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Courts Of Justice Deny US$150 Million Bribe Offer To Influence Verdict On Thaksin Assets


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"a New Politics Party spokesman claimed that there was talk among some judges"

After such an assertion, it's impossible for the judges to work fairly. If they are kind, just a little bit kind with Thaksin, they'll be accused to have received money. Due to this yellow guy, now the verdict cannot be something else than the strongest severity against Thaksin. It's maybe what he deserves, this is not the question here. The question is that, one more time, the yellows manipulate the country and dictate their law.

Well, of course, in a perfect world the judges would render a verdict according to the law, uninterested in any false accusations. Indeed, that is how the courts always claim to act. Any suggestion otherwise is contempt of court, which I gather can be met with serious punishment. We rarely hear about people being arrested for it -- it's a bit like lese majeste that way.

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Well, there was the loaded box of doughnuts before.... But that was just a misunderstanding... The money got put into the doughnuts box by mistake before it was delivered to the court... :)

And up to that point he'd always expressed his complete confidence in the courts too.

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If it was my 76.6 billion I would offer more then 6%!!!!!!!

yes I would offer half of it.....

lol...with that mindstate, no wonder you DON'T have that much money!

Good idea. Because he was too tight with his bribe now Mr. T won’t have that money either. 55555

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Not surprised. A desperate man.

Oh please, the desperate man is Abhisit!

It's easier for those in power and barely holding on to make such false accusations.

Do you seriously think someone with Thaksin's connections would do it with such lack of discretion.

The Democrats attempts to arrest the guy has proven what lame ducks they are....the international community and interpol are just ignoring their "requests"....all foreign investors (not expats living in thailand and playing politics they have no vote in) just want the mess to go away so everyone (thais, foreign investors) can go on with life and have Thailand be the fast grower in SE Asia once again.

The idiots that started the Thaksin coup destroyed that growth and everyone from the average Thai to foreginer corps to foreigners with litigimate (and even illegitimate) investments in Siam have been hurt......the man's politics were populist and maybe it wasn't good for the country in the long long term, but all was going well for everyone until that coup....give it ten years and the moronic leaders of the coup and the yellow shirts will be seen for what they are....the corrupt old guard that tried to hold on to power when the corrupt new guard that wanted to move to free markets threatened them.

Just let it all go away and let the country move on....all these stupid court trials are politicized and will just keep the Thai economy in crap city.

hmmmmm I seem to remember (under Thaksin) some seriously stupid restrictions placed on foreign investment monies coming into Thailand (due, supposedly to baht manipulation) which was quickly changed when the Thai stock exchange dropped by 16% overnight. I also think you need to factor in that Thailand (and Thaksin) were riding the world economic boom at the time and Thaksin's government happened to be ousted prior to the world’s financial market crash which affected just about every country on the planet. Thus I think it a little unfair to lay all the blame for Thailand’s current economic woes at the doorstep of the current government. The airport sit-in, can however be laid at their doorstep and certainly had a negative effect on the worsening Thai economy at the time. This of course is purely my own perspective and just a different one.

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He affirmed that to date no judges have reported attempted bribe offers.

I dont think i would report the bribe either if i was a judge...

Actually a judge should report if anyone made a bribery attempt to buy influence so that it can be investigated and prosecuted. Of course, if the judge accepted the bribe, then you are right; you wouldn't report it.

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"a New Politics Party spokesman claimed that there was talk among some judges"

After such an assertion, it's impossible for the judges to work fairly. If they are kind, just a little bit kind with Thaksin, they'll be accused to have received money. Due to this yellow guy, now the verdict cannot be something else than the strongest severity against Thaksin. It's maybe what he deserves, this is not the question here. The question is that, one more time, the yellows manipulate the country and dictate their law.

This allegation of alleged bribery has only served to make the court's job impossible. If their judgment is perceived to be lenient, Mr Thaksin's opponents will claim that it was he who influenced the judges. On the otherhand, if all of his assets are seized the Red Shirt movemet will see this as clear evidence of bias against Thaksin. Either way, the country loses.

