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Deposed Thai Premier Thaksin Now In Montenegro

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Dark times for Montenegrin democracy: Opposition leader attacked on the street, freedom of speech on internet threatened, accusations for not cooperating on regional war on crimes…

Posted by Montenegro Open on 02/03/10

Tags: attack, crime, democracy, Medojevic, Montenegro, opposition, Prime Minister

Last few weeks have shown the real face of Montenegrin political system once again. Opposition leader Mr Nebojsa Medojevic was attacked on the street because he publicly spoke about top crime boss in Montenegro, whom he accused to have power over Prime Minister Milo Djukanovic. The police arrested the perpetrator, who is said to be family-related to an individual whom Mr Medojevic declared as "shadow ruler" of Montenegro. The attacker threatened to "liquidate" Medojevic, and he described the attack as "classic Mafia-style intimidation."

Opposition recently launched a strong critic of Prime Minister, Milo Djukanovic, accusing him of protecting organized crime, especially those dealing with illegal drugs' trade.

Serbian B92 reported that Medojevic was attacked by an unidentified person of about 30 years of age, who attempted to strike him and told him to "stop mentioning Branislav Micunovic." Micunovic is a wealthy and very influential businessman, whom Medojevic has called "the most power person in Montenegro," stating that "everything depends on him, even police actions."

Then,shame on USA vicepresident and secretary of state for supporting criminal:


Opposition interpreted that as warning from USA that Djukanovic must resign.Than opposition leaders went to Washington and met with lower staff members-Ilona Telekiif you ever heard of her) highest positioned of them all.Serbian media for some reason supported one of Montenegrin opposition leaders Nebojsa Medojevic who won 5% on last elections.In the end Medojevic sued B92(newspapers you cited above) and said that they are payed by Djukanovic and mafia.All of this becouse they discovered that wanted alleged criminal Stanko Subotic is in fact in Geneva(Switzerland) and Medojevic said earlier that he is hiding in Montenegro,thus proving Medojevic lied.Also Subotic acused Medojevic of taking money from him earlier.Medojevic goes around acusing virtualy everybody,including all Montenegrin people after last elections calling him stupid for not voting for him.He is very offten demanted by those who he cite as sources including German ammbasy when he said that Germany will block Montenegro if Djukanovic does not step down.German ambasador said that this is simply not true and that it is not German stance.There are number of such examples.Sometimes I doubt that he is working for rulling coalition becouse he is making unbeliveably stupid moves.But ok-he can do whatever he wants-I think that he will never come close winning elections with this approach.If he does succeeds,then good luck to him.

Not to be understood wrong-we do have many problems-in justice system especialy,but when compared with 10 years ago when we were in Federal Republic of Yugoslavia together with Serbia,under internacional sanctions and bombed by NATO(although in much lesser extent than Serbia) then it is incrediable move forward.

After reading this post about your sorry country, if you want Thaksin Shinawat/Shinatra, not only should have him, you most certainly deserve him and believe us he'll be a perfect fit right at home in your rats' nest and I'm sure you'll be tickled pink about it.

You say the USA and the EU had to have cleared Thaksin's entry to Montenegro and the Montenegran passport to Thaksin but then you say the US was expressing its view (presumably through its Montenegro desk at DEPSTATE) that your PM Djukanovic needed to change careers, probably most desirably to a sidewalk vendor. You admit your courts and justice sytem is, to be kind, poor. You confirm the opposition of the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany to Montenegro's application to EU member state status, tho you say the German ambassador to your country denies Germany's leading role in blocking your accession (diplomatic double talk by European governments is hardly a news bulletin). I saw the report that Germany, France, Spain, Belgium and the Netherlands are interposing themselves in the Montenegran EU accession matter both of their own choosing and on the behalf of so many other EU member states.

Did the parade of some dozen Western leaders of governments to which you refer who recently met with your blackjack PM Djukanovic, to include the US SECSTATE Clinton and the VPOTUS Biden among so many others, arrive bearing gifts or did they arrive carrying evidence of Djukanovic's criminal activities? You're repeatedly trying to say the EU will admit a gangster mafioso state as a new member?!? Do you take meds?

