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Partner Keeps On Receiving Calls From An Unknown Man


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Mods stop me!...

Mods didn't stop you,or you publish the number which many members advised you already or I will have to call you a troll.

Edit: sorry didn't look at your profike first.

Edited by basjke
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Mods stop me!...

Mods didn't stop you,or you publish the number which many members advised you already or I will have to call you a troll.

Edit: sorry didn't look at your profike first.

Remove left foot, replace with right foot. :) Peace brother :D

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a few calls from the UK at 2am 3am 4am 5am showing 'private number' ..... only costs me 1pence a minute :)

people lke this are <deleted>, they don't realise or don't care how much distress they are causing

Edited by bifftastic
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It may not always be who it seems to be.

Several months back I was sitting in a club with my girlfriend, we were snuggled up to each other most of the evening and it was obvious we were happy together. She went to the toilet and received a phone call but she could barely hear the call for the loud music in the background on his phone.

About 1 a.m. as we arrived home, the phone rang. Some 'Farang' guy on the other end and he starts talking to her about a room. After she told him she did not know about any room she hung up. He phoned back again a bit later and started telling her how beautiful she is and that he wanted her. She told him in no uncertain terms she has a boyfriend and hung up.

We deduced later that the same music was playing in the club as the background music on the initial phone call. Coupled with the fact he phoned her while she was in the toilet led us to believe he was in the club at the same time and watching her.

This man continued to phone her even after she kept giving me the phone to talk to him. At one point he told me to <deleted> Off and to put her back on the phone !!

Her number is known to very few people and only to one lady friend who was in the club that night when the original call came through. It was obvious to us who gave the number out, but not obvious why as we had been together several months by that time and happy. Of course, the woman in question denied giving out the number and we could not prove it was her.

After several days of phone calls where he started to tell her the same things about how beautiful she is and wanting to meet her all subsequent calls were ignored by her so he started using a different number and phoning at different times of day and night. When that number was ignored or only answered by me when the number was not recognised he'd hang up quick but used yet another number. This went on for quite a few weeks but there was nothing we could do about it with regards to finding him or tracing him as the numbers were PAYG and untraceable.

All in all it took nearly seven weeks for this idiot to stop calling her. At the time, I wish I had known who it was because I really wanted to rip this guys head off for all the trauma he was putting her through. Also we presume he knew my face as she and I were in the club together and even after arranging one meeting he failed to turn up or knew I was there and did not show himself.

What can you do with no actual proof? Very little. Change the number? Yes but that can be inconvenient too as you have stated.

Ignoring all the calls seems the best way as they tire eventually and move on to the next target. Though in the meantime that does not stop your wife worrying about if he knows where you live and if he will come calling in person.

good luck with this.

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put an ad in the adult section of craiglist with the number and a really sexy girl's body (not her face)

soon he will be fed up with all the punters calling asking for sex and it will turn it around on him

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I've had similar experiences with a Thai woman phoning my number in the UK (god knows how they got my number), saying my wife was being unfaithful. I came to Thailand, met my wife in BKK, and phoned this biatch a day or so later. This mystery woman, who never gave her name, continued to say she'd seen my wife with the Thai man in question that very day. Utter cr@p. I let my wife have a few choice words with her at this point.

I went to the BIB out here, with a record of all calls and texts sent to me, stored in the phone. They did nothing. Well, they took a statement. We had a phone number ect. but they could'nt (be bothered to) do anything.

The calls have stopped, although I do have friends phoning the number at about 7-8pm UK time, about 3-4am LOS time.

Prank calling is a nasty, vindictive activity, but ignoring it is probably all you can do if you can't change your phone number.

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Been said before . Change the sim card & Viola that arse hole is out of the picture. Not saying a new one won't fill the void but it is amazing how easy you can get rid of a reoccurring hemorrhoid on the phone.

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She's obviously starting to get very worried about this man, she's told him several times that she has a partner

I don't think most Thai gf's understand the word "partner" let alone use it conversationally ?? so I say....... SPAM !!

BTW, Anytime, I hear a bloke talking about their "partner" I assume he is gay..

Edited by William Osborne
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She's obviously starting to get very worried about this man, she's told him several times that she has a partner

I don't think most Thai gf's understand the word "partner" let alone use it conversationally ?? so I say....... SPAM !!

BTW, Anytime, I hear a bloke talking about their "partner" I assume he is gay..

My partner understands the word partner.

SPAM is unsolicited email.

This bloke(me) has a partner, not a girlfriend, not a wife.

Go and find 'SPAM' elswhere please.

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put an ad in the adult section of craiglist with the number and a really sexy girl's body (not her face)

soon he will be fed up with all the punters calling asking for sex and it will turn it around on him

The best idea so far, an ad is being created right now :)

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She's obviously starting to get very worried about this man, she's told him several times that she has a partner

I don't think most Thai gf's understand the word "partner" let alone use it conversationally ?? so I say....... SPAM !!

BTW, Anytime, I hear a bloke talking about their "partner" I assume he is gay..

