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Global Warming To Hit Thailand's Rice Production

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Global warming to hit rice production: Repo

BANGKOK: -- Rice production is projected to decrease 10 per cent if the world's temperature increases by 1 degree Celsius, said Ed Sarobol, lecturer at Kasetsart Univesity's Faculty of Agriculture, referring to a study by the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI).

At the university's 48th annual con-ference, he cited another study - by |Chiang Mai University's researchers - which has not been published yet, which found that the ear of paddy fields and blossoms will drop if the temperature rises. And the seed will be stunted at 80 per cent if the air temperature exceeds 36.5 degrees.

Ed added that increasing carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration also impacted plant growth and development.

He said if the CO2 concentration is increased, the water-use efficiency and photorespiration in plant will also increase. That means if the CO2 concentration increases every 10 parts per million (ppm), the plant production will be increased by one per cent.

However, the increasing temperature also has a positive effect for agricultural areas which had limitations because of the low temperature. He said farmers living in these areas could grow plants as the temperature rises.

Ed said the global environmental change also had an impact on the development of animals. He said animals would have hypercapnia - a condition where there is too much CO2 in the blood.

The increasing air temperature also affects the animals' respiratory system, membrane fluidity and reproductive health.

Ed said the study conducted last year found that during the period 1951-2000, the country's average minimum temperature increased 0.30 degrees while the average maximum temperature increased 0.13 degrees.

The study also found that the amount of rainfall in summer from November to April has increased while the amount of rainfall in the rainy season from May to October has dropped.

The Water Resources Department has projected that about 21 provinces nationwide will face drought this year. The areas with highest risk of drought are Mae Hong Son, Uthai Thani and Sa Kaew.

"We will closely monitor the rain situation from January to April. If the rains are delayed during this period that means the drought situation would be severe," said the department's director-general, Kasemsun Chinnavaso.

He said the department has prepared water-carrying vehicles to provide water and assist people in dry areas.


-- The Nation 2010-02-08


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More disinformation from The Great Global Warming Swindle.

He said animals would have hypercapnia - a condition where there is too much CO2 in the blood.

Hypercapnia is generally caused by hypoventilation, lung disease, or diminished consciousness. It may also be caused by exposure to environments containing abnormally high concentrations of carbon dioxide (usually due to volcanic or geothermal causes), or by rebreathing exhaled carbon dioxide.


So goes the pseudo-science of FUD (fear, uncertainty, doubt).

For our part, we would put 100 rai back into rice production if we could find people available and willing to work the land. It's hard enough just finding people to bring in the mango crop.


Well, at least he doesn't say it was "man-made" global warming, so at least he knows that scare is busted.

It's not all bad news, as many commentators have pointed out.

Forests in the Eastern United States are growing faster than they have in the past 225 years.

From the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center blog:

“The chief culprit appears to be climate change, more specifically, the rising levels of atmospheric CO2, higher temperatures and longer growing seasons.”


"BANGKOK: -- Rice production is projected to decrease 10 per cent if the world's temperature increases by 1 degree Celsius, said Ed Sarobol, lecturer at Kasetsart Univesity's Faculty of Agriculture, referring to a study by the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI)."

The drop or decrease in Thai rice production is due in part of neighboring countries harvesting, not global warming.

Stiff competition erodes Thailand's rice market share which they wish not to disclose to the public for negative reasons.


More and more people are now realising that climate change is another scam, similar to the Y2K scam. Gore and others have made millions from this.

After SARS, bird flu , AIDS (it was going to kill us all) I wonder what the next big scare will be, and who will make money from it ?


Completely putting aside the conspiracy theories articles and references, I once read an article that said rice fields themselves (or rather: their owners) are a major contributor to global warming -- when water isn't drained in the non-productive season, gadzillions of bacteria eat the remains in the drink and emit lotsa CO2 (or was it methane, which is 34 times more "efficient" per volume?). Did the report or the university guy mention that too?


The collapse of AGW has got to go down as one of the quickest falls from grace in history. The tide has turned, people have woken up and the scam has been exposed.


The study also found that the amount of rainfall in summer from November to April has increased while the amount of rainfall in the rainy season from May to October has dropped.