Your posts defending and apolozgizing for the mafioso owners of your country's economy is better understandable when we read your posts welcoming the corrupt criminal Thaksin to your land. However, you don't only welcome Thaksin effusively - you spent all of your first posts to TVF praising Thaksin as PM and trying to defend the convicted fugitive PM while also pleading his cause in Thailand. Indeed, you state the Thaksin line chapter and verse. Yet you haven't said a syllable as to what Thaksin can or could do for your country, or of what you might hope and work to see Thaksin do for your country. Your focus is on defending Thaksin, the former PM fugitive convict of Thailand, and yapping as to how Thailand would be so much better off with the Great Divider Thaksin back in power in the country that Thaksin is interminibly dissembling. That you don't at all speak to how you could envisage Thaksin contributing to your country speaks volumes as to your purposes, motivations and and aims.

You and your gangster mafioso society and country are a whopper of a piece of work. The government there is well known for the dubious distinction of handing out passports to wealthy convicted swlindlers who are escaping and evading justice and who are in the pursuit of their ill gained and corrupt corporate interests.

What a bull s***. Criminal country? I just showed you the rankings of international organizations, and your country is ranked worst on every of them. You saw the opinion of Germany, Spain, Belgium and Netherlands? Who are you? Do you work in Brussels, since you seem to have some info we don't. Also I will remember this crap you posted here, and when Montenegro becomes the candidate, make you eat your words out. This forum won't go anywhere, and you will see what will happen in December. This won't be the first time Montenegrin haters eat their words they post, and won't be the last.

Yes, the latest noises coming out of Brussels are that Montenegro is likely to be admitted to membership of the EU........we also know that for strategic reasons NATO will include Mongenegro as part of the alliance.

Major EU countries such as Germany, Spain, France, Belgium, Netherlands have represented the large majority of EU member states in making noises and taking actions to whip Monegnegro into a better condition and state of affairs so that by the end of this year the Council of Europe can, in reasonable conscience, render some kind of positive opinion in respect to Montenegran accession. A lot of major capitals of Europe however are holding their noses as all of this processes and procedes.

All I know about Montenegro is that it was a part of the former Yugoslavia and that it welcomes Thaksin Shinawat, and that there are some Montenegran people at TV who are posting that Thailand will be a wonderful place again if Thaksin can return as the same-o, same-o cash handout elected prime minister. Do know and recognize I wish Montenegro well and that I'm sure there are fine citizens and people there, but also know and realize that some people posing here in favor of Thaksin returning to office and power seem more concerned about Thaksin returning to power and office in Thailand than in what Thaksin might or may be able to contribute towards an EU-style development of Montenegro.

Montenegrans posting here are consistently waving their anticipated EU candidacy as a primary reason to defend the decision by the PM Djukanovic to "hand over" a passport to Thaksin, while making posts in Thailand to defend Thaksin. This phenomenon is something one can find rather striking, especially when it's observed that Mr. Djukanovic likes to make a habit - or public policy -of "handing out" passports to convicted foreign cheats and liars who have made fortunes at the expense of their native peoples. Thaksin is especially reprehensible in such behaviours. And he seems to have found a soulmate in Mr. Djukanovic.

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This phenominon is something one can find rather striking, especially when it's observed that Mr. Djukanovic likes to make a habit - or public policy - of "handing out" passports to convicted cheats and liars of other countries who have made fortunes at the expense of their native people.


Name one!If you do,I withdraw from further discussion(hint:you wont be able too,because there is none).

I cant understand that if Thaksin is such a criminal,why is Interpol refusing to issue warranty for his arrest?

This phenomenon is something one can find rather striking, especially when it's observed that Mr. Djukanovic likes to make a habit - or public policy - of "handing out" passports to convicted cheats and liars of other countries who have made fortunes at the expense of their native people.


Name one!If you do,I withdraw from further discussion(hint:you wont be able too,because there is none).

I cant understand that if Thaksin is such a criminal,why is Interpol refusing to issue warranty for his arrest?

There you go again. I've already discussed how diplomatically radioactive Thaksin is to the government of any respectable Western democracy to also include Japan, Taiwan, S Korea, Singapore etc. Its also been specifically pointed out at this thread (and to other threads) that the Thai Government doesn't want Dr Thaksin back in Thailand unless he's bound up like Dr Hannibal Lecter, but even then...............