The tricky job for the court is to come up with a judgment that asserts its independence and demonstrates its impartiality.The usual devices for achieving this are either to claim that they do not have jurisdiction to decide the case or to refer a question of law to a higher court. Either way the country loses again.

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Not surprised. A desperate man.

Oh please, the desperate man is Abhisit!

It's easier for those in power and barely holding on to make such false accusations.

Do you seriously think someone with Thaksin's connections would do it with such lack of discretion.

The Democrats attempts to arrest the guy has proven what lame ducks they are....the international community and interpol are just ignoring their "requests"....all foreign investors (not expats living in thailand and playing politics they have no vote in) just want the mess to go away so everyone (thais, foreign investors) can go on with life and have Thailand be the fast grower in SE Asia once again.

The idiots that started the Thaksin coup destroyed that growth and everyone from the average Thai to foreginer corps to foreigners with litigimate (and even illegitimate) investments in Siam have been hurt......the man's politics were populist and maybe it wasn't good for the country in the long long term, but all was going well for everyone until that coup....give it ten years and the moronic leaders of the coup and the yellow shirts will be seen for what they are....the corrupt old guard that tried to hold on to power when the corrupt new guard that wanted to move to free markets threatened them.

Just let it all go away and let the country move on....all these stupid court trials are politicized and will just keep the Thai economy in crap city.

So true and so obvious.

Thailand now is far more corrupted, more violent and less free than before. Even the Nation writes it.

Plus, since 2 years, the elites act to make the war unavoidable with Cambodia. Before 2006, the Thai governments (even Chuan L) wanted peace.

What a progress!

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Wow, this is frenetic.

Speaking from a perspective that sees a clear political divide, I am prone to attribute information to one side of this divide or the other.

I like the word "Amartayatipatai". It is a long word and probably misspelled. For brevity sake, I will just use "Amarta".. As many of you know, this descriptor represents one side of this political divide, namely the aristocratic and elite, all their friends including the PAD/NPP, the current Govt and most importantly, the domestic media.

The "Amarta...." have been working for weeks now to discredit their political opponents by characterizing them as being devoid of any Political substance, other than the Thaksin money thing. They certainly wouldn't want to attribute any intent dealing with returning electoral based democracy. That is the worst of all for them.

A speaker on the UDD stage recently indicated that in their opinion, the "Amarta..." has hijacked the media and the judicial system.

First the media.....when one reads the blitz of articles connecting all protests to one, narrow and discrediting aspect, one can see some truth in that "hijacking" characterization. Everything from deceitful amendments, non-existent bribes to judges, interviews with PAD officials and even the previous Coup leader, the Prem context, etc. They are reaching a crescendo and fever pitch this week.........all from the "Amarta...." and all one-sided

I can understand why. This financial thing is a God-send that can be used for discreditting purposes, and it will be over soon.

It doesn't help them however, that the UDD has no plans for any great protest push until March at the earliest (as per announcement last night). The "Amarta..." pushed the notion that their political opposites would do all kinds of dire things before court decisions. When this is not happening, they left themselves a little 'wiggle room' however, by also alluding to possible protests after court decisions in order to maintain their 'demeaning connectivity characterization'. In their opinion, they need to fabricate an ongoing capability to connect,re-direct and discredit the Democracy Movement intentions.

What about the other so-called "hijacking" the judicial one, or the judicial coup as the UDD/DAAD calls it. The notion is deeply ingrained in the democracy Movement that the "Amarta...." is controlling the judiciary. They will give you a litany of judicial actions that support their perspective. In fact, this female dominated Democracy Movement has as one of their basic slogans, "No justice, no peace". That slogan is everywhere with them. On clothing, on signs, flags...everything.

This is unfortunate. One would like to think that all other politics may be crazy, but at least some sanity remains in the judicial system. They dont believe there is any.

