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I dont want to pay 200 baht for a som tum made by a drunken thug who might then suddenly decide that the price has gone up to 400 and if I dont pay it then I`ll get hit over the head with a machette.

And who can blame you for that. Just do what practically every other non-tourist has done, and stop using them. Couldn't be simpler. You make it sound as if you have no choice but to use them, as if you'll get stranded somewhere in Patong with no way home if you don't, as if Patong was the deepest depths of Issarn or something. Stop using them. Pretend they don't exist, and you'll feel a whole lot better.

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I dont want to pay 200 baht for a som tum made by a drunken thug who might then suddenly decide that the price has gone up to 400 and if I dont pay it then I`ll get hit over the head with a machette.

Then fairly simple. Don't get yourself into a situation where there's even the remotest possibility of that happening. Sorry if that sounds condescending, but in truth if you're remotely aware of the potential scams and dangers, you just avoid them. Not sure if you're a resident or not, but you do have some knowledge, the most powerful tool in the world.

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Back in 2000 these issues were not here.. Painting them as being a fixture since the dark ages is not haveing a real grasp of how it is now on the west coast, it wasnt like this even 2 years ago. And relatively OK maybe 5+.

If that's the case then people need to start voting with there feet. Either to different parts of Phuket, different parts of Thailand or somewhere else in the world. Things change, not always for the good, deal with it and move on.

My problem is I am very limited in areas within Thailand, that have the emeneties I need.. CM springs to mind, I found the integration with the local Thais really refreshing and positive so is somewhere I consider.. But fearful I would miss the ocean.

Your problem (which you happily admit) is you want your som tum and to eat it too. It seems as though for your happiness something is going to have to give, and that may well be, not living in Phuket anymore. (I wish I could afford to have your dilemma)

Never saw the point of having a cake and not eating it !! :)

Another aspect is the wife really wants to to nest, so its time I built a home, so I am continually playing over not only how things are now, but how they will be in 5 or 10 years. The thoughts and fears of 'is it improving' which is hard to judge, as some things clearly are, and Phuket will probably remain at the forefront of some of those changes which I would like, but thats a whole nother thread.

At least you don't have issues with other people being happy, and accept that they are. The posters that don't live here yet seem to think people must be lying when they say they have no grief in Phuket and live an enjoyable peaceful life, is baffling to me.

I hope everyone is happy where they are, I am also, but being happy doesnt mean you should ignore problems. Focusing on problems helps to recognise them, which is stage one for fixing them.

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Then fairly simple. Don't get yourself into a situation where there's even the remotest possibility of that happening. Sorry if that sounds condescending, but in truth if you're remotely aware of the potential scams and dangers, you just avoid them. Not sure if you're a resident or not, but you do have some knowledge, the most powerful tool in the world.

Ahh but its hard to remain so guarded full time, or rather the vibe you put out to remain so guarded denies you some simple trusting interactions.

Just an example.. The other day I was in the food court in big C.. I order a chicken rice (on the sign in english for 30 baht) but ask for a mix of the boiled and fried chicked.. She takes my card and charges me 90 baht.. I get the card back.. ask why (in Thai).. "piisead".. Erm to make a special perhaps 10 baht on top ?? But from 30 baht priced to 90 baht.. Of course she suddenly got the hump and stomped out the back, calling me names to my face in Thai, no question of ever getting a refund or a fair price, scammed again.

Now its 60 baht.. Its not going to ruin my day.. But its the death by a 1000 cuts niggles that make you feel unwanted, that because i am farang I wont integrate and am fair game for ripping off, even speaking Thai.. Doesnt matter, fleace him.. The reminder your an outsider. That feeling is much more than the loss of 60 baht.

Now in your example I have to ask, explicitly and before, even when the price is marked on the menu.. That in turn puts out a negative vibe, a fearful, distrusting vibe, I am a big believer is if you put out negative vibes you end up with negative experiences, so rather than live fearful of each interaction I will live with getting ripped off rather then live like that, but it still acts as a reminder of the us and them thing, thats your not integrating.

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I hope everyone is happy where they are, I am also, but being happy doesnt mean you should ignore problems. Focusing on problems helps to recognise them, which is stage one for fixing them.

You have said many times how it's easier for me, away from the tourist areas and away from Patong in particular, so surely the answer to your problem is stay on Phuket, just remove yourself from the grief. Out of sight out of mind. It's a huge island, I'm sure you can find TukTuk free happiness somewhere!!