Sheesh! Apologies, apologies, bogus and tired claims and more apologies. :D

Give your vision of a Thaksin at work in your beloved Montenegro, thanks. :)

Yes, the latest noises coming out of Brussels are that Montenegro is likely to be admitted to membership of the EU........we also know that for strategic reasons NATO will include Mongenegro as part of the alliance.

Major EU countries such as Germany, Spain, France, Belgium, Netherlands have represented the large majority of EU member states in making noises and taking actions to whip Monegnegro into a better condition and state of affairs so that by the end of this year the Council of Europe can, in reasonable conscience, render some kind of positive opinion in respect to Montenegran accession. A lot of major capitals of Europe however are holding their noses as all of this processes and procedes.

All I know about Montenegro is that it was a part of the former Yugoslavia and that it welcomes Thaksin Shinawat, and that there are some Montenegran people at TV who are posting that Thailand will be a wonderful place again if Thaksin can return as the same-o, same-o cash handout elected prime minister. Do know and recognize I wish Montenegro well and that I'm sure there are fine citizens and people there, but also know and realize that some people posing here in favor of Thaksin returning to office and power seem more concerned about Thaksin returning to power and office in Thailand than in what Thaksin might or may be able to contribute towards an EU-style development of Montenegro.

Montenegrans posting here are consistently waving their anticipated EU candidacy as a primary reason to defend the decision by the PM Djukanovic to "hand over" a passport to Thaksin, while making posts in Thailand to defend Thaksin. This phenomenon is something one can find rather striking, especially when it's observed that Mr. Djukanovic likes to make a habit - or public policy -of "handing out" passports to convicted foreign cheats and liars who have made fortunes at the expense of their native peoples. Thaksin is especially reprehensible in such behaviours. And he seems to have found a soulmate in Mr. Djukanovic.

Hm... now that's different story. You are posting now that those countries will support Montenegrin's application, but post before that they are against it, or I maybe I didn't understand what you wanted to say before. Anyhow, I am glad you wish all the best to Montenegrin people, I wish the same for Thai people, and that you think MNE will become offical candidate for membership in EU. Also, not sure which TV stations say that if Thaksin becomes PM again, that Thailand will become wonderfull place again? Believe me, it's a very neutral report here, and they just show the workers who demand Thaksin to become PM again, without adding comment that Thaksin will make country better. It's not like Montenegro will control Thailand if Thaksin becomes PM again :) . Not sure to whom Djukanovic gave passport (beside Thaksin). Also Thaksin will (probably) invest big money in MNE, but that doesn't mean that he will attack current Thai government from Montenegro, I think our Ministry of Foreign Affairs warned him about that.

I also think that Montenegrin politicians are not naive to give to passport, which can travel to 30 countries in Europe without visa, before getting agreement of EU. Of course, EU won't say it publicly, but their reaction that "it's Montenegrin interior stuff" just shows it. There are a lot of stuff that are not known to people, and it doesn't mean if EU didn't say it officially, that they didn't agree.

You must admit, that this move made some people search on Google, Wikipedia etc.. about Montenegro, and found out some things. Montenegro was part of Yugoslavia, and was industrialized during this period, then destroying all that work during sanction in 90's because of Belgrades wars. 2006 independence gave us right to take on decision, and starting from 0, we are one of most successful ex Yugoslavian states. We needed to start from joining to UN, and even with that, we got further than our neighbors. I think that everyone should respect. Milo Djukanovic can't be marked as criminal, when he visits Italy, USA, Germany, and other country, and accepts him like he is a PM of a bigger country. I mean, Berlusconi accepted him like he was president of USA. Just see the meeting of Solana and Djukanovic to see what I mean. I don't say he is perfect, but not let the Serbian media manipulate your opinion.


I have to believe that down deep, the dems and the vast majority of Thais don't really want Thaksin to return. Whether or not he goes to detention and whether it's house arrest or plush detention quarters, it will only serve as a focal point / rallying cry for the fading little group of rabid Thaksin supporters.

