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Rude Immigration Officer

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I was going through immigration on Monday morning being my normal smiley self, when i reached the front the woman (?) immigration officer was wearing a mask and was rather portly.

Anyway as normal i handed over my passport and put my hands on the counter as I waited. without looking up she shooed me away with her hand, of course I ignored this so she looked up and said "step back", no please. I said "oh sorry, I didn't hear you" and I stepped back. Annoyed by her shitty attitude I know better than to argue with her so I kept smiling and said "Oh, you are having a baby, when is it due"? she just looked at me and said in her normal gruff manner "No", I just replied with "Oh sorry, I thought you were pregnant". She just slammed my passport down on the counter as I walked through still smiling politely.

I fly back tonight, they might be waiting for me :):D

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Not a very nice title for a thread, leaves me wondering who the 'cow' is tony?

Had you not thought to place yourself in her shoes for just one moment. How would you like every fat slob coming into the country leaning up against your work station spewing bad breath an odours all over the poor woman. Whats wrong with your back, why can't you stand up straight and show a bit of respect, its not a lounge area to sloth all over :) .

Your comments regarding her obesity are very childish. Its a pity she didnt put an entry into you backside rather than your passport......your doing yourself no favours with this type of ignorance. :D

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They take a photo of you when you arrive. This is usually done at the passport control area where this woman was. She may have come on as rude - one reason is non-mastery of the English Language. You were such a darling yourself - weren't you?

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well either you are just being an overtly sensitive crybaby about it.

1. you just implied she is fat right in front of her face - even if it's was just mistaking her for being pregnant.

2. their jobs are to check your papers not make friends with you. it's like that wherever you go, i bet the next queue officer would have done the same to you.

but i'd like to think you brought upon her wrath by implying she was fat. :) where's your etiquette man?

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The replies in here are laughable :)

a few things, I am not a fat slob with bad breath and again i reiterate at no point did I have a bad attitude or lay all over her counter. i said I placed my hands on her counter, does this really warrant rudeness from an official? I remained polite throughout and rather than display my displeasure with this rude oaf I made light of it. She chose to be rude, impolite, over officious etc.

Some of you guys really need to get lives, I bet you are walked all over every day :D

I should do business with some of you, it would be easy haha

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The replies in here are laughable :)

a few things, I am not a fat slob with bad breath and again i reiterate at no point did I have a bad attitude or lay all over her counter. i said I placed my hands on her counter, does this really warrant rudeness from an official? I remained polite throughout and rather than display my displeasure with this rude oaf I made light of it. She chose to be rude, impolite, over officious etc.

Some of you guys really need to get lives, I bet you are walked all over every day :D

I should do business with some of you, it would be easy haha

Until this post I was kind of on your side here.. Not for what you did, I think you made a couple of faux pas... the first leaning on her work space, the second was perhaps more innocent but nonetheless, insulting for her.

And then you add these childish remarks above pretty much proving that you may have deserved this treatment....

What I do agree with is that in general the immigration officials can be rather rude. Considering these officials are the first Thai people many will come into contact with upon entry or re-entry into Thailand they could be trained to be slightly more affable and acknowledge a simple hello and thank-you. I like it when I return home, my wife (then girlfriend) gets a welcome to England (Manchester) and I get a welcome home Sir - It makes me feel good.

It is a menial job - so is being a waitress - its no excuse for being impolite, the immigration officials are often rude and impolite simply because they can be.

My wife and I were traveling on holiday with our Thai friends - we were greeted with the same lethargic apathy and ignorance, when my friend placed his blue passport down they changed their tune very quickly and it was all Wai's and caps - The officers at the immigration desks know how to be polite, they choose not to be unless its necessary !

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The replies in here are laughable :D

a few things, I am not a fat slob with bad breath and again i reiterate at no point did I have a bad attitude or lay all over her counter. i said I placed my hands on her counter, does this really warrant rudeness from an official? I remained polite throughout and rather than display my displeasure with this rude oaf I made light of it. She chose to be rude, impolite, over officious etc.