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Ahh but its hard to remain so guarded full time, or rather the vibe you put out to remain so guarded denies you some simple trusting interactions.

Just an example.. The other day I was in the food court in big C.. I order a chicken rice (on the sign in english for 30 baht) but ask for a mix of the boiled and fried chicked.. She takes my card and charges me 90 baht.. I get the card back.. ask why (in Thai).. "piisead".. Erm to make a special perhaps 10 baht on top ?? But from 30 baht priced to 90 baht.. Of course she suddenly got the hump and stomped out the back, calling me names to my face in Thai, no question of ever getting a refund or a fair price, scammed again.

Now its 60 baht.. Its not going to ruin my day.. But its the death by a 1000 cuts niggles that make you feel unwanted, that because i am farang I wont integrate and am fair game for ripping off, even speaking Thai.. Doesnt matter, fleace him.. The reminder your an outsider. That feeling is much more than the loss of 60 baht.

Now in your example I have to ask, explicitly and before, even when the price is marked on the menu.. That in turn puts out a negative vibe, a fearful, distrusting vibe, I am a big believer is if you put out negative vibes you end up with negative experiences, so rather than live fearful of each interaction I will live with getting ripped off rather then live like that, but it still acts as a reminder of the us and them thing, thats your not integrating.

I know the feeling. My counter to that kind of situation is M'Sahib is the one who makes any kind of purchases. I'm never completely happy about it, because I'm used to doing things myself. However, within this environment, I rely on her to shop, negotiate, etc etc, and I keep a distance. Works for us, and fortunately she's savvy enough to know when there is any kind of 'farang' loading taking place.

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Then fairly simple. Don't get yourself into a situation where there's even the remotest possibility of that happening. Sorry if that sounds condescending, but in truth if you're remotely aware of the potential scams and dangers, you just avoid them. Not sure if you're a resident or not, but you do have some knowledge, the most powerful tool in the world.

Thi morning near nanai I watched a farang park his bike on a side street unaware that the `territory` had been claimed by a motosai taxi, a driver pulled up behind him and gave him an aggressive slap on the leg. Its not WW3 know, but that kind of thing simply wouldnt have happened a few years ago. The rot spreads unless cut out, and will spread to a soi near you. Do you really fancy having to move every couple of years?

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Thi morning near nanai I watched a farang park his bike on a side street unaware that the `territory` had been claimed by a motosai taxi, a driver pulled up behind him and gave him an aggressive slap on the leg. Its not WW3 know, but that kind of thing simply wouldnt have happened a few years ago. The rot spreads unless cut out, and will spread to a soi near you. Do you really fancy having to move every couple of years?

Like any of us, I can only share my personal experiences. When I lived in Kathu I used to shop for dinner on Nanai almost daily. I must have parked on every inch of that road at some stage, in front of almost every business, over almost every driveway, yet not as much as a dirty look from anyone.

So that's the Tuk tuks, and the motorbike taxis covered, I await with baited breath for the 'bus driver attacks Farang' story which I assume will be along soon. Maybe if I wait a while, two will come along at once!

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Well as you now have a young family.. How happy would your wife truly be in the west ??? No family.. No friends.. No Thai food..

How about once you child is in school, so easy to uproot that, change his curriculum, freinds, languages, etc..

Me I have a passport that lets me go anywhere.. I can go live in the gold coast, or NZ, or the states, or or.. But my wife cant.

Its not so simple.

Plus I love my life, but I just see many changes in the last few years that are not for the better, and that worries me..

The other side of the same coin..

“Well as you now have a young family.. How happy would your wife truly be in the west ??? No family.. No friends.. No Thai food..”

Sample 3 lads I know and my cousin, all live in the west – happily married to Thai lasses, 2 have children. I know the lasses well and none have ever expressed any desire to return to LLL. There are established Thai communities here and friends and contacts are formed. Thai grub is easy to obtain.

“How about once you child is in school, so easy to uproot that, change his curriculum, freinds, languages, etc..”

Perfectly feasible objective. The educational opportunities afforded by a good western school would give Somchai junior a better start in life, but obviously that depends on what the parents want.

“Me I have a passport that lets me go anywhere.. I can go live in the gold coast, or NZ, or the states, or or.. But my wife cant.”

Curious statement...are you saying that Mrs Los would be unable to obtain a visa for these countries?

“Its not so simple.”