I think the reason Thai authorities are contacting authorities in the many places Thaksin flits around to, is to make his life uncomfortable, and to lessen his ability/effectiveness at doing call-ins, shoveling money to Red Shirt heads, and his other annoying habits.

The best scenario for all except die-hard Reds, is for the Thaksin blimp to fade off over the horizon. This would allow Thais to get back to putting affairs in order. It will also enable politicians to jockey for position as the inevitable next election cycle looms in to view.

Bye Bye Thaksin. I hope this really is your last attempt at disrupting the Thaitanic ship of state. You've made your point. We've heard you ad nauseum. Now go enjoy your billions somewhere overseas. Go buy some blood diamonds or whatever it is that gets you excited. Your long drawn out spell of creating hassles for Thailand is hopefully near its end. Sorry you can't get your mug on the front page of all Thai newspapers every day, but that's just the result of becoming inconsequential.

(Apologies to Niel Young): "my my, hey hey, out of the black and in to the gray."

"Shinawat is a fading faht, now real Thais are here to stay"

Does this mean Taksin cannot go to Malaysia?

Montenegro citizens are PNG there.

They are what? Well you need visa to go there, you can get it in any Malaysian embassy.

A bit more than that. Israel, Yugoslavia, and Montenegro are on a special sh_it list.

Does this mean Taksin cannot go to Malaysia?

Montenegro citizens are PNG there.

They are what? Well you need visa to go there, you can get it in any Malaysian embassy.

A bit more than that. Israel, Yugoslavia, and Montenegro are on a special sh_it list.

No they are not :) (Yugoslavia doesn't exists anymore, I guess you wanted to say Serbia).

"Montenegro-Malaysia relations

Citizens of Montenegro, Serbia and Israel were not allowed to participate in Malaysia My Second Home program.[6] But in August 2008 this was revoked and now only citizens of Israel are forbidden to participate in the Malaysia My Second Home program."

Yes, the latest noises coming out of Brussels are that Montenegro is likely to be admitted to membership of the EU........we also know that for strategic reasons NATO will include Mongenegro as part of the alliance.

Major EU countries such as Germany, Spain, France, Belgium, Netherlands have represented the large majority of EU member states in making noises and taking actions to whip Monegnegro into a better condition and state of affairs so that by the end of this year the Council of Europe can, in reasonable conscience, render some kind of positive opinion in respect to Montenegran accession. A lot of major capitals of Europe however are holding their noses as all of this processes and procedes.

All I know about Montenegro is that it was a part of the former Yugoslavia and that it welcomes Thaksin Shinawat, and that there are some Montenegran people at TV who are posting that Thailand will be a wonderful place again if Thaksin can return as the same-o, same-o cash handout elected prime minister. Do know and recognize I wish Montenegro well and that I'm sure there are fine citizens and people there, but also know and realize that some people posing here in favor of Thaksin returning to office and power seem more concerned about Thaksin returning to power and office in Thailand than in what Thaksin might or may be able to contribute towards an EU-style development of Montenegro.

Montenegrans posting here are consistently waving their anticipated EU candidacy as a primary reason to defend the decision by the PM Djukanovic to "hand over" a passport to Thaksin, while making posts in Thailand to defend Thaksin. This phenomenon is something one can find rather striking, especially when it's observed that Mr. Djukanovic likes to make a habit - or public policy -of "handing out" passports to convicted foreign cheats and liars who have made fortunes at the expense of their native peoples. Thaksin is especially reprehensible in such behaviours. And he seems to have found a soulmate in Mr. Djukanovic.

Hm... now that's different story. You are posting now that those countries will support Montenegrin's application, but post before that they are against it, or I maybe I didn't understand what you wanted to say before. Anyhow, I am glad you wish all the best to Montenegrin people, I wish the same for Thai people, and that you think MNE will become offical candidate for membership in EU. Also, not sure which TV stations say that if Thaksin becomes PM again, that Thailand will become wonderfull place again? Believe me, it's a very neutral report here, and they just show the workers who demand Thaksin to become PM again, without adding comment that Thaksin will make country better. It's not like Montenegro will control Thailand if Thaksin becomes PM again :) . Not sure to whom Djukanovic gave passport (beside Thaksin). Also Thaksin will (probably) invest big money in MNE, but that doesn't mean that he will attack current Thai government from Montenegro, I think our Ministry of Foreign Affairs warned him about that.

