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When my nose is blocked or running for any reason I like to get a tissue and give it a good blow.

When I do this my wife looks horrified and normally gives me a "look" or a telling off... especially when in public, I normally have a running nose in a restaurant due to the Chilli....

So... is blowing your nose considered impolite in Thailand, and if so, what should I do...? Wiping your nose often makes things worse... and sniffing it up makes an awful noise...

totster :o

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I have the same problem when I eat spicey food. I've tried the old wipe number too but like you say, it just makes it worse. What's worse than that is the little tissues you get at some Thai resturants. Makes it a bit messy. Speaking of politeness, why is it that the Thai's cover their mouths when picking their teeth but pick their noses openly? :o


A little bit of Google revealed ("blow nose thailand") this site:-


"When eating, it is considered very rude to blow your nose or to lick you fingers."

And a number of others suggesting that it is indeed frowned upon in public.

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"

A little bit of Google revealed ("blow nose thailand") this site:-


"When eating, it is considered very rude to blow your nose or to lick you fingers."

And a number of others suggesting that it is indeed frowned upon in public.

Ok... we've established it's impolite (kinda gathered that from wifes reaction) ... so how does one go about clearing the nose.... the alternatives aren't really appealing to me.. :o

With regards to the link Crossy.... I know about the do's and don'ts in Thailand, but even they are open to interpretation with regards to each individual situation.... just see the two threads in this section and Farang Pub section relating to Thai's touching... ...and yet the Thai Etiquette says" Avoid touching Thai people, it is too intimate a gesture and an invasion of personal space."

totster :D

Ps Crossy - seems like you come from just down the road from me...! :D

A little bit of Google revealed ("blow nose thailand") this site:-


"When eating, it is considered very rude to blow your nose or to lick you fingers."

And a number of others suggesting that it is indeed frowned upon in public.

Then I bet it would be extra rude to blow your nose and then lick your fingers! :D

But ok to pick your nose and eat the reward...!! :D Seen that :o

totster :D

A little bit of Google revealed ("blow nose thailand") this site:-


"When eating, it is considered very rude to blow your nose or to lick you fingers."

And a number of others suggesting that it is indeed frowned upon in public.

Then I bet it would be extra rude to blow your nose and then lick your fingers! :D

But ok to pick your nose and eat the reward...!! :D Seen that :o

totster :D

mmmmm.....nasal oysters...aroi mak mak :D

A little bit of Google revealed ("blow nose thailand") this site:-


"When eating, it is considered very rude to blow your nose or to lick you fingers."

And a number of others suggesting that it is indeed frowned upon in public.

Then I bet it would be extra rude to blow your nose and then lick your fingers! :D

But ok to pick your nose and eat the reward...!! :D Seen that :D

totster :D

mmmmm.....nasal oysters...aroi mak mak :D

Not after you've just walked down Lad Phrao during rush hour... so I've been told.. :o:D

totster :D

A little bit of Google revealed ("blow nose thailand") this site:-


"When eating, it is considered very rude to blow your nose or to lick you fingers."

And a number of others suggesting that it is indeed frowned upon in public.

Then I bet it would be extra rude to blow your nose and then lick your fingers! :D

yeah - especially while picking your teeths without covering your mouth ! :D

my g/f told me that if I can't help with my running nose - at least I shouldn't BLOW it - but simply wipe it without blowing. not that big relief, surely, to wipe out whatever comes out naturally instead of getting rid of whole bunch of suffocating stuff inside - but at least some compromise !

otherwise - perhaps must go to the bathroom and do the needfull there and return to the table after it's been done.

another thing considered VERY impolite and rude - is to take out some remnants of food from once mouth. like some dishes are made of green veggies which are half-cooked and / or have a lot of fibery steams inside which simply can't and even are not supposed to be swallowed.... after long debates my g/f educated me - that if it is unavoidable to take them out - then at least such things sould be immidietly wraped into / covered by tissue paper, whithout anyone seeing it.

yeah - a lot of oddities might be found in other culture... I guess one just has to face it and learn how to comply with it without inconvinience and critisising the bearers of that culture.

it reminds me that to belch in some I think central asian cultures is not considered so rude but in certain situations even - MUST - in order not to be considered rude , but rather as a sign of appretiation of hosts hospitality (that he has fed geust to full belly )

or that in Taiwan to fart , even shamelessly loudly, is quite normal - epxerienced it myself, almost directly to my very face....

or - taking a piss right on the walkway in the bright day on the streets of huge cities in India or Bangladesh ....

so, I'd say - Thailand isn't that bad regarding cultural oddities .... :o


I have noticed the disapproving vibe after a nose blow too. Odd as Thai's regularly do an open blow on to the pavement.

In the UK I never went anywhere without my hanky - but thinking about it now it does seem a little wierd blowing your snot onto a cloth, and putting in your pocket.

