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Thailand Child-Sex Ring Run By Monk Busted In Chiang Mai

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Non-Emotional response:

I am an ex border control officer from NZ and I can easily recall the number of people even a small country like ours had coming through who were flagged for questioning/searching based on previous history for paedo activity, this sickening addiction to young children is a gut twisting issue for all normal people I've no doubt. I can barely manage to comprehend how prevalent it must be here in SE Asia and then to read that monks ex or otherwise are involved is almost too much too bear.

Emotional Response:

Rip their testicles off with mole grips then apply rock salt to the wound, sick filthy diseased sub-human scumbags. Kill 'em all!

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One more proof of how good 'organized religion' is. We have a massive crowd of people in Europe coming out now claiming to have been molested by vicars, priest & bishops. How about the monks, which have accumulated massive wealth finally do something to help the people rather than have them go to their 'golden toilets' - check this, no joke! Pay for the sake of your soul, an age old business grounded on the superstition and childlike trust in 'authorities'. Well, the masters always said that you can talk to god directly, so cut out the corrupt middle-man. Sure there are decent monks, but I've seen to much of them shopping at Phantip Plaza, hanging onto mobile phones and smoking in public. "Here my son, your sins are gone, now go to the donation box"


Please do not generalise.

Most temples are NOT rich, and not every monk is in it for the money.

I know temples that are run like financial institutions and are there to glorify the temple, maybe.

But most temples and monks known by me are poor and trying to do some good, religiously and otherwise.

Yes, of course there are monks that are not in it on purely religious grounds and only going through the moves.

Of course there are temples that are rich.

But even so, they cater for a certain need of the general people.

You are right in your assumption that organised religion might be "over the top", a power-thing.

But there are still temples and monks, churches and priests, synagogues and rabbi's, mosques and imams or any other sect or religion, that try to do good, even fight for the wellness of the people against the politico's.

But, monks, priests, reverends, imams are only human.

With all the faults that brings.

And yes, being in a religious office might give more "chances", bring seductions.

But please, don't generalise.

Mind you, I am not a religious type, I abhor "organised religion" and I abhor politicians.

Members of both groups are mostly, but not all, in it for the power or the money or both.

But I do know that in religion there are more people less inclined to embrace power & money as in politics.

And I do know that lots of people need religion, rich or poor, organised or not.

About the "coming out" of all the "victims" of the Catholic Church, in Holland alone the number of victims is getting over the top.

Friend of mine said, if the growth goes on like that soon there will be no priest, monk, or nun free of guilt and all catholics will be victims.

Mind, I don't say it did not happen, I don't say it is awful, but I do get a tiny doubt if all selfproclaimed victims are telling the truth.


Please keep this thread civil.

/Moderating team

You can never tell a book by it's cover, proven over and over again, shame, shame.



The most disgusting thing is that the "customers" are hunted everywhere in the world but that the "producers"can go on and on.

I do remember a case of an 8-year old Russian girl raped on tape and this filth displayed on the internet.

I somewhere read that the NZ and Australian police arrested hundreds of people that had downloaded this filth.

Strange thing is, I never read anything about the arrest of the "producers" and the finding of the victim.

And that illustrates completely the thing that makes me so bloody angry.

The police showing off (look hoe good we are, we arrested so many dirty old men).

They should be ashamed, they are unable to find the people who made this thing.

The film is just used by the police and justice departments everywhere to jack up the number of arrests, to look good.

But nowhere in the world any government tried to bloc this film.

I read somewhere that this filth can still be assessed and downloaded.

And, rightly, people are still arrested for downloading.

But when will the producers be arrested, will the filth disappear from the net?

....inordinate collectors who never throw anything away. ???

Referring to photos, videos, hair, etc. It's why usually it is extremely easy to prosecute the perpetrators. They keep, often times, meticulous records of their activities. It's sick, but fortunately very helpful in bringing them to justice.


what's really disturbing here is that most if not all perves are conservative, status-quo type law-abiding citizens who have directly or indirectly raped the local and or foriegn peoples along with their infrastructure.