It’s not impossible either, but I do understand some of the hoops you have to jump through to get permanent residence for a spouse. Friends and family have told tales of long delays, paperwork and lots of cash before all the t’s are crossed and the i’s dotted. The frustrations have often tested the real strengths of folk’s relationships, for sure.

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But the OP specifically asked why locals living here have that view ??

The OP is a troll and is well known to TV for stirring up the 'locals'. You are all being strung along.

By post 2 it was obvious that the thread was trolling by an alter-ego of happyinkathu or whatever-the-heck his screen-name was/is... how it got these legs is baffling... :):D

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I hope everyone is happy where they are, I am also, but being happy doesnt mean you should ignore problems. Focusing on problems helps to recognise them, which is stage one for fixing them.

You have said many times how it's easier for me, away from the tourist areas and away from Patong in particular, so surely the answer to your problem is stay on Phuket, just remove yourself from the grief. Out of sight out of mind. It's a huge island, I'm sure you can find TukTuk free happiness somewhere!!

As I keep saying.. The tuktuk issues are more a symptom of a more worrying issue.. The acceptance of 'do anything to make money' even if its scammy or wrong, it shows a moral structure I dont see in other places in Thailand and is on the increase. Secondly a difficulty in integrating, a sense of them and us, which while I guess always existed, wasnt as reinforced possibly.

Yes moving is an option.. I consider nai harn (a lot) but it seems to have its own issues.. The north is an awful long drive to get carrefore quality bread.. And I still havent outgrown nightclubs, DJs, etc.. A drive a 4am back from Sound or Lime or even Stereo Lab is a hike to the north. All these restrictions are entirely self imposed but as you say, cake and eating it too isnt it :) !!

Plus I have a great house, nice pool, good price, and after the villa got destroyed moved too many times, moving and equipping a new place to live properly sucks, its tiring and doesnt fit with some work I am doing.

But from 30 baht priced to 90 baht..

If you're telling me things like that happen regularly, then we must be living on two parallel Phukets. I'm not saying it never happens, but honestly can't remember the last time it did.

With my hand on my heart, those kind of experiences happen with regularity in Patong to Kata.. So much so I am growing thicker skinned and more just dissapointed than annoyed. Its just how it is.. As I keep trying to emphasize, its is not about the 60 baht, its the reminder that its OK to rip me off and makes me feel no matter what I do or how long I stay, I will always be 'farang' with a target on my back, one car accident I didnt cause away from real trouble etc plus that feeds into fears of investing 'more than I would be happy to walk away from' which its time to do if I am going to continue to make Thailand my base.

I dont dislike my life here, and I have ways to minimise the bad interactions (but is walling ourselves in our ivory towers any way to integrate and reduce the us and them ??) more that recent years have shaken some confidence that this will continue to be the best place to call home.

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So that's the Tuk tuks, and the motorbike taxis covered, I await with baited breath for the 'bus driver attacks Farang' story which I assume will be along soon. Maybe if I wait a while, two will come along at once!

Nice to see no ones lost their sense of humour.

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A discussion is a discussion.. I totally accept that woohoo lives a very happy life up north on the island, hearing his opinions and experiences is really good for people like me who might feel a bit jaded.. It reminds us theres options and we are in the driving seat to control those options. It cheers me to hear that parts of the island are free of the problems that I enounter even if its a balance of services also.

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A discussion is a discussion.. I totally accept that woohoo lives a very happy life up north on the island, hearing his opinions and experiences is really good for people like me who might feel a bit jaded.. It reminds us theres options and we are in the driving seat to control those options. It cheers me to hear that parts of the island are free of the problems that I enounter even if its a balance of services also.

I live the same happy life in Rawai and Kata. The only difference is I'm a working man.

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Its so wonderful to hear that everyone I know is entirely wrong - Phuket is great and those that think otherwise are deluded.

I'm still waiting for someone who's been here a few years to tell me how great everything is.

Woohoo, like many posters, needs to justify their decisions - anyone who so vehemently insists that Phuket is perfect have their own reasons for refusing to accept any criticism. They automatically associate this (understandably) with the known stereotypes of Thailand.

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Its so wonderful to hear that everyone I know is entirely wrong - Phuket is great and those that think otherwise are deluded.

I'm still waiting for someone who's been here a few years to tell me how great everything is.

