taylor while he was away, he described it as living hel_l and he couldn't wait to get home, having missed out on christmas, new years, and university offers. he arrived home today and we are all happy to see that he isn't completely messed up from this injustice.

stop making assumptions about things you know nothing about.

imagine if you were in his situation, an innocent 17 year old kid just trying to celebrate the end of year 12. you wouldn't enjoy it much either. he doesn't need your judgement

Many thanks Sydney for letting us know the real story behind this tragic story. Maybe the nuts here will retire back into their caves for a rest.

You have painted a dreadful and very scarey scenario indeed for a young, and in my view a totally innocent young man. What has been done to Taylor defies belief in a civilised country....but you have to remember that Thailand is an absolutely corrupt and disgraceful country from the top down. Graft, bribes and thuggery are all part of life there.....but mainly against any unfortunate tourist and foreigner that happens to innocently wander into the radar of these thugs in uniform.

I strongly advise you to keep this inhumane and disgraceful act of institutional abuse in the eyes of the press in your country. Keep sending the Editor updates and describe the draconian, and no doubt illegal, conditions this young man was held in. I dare to imagine what a mere 9 sleeping pills have cost Taylor and his family emotionally and financially. Peddlers with kilos of death and destruction have gotten off scott frree in this land of the "smile".

I have always said in life....."There for the grace of God go I". Just think.....it could so easily have been my son or your son that was abused like this.

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Maybe the nuts here will retire back into their caves for a rest..............................

I very much doubt it.

Every time a story like this hits TV, the predictable resident cave dwellers and hang 'em high brigades push aside their respective rocks, and pound away at the keyboard for a few minutes whilst frothing at the mouth.

Sad lot of buuggers really. :)

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It is not the quantity but simply the fact he broke the law and was subsequently arrested. Don't blame the Thai Police they were simply doing the job they are paid to do. I have arrested and charged kids for having less than this kid did. I to was simply doing my job.

You were not doing your job, you were just being a jerk, not an uncommon response to someone who dons a uniform, regardless of whether the uniform includes a badge or not.

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No it's called not turning a blind eye to criminal activities. I can see which team you like to play with and it is certainly not the good guys.

Wow! You sound like such a fun guy but we know that you are nothing more than your typical arrogant Aussie oink. Just a uniform with a chip on your shoulder and a gun on your belt.

Do you any friends?

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No it's called not turning a blind eye to criminal activities. I can see which team you like to play with and it is certainly not the good guys.

Wow! You sound like such a fun guy but we know that you are nothing more than your typical arrogant Aussie oink. Just a uniform with a chip on your shoulder and a gun on your belt.

Do you any friends?

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A person would be hard pressed indeed to read more biased and/or mindless posts than the two I've quoted from poster who is obviously "a legend in his own mind" known as "TheJoker12".. :)

This kid comes to Thailand and disrespects the Thai people with his drug usage? Why didn't he stay at home if he wanted to abuse drugs? Thai government must keep a hard line on this type of trouble making by farang. I think he deserves a few months inside to sober up.

No where in the original post did it say he 'disrespected the glorious "Land 'O Thais" or its ever smiling yet diminutive indigenous native population.

This kid probably intended to distribute them to other school children when he got back. Perhaps he was already doing so in Thailand. I am sure he wanted the Valium for "his headache". Yeah right! A whole package? What is that, 100 pills? I tell you, the farang that come here just keep getting worse and worse.

It is posts like this which make the mind wobble :D. And unless you missed it in your rush to be judge, jury and executioner, he had in his possession NINE tablets. How in any way could you interpret that as a "big time drug smuggler intending on distributing them to other school children when he got back"?

Do you even read what you post BEFORE you click; "Add Reply"? Here's a tip, write a post, re-read it, then delete it before posting. That way you'll come out looking a lot smarter than you obviously are. :D


I live near Sukhumvit Road & Asok. Just as an information seeking endeavor I stopped by EVERY Pharmacy I walked by this morning to see if I could buy valium (5 stores in all). At every pharmacy the first question out of their mouth was "How many you want?".

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Daewoo, i think the officer got upset over the lack of co operation from kid. "Wha!? No money!? Not even 2000, ok, 1000??"

And then it goes like.. "alright, we'll see about that!" and the kid, thinking whats the worst that can happen probably told the cop to go perform some activity on himself. Kid simply did not know about the power of the dark side.

Poor kid, I feel for him.. rotting in some jail over 10 tablets of THE most harmless trangualizer.. bad luck, needs to make merit, I guess.

I have been stopped at Ekamai 2 times within 1 year, when I was stupid enough not to take taxi. Officers only went through pockets, especially jeans little coin pockets.. and wallet.

Even knowing there's nothing to be found on me, it is an unpleasant experience.. cos even if there's nothing there, something can be found. I take taxi now to bkk.

that and I guess we can blame it on a lack of experience from the 17 yo... he didn't recognize the moment when to yield to the cop and let the things run their course.

fatal error in Thailand, you have to resolve the "case", i.e. make it a non-issue before the charges are recorded.

Sorry, nothing to do with lack of experience. Don't pay those pigs off. Get your Embassy and the world press involved, sue Thailand and everyone for allowing pharmacies selling those 'drugs' without showing prescription. Learn them a lesson.

Well, that's obviously not an option if you plan staying in the LOS.

Maybe you teach them.


And, BTW, I am in favor of Pharmacies selling some drugs without prescription.

For example some light sleeping pills (like valium), some broad range antibiotics (like amoxicillin), anti-inflammatories, expectorants, etc.

Basically, anything that doesn't kill/significantly harms the patient if he ingests the whole package, with the exception of medication that should be restricted because of strategical reasons (like some sorts of newer antibiotics, to avoid that the population breeds antibiotic-resistant bacteries).

