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New Body Scanner Tested At Bangkok Airport

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I think you will find that the one millimetre wave machines do subject the passenger to a dose of radiation.

As a frequent flyer, this is the main concern for me, not the privacy issue.


And all this fun is brought to you because of the joys of Islam.

Twenty years ago, it was because of the Russians. What will it be in 2030? The Peruvians? The Catholics? Big Brother is running out of excuses as time goes by...


If one needs to control a population, it's always good to have the scapegoats of easily identifiable groups/races to hate. Race, relgion, color, ethncity--how many ways can the human race be assorted into different categories to generate hatred of those who are not the same as us?

And all this fun is brought to you because of the joys of Islam.

Twenty years ago, it was because of the Russians. What will it be in 2030? The Peruvians? The Catholics? Big Brother is running out of excuses as time goes by...


Why is it that when there's a news item about these body scanners it's always with the pics of an old fat guy in the scanner.

Why can't they choose one of the young female Immigration officers in her tight uniform to demonstrate its effectiveness?

Be on the lookout for nervy sweaty people on planes kissing their a-ses goodbye. They have their reasons for such odd behavior!

Don't worry, big brother's got it covered...

New airport screening 'could read minds'

US security officials could soon be screening potential terror suspects with a new type of technology capable of detecting "hostile intent"



30 years ago we would have never thought it possible that people would agree to such loss of freedom, in another 30 years will we agree to cameras in our houses all in the name of security.

We are losing our freedom because we are occupying and suppressing and killing in more countries than ever before.

Wars are very profitable, when will realize it's our actions that are the cause of our problems.


I agree with the quote from Benjamin Franklin, 'Those who would sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither."

Additionally, I agree we need to screen passengers; NOT THINGS. Once a passenger has been deemed as a non-terrorists, why must they be checked and have their things checked EVERYTIME they travel. It's far better to devote greater resources to the higher-risk passengers.

None of these machines will find true contraband. Only a 'strip and cavity search' as used before one enters jail or prison can really find things. So, are you ready to have the airport security guards sticking their rubber gloved hand up your ass... and your daughters two cavities every time you fly ?

P.S. X-ray techs are trained and mostly careful on how they use their equipment. How well trained will airport security be and how well calibrated will these machines be to reduce any long-term health risks?


i question whether we actually see enough, rather than too much. i've seen the photos and such that this machine produces, and while i may not be a trained professional, i dont see how you can make out anything....

in my personal opinion i think this device is great if it does actually work. i would voluntarily use it. i have nothing to hide. and besides, for all those people screaming "invasion of privacy", isn't that EXACTLY what the terrorists want? i say embrace it and love it, don't let the terrorists win.

I agree with the quote from Benjamin Franklin, 'Those who would sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither."

Additionally, I agree we need to screen passengers; NOT THINGS. Once a passenger has been deemed as a non-terrorists, why must they be checked and have their things checked EVERYTIME they travel. It's far better to devote greater resources to the higher-risk passengers.

Babies are generally deemed low-risk passengers. What is low-risk today might be high risk tomorrow. Apartheid? Didn't we condemn that a few years ago?

Nobody who gets on a plane is a terrorist. Not until after take-off anyway.

Be on the lookout for nervy sweaty people on planes kissing their a-ses goodbye. They have their reasons for such odd behavior!

Don't worry, big brother's got it covered...

New airport screening 'could read minds'

US security officials could soon be screening potential terror suspects with a new type of technology capable of detecting "hostile intent"


How about lie detectors

as you go through the scanner an official asks if you are carrying a bomb....or anything illegal. If it goes wild then look at the scanner more closely ..

Yeah, you may be right! Duh! :)

But it is interesting how, since 9/11, the world has surrendered more and more freedoms to protect their freedom...we used to defend our right to privacy, but now it seems we roll over and play dead rather than protest that it is perhaps going too far, that the climate of fear and paranoia is leading us down a rocky path towards...towards.....what?

I think most people around here will be fearful that the thing will reveal a gap between their ears.

Could not agree more! I would be interested to know if the scanners are legal in Thailand. I believe that in the US you have the legal right to refuse to be scanned and request a hands on search. But perhaps the best way to solve the problem would be to remove the US troops from Afghanistan, Iraq etc and refrain from supporting Israel to the tune of $16,000 per person per year and threatening Iran! The US should set about solving their own home grown problems which are many and stop meddling and plundering other nations under the guise of World Saviors. Just like in Haiti. The US arrived first not with food and water but with guns and soldiers. Local reporters called it more akin to an invasion than a mercy mission. Bit like the Catholic Church converting the indians of the Brazilian rain forests to the Catholic Doctrine it is 'for their own good' Isn't it strange that the underwear bomber managed to board a plane for the US being on the UK no fly list and without a passport yet I can not procure a boarding pass at the check in at Phuket Airport without presenting my passport.