Ohh dear, depending on the situation, I sometimes use the word 'partner' instead of 'girlfriend' and Im not married, so I can't use the word 'wife'. Ohh well, I guess I'm gay now :) . My biggest worry is, how on earth am I going to tell my girlfriend aka my partner the bad news.

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a few calls from the UK at 2am 3am 4am 5am showing 'private number' ..... only costs me 1pence a minute :)

people lke this are <deleted>, they don't realise or don't care how much distress they are causing

Thanks very much, we both really appreciate it :D

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We had the same problem so we went to the police and filed a case of defamation, ok stretching a point but there were sms messages as well, the police called the perpetrator, and the calls stopped - worth a try.

Here in Thailand? Are you friends of the policeman who called him? What did the policeman say to him?

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Go and find 'SPAM' elswhere please.

Someone is calling your Gfs cell phone... Why can't she change the SIM card ????? Send a message to all her contacts informing them of her new number ???

Please help me understand what is so difficult about this solution ??

William, You are being obnoxious again & theres really no need for it.

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Go and find 'SPAM' elswhere please.

Someone is calling your Gfs cell phone... Why can't she change the SIM card ????? Send a message to all her contacts informing them of her new number ???

Please help me understand what is so difficult about this solution ??

You obviously need it explained to you, I suppose it is hard to read through a thread before jumping on it...

It's not just the calls we want to stop, we want the whole thing to stop, we can change numbers, but that won't stop him trying, if, as we expectm, it is the hospital man(refer to earlier in thread)

Please read thread, if you still don't understand it please go and find a thread you have some understanding of.

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put an ad in the adult section of craiglist with the number and a really sexy girl's body (not her face)

soon he will be fed up with all the punters calling asking for sex and it will turn it around on him

I have just signed up for a craioglist acc, got to the posting stage and saw this 'Please do not post phone numbers, email addresses, or URLs in personals ads!'

Before this there was lots of warnings about doing such a thing, should I take them seriously?

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Go and find 'SPAM' elswhere please.

Someone is calling your Gfs cell phone... Why can't she change the SIM card ????? Send a message to all her contacts informing them of her new number ???

Please help me understand what is so difficult about this solution ??

You obviously need it explained to you, I suppose it is hard to read through a thread before jumping on it...

It's not just the calls we want to stop, we want the whole thing to stop, we can change numbers, but that won't stop him trying, if, as we expectm, it is the hospital man(refer to earlier in thread)

Please read thread, if you still don't understand it please go and find a thread you have some understanding of.

Well... your subject is mis-leading, you say she is getting calls from an unknown man and then a few threads later you say its some chap from the local mental hospital where your wife was an in patient...

Sorry, I'm just finding it hard to read between the lines here...

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Go and find 'SPAM' elswhere please.

Someone is calling your Gfs cell phone... Why can't she change the SIM card ????? Send a message to all her contacts informing them of her new number ???

Please help me understand what is so difficult about this solution ??

You obviously need it explained to you, I suppose it is hard to read through a thread before jumping on it...

It's not just the calls we want to stop, we want the whole thing to stop, we can change numbers, but that won't stop him trying, if, as we expectm, it is the hospital man(refer to earlier in thread)

Please read thread, if you still don't understand it please go and find a thread you have some understanding of.

Well... your subject is mis-leading, you say she is getting calls from an unknown man and then a few threads later you say its some chap from the local mental hospital where your wife was an in patient...

Sorry, I'm just finding it hard to read between the lines here...

Mental hospital?.. you still haven't read the thread properly have you, it's all in there...

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Yes. My better half had similar calls some time back, it was easy to deal with, she just stopped answering his calls, he tried a different number so we saved that and stop answer those calls too. Guess what? It stopped.

This is by far, the most sensible, logical & cost effective answer to your problem.

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Yes. My better half had similar calls some time back, it was easy to deal with, she just stopped answering his calls, he tried a different number so we saved that and stop answer those calls too. Guess what? It stopped.

This is by far, the most sensible, logical & cost effective answer to your problem.

Sensible, logical & cost effective but not convenient. As I've explained before, the hospital(amongst others) will need her phone no. updating and IF it is the man from the hospital he'll just get her new number again.

I'm trying all other ways to stop this without the need to change the number.

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Mental hospital...

maybe she is making it all up as a way of seeking attention from you ?? this could be the case especially as she has a history of mental illness..... have you actually witnessed the calls yourself or does he only call when you are not there... :) maybe you need to sit down and talk to her... good luck !

Edited by William Osborne
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Maidong, Your not reading what elkangorito quoted, are you?

oops, nope, misunderstood, it happens!! :)

Anyhow, she did ignore them, but then the filthy messages started to come and it was disturbing for her, he was telling her he's got a bigger dick than me and that once he'd given her a good lick she'd forget all about me! HAHAHA mental.

So, after nearly a month of ingoring the calls he still hadn't stopped so she started giving the phone to me to answer but he hangs up every time.

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