Woohoo, like many posters, needs to justify their decisions - anyone who so vehemently insists that Phuket is perfect have their own reasons for refusing to accept any criticism. They automatically associate this (understandably) with the known stereotypes of Thailand.

i have not read anybody saying phuket is perfect.

I have read though reality depends a lot on ones perspective, and there seems to be quite a few different views there.

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Woohoo, like many posters, needs to justify their decisions - anyone who so vehemently insists that Phuket is perfect have their own reasons for refusing to accept any criticism. They automatically associate this (understandably) with the known stereotypes of Thailand.

Woohoo is absolutely right in (at least) one aspect tho.. That is none of us can assume or speak for another's life and lifestyle.. If hes having a great time and not seeing any issues its not for anyone else to say hes either lieing or wrong. Its his opinion and hes entitled to it.

I fail to see why it has to be such wild swings on the pendulum.. Theres good and bad like everywhere, its about finding out how to minimize what troubles you most and maximise the parts that bring the most satisfaction.

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Woohoo is absolutely right in (at least) one aspect tho.. That is none of us can assume or speak for another's life and lifestyle.. If hes having a great time and not seeing any issues its not for anyone else to say hes either lieing or wrong. Its his opinion and hes entitled to it.

I fail to see why it has to be such wild swings on the pendulum.. Theres good and bad like everywhere, its about finding out how to minimize what troubles you most and maximise the parts that bring the most satisfaction.

Yes, totally agree with you on this.

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Woohoo, like many posters, needs to justify their decisions - anyone who so vehemently insists that Phuket is perfect have their own reasons for refusing to accept any criticism. They automatically associate this (understandably) with the known stereotypes of Thailand.

I haven't read a single post, in this thread or any other, where people are refusing to accept that there are any problems or negative aspects to living in Phuket.

As so often happens in these threads, people stop listening to peoples points and just keep throwing the same comment out, record player style.

As two posters have just said, the problem is when people assume, that just because the wheels have fallen off their Thai experience, they must have done so for everyone else as well, and then refuse point blank to believe them when they say otherwise. Then as if in an attempt to make themselves feel better, they try to spread the negative anti-Phuket vibes as far and wide as they can.

If you read TV in the middle of the night or when you're in Europe, you see how many people find their way to TV for advice. There is nearly always 40, 50 or 60 non members reading this forum. I am of the opinion that they would be much better served with unbiased, well balanced facts about Phuket, with no ulterior motives thrown in, which is something they certainly don't get most of the time.

By post 2 it was obvious that the thread was trolling by an alter-ego of happyinkathu or whatever-the-heck his screen-name was/is... how it got these legs is baffling... :):D

Easy......just throw in the word Tuk-Tuk and watch the fun.

It's a shame that it needs a troll to start a reasonably interesting discussion on this forum.

Feel free to start one of your own any time.

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And just when I was defending your position...

As two posters have just said, the problem is when people assume, that just because the wheels have fallen off their Thai experience, they must have done so for everyone else as well, and then refuse point blank to believe them when they say otherwise. Then as if in an attempt to make themselves feel better, they try to spread the negative anti-Phuket vibes as far and wide as they can.

Why is it that seeing real issues around us is "wheels fell off" ??

If you read TV in the middle of the night or when you're in Europe, you see how many people find their way to TV for advice. There is nearly always 40, 50 or 60 non members reading this forum. I am of the opinion that they would be much better served with unbiased, well balanced facts about Phuket, with no ulterior motives thrown in, which is something they certainly don't get most of the time.

One persons 'well balanced facts' is anothers 'negative anti phuket vibes' ?!?!

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One persons 'well balanced facts' is anothers 'negative anti phuket vibes' ?!?!
Yes, and the other way round as well, that is the problem with these kind of discussions. With completely different points of view there will never be agreement. I think it is important to understand that somebody else has a different point of view and to accept that point of view. Neither is right nor wrong, and that seems to be difficult concept to a lot of people here on both sides of the discussion. Edited by stevenl
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And just when I was defending your position...

As much as I like to poke fun at you being the most dangerous person to know, What with your friends dropping like flies one way or another. I actually enjoy discussing things with you. You at least follow the argument and argue for, your points and against mine, which is what a discussion is all about. It's quite obvious that I'm not referring to you when I talk about 'Wheels falling off'. Lets face it, most of the people I'm talking about that continually bash Phuket, don't even live here any more, or have Thai partners/families. They were unable to adapt and fit in to a different culture and have gone on their merry way. It's nothing but bitterness that fuels their posts. As for the others who do live here that constantly moan, I guess I just don't get how it helps any. As I have said before, moaning to strangers about every little thing that annoys me isn't something I choose to use TV for.