I also think that Montenegrin politicians are not naive to give to passport, which can travel to 30 countries in Europe without visa, before getting agreement of EU. Of course, EU won't say it publicly, but their reaction that "it's Montenegrin interior stuff" just shows it. There are a lot of stuff that are not known to people, and it doesn't mean if EU didn't say it officially, that they didn't agree.

You must admit, that this move made some people search on Google, Wikipedia etc.. about Montenegro, and found out some things. Montenegro was part of Yugoslavia, and was industrialized during this period, then destroying all that work during sanction in 90's because of Belgrades wars. 2006 independence gave us right to take on decision, and starting from 0, we are one of most successful ex Yugoslavian states. We needed to start from joining to UN, and even with that, we got further than our neighbors. I think that everyone should respect. Milo Djukanovic can't be marked as criminal, when he visits Italy, USA, Germany, and other country, and accepts him like he is a PM of a bigger country. I mean, Berlusconi accepted him like he was president of USA. Just see the meeting of Solana and Djukanovic to see what I mean. I don't say he is perfect, but not let the Serbian media manipulate your opinion.

You say that If Montranagro is addmitted to the Eu then thaksin can readily travel across 30 Eu countries.

That's just not true.

All member countries of the EU still have the right to refuse entry to anybody (that's anybody)!

This is one of the underlying foundations agreed to before any further discussion proceeded towards ultimately founding the EU. It had to be like that or no country would ever agree to join such a union.

You say that If Montranagro is addmitted to the Eu then thaksin can readily travel across 30 Eu countries.

That's just not true.

All member countries of the EU still have the right to refuse entry to anybody (that's anybody)!

This is one of the underlying foundations agreed to before any further discussion proceeded towards ultimately founding the EU. It had to be like that or no country would ever agree to join such a union.

We already have visa-free travel to EU,but that is not the point.Off course that every country has right to deny entry to whoever it likes,but on what ground would they do that?Interpol refused Thailand's request to put Thaksin on fugitivs from law list.We will see.

We already have visa-free travel to EU…

What is your source for the above, please?

I have found this:

From October 5, 2007 a common Visa Application Centre started to operate in the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia where Montenegrin nationals may obtain visas for the following European countries: Austria, Hungary, Belgium, Luxembourg, Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Denmark, France, Netherlands, Estonia, Spain and Slovenia.

Source: www.mip.gov.me/en/index.php/Visas-for-Montenegrin-nationals

Montenegro Ministry of Foreign Affairs



The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw


...we did not give him passport without approval from EU...

I doubt very much that the Montenegrin government needs approval from the EU to issue a Montenegrin passport to anybody. Do you have a source indicating such requirement?



The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw


...we did not give him passport without approval from EU...

I doubt very much that the Montenegrin government needs approval from the EU to issue a Montenegrin passport to anybody. Do you have a source indicating such requirement?



Off course,you will never get official confirmation for this.When opposition called goverment to explain why they gave passport to Thaksin,they only said that this will not jeopardize our Euro-atlantic integrations.Also,what do you think,why Thai goverment asked EU

on their stance concerning Montenegrin relations with Thaksin?

What did they answer,does anybody know?


Time for the Montenegro Ministry of Foreign Affairs to update their website. Will you tell them?



The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw


Also,our law does not permit dual-citizenship except in special cases when national interests are at stake.

In view of the above law, did Thaskin have to give up his Thai citizenship when he received Montenegrin citizenship? Or is it a matter of Montenegrin national interest that he should retain his Thai citizenship?



The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw


Also,our law does not permit dual-citizenship except in special cases when national interests are at stake.

In view of the above law, did Thaskin have to give up his Thai citizenship when he received Montenegrin citizenship? Or is it a matter of Montenegrin national interest that he should retain his Thai citizenship?