Please keep this thread civil.

/Moderating team

You can never tell a book by it's cover, proven over and over again, shame, shame.

your download is right - WE are responsible - no more 'oh it's my upbringing' or 'I had a bad childhood' it's all BS and we preach this liberal sh1t in the West constantly until people who behave badly by abusing other people (kids included) feel they 'are not to blame' and it was 'not their fault'

I hate all that PC crap which is responsible for a lot of the 'thinking' which make it 'ok' to do wrong - Thais have their own version (mai pen rai) which translated often means 'i don't care' or 'it's not my responsibility' - that's the truth of it... Buddha taught responsibility not shirking behind a cloud of 'it's not my fault'

As Someone who was repeatedly sexually abused as a child may I say that it does not matter what people do to help the victims they will be like me having flashbacks and bitter memories all their lives. To me I feel even today that it would have been kinder if they had killed me rather than me suffer the daily reminders especially one like this story brings. - Yes in later life I had counselling and I also trained to help fellow survivors of child hood sexual abuse but those five years as a child when I cried out for help an no one would listen will be with me till I die -- If I said what I feel about those people who have been caught and the "customers" I would be perminantly banned from Thai Visa but I appeal to all the readers that if you know anyone who is abusing children do something about it .

Feel so sorry for this ordeal that you have gone through. We will keep your advice as a rule and fight against this mental disease to eradicate it as soon ans as efficient we can. May I talk in name of all the Thai Visa members here? Agree???

And there was me thinking it was always farangs who were involved in these terrible activities, really awful.

Edit - whoops, didn't read it correctly, seems they were procuring these kids for foreigners, I really don't know which is worse. Without the pervs there would be no market and no need to traffic the kids, and without the trafficers the pervs would have to go somewhere else.

Yes, only 'farangs' do this kind of thing. I don't really know what you mean by 'farangs'? But it's them who do this.

No Asian/Thai person would ever commit such a crime. If you don't get caught, it's not a crime. Or the Thai version 'if it's not reported, it didn't happen'

Wake up and realise that this kind of thing happens all over the world. Sad but true.

Who's worse? The accused or the monk? Who cares? Two wrongs don't make a right. May they recieve both recieve the most severe punishments within the Thai law.

I think you are totally wrong, and if you watch thai TV you will learn a lot more, where even the thai fathers are raping there own 2-4 year old daughters, and the list goes on. The world is getting sicker.

You might think cos you don't see it happening, you could only be feet away from a paedo, and how really do you know your next door neighbour, because you will never find out what goes on in closed curtains.

I read a story in the english press yesterday, that there are a large population of teachers in Yorkshire being convicted of child porno and paedoing.

Apparently Yorkshire has the largest area in the UK of registered sex offenders, according to the freedom of imformation received from the NCIS.

But how can you detect these immoral people, children in schools should be taught self defence, and taught about the dangers of society. And if anything does happen to learn them how to inform people.

Thailand should also protect its borders, by tougher rules, for genuine people this will only be a small hart ache, only for a short period of time, but at least you have proved yourselve. They should have police checks on, people that they have a reasonable suspicion, and longer term tourists should be all be checked out.

This will deffo get rid of all the riff raff, unless they hide out and overstay on there visa. People worrying about getting extorted, as this should not happen as the cost should be on the burden of the immigration checking you out, like they do in europe and usa.

Mention a police check and deportion, they'll soon leave, and if they think they can dodge, when they return they have one done immediately at the airport.

Something like this has been setup around europe, but a more advanced information sharing network will be implement within europe by 2014.

3rd world countries should be able to link up to the system to check on western criminals and sex offenders, which only takes 30 seconds to check as it is going to be issued on the passport number, name and dob and country of birth.

And if someone who is not willing to go through checks should be barred from entering that country.

2 weeks ago I fetched my daughters over from england who are aged 14 and 15, and you should of seen all the foreigners trying and eyeing them up, even had to tell 2 aussie blokes and 3 arabs to back off. Pervs everywhere, they just after be activated and you'll soon spot em.