One persons 'well balanced facts' is anothers 'negative anti phuket vibes' ?!?!

That's just it. I'm not talking about 'One person' I'm looking at the bigger picture, the one that 'Thai Visa- Phuket forum' paints as a whole. It makes what is undoubtedly a fantastic place to live sound like hel_l on earth. How can that possible be accurate or helpful in any way. To use the example I used before. If for every 1 positive post there are 40 negative ones (probably a slight exaggeration) then this forum is implying that Phuket offers 40 times as many bad things as it does good, which all but the most bitter of ex residents will know is nonsense. Which means that this forum has become nothing but a place to spread anti-Phuket vibes, and when it's being fueled by people that have chosen to live here, have gone out of their way to be here, I find it a bit strange. But in your defense, as I have said before, you always back your arguments up, with follow on comments, and allow people to follow on from theirs, which most people don't. Most people suffer from stuck record syndrome.

Edit: Why the hel_l does the word hel_l get changed with an under score??

Edited by WOOHOO
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Woohoo, like many posters, needs to justify their decisions - anyone who so vehemently insists that Phuket is perfect have their own reasons for refusing to accept any criticism. They automatically associate this (understandably) with the known stereotypes of Thailand.

I haven't read a single post, in this thread or any other, where people are refusing to accept that there are any problems or negative aspects to living in Phuket.

As so often happens in these threads, people stop listening to peoples points and just keep throwing the same comment out, record player style.

As two posters have just said, the problem is when people assume, that just because the wheels have fallen off their Thai experience, they must have done so for everyone else as well, and then refuse point blank to believe them when they say otherwise. Then as if in an attempt to make themselves feel better, they try to spread the negative anti-Phuket vibes as far and wide as they can.

OK. To quote from a previous post you submitted on this topic -

"As for me taking care of myself and my family, you obviously missed the point where I said that I haven't had a single problem, living here on and off for 9 years, and you definitely chose not to read 'Logbags' post where he said the exact same, yet over a vastly longer time scale. Or maybe you did read them, but decided that we're way to naive to know the harsh realities that you know. (What is it with that rose tinted glasses nonsense anyway?) To be honest, if you were someone that mattered, I would be extremely insulted and angry that you implied that I would knowingly put my family in any undue danger. But you're not, so I'm not."

Perhaps its just me, but I read this as saying everything on Phuket is perfect.

Other posts show that you agree the tuk-tuk mafia is not good - but that seems to be the only thing that you think is a problem on Phuket.

Its v odd it that all the people I know who have been here for a few years have had all sorts of problems, whereas you have had none. Perhaps it because you live here "on and off" as opposed to those who live here full time?

Anyway, how dare anyone who doesn't live here full time tell those of us who do, to leave if we are rude enough to point out any problems.

As I've said frequently previously, everyone draws up their own list of the pro's and con's. There are so many good things about Phuket - weather, scenery etc. which is why many decide to stay despite the negatives. Others decide the negative aspects outweigh the positive and leave. Its a personal choice and I still find it hard to believe that others should insist they leave because they have the nerve to criticise certain aspects of life here.

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One persons 'well balanced facts' is anothers 'negative anti phuket vibes' ?!?!
Yes, and the other way round as well, that is the problem with these kind of discussions. With completely different points of view there will never be agreement. I think it is important to understand that somebody else has a different point of view and to accept that point of view. Neither is right nor wrong, and that seems to be difficult concept to a lot of people here on both sides of the discussion.

"I think it is important to understand that somebody else has a different point of view and to accept that point of view."

Fair enough, but not that 'important' enough to order other's about their points of view, eh?

"Don't think your perceptions to be some kind of absolute truth please"

Edited by billythehat
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OK. To quote from a previous post you submitted on this topic -

"As for me taking care of myself and my family, you obviously missed the point where I said that I haven't had a single problem, living here on and off for 9 years,

That's you, quoting me, quoting me. In the post that I was quoting, my exact words were "not a single problem worth talking about"

Perhaps its just me, but I read this as saying everything on Phuket is perfect.

No. That's me saying that I've never had a problem worth talking about.

Other posts show that you agree the tuk-tuk mafia is not good - but that seems to be the only thing that you think is a problem on Phuket.