No.If they say that he is person of national interest,then they can give him citizenship no matter if he also has citizenship of one or more other countries.Before this it was awarded mostly to actors and sportsmen who are by origin from Montenegro,but have citizenship of other countries.Why is Thaksin special person to our goverment-bealive me I have no idea.I can only guess.He will probably invest certain amount of money in Montenegro,but on the other hand we had lots of investors that invested big amounts of money,but we didnt give them our passport.It would be immature to give him passport becouse of this,esspecialy if we know who is Thaksin and what consequences this move could produce.Also,it is imposible that he bribed some lower level administration,becouse you need approval from the top to recive citizenship in this way.


Here's a simple solution; park Thailands barely functioning aircraft carrier alongside Montenegro's coast. Gunboat diplomacy worked in the good ol' days, why not now, even with small players. Where to gas up the carrier (?), that's the big question. And on its way back, it could stop by Kazakstan or Australia and load up some nuclear rods for Thailand's first three nuke plants.

^When you are a billionaire and a good lad, rules are bent. :)

I've heard T referred to by various appellations, but never 'a good lad.' I doubt his mother would even called him that.

I would suggest that the main problem is that the army hasn't yet learnt after 70 odd years to accept an election.

Even worse, the people have worked out, that if the army can simply throw a tantrum and get rid of a government, a minority of the people can too vis a vis PAD and UDD.

On the face of it I would agree. However there is a very real question that must be addressed. Here's the scenario:

A very corrupt man is PM. He has enormous support amongst large segments of the population. He continues to break the law. He engages in vote buying and party buying on an unprecedented scale. He steals billions of tax payer money to line his and his friends pockets. He commits massive human rights violations. He engages in widespread policy corruption and kickbacks. He plants corrupt judges into the judiciary. He plants staunch loyalists into positions of power in the police and military. He denies freedom of speech by refusing to answer questions that would cast him in a critical light and by silencing critics in the media through frivolous lawsuits. In short he is building a dictatorship where he is immune from any of the traditional ways of removing a PM from power.

How should a country remove such a leader? Which is worse for a democracy, a coup to remove a corrupt and criminal leader, or to allow the leader to continue to rape the country for personal profit while trampling on all democratic checks and balances?

I agree. As much as I dislike coup d'etats, I think they're warranted in extreme abuse cases, as you mentioned.

I also don't like people cutting me open with knives, but in an extreme situation, where I had shrapnel or a life-threatening cancerous tumor that needed to be excised, I would choose to be sliced open.

As has been proven, the way to really get rid of him is through the courts. This may or may not have been achieved, but there is a salutory lesson in all of this for those running and those at the top of the country. Having a coup and then apparently setting about dismantling a political party, holding an election and constitutional change during military junta control was concerned with a lot more than just removing one man from political office. I don't believe the army acted simply to remove Thaksin, they had to make sure his brand of politics was smashed to oblivion.

All of the governmental and political structures have to be strengthened to insure fair play and even handling in front of the law. It was the apparent weakness of the legal and political structures that allowed Thaksin to run roughshod through them. Why are these structures set up this way? Because it suits a portion of the people part of the time. Thaksin exploited this 2 faced situation to his advantage, but finally someone dusted off the law books and turned them on him. Will the people at the top be Turkeys and vote for Xmas. I await Abhisit's land tax law with baited breath.

I know a couple of high end industrial families quite well in Thailand. How did Tesco's business get into Thailand? How did Telenor buy DTAC? Do they declare all of their earnings in Thailand? All of these rules are on the books, but some are above them and others not. This is how I think most of us understand Thailand to work and it is the country's fundamental weakness. Legal expediency because of "connection" is the bane of Thailand's society.

I would have preferred that the coup hadn't happened. All in all, the mess it has created hasn't helped the country one bit other than to possibly make the people at the top realise that they can't continue to exploit those at the bottom without their being some repercussions in the long term. Of course they can just run out the guns again to stop that discussion progressing also.


Thaksin is just using Montenegro as his hiding place. I don't see any reason why he should invest in Montenegro than just in exchange to be a citizen there so that he can go somewhere instead of Thailand and so to avoid his jail term in Thailand. On the otherhand, the Montenegrin government has to welcome him as he is a potential investor in the the country and the more money he could bring the better. I am sure that some bright Montenerin people are very much aware on what the real deal is and they are also laughing at the back of their minds.