Definitely some disturbing information in that report. However, I must say there is something very fishy about that Grade D lurid "news" item. Google the author Krispin St. Pierre and you will find nothing except that very article. Who ever heard of a news writer who uses a byline that turns up NOTHING on google? So perhaps a fake one time name. Why?

Note there is no mention of the age of the victims referred to in the article. Legally, in Thailand and many other countries, that does make a difference in the severity of the charges, so leaving details like that out of a "news" story is suspicious. There is a picture of a shockingly young child, but does that mean the victims were also that shockingly young, a picture of that kind suggests that without backing it up with facts. Also note the bizarre bombs in the story, baseball bats (perhaps for playing the game, who knows?), demonizing Viagra (after all it is a medication that can be used properly or abused), and talking about death penalty in a US (relevant to Chiang Mai how?).

There is probably a story behind the story of this Krispin person. Perhaps a religious NGO news feed (perhaps even an organization that has a pecuniary interest in sensationalizing this kind of information), if I had to guess. I could be wrong, but something really smells in that source. If I am wrong, apologies in advance.

Even so, bottom line, no decent newspaper would ever publish that news item, as is.

That may be but Tee Nee did. My personal source for all serious world changing news and hot Thai gilrs. LOL


It was also reported in the Thairath I think.


Finding underage sex in Thailand is about as difficult as buying imported beer.

It is everywhere.

Police do not care.

You have to be very sheltered or dumb not to come across it.

I didn't. Did you, and if so where? And, did you report it to police/authorities?

EDIT: You did say 'underage'.. That's indeed not unlikely to at some point come across girls in bars or karaokes who are 16 or 17. The topic is about paedophiles though, who by definition are attracted to pre-puberty children.

Winnie, are you "living" in Thailand?

The ritual of complete families selling their daughters virginity, mostly at the age of 12, is a well known ritual.

"he will lose her virginity anyhow to some bloke on a motorbike. Why not making money out of it?"

I have seen this happening a few times, even in Pattaya where the complete family was sitting in the back of truck.

In almost every local parks, there are some "100 Baht" hookers working day and night.

Some of them can be very young.

But if you have "special" requests, simply ask the "mama san" who are collecting their share from the hookers and she will provide you with everything you wish.

On a sidenote, in the oold local park where I live, this was happening whilst there were 3 (THREE) police stations in the same park.

The park has been refurbished a few years ago, but 1 poolice station is still there and the police is walking undercover in the park.

You can recognize them by collecting their share from the "mama san" and having access to the services of girls for free from time to time.

I'm new(-ish) to Thailand and don't know too much about the country, people, culture, etc. BUT I have never heard of "The ritual of complete families selling their daughters virginity, mostly at the age of 12, is a well known ritual." I simply cannot believe this... is this true? How widespread is this "ritual"? Is this the "norm" here?!?!?!?!


Please keep this thread civil.

/Moderating team

Keeping it civil's a tall order with all those F'ers out there of various religious persuasions using god to mask their evil intent and actions towards minors whether it be for self gratification or profit makes no difference. As a father of 3 and another infant due within 5 months I have no sympathy for paedophiles nor their apparent "sickness!" Okay some were also abused as childeren which to me makes their crime all the more punishable.

I'm a non believer in the death sentence, not because I'm a pacifist, but I believe being made to suffer in life is a more effective punishment than a quick exit. All paedophiles should be placed in high security, hardcore prisons and not cushy mental facilites with their own like minded sickos. I don't see why a rapist, bank robber, drug dealer or murderer should be treated as less human than anyone who abuses an innocent child and in many cases dozens of innocent children.

Use "life" meaning "LIFE" with no probation, no privilages, no TV and no books as a deterant. It's no longer the case of a child pointing the finger at an adult they don't like as with present day DNA testing many accusations from the mouths of babes can be backed up with hard DNA evidence.

No sympathy! Every tax payer penny spent to keep these evil excuses for human beings locked up is money well spent!


Interesting - I would be very wary of these people who so vociferously voice extreme views on pedophiles - do they know what this can signify????

