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House Dissolution?


House Dissolution?  

113 members have voted

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Do you think if there was a free election, it may be prudent for a government that wishes to remain in power, to make sure the main opposition had no funds?........just a thought......so no election until certain legal matters are resolved in the goverments favour methinks!!!

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Do you think if there was a free election, it may be prudent for a government that wishes to remain in power, to make sure the main opposition had no funds?........just a thought......so no election until certain legal matters are resolved in the goverments favour methinks!!!

Who cares, if this madness is allowed to continue, then i really don’t give a shi...t what happens over here. They get what they deserve

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Another question that should be added to the poll is

If Abhisit Vejjajiva lost the next election would they

leave Thailand , pull out their funds & move

to another country?

Tourist numbers down 20% for March.

Edited by LindsayBKK
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I think a general election something like 4-5 months down the road would be best. Not really because I dislike Abhisit, he's a good guy, but because the smaller coalition partner are given way too much power for the minuscule part of the electorate they represent, and they're preventing his government from getting anything done. They're also funneling tons of money out of the system, and out campaigning. So as time goes by the deadlock will only get worse.

At the moment it would be a good operation for Abhisit. Puea Thai is still disorganized, short on funds and leadership, and there is some resentment building up against the Reds. The democrats stand their best chance of getting a clear majority in over 10 years.

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The results ratio totally predictable based on the results here:


It is heartening to know that most foreigners do not favor caving to the violent red shirt Thaksin led angry mob.

It's isn't about favoring the Reds or Yellow. I actually believe the democrats would benefit more from an election now, and less if they wait one more year.

By the way, the Reds have been right on my doorstep r the past couple of days, and although they've been a bit noisy and inconvenient (delivery food took 40 minutes instead of 30 to arrive!) I wouldn't say they've been violent.

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The results ratio totally predictable based on the results here:


It is heartening to know that most foreigners do not favor caving to the violent red shirt Thaksin led angry mob.

It's isn't about favoring the Reds or Yellow. I actually believe the democrats would benefit more from an election now, and less if they wait one more year.

By the way, the Reds have been right on my doorstep r the past couple of days, and although they've been a bit noisy and inconvenient (delivery food took 40 minutes instead of 30 to arrive!) I wouldn't say they've been violent.

I think that's about to change at the EC office very soon...

Thailand is looking lawless :)

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It is heartening to know that most foreigners do not favor caving to the violent red shirt Thaksin led angry mob.

I hate to steal your thunder, but actually it's irrelevant what "most foreigners" do or do not favour. Apart from anonymous votes on web boards like this, foreigners can't vote in real elections. To put all this TV political ranting into a little more perspective, when it comes to their internal politics the Thais really don't care what foreigners think, so all our sounding off on this TV soapbox is unlikely to be heard, let alone have any influence on what happens in the real world. So let's not take ourselves too seriously.

Oops, while we are talking about voting, I forgot one obvious fact: there was no popular vote to install Abhisit, yet here he is still clinging on to power by his paranoid little fingernails while he scours the globe for Thaksin in the hope that his capture will make one jot of difference to his predicament. U-turning and back pedalling, telling us that he will quit in only nine more months now though, just to make sure that his chum Anupong doesn't get the boot come October time :)

It's a funny old world. One thing that I really don't understand is why so many TV posters support a government that was installed by a Myanmaresque military junta. One that has systematically made it harder for non-citizens to live, do business, and own property in Thailand. Just read through the visa forum and reflect on how hard it is getting to live in Thailand these days. Many TV posters support a government with a handsome face and soothing words, but whose actions resemble tormentors. Such people are in many ways reminiscent of lemmings, in what seems to be a clear cut case of 'Stockholm Syndrome', or even masochism. Strange.

Thaksin, for all his warts, did leave business and the foreign community alone. Quite unlike the nationlistic lot that so many TV posters seem to admire so much, while they get squeezed by one draconian rule change after another.

Edited by clockworkorange
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Who cares, if this madness is allowed to continue, then i really don’t give a shi...t what happens over here. They get what they deserve

Madness? The real madness is the one I left back home. 4500 cars burned... on new year's eve alone. And don't get me started about the politics.

