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General Warns Of Coup If Attacks On Prem Continue


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Yes the P.C. is NOT the Government ... They serve at the will of the Head of State. they can be removed at the will of the head of State. They are advisors.

Exactly right, hence the importance of not meddling in politics.The FEER interview is fascinating and it I'm afraid provides all the evidence needed that old soldiers should quietly fade away

You are entitled to your opinion, but I believe that the vast majority of people in Thailand would disagree with you. (note "I believe" makes the above MY opinion)

As for somluck --- I see that not only does he not understand the role of the P.C. but he just doesn't understand what he reads either. Someone that serves at the will of the Head of State cannot by nature be considered the "kingmaker" since it only takes a word to remove him.

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You might like to remember just one part of this puzzle; General Prem has been seen as a very very wise and genuine and humble guide for many years by a very very large percentage of the Thai population who love him and adore him.

I actually laughed out loud when I read this ludicrous comment.For that at least one should be grateful.

The slightly sad aspect is that before assuming the role of a Thai Petain, Prem once showed elements of statesmanship.

Oh and as for the "very very large percentage" of the Thai population who "love and adore" him,try taking a poll.

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Yes the P.C. is NOT the Government ... They serve at the will of the Head of State. they can be removed at the will of the head of State. They are advisors.

Exactly right, hence the importance of not meddling in politics.The FEER interview is fascinating and it I'm afraid provides all the evidence needed that old soldiers should quietly fade away

You are entitled to your opinion, but I believe that the vast majority of people in Thailand would disagree with you. (note "I believe" makes the above MY opinion)

As for somluck --- I see that not only does he not understand the role of the P.C. but he just doesn't understand what he reads either. Someone that serves at the will of the Head of State cannot by nature be considered the "kingmaker" since it only takes a word to remove him.

Everyone understands the role of the PC. Try doing a poll and see how many go with your thinking that Prem has not repeatedly meddled in politics.....

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Yes the P.C. is NOT the Government ... They serve at the will of the Head of State. they can be removed at the will of the head of State. They are advisors.

Exactly right, hence the importance of not meddling in politics.The FEER interview is fascinating and it I'm afraid provides all the evidence needed that old soldiers should quietly fade away

Prem is the defacto Kingmaker, Puppet master, invisible hand.....call it what you want. He pulls all the political strings in thailand. he needs realize thailand is going thru a revolution and change now politically. his methods of old of running things are outdated

Well K. Somluck, you make some strong statements: 'puppet master', 'invisible hand', etc.

Would you like to share some details, some rational specific proven facts, specific incidents etc. But don't bother if you just to write nasty verbal invective.

Look forward to it.

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Yes the P.C. is NOT the Government ... They serve at the will of the Head of State. they can be removed at the will of the head of State. They are advisors.

Exactly right, hence the importance of not meddling in politics.The FEER interview is fascinating and it I'm afraid provides all the evidence needed that old soldiers should quietly fade away

Prem is the defacto Kingmaker, Puppet master, invisible hand.....call it what you want. He pulls all the political strings in thailand. he needs realize thailand is going thru a revolution and change now politically. his methods of old of running things are outdated

Well K. Somluck, you make some strong statements: 'puppet master', 'invisible hand', etc.

Would you like to share some details, some rational specific proven facts, specific incidents etc. But don't bother if you just to write nasty verbal invective.

Look forward to it.

try this for starters


Prem is believed to have influenced the selection as his close aides, dubbed "Prem's sons", stand out in the NLA list.

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In an effort to get something out of this discussion – which I find fascinating – I have a list of questions:

Is General Boonlert in a position to comment on the army’s intentions ?

Is the position of privy councillor above criticism ?

Does criticism of privy councillor equate to criticism of higher institutions ?

Is it the army’s role to defend General Prem ?

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It is the opinion of many that it is possible to criticise Prem and not criticise anyone else. However, if you are criticising Prem when he is acting in an official capacity that becomes highly questionable. Look at the duties of the members of the P.C. and it becomes much clearer.