I would have thought Thailand's agricultural productivity could benefit from the above. July to Sept (inclusive) rainfall is too heavy to capture and benefit, at best only 20% this rainfall would be translocated through plants, the rest is runoff etc. For the Nov to April period to have any rainfall other than the Jan 3-7th Mango rain would be extremely beneficial if it became a truly recorded fact. What better than to have consistent rain in what was once a dry season!! I've always said, Australia's southern coastal agriculture will die if global warming goes in the direction of the pundits, but the northern tropical rains will go further south, thus balancing up rainfall areas, but redistributing the rainfall into tropical areas. The same I would predict for Thailand. The Northeast will be the biggest winner as rains became more consistent through the dry season. If the government through the department handling irrigation are able to enhance the already magnificent irrigation systems throughout the country, then Thailand will eventually become a super gold mine of agriculture. My 50cents worth.


Hi. I am a simpleton with no understanding of science. I suspended rational thought long ago. I take pride in participating in the destruction of the planet. I enjoy posting whatever nonsense Exxon-Mobile tells me to post to divert people from the fact that global warming and climate change are real. I think it is fun to totally ignore reality and engage in conspiracy theories. I guess I am a certified lunatic. :)


Hi. I am a simpleton with no understanding of science. I suspended rational thought long ago. I take pride in participating in the destruction of the planet. I enjoy posting whatever nonsense Exxon-Mobile tells me to post to divert people from the fact that global warming and climate change are real. I think it is fun to totally ignore reality and engage in conspiracy theories. I guess I am a certified lunatic. :)

I guess you haven't been keeping up with the news. Try searching 'climate/glacier/amazon/africagate'.

Maybe there can be some kind of debate about the climate now.


Incredibly, even the craven mainstream UK media -- long-time loyal unquestioning AGW lackeys, are back-pedalling furiously like Wile E. Coyote after he runs off the edge of a canyon cliff...... :)


Hi. I am a simpleton with no understanding of science. I suspended rational thought long ago. I take pride in participating in the destruction of the planet. I enjoy posting whatever nonsense Exxon-Mobile tells me to post to divert people from the fact that global warming and climate change are real. I think it is fun to totally ignore reality and engage in conspiracy theories. I guess I am a certified lunatic. :)

Don't be embarrassed, you're certainly not alone. Anyhow, the "Shock Doctrine" doesn't so much deny that disasters happen; they surely do. It is mainly a thesis that says that with every new ocurrence some group makes a huge profit from it and some other group of people loses some economic or other freedoms.


Hi. I am a simpleton with no understanding of science. I suspended rational thought long ago. I take pride in participating in the destruction of the planet. I enjoy posting whatever nonsense Exxon-Mobile tells me to post to divert people from the fact that global warming and climate change are real. I think it is fun to totally ignore reality and engage in conspiracy theories. I guess I am a certified lunatic. :)

Don't be embarrassed, you're certainly not alone.

Oh, I am not embarassed at all. I have been dumb as a rock all my life.

I make Forrest Gump look like a genius!

I know I am an idiot without any ability to think.

I don't think I could think my way out of a paper bag.

The truth is that I failed every science course I ever took.

The good news is just like you said, "....you're certainly not alone."

In fact, it appears I have a lot in common with many of the people posting here.

Hi. I am a simpleton with no understanding of science. I suspended rational thought long ago.

Not to worry. There were many people like yourself who fell for the Man-made Global Warming scare.

If you are capable of re-engaging your "rational thought" somehow, then you will be welcome in the ranks of people who are concerned about serious existing environmental problems such as industrial pollution, over-population and so on.

But if you are truly a simpleton with no understanding of science, then you should send a donation to Al Gore immediately to make yourself feel better.


There is too much confusion and complexity being bandied around.

There is only ONE SINGLE PROBLEM on this earth.

Too many selfish people.


Unfortunately all the crap about saving the world, global warming etc. is NOT about saving the world, it is about perpetuating the survival of the nastiest living thing to ever exist. The world does NOT need us, we are a terrible destructive force in our striving to dominate the entire planet.

If you care about the future of the world and not just your own selfish concern, determined by some genetic force (read a bit of Dawkins), that YOU must keep YOUR genes going, then in just 100 years the world will have NO humans and revert to a paradise.... No pollution, no wars, no genocide and no bankers or politicians. Aahhh, wouldn't that be just GREAT?

Just think about it and your motives.....