I noted last week that the previous coup leader....Soonthi....or something. Can't recall his name. He again tried to justify the coup.

I think the coup has become a minor footnote in history. The outcome is the enduring one, that being the awakening of the silent majority. Before the coup, there was not a Red Shirt democracy Movement. Now there is, and the 'Amarta...' are having a hel_l-of-a-time getting that genie back into the bottle. In fact, they will not be able to. They may have all the structural and financial power, but in terms of citizenry numbers, they are just a minority. Some would call the current situation a "tyranny of the minority".

Anyway, I am following with amusement the crescendo of "Amarta...." frenzy this week. They are feeling the squeeze, and are resisting with all their might.

(Complicity and 47 Rai)

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If Thaksin was smart he would take (or announce that) all the money in question would be given to the people of Thailand for the construction of new schools and hospitals. He is probably going to lose it all anyways why not let it fall were it is needed not in to the pockets of the corrupt. It is his only chance to regain some Karma from all the wicked deeds he has done. Last chance for redemption.

He has had plenty of opportunities in the past to do humanitarian projects. Not in his make up.

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Some interesting reports from outside the country. These two from NPR and The Times are well worth a read imho. They take a different line from a lot of internal reporting:



The Times quotes analysts who see no violence even if all the assets are seized although for different reasons. The NPR one includes arguement that even if all the money is taken the UDD will not disappear and this will be a shock to some of his opponents. It seems the PAD agree with this assessment too.


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Not surprised. A desperate man.

Oh please, the desperate man is Abhisit!

It's easier for those in power and barely holding on to make such false accusations.

Do you seriously think someone with Thaksin's connections would do it with such lack of discretion.

The Democrats attempts to arrest the guy has proven what lame ducks they are....the international community and interpol are just ignoring their "requests"....all foreign investors (not expats living in thailand and playing politics they have no vote in) just want the mess to go away so everyone (thais, foreign investors) can go on with life and have Thailand be the fast grower in SE Asia once again.

The idiots that started the Thaksin coup destroyed that growth and everyone from the average Thai to foreginer corps to foreigners with litigimate (and even illegitimate) investments in Siam have been hurt......the man's politics were populist and maybe it wasn't good for the country in the long long term, but all was going well for everyone until that coup....give it ten years and the moronic leaders of the coup and the yellow shirts will be seen for what they are....the corrupt old guard that tried to hold on to power when the corrupt new guard that wanted to move to free markets threatened them.

Just let it all go away and let the country move on....all these stupid court trials are politicized and will just keep the Thai economy in crap city.

And how much is Thaksin paying people to make these supportive posts that actually have no basis in reality? If you are going to lose so much of your ill-acquired wealth, then paying small amounts to people with a good command of English to post supportive comments here and on other boards is just part of the strategy, eh?

Exhibit A: A spade :)

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Thaksin stated in an interview with an American journalist a few months ago that he was down to his last $100 million.....

Amazing how far this money goes, what with funding the Red shirts and now this sizable bribe.... 5555555

He told several 100 Million of USD and than 100 Million....basically he didn't say anything.

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Left or right, yellow or red.

It really does not matter. Fact is this country has been halted in its ecomomic growth by both international influences but mainly through its own doing. The PM is a marrionet so has no real power and the ousted one was corrupt (lets have a look at the currents financial books?)

The country is one of the more corrupt in the world (so many other are), so why do we bother. Let them fight their own battles, and we will enjoy that why we always go there in the first place

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Not surprised. A desperate man.

Oh please, the desperate man is Abhisit!

It's easier for those in power and barely holding on to make such false accusations.

Do you seriously think someone with Thaksin's connections would do it with such lack of discretion.

The Democrats attempts to arrest the guy has proven what lame ducks they are....the international community and interpol are just ignoring their "requests"....all foreign investors (not expats living in thailand and playing politics they have no vote in) just want the mess to go away so everyone (thais, foreign investors) can go on with life and have Thailand be the fast grower in SE Asia once again.