Yes the position of Privy Council member is above criticism.

Boonlert was speaking for Boonlert not the army. The warning was his opinion of the consequences of continued attacks on Prem.

Take a look at the desciption of the duties of the P.C. and answer for yourself whether the army has the duty to defend it.

Somluck --- the innuendo and suspicion in your quote isn't indicative of anything.

Edited by jdinasia
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I would say to the contrary that any General who in the present political climate attempts to stage another Coup had better have an excutive jet on standby because the whole country would errupt. There is also the loyalty of the rank and file to consider as the the largest recruiting areas for the Thai army are the North and Northeast. Also the difference this time is that the Generals are aware of the possibility that the Coup might fail and the Coup leaders would face trial or even worse.

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It is the opinion of many that it is possible to criticise Prem and not criticise anyone else. However, if you are criticising Prem when he is acting in an official capacity that becomes highly questionable. Look at the duties of the members of the P.C. and it becomes much clearer.

Yes the position of Privy Council member is above criticism.

Was he acting in his official or unofficial capacity when involved or at least complicit in an overthrow of the elected government by army officers.Please advise so we know whether one is able to criticise or not.

Facetiousness apart, your response simply underlines your cheerleader for reaction credentials.What is more the substance of your reply shows startling ignorance.Nobody is above criticism and we have that on the highest authority.

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It is the opinion of many that it is possible to criticise Prem and not criticise anyone else. However, if you are criticising Prem when he is acting in an official capacity that becomes highly questionable. Look at the duties of the members of the P.C. and it becomes much clearer.

Yes the position of Privy Council member is above criticism.

Was he acting in his official or unofficial capacity when involved or at least complicit in an overthrow of the elected government by army officers.Please advise so we know whether one is able to criticise or not.

Facetiousness apart, your response simply underlines your cheerleader for reaction credentials.What is more the substance of your reply shows startling ignorance.Nobody is above criticism and we have that on the highest authority.

:) ad hominem yet again :D

I suggest you reconsider what you have posted :D

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- Respect which is totally earned and is given freely and willingly, 'buramee'.

I'm pretty sure the respect for Gen Prem is still intact even though a few people with other nasty agendas have tried to move blame onto him. Nice and convenient if you can get the spin to make him look like the nasty man.

Andcheap tactics of the "nasty man" to try to turn the tides of fortune

in trying to smear the nobleness, he never ever could stand up to!

He envies his opponents of their dignity, cause he's has either never had any or lost it in the "battle"

for his "life savings" - what a cute from of belittling his amassed, highly likely ill gotten, vast fortunes!

He is the worst example of a bad upbringing and ill breeding!

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I tend to be a supporter of the red shirts, but Animatic has made some good points in one of the posts. I also fail to see the great fear in another coup, since basically the country is under the control of the military--to a greater or lesser extent.

What is essential is that at some point in the near future, the country return to some semblance of democracy and that includes elections. Right now, there is too much politicing and not enough attention to the core needs of a democratic society. If they have elections which are fair, then I don't really care too much who wins. They will have the mandate of the people and the country can begin to move forward.

Thailand never was a true Democracy and never will be.

Why all this fuss Military been running this contry 99%of the time.

The fuss is that these elites still wants to continue to suppress and exploit the poor Thais but Thaksin has awaken the poor Thais that they no longer have to be slaves or serfs to these people anymore.

Taksin and his boys are the elite in thailand... I hate to tell you that, they have done a great job creating the elitist boogeyman to demonize to the poor. As for the poor taksin knows that they are not smart enough to realize that they are being used to accomplish his personal goals.Do you actualy think that taksin is going to raise them from poverty, I would love to hear how that would be accomplished? maybe a 10x price increase in the items they produce,

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<br />I would say to the contrary that any General who in the present political climate attempts to stage another Coup had better have an excutive jet on standby because the whole country would errupt. There is also the loyalty of the rank and file to consider as the the largest recruiting areas for the Thai army are the North and Northeast. Also the difference this time is that the Generals are aware of the possibility that the Coup might fail and the Coup leaders would face trial or even worse.<br />
<br /><br /><br />

A successful coup is okay and an unsuccessful one, the members faces death? High stakes games

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There will be no coup. The media have nothing better to do...