Madness? Sorry I can't resist any more


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Nope, why should they dissolve at the whim of a convicted criminal?
The only difference between Thaksin's corruption and Abhisit's cronies' corruption is that the former's been sentenced and the latter haven't had their day in court. Edited by misterjag
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Any way you spin this, an immediate dissolution of the lower house will NOT ease the political strife, nor give the vote "back to the people" what ever that means :D. The people ALREADY voted and the MP's who are in now are the respective provinces elected officials.

While I will NOT quote the history leading up to the Dems becoming the leader of this government, I will say IT was totally in line with thai law as it stands now. :D

The swing vote in this entire debacle is Newin Chidchob and his "Newin Faction". True Newin himself is banned from politics for 5 years, but he totally controls "Bhumjaithai Party" (Thai Pride Party) from behind the scenes and has influence with several smaller parties too. When the "Bhumjaithai Party" flipped from TRT/PPP/PTP (what ever you wanna call that side )

As an aside I personally I call them “Beua Thai” เบื่อไทย as in BORING which is a purposeful misspelling of the thai word meaning “for” เพื่อ). .. Yet I digress.

Anyway, when the "Bhumjaithai Party" flipped sides it allowed the Dems to form a coalition government just like the previous parties had done according to the constitutional law which exists now (get a majority of MP's to support you and you get to run the government).

Nothing's changed except people and parties who broke the law were given red cards, banned, had their parties disbanded OR jumped ship and went to the other side; again, ALL totally in line with the law currently in effect. Whine all you want about the injustice of it all, :)but it is the same set of rules Samak; who ran on the "I am Thaksin's nominee" platform & Somchai; Thaksin's brother in law, played by when they 'got to run the government'. (That they were subsequently found to have violated the law, is sadly NOT relevant in this current discussion).

An intelligent person may wonder; if they hated the constitution soo much, when they were in power why didn't “that side” change it? :D Hmmm, the mind wobbles. .. .

Actually for the Dems to say they wouldn’t necessarily stay in office their full allotted term, and were open to a dissolution earlier was a HUGE concession to make.

Now they hafta hang on until at least September if they can. First they need to pass the budget which controls the disbursement of the money, and second they have to still be IN power when the military change over happens. I can’t see a dissolution happening before that, but hey TIT, stranger things have happened. :D

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Nope, why should they dissolve at the whim of a convicted criminal?
The only difference between Thaksin's corruption and Abhisit's cronies' corruption is that the former's been sentenced and the latter haven't had their day in court.

So if it was Thaksin in the opposite position, how would he respond? :)

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At some point they'll agree on something between 5 and 8 months, so that nobody loses face and this'll be that. You go night market same same process.

You can't reasonably organize an election any faster than that anyway. The 9 months offer was what, just 6 months earlier than the scheduled elections anyway?

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It is heartening to know that most foreigners do not favor caving to the violent red shirt Thaksin led angry mob.

I hate to steal your thunder, but actually it's irrelevant what "most foreigners" do or do not favour. Apart from anonymous votes on web boards like this, foreigners can't vote in real elections. To put all this TV political ranting into a little more perspective, when it comes to their internal politics the Thais really don't care what foreigners think, so all our sounding off on this TV soapbox is unlikely to be heard, let alone have any influence on what happens in the real world. So let's not take ourselves too seriously.

i would guess that most foreigners in this forum have thai families, yes? i don't agree that what we favour or not doesn't matter, it does matter. i have a voter wife and in-laws that would share notions with me in the way the situation is affecting our lives. of course as a part of the family i share my views to a certain extent with the wifey which, mostly agree with me. every election we would decide who to vote, at least her vote.

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Do you think if there was a free election, it may be prudent for a government that wishes to remain in power, to make sure the main opposition had no funds?........just a thought......so no election until certain legal matters are resolved in the goverments favour methinks!!!

The PT / udd / reds (meaning the thaksin clan) can get funds from numerous sources (offshore deposits and there's probably lots) and if they are depermined they could quickly and secretely get those funds into Thailand by numerous means outside of the normal banking processes. Easy as ABC. I suggest it would be fruitless to try to stop them.

If your suggesting freezing every source of funds to the PT /udd / reds from within the normal banking process, then that would mean that the government was acting way way outside of it's powers.

This would just give the PT / udd / reds ammunition to accuse the government of double standards. Not wise.

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