I was just flying yestarday from bkk and scanners were installed, but not used at all.

so that much for 3mln baht x 4 scanners investment


In a few months anyone could download "Suvana-porn" from the Internet, surely some smartass will upload the scanned videos sooner or later. They did it to security cameras in Central Dept. store, locker rooms of *** Uni, dorm of *** college. Next episode - "Suvana-porn"

30 years ago we would have never thought it possible that people would agree to such loss of freedom, in another 30 years will we agree to cameras in our houses all in the name of security.

We are losing our freedom because we are occupying and suppressing and killing in more countries than ever before.

Wars are very profitable, when will realize it's our actions that are the cause of our problems.

The power of the state knows no bounds, but those of its people. Yet the people are weak, disorganized, and plagued with infighting.



In a few months anyone could download "Suvana-porn" from the Internet, surely some smartass will upload the scanned videos sooner or later. They did it to security cameras in Central Dept. store, locker rooms of *** Uni, dorm of *** college. Next episode - "Suvana-porn"

Who are the good guys and who are the bad guys now? I can't tell them apart anymore.


How Terahertz Waves Tear Apart DNA

A new model of the way the THz waves interact with DNA explains how the damage is done and why evidence has been so hard to gather.

"The evidence that terahertz radiation damages biological systems is mixed. "Some studies reported significant genetic damage while others, although similar, showed none," say Boian Alexandrov at the Center for Nonlinear Studies at Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico and a few buddies. Now these guys think they know why."

How Terahertz Waves Tear Apart DNA

A new model of the way the THz waves interact with DNA explains how the damage is done and why evidence has been so hard to gather.

"The evidence that terahertz radiation damages biological systems is mixed. "Some studies reported significant genetic damage while others, although similar, showed none," say Boian Alexandrov at the Center for Nonlinear Studies at Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico and a few buddies. Now these guys think they know why."

You shoulda heard what they wrote about the wonders of asbestos in 1950.

round up the dogs in Pattaya and use them as sniffers at the airport

kill 2 birds with 1 stone

they can smell my crutch anytime

Already got that at train stations in Australia. Good sniffing fun for all commuters! :)

Hopefully, long term we will look more and more for 'bad' people instead of 'bad' items and pay security guys a decent wage where that is currently not done (like in Germany).

Remember that traditionally, when it comes to taking naked photos, it's the MODEL that gets paid for showing their body, not so much the photographer. When I buy a ticket on a plane, I am the customer. I am the one who is paying for the flight. If that includes taking photos of my little willy then they can pay me for that just like they do for the magazine models. :)

I think there are plenty of TV shows ahere you can receive 10 dollars / euros / pounds for sending in a funny video for them to show on national TV.

Look forward to future editions of "Wierdest Police Videos" or "Caught on Camera"


And all this fun is brought to you because of the joys of Islam.

I don't think it's fair to brand Islam just because of a particular 'splinter' of this religion, which the majority of Muslims despise.

Regarding a pocketable version to scan for Kaytoys, that won't identify the 'Post Op' ones!

As for the 'bomb-carriers', they will just resort to another strategy. Most of these groups have evolved probably due to fundamentalism originating in Saudi Arabia, but we don't hear much about what this country is doing to 'moderate' it's extreme 'take on Islam.

I would also guess that religious persecutions and discrimination, (as happened with the Judaism and other religions in the past) fired up by other religious faiths and politicians etc has, and is fuelling what we are suffering from now.

Hopefully, long term we will look more and more for 'bad' people instead of 'bad' items and pay security guys a decent wage where that is currently not done (like in Germany).

Remember that traditionally, when it comes to taking naked photos, it's the MODEL that gets paid for showing their body, not so much the photographer. When I buy a ticket on a plane, I am the customer. I am the one who is paying for the flight. If that includes taking photos of my little willy then they can pay me for that just like they do for the magazine models. :)

I think there are plenty of TV shows ahere you can receive 10 dollars / euros / pounds for sending in a funny video for them to show on national TV.

Look forward to future editions of "Wierdest Police Videos" or "Caught on Camera"

May I remind you that this is about planes. I'm not asking to be a porn star just to catch a bloody flight, but if they want to perve at me, then they can bloody-well pay me, otherwise I'll catch a darned boat or walk home.

I think most people around here will be fearful that the thing will reveal a gap between their ears.

Thanks James. So far the only good reply!

How Terahertz Waves Tear Apart DNA

A new model of the way the THz waves interact with DNA explains how the damage is done and why evidence has been so hard to gather.

"The evidence that terahertz radiation damages biological systems is mixed. "Some studies reported significant genetic damage while others, although similar, showed none," say Boian Alexandrov at the Center for Nonlinear Studies at Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico and a few buddies. Now these guys think they know why."

You shoulda heard what they wrote about the wonders of asbestos in 1950.

Probably pretty close to what they said about lard. But with lard they were right. :)

The more security the better in my opinion, even if it is annoying sometimes its better than being blown out of the sky.

"Its accuracy is 80%" not too impressive in my opinion!

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