The idiots that started the Thaksin coup destroyed that growth and everyone from the average Thai to foreginer corps to foreigners with litigimate (and even illegitimate) investments in Siam have been hurt......the man's politics were populist and maybe it wasn't good for the country in the long long term, but all was going well for everyone until that coup....give it ten years and the moronic leaders of the coup and the yellow shirts will be seen for what they are....the corrupt old guard that tried to hold on to power when the corrupt new guard that wanted to move to free markets threatened them.

Just let it all go away and let the country move on....all these stupid court trials are politicized and will just keep the Thai economy in crap city.

And how much is Thaksin paying people to make these supportive posts that actually have no basis in reality? If you are going to lose so much of your ill-acquired wealth, then paying small amounts to people with a good command of English to post supportive comments here and on other boards is just part of the strategy, eh?

There was once company in Hongkong which did that. Definitely they are also doing it in German language. In some Austrian newspaper it was detected...almost 100 % sure.

Only problem is that these people don't know much about Thailand, they have only their script and make sometimes terrible mistakes. Loaded full of political facts and knowlege....but don't know that Sondhi (PAD) and Sonthi (Coup leader) are two different person......

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The money (1 Billion Baht each) would undoubtedly be untraceable, to influence the majority of judges (5 out of 9) to vote favoring Taksin. The judges would likely have the money deposited to his son or daughter or Mia-noi's bank account. The Judges would probably be very greatful when when their son or daughter received all that money. Is it possible that those Judges may actually keep his money and vote in a proper way (Similar to some of my wife's family who took Taksins 100-500 baht to vote for Taksin but voted for their real choice instead).................. Let's hope so......................

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There was once company in Hongkong which did that. Definitely they are also doing it in German language. In some Austrian newspaper it was detected...almost 100 % sure.

Only problem is that these people don't know much about Thailand, they have only their script and make sometimes terrible mistakes. Loaded full of political facts and knowlege....but don't know that Sondhi (PAD) and Sonthi (Coup leader) are two different person......

Finally, some common sense on the forum! :)

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Who is offering the Alleged bribe, Red or yellow?

You beat me to it. I have the same question. Was it Sondhi paying to get the Funds frozen? [like he helped pay to get his crony, buddy, friend (in those days) Thaksin into power]

At the end of the day does it really matter? The "Government" is in power no matter what colour they are!

In 20 years it will all be a memory not reported correctly in school text books (if they're printed in Japan)!

60 cents solves the problem forever, the British army had the right people in Nth Ireland, hire one of them??

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Oh please, the desperate man is Abhisit!

It's easier for those in power and barely holding on to make such false accusations.

Do you seriously think someone with Thaksin's connections would do it with such lack of discretion.

That's already proven when Thaksin's lawyers were caught offering a bribe for in the cake box; widely documented everywhere.

In addition, there are those who allege bribes were paid for some of the following:

- getting daughters into Kaset and Chula when neither had the grades to make entrance

- getting son to avoid being prosecuted and getting media to keep quiet when son was caught cheating at Ram U

- using financial incentives to influence decisions in the cases of TPI, Phayathai Hospital both of which have subsequently ended up in TRT proxy hands

- using TRT funds to encourage small no name parties to stand in the null 2006 election (proven in court)

The list is endless.

add to list ...

he tried, and failed, to get his academy police school mates promoted

he DID succeed in putting his financial backer and crony friend's people in high postitions, including the Top bank post, to forgive his Pal's billons in loans, can't quite remember his name,, was it Sonthi or, wait a minute Sondhi..

Thaksin, and THOSE in league with him are scoundrels for sure

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If anyone's so inclined, I'm more than happy to be bribed... Just PM me for instructions on where to send the money...

But... don't expect any leniency in corruptions cases... If there's one thing I can't stand...it's corruption!!!!

You see, I'm trying to adopt the local outlook on such matters...

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