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My Cd Literaly Explode In My Drive


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today i sat infront of my laptop, put my external dvd drive into the usb and start copying file from my cd.

i lit my cigarette while waiting for the copy to finish, the laptop said around 10-20 minutes...this is video file that i made long time back.

suddenly, i heard a loud BANG....and some swirl noise from my external dvd drive.....my heart stopped for a few second...the sound is very loud like a firework.

i rushed to the wall plug and unplug the dvd drive (it's the one that you need to plug it directly into wall socket), i calmed myself and got my screw driver.

open the outer casing, inner casing, and pieces of the cd fall over.....and you can see the rest in the pic below.

i have this external drive for along time (around 2 years)....never have any problem....i wonder is it because of the cd?? ...

for your information, this post is not made to bad name specific brand....this is just my experience that i had few minutes ago.

the cd brand is princo....the drive is asus.

this one remind me of mythbuster episode : shattering cd....

man, this really make my day.






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To see a CD disc pretty much shatter like shown in your pictures is strange indeed. I know over the years when discarding a CD disc with data on it I usually take a pair of scissors and cut a couple half an inch or slices into the side. While cutting the disc, it seems pretty hard but pliable/bendable/etc. The way your disc shattered it almost like it was completely dried out/very brittle. I think I would be changing brands of discs.

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Could have been a bad CD, one out of a million. Yes saw myth buster episode where they shatter a CD, was difficult for them to do, had to use pneumatic angle grinder to get enough revs. to shatter it.

Are your CD drive still ok?

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Not that unusual actually. In your case, the CD itself is old and if it has been in a hot/dry environment the plastic can become brittle. Also, some CD cases have been known to weaken the CDs.



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<br />Perhaps you didn't have the CD seated properly when closing the drive??? Those thing do spin at a very high RPM...<br />
<br /><br /><br />

the dvd drive is the one with the tray....cd seated is automatic done by the drive after the tray closed.

anyhow, i wont be using this drive again...some of the plastic is chipped and broken because of it...also the cd fragment still stuck to the drive.

one more lesson learned, dont buy cheap cd.

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<br />Perhaps you didn't have the CD seated properly when closing the drive??? Those thing do spin at a very high RPM...<br />
<br /><br /><br />

the dvd drive is the one with the tray....cd seated is automatic done by the drive after the tray closed.

anyhow, i wont be using this drive again...some of the plastic is chipped and broken because of it...also the cd fragment still stuck to the drive.

one more lesson learned, dont buy cheap cd.

You might think so.... I used to repair DVD & CD players and I personally know that the mechanism that is used to seat the tray is just that, cheap plastic.... and it has been known not to seat the source (i.e. DVD, CD) properly all the time. Think what you will just a a steering wheel is meant to turn the car.

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Not sure whether this is worthy of a new thread or not but since we are talking about CD drives, here is another one. Today I was burning a CD (on an almost new CD/DVD drive that has worked well until now) and I accidentally closed the burning application mid-burn. The drive made a rude noise and could not continue the burn. The CD was stuck so I got it out with the pin method. OK, so far, so good, but then the damage. Now the drive won't recognize any CD's at all. Not blank ones, not filled ones. I have put in many including better quality ones. It WILL however, read and write DVD disks! I reckon I killed the drive. Any techies agree or is there something I can do? If I did kill it, it was awful easy to kill. BTW, I am running this on a new installation of Windows 7.

Edited by Jingthing
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I never had good luck with Princo CD's but the last time I needed some, I bought a box of fifty. Unfortunately that was the only brand the local village shop had. None came apart but more than half were defective. I will NEVER buy another Princo product. Even the ones that were able to be used failed quickly. They are absolute junk. In contrast, I bought a box of fifty that were labeled HP and there was not a single bad one. They were not much more expensive than the crap Princo's.

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Hi :)

I have been using Princo for years and years and years without any problem whatsoever. Can't complain about those media, just a matter of fact that some drives don't seem to like them, however i have always used Lite-On drives/burners and they were always just fine. I have Princo's that i burned like 7 years ago and they are still perfectly readable.

I, too, have seen CD's (never DVD's) explode in drives, twice - one was, oh wonder, an original OEM Windows XP CD and the other was a burned TDK-branded CD. The first one damaged the drive, too, while in the second case the drive is still working fine. Neither one happened in my computer but in both cases it was me who fixed the respective computer/drive.

best regards.....


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