Sick.. very sick.. Let the kids be kids...let them grow up at least and chose for themselves what direction to follow.. the path of the "brown dirt cowboy" or tommy girl who thinks her wad is better to chew..

As far as the monks go.. most are phoney cowards living a lie.. It is too easy to be a monk... Anyone can be a monk and hide away in some far away place living a total lie...

There perverts are just sick kids grown up but cannot be all the way.. I hope the monk in question gets hard time... for a long time..

Changing the subject.. a young kid hit me in my truck tonight causing himself injuries.. and messing up my newly restored paint job. What did he do?? RAN!! of course..typically a Thai thing to do after hitting a car with your beat up old motor bike...After a long chase through the village I finally cornered him and push his bike to the ground. He was totally drunk!

What did the cops do?/ Think they would arrest him for driving drunk...?? They tried to make it seem as it was my fault that the drunk kid hit my truck and it was my fault he ran away.. The damage was only about 3000 baht.. in the states about $3000 ... what did the police do?? they offered me and demanded I take 1500 baht and drive away.. then let him go back to his drinking..

The off duty coppers look like they had a few too many as well..

The morel of this story: Is the word Falong.. a good word or a bad word in Thailand??

Your comment concerning monks is ignorant and offensive. It shows your utter lack of knowledge concerning the local SE Asian form of Buddhism and why people choose to be a life-long monk or short-term monk. You should study Buddhism before making ignorant comments.

Also, you need some English literature, etc. lessons if you believe the moral of the story is "the meaning of the word falang".

At least it is good you agree that the paedos should be delt with harshly.

So let me get this straight.....the cops offered you 1500b or they made the kid give you 1500b and then told you to leave. dam_n!! that's gotta be a first. I mean sure if at home in UK US AU NZ or similar then you expect the cops to behave professionally (In most cases!) but to me that's a winning situation in Thailand. Lucky the BiB did not make YOU give him 1500b to cover the damage to his bike. Still I am happy to see that we all agree on our opinions concerning the sick f___cks who come to Thailand to defile innocent children.

Finding underage sex in Thailand is about as difficult as buying imported beer.

It is everywhere.

Police do not care.

You have to be very sheltered or dumb not to come across it.

I didn't. Did you, and if so where? And, did you report it to police/authorities?

EDIT: You did say 'underage'.. That's indeed not unlikely to at some point come across girls in bars or karaokes who are 16 or 17. The topic is about paedophiles though, who by definition are attracted to pre-puberty children.

Winnie, are you "living" in Thailand?

The ritual of complete families selling their daughters virginity, mostly at the age of 12, is a well known ritual.

"he will lose her virginity anyhow to some bloke on a motorbike. Why not making money out of it?"

I have seen this happening a few times, even in Pattaya where the complete family was sitting in the back of truck.

In almost every local parks, there are some "100 Baht" hookers working day and night.

Some of them can be very young.

But if you have "special" requests, simply ask the "mama san" who are collecting their share from the hookers and she will provide you with everything you wish.

On a sidenote, in the oold local park where I live, this was happening whilst there were 3 (THREE) police stations in the same park.

The park has been refurbished a few years ago, but 1 poolice station is still there and the police is walking undercover in the park.

You can recognize them by collecting their share from the "mama san" and having access to the services of girls for free from time to time.

I'm new(-ish) to Thailand and don't know too much about the country, people, culture, etc. BUT I have never heard of "The ritual of complete families selling their daughters virginity, mostly at the age of 12, is a well known ritual." I simply cannot believe this... is this true? How widespread is this "ritual"? Is this the "norm" here?!?!?!?!

No it's not the norm at all! However it does happen sometimes. My sister in law (who's my wife's stepsister) was sold by her grandmother to a much older Thai guy when she was 13 for very little money. Her single parent father who was unaware of this eventually stole his daughter back and sent her into hiding leaving the grandmother in the sh-t as the buyer wanted his money back. This is true and if anyone thinks I paid the dowry back for my sister in laws grandmother to bail her out I didn't. So believe it, it does happen!

It was also reported in the Thairath I think.