Coup was to overthorw the thaksin related government and install their own pretty boy puppet Mark as PM. Now that they are in control why would there be another coup? Unless mark is not toeing the line as doing as he is being told

But Mark just crossed wires with the military brass last week over the bomb detectors. I think that's all the military sen-yai (Big Noodles) need to throw a coup party.... :) Doesn't take much here.

Edited by toptuan
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  • 5 months later...
It is the opinion of many that it is possible to criticise Prem and not criticise anyone else. However, if you are criticising Prem when he is acting in an official capacity that becomes highly questionable. Look at the duties of the members of the P.C. and it becomes much clearer.

Yes the position of Privy Council member is above criticism.

Was he acting in his official or unofficial capacity when involved or at least complicit in an overthrow of the elected government by army officers.Please advise so we know whether one is able to criticise or not.

Facetiousness apart, your response simply underlines your cheerleader for reaction credentials.What is more the substance of your reply shows startling ignorance.Nobody is above criticism and we have that on the highest authority.

:) ad hominem yet again :D

I suggest you reconsider what you have posted :D

i found something interesting online and remembered this earlier thread. a transcript of an interview with Yanaphon Youngyuen, Deputy Director-General, Department of Special Investigation speaking about the creation of a special taskforce investigating threats against the monarchy.


YY: ...actions are more than just 'insulting the monarchy' but also 'undermining national security'. But we just make it easy to understand just by saying 'insulting the monarchy'.

AS: But this law covers…

YY: Only to the heir.

AS: So it covers the king, the queen, and the crown prince.

YY: Yes.

AS: That's all. It doesn't cover the Privy Council?

YY: Correct.

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Please document anything that leads you to believe that Prem is acting as anything but an advisor to the crown.

anything? or will this be another question you just don't answer?

When did you last see him wai someone else?

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Good to see someone actually come out and tell it as it is, nothing new here but to hear it from someone that actually knows, I also think the message here is that if the current government doesn't do something about this shamefull behavior the army will

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Please document anything that leads you to believe that Prem is acting as anything but an advisor to the crown.

anything? or will this be another question you just don't answer?

When did you last see him wai someone else?

It can be construed that Kuhn Prem as head of the privy council is 1st amongst royal advisers,

so being in such a high and trusted position, insulting him can be seen as insulting those that

respect him enough to have him in such a position. A not unreasonable position to take.

It also could be construed as 'insulting as high as they dare', and yet in reality 'they dare too high'.

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Please document anything that leads you to believe that Prem is acting as anything but an advisor to the crown.

anything? or will this be another question you just don't answer?

When did you last see him wai someone else?

It can be construed that Kuhn Prem as head of the privy council is 1st amongst royal advisers,

so being in such a high and trusted position, insulting him can be seen as insulting those that

respect him enough to have him in such a position. A not unreasonable position to take.

It also could be construed as 'insulting as high as they dare', and yet in reality 'they dare too high'.

...what ?

i think it is fair to say that insulting someone in g. prem's position is poor form. at the same time, you can't be banged up for 15 years if you do. there is no law to support the notion as k. youngyuen states. for the army to come out and threaten a coup d'etat in support of prem in defiance of this law, should be seen for what it is.

btw, general boonlert quoted at the outset did not use the word 'insult' as a reason to overthrow a government. instead he said that simply 'attacking' g. prem is enough to stage a military putsch. i figure there to be a difference. if he plays a political role, he should accept political outcomes.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I tend to be a supporter of the red shirts, but Animatic has made some good points in one of the posts. I also fail to see the great fear in another coup, since basically the country is under the control of the military--to a greater or lesser extent.