In the monks vinaya - the codes of conduct for monks layed out by the Buddha - picking or sucking the teeth is a written clause of prohibition, but nose blowing is not mentioned. Maybe this cultural quirk comes from there.

On the other hand, telling lies, spitting, drinking etc. are also prohibited so ....

  Odd as Thai's regularly do an open blow on to the pavement.

Quite.... often see the people in my wifes village just emptying their noses out onto the floor... (just blowing the nose without tissue to catch it really) :D

totster :o

I know about the do's and don'ts in Thailand, but even they are open to interpretation with regards to each individual situation....

Ps Crossy - seems like you come from just down the road from me...!  :D

Agreed 100%, all these cultural no-no's are open to interpretation, observation of the locals and common sense rules, Ok :D

My parents live just by Siddington church, I don't maintain a house in the UK so they are my drop-box. Great part of the world, the wife likes it but every time we've been it has either rained or snowed constantly, who was it said 'England does not have a climate, just weather" :o

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


I am allowed to blow softly - as long as it is not audible it is not a real blow.

So I will turn head and use the low volume multi stage approach. :o

So where does that leave for the farters of this world...just blame the dog like always :o

If you can drop an SBD (silent but deadly) and keep a straight face you might get away with it... but if a regular occurance I think someone would twig pretty quickly!


Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit

So where does that leave for the farters of this world...just blame the dog like always :D

If you can drop an SBD (silent but deadly) and keep a straight face you might get away with it... but if a regular occurance I think someone would twig pretty quickly!


I 'spose it depends on what way the winds blowing.I blamed the wife on a SBD of mine one day...to say she was pissed off would be an understatement. :o

So where does that leave for the farters of this world...just blame the dog like always :D

If you can drop an SBD (silent but deadly) and keep a straight face you might get away with it... but if a regular occurance I think someone would twig pretty quickly!


I 'spose it depends on what way the winds blowing.I blamed the wife on a SBD of mine one day...to say she was pissed off would be an understatement. :o

I always blame mine... silent or not! :D

Sometimes if its too loud I'll quickly look around and ask "Where's that gop yai?" :D

A bit of a standing joke between us. :D

Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit


Funny, I thought that loudly blowing your nose at the dinner table, or openly taking half-chewed food out of your mouth, is impolite in any culture... :o

I wonder what Thai etiquette has to say about scratching your balls while eating...

If you can drop an SBD (silent but deadly) and keep a straight face you might get away with it...

I did that the other day whilst queing, it was one of those Thai ques where everyone has to stand as close to each other as possible.. more of a mass than a que.

Needless to say they dispersed accoridngly, satisfactory result!

If you can drop an SBD (silent but deadly) and keep a straight face you might get away with it...

I did that the other day whilst queing, it was one of those Thai ques where everyone has to stand as close to each other as possible.. more of a mass than a que.

Needless to say they dispersed accoridngly, satisfactory result!

:o:D :D

Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit

When my nose is blocked or running for any reason I like to get a tissue and give it a good blow.

When I do this my wife looks horrified and normally gives me a "look" or a telling off... especially when in public, I normally have a running nose in a restaurant due to the Chilli....

So... is blowing your nose considered impolite in Thailand, and if so, what should I do...? Wiping your nose often makes things worse... and sniffing it up makes an awful noise...

totster  :o

It happens to me oftenly with spicy foods. I can't help my self as well so I did it and say "EXCUSE ME" afterwards but in some cases seems not so polite to do that way. I my self try to use the restroom to blow it off and came back. :D:D


My first job in Asia was in Singapore when I was 21 years old. I secured a date with a lovely 26 years Malay girl.

We went to the old Papa Joes and had a great meal. At the end of it, she went digging around in her nose and pulled out a decent sized green trout. So feeling secure I went for ther blow, Well, I was nearly ejected from the place.

I did score, but at a cost. I leanrt my lesson thgat night.

You can dig, just don't blow.


My table manners are a bit iffy at the best of times, but a recent trip to china made me look like a choir boy. Five star restruant , eight chinese and two farangs with the chinese vying for championship medallion for who could hawk up the biggest gooly and spit it on the floor,ruined a great banquet . even the ladies were dropping thunder bolts, burping and spitting on the floor . yuk


Definatively impolite to blow your nose at the table! All you have to do is get up, take a few steps away and blow to your hearts content! As somebody mentioned - picking your nose is quite acceptable for Thai's (as is belching). Farting tends to bring a few giggles - especially when they smell like Bangkok's klongs!

Funny, I thought that loudly blowing your nose at the dinner table, or openly taking half-chewed food out of your mouth, is impolite in any culture...  :D

I wonder what Thai etiquette has to say about scratching your balls while eating...

I never said I "loudly" blow my nose.... In fact I always turn away from the table and try and be discrete..... still get the "look" though :o

I always have to blow my nose after a shower...

I blow something.... but it ain't me nose..... :D

totster :D

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