My point which should be clear if you read my post is that the specific "news" article was dodgy and didn't come across as an objective news story, rather some kind of thinly veiled agenda driven press release. I didn't question that a monk was arrested or assert everything in the article was a fiction (even if the author seems to be a fake one). Cheers.

No it's not the norm at all! However it does happen sometimes. My sister in law (who's my wife's stepsister) was sold by her grandmother to a much older Thai guy when she was 13 for very little money. Her single parent father who was unaware of this eventually stole his daughter back and sent her into hiding leaving the grandmother in the sh-t as the buyer wanted his money back. This is true and if anyone thinks I paid the dowry back for my sister in laws grandmother to bail her out I didn't. So believe it, it does happen!

Sorry to read that this happened to one of your beloved ones.

If I had knew that my (real) story had involved a TV member, I wouldn't have posted that.

But I wanted to show everybody how shallow this whole s--t about a foreign paedophile who got caught sounds while there are everyday hundreds of Thais doing the same thing and still walking free.

Again, my apologies.


Guess there is not a lot to choose now between the Catholic perverts, abusing little boys for centuries, and the Buddhist Monks ? Shame there is not a religion that has any morals ! Cranks, shirtlifters and sexual perverts the lot of them

Guess there is not a lot to choose now between the Catholic perverts, abusing little boys for centuries, and the Buddhist Monks ? Shame there is not a religion that has any morals ! Cranks, shirtlifters and sexual perverts the lot of them

What about this religion?



Interesting - I would be very wary of these people who so vociferously voice extreme views on pedophiles - do they know what this can signify????

Deeral! That’s a cheap shot!

What other pearls of wisdom do you like to use; “Only racists say, I’m not a racist” maybe, “Me thinks he protests too much” or “He who smelt it, dealt it” Cutting edge stuff, please keep it up.


Christ, no matter how I try to think about it... I just simply can't fathom what makes pedophiles tick. As a father of two kids, it just worries me and I hope that I never have to deal with my kids being targets or victims... but if ever it comes to it, I'll pity the sick bastard who tries -- after relieving them of their limbs -- all 5 of them.


Been to disgusted to post on this.

I am glad these guys are off the streets and their game is done for.

I have no clue how they can be come so demented.

Even as I understand there is a % of people world wide who are bent this way.

I could care less what legal grown adults do in bed, short of bodily damage

and murder, or maintaining a healthy respect for Public Health in their actions.

But these guys and their cohorts really are a self-re-enforcing low in humanity.

At least these batch is done for and maybe their 'connectivity' to their ilk will

provide links to nail down a few more around the world.

Any one that is stopped, is a child or several with a better life somewhere.

Non-Emotional response:

I am an ex border control officer from NZ and I can easily recall the number of people even a small country like ours had coming through who were flagged for questioning/searching based on previous history for paedo activity, this sickening addiction to young children is a gut twisting issue for all normal people I've no doubt. I can barely manage to comprehend how prevalent it must be here in SE Asia and then to read that monks ex or otherwise are involved is almost too much too bear.

Emotional Response:

Rip their testicles off with mole grips then apply rock salt to the wound, sick filthy diseased sub-human scumbags. Kill 'em all!

I agree. On the whole I rarely support violence, but if ever there was a case for extreme and painful violence to be used, it would be sexual predators of children.

One more proof of how good 'organized religion' is. We have a massive crowd of people in Europe coming out now claiming to have been molested by vicars, priest & bishops. How about the monks, which have accumulated massive wealth finally do something to help the people rather than have them go to their 'golden toilets' - check this, no joke! Pay for the sake of your soul, an age old business grounded on the superstition and childlike trust in 'authorities'. Well, the masters always said that you can talk to god directly, so cut out the corrupt middle-man. Sure there are decent monks, but I've seen to much of them shopping at Phantip Plaza, hanging onto mobile phones and smoking in public. "Here my son, your sins are gone, now go to the donation box"


Conspiratorial much? Let your anger go...or at least keep it to yourself. What would Thailand be without Bhuddism?

Less hypocritical?

