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Can Repair Plastic Water Tank?


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Hi all,

I have a 1,000 ltr plastic water tank to supply my home but i noticed it was leaking. I changed both inlet & outlet blue pipes but it continued to leak, i seems (well i'm guessing) their is and hairline crack in the tank around the the inet hole underneath. Anyone know whether these can be repaired? I guess it would need to be repaired from the inside given water pressure. Would the use of glues or the repair affect the water as the water is used for teeth cleaning, boiling potatoes etc.

Thankyou in advance.


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Recommend a new tank but the Thai way would be to use resin, They use it the blue plastic pipes all the time but a water tank is made from a different kind of softer plastic, available at most hardware shops

Would not recommend any of the water here for cleaning teeth


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Another option would be for you to contact the technical service department of the actual tank manufacturer. While we have had zero problems with our six water tanks it seems to me that in the printed brochures and on the tank labels these tanks have a warranty period listed. I have had tremendous luck by contacting the head office of various manufacturers on some other malfunctioning items at our home and have been pleasantly surprised at the "after the sale" service, almost always at no charge to come to our rural home and solve the problem by qualified staff of the product manufacturer. Check out the web site of the tank manufacturer and see how long the guarantee is listed. We have both DOS and Diamond Brand tanks and both companies have staff who understand and speak English.

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How about blocking the outlet with two plastic plates of similar material either side that would cover any crack (liquid nails or similar) and drilling another hole through the middle?

Also always brush teeth with tap water, too :)

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How about blocking the outlet with two plastic plates of similar material either side that would cover any crack (liquid nails or similar) and drilling another hole through the middle?

Probably the most effective solution. I'd use loads of silicon on the plates with bolt through the middle to hold it all together whilst it sets. The problem with all these repairs is that everything must be thoroughly dry for it to be effective, not always the easiest thing to achieve.

Or simply buy another tank :)

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Just thought id add to my origanal post incase anyone is having a similar water leak in their plastic tank.

Two guys came yesterday, and welded (bonded?) in tank stopping the leak. I wasnt at home but was told took them 30 minutes, and cost nothing and we got official service sheet. I think my wife paid them the usual go and have a few beers payment.

Not leaking now so will just have to see how long it lasts.

These chaps were from the supplier thought warranty was finished.


Edited by james.d
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