After all, you will not be around to see it, and, as the brats you never had will not have existed, what is the problem? In 200 years we have depleted the world's resources, killed hundreds of millions of our own kind and for what?

In just 100 years we can fix everything.


There is too much confusion and complexity being bandied around.

There is only ONE SINGLE PROBLEM on this earth.

Too many selfish people.


Unfortunately all the crap about saving the world, global warming etc. is NOT about saving the world, it is about perpetuating the survival of the nastiest living thing to ever exist. The world does NOT need us, we are a terrible destructive force in our striving to dominate the entire planet.

If you care about the future of the world and not just your own selfish concern, determined by some genetic force (read a bit of Dawkins), that YOU must keep YOUR genes going, then in just 100 years the world will have NO humans and revert to a paradise.... No pollution, no wars, no genocide and no bankers or politicians. Aahhh, wouldn't that be just GREAT?

Just think about it and your motives.....

After all, you will not be around to see it, and, as the brats you never had will not have existed, what is the problem? In 200 years we have depleted the world's resources, killed hundreds of millions of our own kind and for what?

In just 100 years we can fix everything.


The other more likely solution is interplanetary migration.

Hi. I am a simpleton with no understanding of science. I suspended rational thought long ago.

Not to worry. There were many people like yourself who fell for the Man-made Global Warming scare.

If you are capable of re-engaging your "rational thought" somehow, then you will be welcome in the ranks of people who are concerned about serious existing environmental problems such as industrial pollution, over-population and so on.

But if you are truly a simpleton with no understanding of science, then you should send a donation to Al Gore immediately to make yourself feel better.

Good one. That is right out of my favorite book: The Idiot's Guide to Becoming a Global Warming Denier.

Being an idiot, it is not easy for me to read and understand the book.

But it does say that when your side is full of idiots who lack any understanding of science, can't respond to science with science, are dominated by liars and irresponsible morons, and have absolutely no real concern about environmental problems, you will lose any debate with real scientists working on the problem unless you project onto the other side all of your faults.

And that is what you just did! You must be real smart to project on to the other side's camp your camp's faults. Guess you read the book too.

After all, we all know the scientists are telling the truth and are about one million times smarter than all of us put together (oh.......maybe I should not have told the truth here......but I am an idiot and sometimes things slip out).

But, like I said before, I enjoy being in total denial.

It is fun posting what Exxon-Mobile wants me to post.

I want to keep polluting the planet and spending money on the outdated energy they control.

I like war and the money corporations make from it.

I want, very much, to destroy the planet and make life worse for every person alive today.

I am not sure why. Maybe it is just because I am a total idiot.

Wow, I thought I was alone Bradford. It is nice to know we are so similar.

We really need to promote this outstanding book: The Idiot's Guide to Becoming a Global Warming Denier

If enough people read it, maybe things will just get worse and we will win!


Ed added that increasing carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration also impacted plant growth and development.

:) <deleted> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have never read such utter Tosh in all my life.

Who writes this stuff ? co2 is what plants breathe. The more co2 you give a plant the bigger and faster it grows. without co2 we would not be here.

I had a friend back home who used to grow a crop. When added a co2 delivery system to his greenhouse his yield went up 4 fold and matured a lot quicker. The biggest cause of warming is water vapour but politicians realised that they could not tax water vapour or control what people did or where they went with that but co2 was a different matter altogether. That's why they all love the thought of co2 being the culprit.

Luckily the whole charade is falling apart faster than a Samui suit. Soon people will look back and wonder how so many people were so stupid !


Hi. I am a simpleton with no understanding of science. I suspended rational thought long ago. I take pride in participating in the destruction of the planet. I enjoy posting whatever nonsense Exxon-Mobile tells me to post to divert people from the fact that global warming and climate change are real. I think it is fun to totally ignore reality and engage in conspiracy theories. I guess I am a certified lunatic. :)

Don't be embarrassed, you're certainly not alone.

Oh, I am not embarassed at all. I have been dumb as a rock all my life.

I make Forrest Gump look like a genius!

I know I am an idiot without any ability to think.

I don't think I could think my way out of a paper bag.

The truth is that I failed every science course I ever took.

The good news is just like you said, "....you're certainly not alone."

In fact, it appears I have a lot in common with many of the people posting here.