How can the Sangha be taken seriously when for financial reward they will eradicte 'evil spirits'? This is preying on ignorant superstitious people but then that is a common trait in Thailand - and also an element of organised religions. A basic knowledgeof cosmology should be enough to counter the 'come on spiel' of those supporting the concept of a greater and controlling being.

Chiang Mai is currently suffering a surfeit of paedolphiles and others of a similar disposition, according to the city authorities.

Nice one. Wonder if there is any evidence whatsoever to show that the problem in Chiang Mai is worse than anywhere else in Thailand.

I also wonder what 'others of a similar disposition' even means. Similar to a paedophile, but different? Same same but different? Either somone abused kids and should rot in jail or they don't. I really wonder what this means. I always have a lot of trouble getting through a news article when it starts off with an unintelligible curve-ball. I'm happy I did finish it though in this case; essentially it's good news that people were caught.

I should like to point out to the city authorities ( for want of a phrase ) that not only should there not be a surfeit of paedophiles in CM - there shouldn't be any.

I do wonder about the moral and logic processes of people who rant about evil people paying off the police to avoid due process yet see no harm in paying tea money for motoring offences. So selective application of laws is OK then?


Its a start you have to remember that up until Esther Rantzen highlighted sexual abuse of kids in the UK over 20 years ago sexual abuse was never mentioned there.

I used to go to boy scouts camp with 1000s of kids in a place called Otterburn where the army train in Northumberland, looking back it must have been rife with some of the adults given blind trust of so many kids.


"ill-defined laws"?

I think Thailand's laws on child prostitution are pretty clear, and there have been remarkable efforts by the authorities in this area in the last 15 years. There have been dramatic improvements with both new laws and renewed determination to stamp out this evil in Thailand. It could always get better, of course, but I think it has gotten better. I think advocacy groups should complement the government for the strides that have been taken, while still putting more pressure on the authorities to make things even better.

Guess there is not a lot to choose now between the Catholic perverts, abusing little boys for centuries, and the Buddhist Monks ? Shame there is not a religion that has any morals ! Cranks, shirtlifters and sexual perverts the lot of them

Too bad you never heard of Mother Theresa or the Dalai Lama.


Dude 007

If me putting what I did on this site helps one child I will be happy. It was not easy for me to "come out of the closet" but the responses on this forum have been worth it. Yes I am an old man and I have made my own life despite what happened but I will never forget. I have been told by someone who knows my identity that I use on this site that I am sticking my neck out and am risking being "Bumped Off" by appealing to TV readers to help those being abused as there is big money in it and some falanges are involved. I am very willing to take my chances.

I used to go to boy scouts camp with 1000s of kids in a place called Otterburn where the army train in Northumberland, looking back it must have been rife with some of the adults given blind trust of so many kids.

Yeah - we must be aware that the pedos seek out these places. Strong urges drive them to become people in close proximity to kids. I think most would agree that the perpetrators must be locked up forever or castrated - society cannot tolerate this crime. Do not confuse attempts to explain with excuses - they're two different things. We must seek to understand these people because that's our only defense. Some might say we must forgive them , and in a way that's true because obviously, plain for us all to see, such people are crazy, they have lost their minds, they are mad. For if they were not crazy, how could they do such things. But while we may forgive, we cannot forget, and we can simply not let it happen, we can not even take a chance.

I saw a middle aged farang guy playing with 2, 3 year old kids when putting my boy in preschool. I thought at first wow it's nice how this guy can play with all the kids, but then I realized that maybe he liked kids a little too much - who knows. It might be he was just a regular guy - I love to play with kids too. But you never know. I made sure the kids there are under constant supervision of women. I trust women much more than guys in this regard.

As for those who've experienced it first hand - you must too realize that the trauma can be either a catalyst to help you get over it, or a great little ego retreat where you can derive your whole existence from it. Just like any other traumatic experience. I don't believe that you are "scared for life". Every day is a new day; things that have happened are in the past and not real. Don't take it from me, what do I know after all, not having had such a trauma in my life - take it from others who have grown beyond whatever happened to them.

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