In Europe, all medicine is so bloody expensive because you have to first pay off the doctor monopoly and then the pharmacy monopoly, through which you then pay also the pharmaceutical monopoly.

If you go see the doc because you cough a lot in a second week of a flu, the bill easily amounts to over 100 USD, and this just to get some stuff prescribed that I could by on my own in the LOS from any pharmacy for less than 5 USD.

I don't want to pay for people who don't know what to use or how to use it.

People believing medicine should only be sold on prescription are ruining the health system.

Edited by manarak
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This is ludicrious. It's illegal to have them, but it's 'quasi' legal to sell them!

My Thai girlfriend is a pharmacist. She and all of her colleagues, knowingly sell these drugs, well aware that they should not do so without a prescription .

Incidentally, this also applies to Viagra and all of the variants Kamagra etc. It is applicable to steroids too but these are the mainstay of each and every pharmacy , certainly in Patong. They are illegal drugs in the same way as cannabis and cocaine are!! (unless prescribed by a doctor)

Unless they sold these items, the pharmacies would all go bump overnight.

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The fact that they are technically illegal without a prescription, but every pharmacy would go bump overnight if they didn't sell them, is the classic Thai dilemma, and as we know, dilemmas in Thailand cause mental explosion if approached in any way.

Thai Answer: Leave it alone, and it'll all work out at some unspecified date in the future. Meanwhile, silly anomalies like the case of the Kiwi kid will occasionally pop up (has this ever happened before?) and portray Thai civic society in a negative but perfectly accurate light.

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Another disgrace for Thailand and the Thai people. Utterly corrupt Thai (police)supported by a power elite now reduced to scavenging like hyenas and bullying children. Why be surprised/ Their idea of a welfare state is selling their daughters in sex slavery..As for the religious institutions and their role in creating this moral vacuum: A searing indictment of the state religion and other institutions of the state. I pity the poor Thais and their vacuous obsession with non confrontation and their belief in Karma: What a con trick! It is interesting to note the documents being released under the 30 year rule written by British and American diplomats who identify the utter lack of ethics, scruples or decency in Thai society. It has not got any better in the last 30 years. The poor are poorer, the corrupt more corrupt and the rich are richer and viler than ever. Now it appears from some of the expats on this forum they a beginning to match the Thai society model. Give me an honest sex tourist any day! Or a dreamy peaceful pot smoker!

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Teen returns home from Thai jail

A Sydney teenager has arrived home after spending two nights in a Thai jail during a schoolies trip.

Taylor Laird was caught with sleeping pills in Phuket at the end of last year and the 17 year old was locked up in a windowless cell where he says he was too scared to sleep.

Taylor had to wait 6 weeks to face court before he could leave Thailand.

He says he didn't know the sleeping pills were illegal and bought them because he'd had too many energy drinks.

source: bigpondnews.com



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Spot on mate !!!

dead right.


Another disgrace for Thailand and the Thai people. Utterly corrupt Thai (police)supported by a power elite now reduced to scavenging like hyenas and bullying children. Why be surprised/ Their idea of a welfare state is selling their daughters in sex slavery..As for the religious institutions and their role in creating this moral vacuum: A searing indictment of the state religion and other institutions of the state. I pity the poor Thais and their vacuous obsession with non confrontation and their belief in Karma: What a con trick! It is interesting to note the documents being released under the 30 year rule written by British and American diplomats who identify the utter lack of ethics, scruples or decency in Thai society. It has not got any better in the last 30 years. The poor are poorer, the corrupt more corrupt and the rich are richer and viler than ever. Now it appears from some of the expats on this forum they a beginning to match the Thai society model. Give me an honest sex tourist any day! Or a dreamy peaceful pot smoker!
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In Chang Mia this time last year went to a pharmacy with crook back (siatic nerve problem) was sold over the counter 1000mlg of a substance called Tramel little orange pills.Talk about knock me on my arse.Anyway when I returned home to Australia I showed them to a nursing sister,a mate's wife who informed me they were a opiate and the strongest you could get in Australia was half that strengh 500mlg wonder now what if I was caught with them no script from a doctor not knowing what they were lucky I wasn't caught in customs in Australia

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This kid comes to Thailand and disrespects the Thai people with his drug usage? Why didn't he stay at home if he wanted to abuse drugs? Thai government must keep a hard line on this type of trouble making by farang. I think he deserves a few months inside to sober up.

I am interested as to how you conclude that he was abusing drugs? Also how can purchasing a prescription medicine be disrespectful to Thai's?

If it was illegal to purchase them without a prescription surly the pharmacist must be guilty of an offence in as much that he sold them without first seeing a prescription?

It would interesting to see if the lad spilled his guts to the MIB and to see what if any action they took against the pharmacist?

The fact that he is on bail suggest no irregular quantities were involved!

Another exceptional piece of PR work by the Thai establishment!


I bet this Chiangmai pharmacist/ Doctor he does a roaring trade?? I cannot see the word prescription mentioned anywhere? Apparently the Thai translates to Dr Panu psychiatrist for drug addiction. You will have course noted that the English does not mention anything to do with psychiatry it does however infer that you can legally buy the substances/medicines mentioned, a little misleading to English speaking people?

Edited by ThailandTommy
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Was anyone looking to find a Pharmacist open before 5pm today? No luck ? Let me tell you why.... A 'rumour' went around that The Food and Drugs Administration Dept were doing checks on pharmacies there because of this situation with the vallium/viagra/steroids etc...


Good news is, that they all reopened again around 5pm ( when the FDA finished work) and began operating " business as usual"

Presumably their report can state that the checked all open pharmacies on this day and no evidence of malpractice was found.

Well done..

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