No there's the appalling driving that winds me up on a daily basis and.............no I think that's it..........No wait there, there's those poxy whiners and moaners on Thai Visa.com

Its v odd it that all the people I know who have been here for a few years have had all sorts of problems, whereas you have had none. Perhaps it because you live here "on and off" as opposed to those who live here full time?

firstly, perhaps that says more about them than it does about either me or Phuket. Secondly, why don't you re-read my post, where I say that maybe living like a tourist for 8 months a year is maybe why I live so problem free. Instead of people who stand on the rooftop shouting " I live here full time, I've got rights, I want things to change blah blah blah" Perhaps it's leaving once in a while that makes me appreciate what this place gives me.

Anyway, how dare anyone who doesn't live here full time tell those of us who do, to leave if we are rude enough to point out any problems.

No one can tell you to leave! They simply ask why, if the problems are that bad, why wouldn't you leave. To which you reply 'well the problems aren't that bad', to which people reply, well why not stop moaning about them then? As I said in a previous post. It's a conveniently sized problem for you. Not big enough so that you actually need to do something about it, but not so small that you can move on and stop boring the pants off everybody else. Just the right size for a continual moan in the background of nearly every post on TV.

I still find it hard to believe that others should insist they leave

Don't worry yourself. I don't have that power yet. Anyway the green plate limo drivers are first to be banished. You're not even in the top ten.

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firstly, perhaps that says more about them than it does about either me or Phuket. Secondly, why don't you re-read my post, where I say that maybe living like a tourist for 8 months a year is maybe why I live so problem free. Instead of people who stand on the rooftop shouting " I live here full time, I've got rights, I want things to change blah blah blah" Perhaps it's leaving once in a while that makes me appreciate what this place gives me.

Ahh.. I must have missed that previously.. And is probably valid to perspective point.

I thought you had a child and family here full time..

Not that it matters.. Just does have an effect.

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OK. To quote from a previous post you submitted on this topic -

"As for me taking care of myself and my family, you obviously missed the point where I said that I haven't had a single problem, living here on and off for 9 years,

That's you, quoting me, quoting me. In the post that I was quoting, my exact words were "not a single problem worth talking about"

Perhaps its just me, but I read this as saying everything on Phuket is perfect.

No. That's me saying that I've never had a problem worth talking about.

Other posts show that you agree the tuk-tuk mafia is not good - but that seems to be the only thing that you think is a problem on Phuket.

No there's the appalling driving that winds me up on a daily basis and.............no I think that's it..........No wait there, there's those poxy whiners and moaners on Thai Visa.com

Its v odd it that all the people I know who have been here for a few years have had all sorts of problems, whereas you have had none. Perhaps it because you live here "on and off" as opposed to those who live here full time?

firstly, perhaps that says more about them than it does about either me or Phuket. Secondly, why don't you re-read my post, where I say that maybe living like a tourist for 8 months a year is maybe why I live so problem free. Instead of people who stand on the rooftop shouting " I live here full time, I've got rights, I want things to change blah blah blah" Perhaps it's leaving once in a while that makes me appreciate what this place gives me.

Anyway, how dare anyone who doesn't live here full time tell those of us who do, to leave if we are rude enough to point out any problems.

No one can tell you to leave! They simply ask why, if the problems are that bad, why wouldn't you leave. To which you reply 'well the problems aren't that bad', to which people reply, well why not stop moaning about them then? As I said in a previous post. It's a conveniently sized problem for you. Not big enough so that you actually need to do something about it, but not so small that you can move on and stop boring the pants off everybody else. Just the right size for a continual moan in the background of nearly every post on TV.

I still find it hard to believe that others should insist they leave

Don't worry yourself. I don't have that power yet. Anyway the green plate limo drivers are first to be banished. You're not even in the top ten.

Ummm no, I copied your post without editing it

OK! So apart from tuk-tuk drivers (that those of us who live here have nothing to do with), you've got a problem with the driving.

Apart from that, the only problem you have is with those of us who actually live here and have the nerve to talk about the realities that we have to deal with on a day-to day basis. :)

None of us who live here are "stand(ing) on the rooftop shouting " I live here full time, I've got rights, I want things to change blah blah blah". We know we have no rights and are just talking about (and generally laughing about) the realities of life in Thailand. As for your last point saying you wouldn't dream of telling people to leave because they point out the negatives - that is disingenuous in the extreme as you've posted it a few times - if you dare to post negative comments, just leave.

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