Don't believe for a minute you've got anything in common with "many of the people posting here". Most have earned respect with years of contribution. Your self confessed idiocy is only matched by your sarcasm.


Sarcasm? Is that what it was? I mistook it for simple trolling.

Usually sarcasm shows some signs of wit, rationality and self-awareness, which are sadly lacking in the more extreme followers of the cargo cult that is man-made global warming.

Over 35 years ago, the physicist Richard Feynman characterised dishonest thinking in science.

We've learned from experience that the truth will come out. Other experimenters will repeat your experiment and find out whether you were wrong or right. Nature's phenomena will agree or they'll disagree with your theory. And, although you may gain some temporary fame and excitement, you will not gain a good reputation as a scientist if you haven't tried to be very careful in this kind of work. And it's this type of integrity, this kind of care not to fool yourself, that is missing to a large extent in much of the research in cargo cult science.

So I have just one wish for you [scientists] -- the good luck to be somewhere where you are free to maintain the kind of integrity I have described, and where you do not feel forced by a need to maintain your position in the organization, or financial support, or so on, to lose your integrity. May you have that freedom.


Green Police - TV AD

This is one big aims of AGW at a governmental level - to have greater control over citizens in the name of the environment.


Just another flavor of the decade...

1960's - Cuban Missle Crisis

1970's - Energy/Gas Shortage

1980's - Russian Arms Race

1990's - Y2K

2000's - Global Warming

2010's - ???????

Problem I have is that "global warming" was an absolute total scam. People like the ex-VP of the United States (Al Gore) helped create the hoax so that he could profit from alternative energy sources...where he is quite heavily invested. Preying on the stupidity and emotions of the average person for profiteering should be criminal. My kids would return from school worried that global warming would be their demise (ie: educators bought the non-fact based nonsense and burdened students)...shameful.


It gives me a good, warm feeling to see the collective top-of-the-crop scientific experts speak out here, and once and for all enlighten us dummies to the atrocities all these politicians, who are creating completely unreal scenarios just to get a few more of our hard-earned [insert currency here], are forcing down our throats.

One world, one hoax [and a chosen few who thrive on any and all conspiracy theory...]



hmmmmm.....So when the earth was completely covered in ice and snow where were all the factories and people driving gas guzzlers that contributed to the "global warming" that melted said ice and snow? I have yet to hear anyone mention that. Evolution is a fact. I don't mean monkeys to man evolution. I am talking about the way things change. Also, in the U.S., there has been more moisture and lower temps in some areas in the last 3 years than the previous 20 years. Why? Global Warming? Or maybe its just mother nature.

However, I don't think it is good that smoke stacks is putting huge amounts of emissions in the air and I don't think its good for countries to test nuclear bombs. It is true that there are things that are in fact harmful to the environment. I don't think the the world is going to end like the special interest liberals would like us to believe. In my opinion, I think drilling oil is more harmful to the earth than anything. I see the oil and water in the earths crust as a coolant from the core/magma and the removal of those things allows the heat to work its way to the surface of the earth. This theory of mine is similar to that of an engine using water and some oil to keep the engine cool and keeping it from overheating. Now this is only something that I have pondered and thought about. I do not claim to be a scientist so please accept that these are only ideas of mine.


It is clear that you really know this book well: The Idiot's Guide to Becoming a Global Warming Denier.

Maybe you wrote one of the chapters.

I am so stupid (total idiot) that I feel comfortable over here. When you talk it makes sense.

But I wonder if any person will actually talk about the subject of the thread.

Oh, I forgot (happens a lot). In the book, The Idiot's Guide to Becoming a Global Warming Denier, it says you should attempt to turn any post related to global warming into a false debate to create doubt, even though there is no doubt.

There I go again, spilling the beans. I am so freaking stupid.

I should not have said "there is no doubt." The last thing we want to do is to start telling the truth (I think that is in chapter six of the book).

As simple as it is, I am not sure I am supposed to reveal global warming denier strategy here.

Is it OK to tell people what you are doing? What about the deliberate lies? The links to Exxon-Mobile?

I guess it is safe to say that if you are an idiot like me and want to keep up with what Teatree, Bradford and others are saying here, you really should read this book: The Idiot's Guide to Becoming a Global Warming Denier.

After that, you can pretend to be an expert on the subject.

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