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I have a pair of Sunbirds nesting on my patio.

Here is the video:

The nest is to the left of my balcony door. They took over seashell chimes, covering half with a fabulous hanging nest.

They hop around three mok bushes I have for privacy, and chirp on and off during the day. Loud. And for long stretches.

I can take photos from the kitchen but they will fly away if I am out there.

From what I can tell, they are both the same colour - yellow and olive green.


1) Which one are they

2) Why all the noise when nesting?

Thanks in advance :)


Wow. That's a beautiful shot. I've been trying to take decent photos but the two keep going in and out of the mok. Auto focus attaches itself to the branch limbs. But when I put it on manual, I miss great shots like today when she went into the nest and I was not quick enough going from limbs to nest on manual.

Juvenile. That makes sense. Maybe they will come back next year grown up (I hear birds come back?)

Thanks! That's what I thought, but everywhere I've looked shows the male with a bright blue bib.

the breast is iridescent.. in dull light it can appear dark brown/black whatever.. only in strong/reflected sunlight does the brilliant blue shine through

it is an adult male btw..


I had just typed in 'with the plants I don't see getting a clear photo of the male (unless incredibly lucky)' when the male arrived and I took this video of his blue plumage -

Does anyone know why all the noise? I would think that predators will take advantage. It's like a huge alert saying, 'here's a nest with eggs!'

They are still out there. Chirping.

I'm going to miss them when they go.

Does anyone know why all the noise?

the bird is giving its alarm/contact call...

alarm - because it senses danger around it (or nest) and is giving a warning to others (or mate) to be on guard... this could be because it sees you, a cat, a snake, or whatever very close to or near it.

contact - it is simply trying to establish the location of other members of its flock or group (they will return the call)

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