What is essential is that at some point in the near future, the country return to some semblance of democracy and that includes elections. Right now, there is too much politicing and not enough attention to the core needs of a democratic society. If they have elections which are fair, then I don't really care too much who wins. They will have the mandate of the people and the country can begin to move forward.

I think maybe you've been sleeping. The country is moving forward. PM Abhisit is gaining more and support all the time, and he's getting stronger and tougher and demanding accountability.

And maybe you missed the several recent economic indicators which show the economy is in fact not too bad and continuing to improve.

and maybe you missed that taxation receipts are massively above forecasts, a very good indicator that the economy is alive and well.

And maybe you missed that K. Korn, the economics / finance man, recently won two highly credible international awards for his policies and implementation which ensured that Thailand suffered minimal negative impact from the global economic crisis.

And maybe you missed that Korn and Abhisit have announced their intent and implementation steps to move Thailand closer to a welfare society and at the same time introduce overriding broad policy guidelines which will gain a better share of the wealth for all Thais.

And maybe you missed that PM Abhisit is getting much tougher with Suthep.

And maybe you missed that PM Abhisit is not a taking thug hard line attitude and at the same time is stresssing respect for the law and handling disputes etc., through proper judicial process.

And maybe you kissed the announcement about further more specific steps towards education reform, guided by a broad committe rather than by 'professional' beurocrats.

And maybe you missed that finance man Korn got and is still getting very tough with Thai International, even walking out of a meeting where the board were supposed to present a new finance and business plan. He was so annoyed he stopped the meeting and told them it was rubbish and to do it again. Unheard of in the past.

And maybe you mised that PM Abhisit (against the wishes of suthep) stood his ground and refused to budge on the pretty strong attempts of suthep and the coalition partners to take the constitutional half a step backwards, making is easier for vote buying etc. He stood his ground and he won, pretty brave stuff.

And maybe you missed that PM Abhisit demanded that several democrat and coalition partners in ministerial positions resign over collusion and graft matters, and publically told them they were no longer wanted. And publicall told all ministers etc., that they must abide by his code of ethics or else, pretty brave and unheard of in the past for a PM to talk that way to coalition members, good stuff.

And maybe you missed the recent 'friendly' the Pm had with journalists who were told to ask anything, and they did ... it's called respect for freedom of speech. It's also called two-way discussion with the PM listening.

Is it a perfect picture? No of course not, far from it. But given the minefield he walked into I think he's doing pretty good.

On the other hand, would you want to see:

- Chalerm as PM (throws tantrums if he doesn't get his way - he's entitled to be PM! More blatant open nepotism, back to one way discussion. When the Chinese milk scadal broke he was the HEalth Minister. His rsponse - don't say anything, we don't want to upset our Chinese business partners. Never mind about the health of Thai children, in fact he did nothing.) )

- Jatuporn as finance minister (has told numerous blatant lies in parliament and has no hesitation to do so. Surely blatant attempts to mislead parliament should be a serious crime or at least he should be so shamed that he can't continue. Scaly / murky past. Good at counting slush funds.)

- Chavalit as the 'king maker' (forgets what day it is, runs off to Cambodia to stir up hatred against Thailand from hun sen. Supports sae daeng one day them openly distances himself from the thug general the next day.)

- Sae daeng as minister for defence. (If Thailand runs out of weapons or ammunition don't worry he has his own personal large stockpile. How well do you think he would develop defence policy and respond to military situations? Frightening)

- Arisman as the Interior Minister, again frightening. Was the leader of the red shirts who dragged the driver from the PMs car in Pattaya and severly beat him up. Has been encouraging rural people to come to BKK with bottles of gasoline.

- The son of 'the man' as minister for small business (had numerous quick failures so he's ready for the job and he knows 'the fix'. Just ask daddy to fund another failure.)

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