You say that If Montranagro is addmitted to the Eu then thaksin can readily travel across 30 Eu countries.

That's just not true.

All member countries of the EU still have the right to refuse entry to anybody (that's anybody)!

This is one of the underlying foundations agreed to before any further discussion proceeded towards ultimately founding the EU. It had to be like that or no country would ever agree to join such a union.

We can already travel to EU Schengen countries. And of course it can refuse but I don't see that happening in future. Also, now we have Lisabon treaty, and it will be easier for future EU members to join EU. Of course you would know that if you were more informed.

Time for the Montenegro Ministry of Foreign Affairs to update their website. Will you tell them?



English web site isn't updated, not sure why.


The most Importing:

EU Schengen countries (including Swiss, Iceland and Oceania islands)




So it is very "strong" passport.

Maew Montenegro


-- The Nation 2010-03-20



I understand that these ladies and their mother have shopping as their main occupation, and not for them what the posh stores in BKK have to offer. Oh no, it has to jetting off to somewhere else that has shops. But it appears that the origin of the rags these girls are wearing could be Pattaya Tai market.

Sorry for veering several leagues off topic.

Time for the Montenegro Ministry of Foreign Affairs to update their website. Will you tell them?



English web site isn't updated, not sure why.

on the very same page where the outdated information was taken from you can read just one paragraph above:

Information on this web site is subject to change, therefore we advise seeking additional information before traveling to other country ...

yep, they are lttle bit slow in the update process, guess they had never thought about the possibility that someone used this as an argument in the internet to belittle and deride Montenegro and its citizen.


Best we presently know Dr Thaksin seems to be in Dubai although it also seems several other sleazy governments say he's a resident of their lands, or an economic advisor thereto. Maybe Osama bin Laden will also issue a passport - who knows what's next in this circus/fiasco.

Thaksin getting a doctorate in criminal justice is sort of like Al Capone getting a law degree (which of course Capone never came remotely close to doing). Both however knew how to buy corrupt officials and both got nailed by their respective government for tax evasion (in lieu of dozens of other criminal activities and behaviours).

If it might mean anything, Capone died of syphillus. :) Unlike Kuhn Thaksin however Capone did a lot of prison time. It's clear only men can die of syphillus.


Former Thai Prime Minister on the run acquires Montenegro nationality


Recently gathered in the Thai capital, several tens of thousand "red shirts" (UDD/DAAD), partisans of former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, collected 300 litres of blood, which they spilled at the front gate of current Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva’ residence.

Thakson Shinawatra became a very rich telecommunications tycoon, building a business empire as leading South East Asian manager in the cell phone, satellite television and low-cost air travel sectors. During his five-year tenure, this business man quadrupled his personal fortune while evading taxes. He cracked down on the muslim minority, having at least 2000 people killed. He declared a ruthless war on drugs, lasting three months, that claimed more than 2500 lives and facilitated the consolidation of the networks. Suspected of planning to instate a republic, he was toppled in 2006 by the army during his trip to New York to attend the U.N. General Assembly.

He was sentenced in absentia to a 2-year prison term for embezzlement of public funds. Last week, the Supreme Court confirmed the decision to confiscate 1,4 billion dollars out of the frozen 2,2 billion belonging to the Shinawatra family estate.

After living in Cambodia (where he was economic adviser to the Government) and in the United Kingdom (where he bought the Manchester City Football Club), Thaksin Shinawatra settled down in the United Arab Emirates. Lately, he was haranguing his supporters to demand the annulment of the Court decision, the resignation of the government and the holding of general elections.

However, having used Dubai to destabilize Thailand, he was expelled from the Emirates for contravening his status of political refugee. He has recently arrived in Montenegro, where he was granted citizenship by Prime Minister Milo Đukanović. While he was at it, Shinawatra invested in the hotel industry in Podgorica.

Montenegro is a sort European Union protectorate. While not a member, it has adopted the euro as its currency. Milo Đukanović has been accused by the Italian judicial authorities of being one of the Camorra chiefs and of controlling illegal cigarette traffic in Europe. He could not be arrested in view of his diplomatic immunity.

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