Some of you guys really need to get lives, I bet you are walked all over every day :D

I should do business with some of you, it would be easy haha

Actually tony, virtually everything you have suggested is laughable.

Ohh and I can guarantee that you are much better off not having done business with me in my professional capacity.......you would of gone running looking for the fat ladies hand in marriage, had you been exposed to that. :D

Anyway, after your smart remark, it wouldnt surprise me if on your next entry into the kingdom if you little profile isnt flagged for some more attention......you've done yourself no favours. :)

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ah yes, the immigration conspiracy, get a clue lad.

As for your business, I enjoy doing business with door mats, they are easy to deal with. Anyway I am back in the LOS without a hitch so I guess she never flagged me for extra attention, possibly she just saw it as a mistake on my part as I was very polite with her when I asked about her pregnancy. maybe I pissed her off by not playing her game, we will never know.

Now to other matters, she makes the choice to work in a service industry, she chooses to work with the public, she chooses to be obnoxious and I have no doubt that many people return the compliment to her, However I stayed nice and smiley and pointed out she was overweight and rude in a nice polite way. I have no time for people that have no pride in themselves or their work.

Jeez some of you guys are comedy gold, I imagine all your farts smell like rose petals and you gladly accept abuse of public officials.

I have held positions of authority, I was in the police in the UK for many years and I can happily say being obnoxious to people was not in my armoury, in fact it annoyed people more when you smile while arresting them or summonsing them, oh someone question my previous occupation in another thread, I repeat my invitation for them to test me on this matter, quite why they think I would lie to some randoms on an internet forum is beyond me, oh well.


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Pathetic Tony, pathetic. :)

Let me guess, you were a rookie cop until you were busted rolling drunks or something, SO WHAT? .... build a little bridge and get over yourself. :D

Interestingly you seem to assume that you are the only ex-police officer on the thread & of course all the other ones just happen to be door mats......more laughable stuff, wish I was a legend like you :D .

It seems, you need to get a clue or two yourself.....no wonder your an ex.

Edited by neverdie
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In the big picture though, immigration does have a good majority of foreigners bent over a barrel with their pants down though. No sympathy for them from my point of view if they have to handle a little rudeness when forcing folks to jump through hoops.


Edited by Heng
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This is airport immigration on entry and exit? Every entry point I've been into or out of they don't appreciate you really standing too close and it is also policy not to smile so maybe she wasn't too happy about you're lack of understanding these basic rules..

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Trying not to be rude myself, but there is a sign that you can see from every immigration entry booth in the airport it says:

1. Wait behind the red line until you are called.

2. Place passport and boarding pass upon the counter.

3. Please step back so photo can be taken.

And I think there is a black line that says: Stand here for photo. Please look directly at the camera.

Think about those instructions, and do you see what you did wrong?

Hint: Unless you have long arms you probably can't reach the immigration officer's booth from where you should be standing for the photo.

No offense implied.


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Yes, I agree the original poster's behaviour was wrong, because he was IMPOLITE.

However, having said that, Thai Immigration is the FIRST official person you meet when you enter the Kingdom. That meeting is your introduction to Thailand.

I have noticed that the WELCOME to Thailand from these officials is negligible. A simple one word 'welcome' from them would set the tone. Didn't I read in ThaiVisa a couple of years ago they were all going to be sent to Charm School to learn to welcome visitors to LOS ?

Obviously either that training never took place or that lot moved on to other jobs.


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To be honest the most obnoxiously I've been treated was at immi back in the UK when I went home to visit my gran.

The guy was trying to peel back the photo on my passport to see if it was fake until I felt obliged to let out an annoyed " OI! "

I could imagine trying to get my extension of stay back in Thailand later that year and being rejected because they thought my passport had been tampered with.

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i really think that no matter where you go in the world now ,the immigration people seem to be the most obnoxious types you will find.

I travel frequently and always present myself in a nice friendly manner,and on some occassions get the same in return, but mostly not.they do not give you the welcome feeling at all huh!

Maybe they are jealous of all the people coming on holiday or whatever and begrudge them that..i donno!

The best/worst i had was on entry to T/land from Laos.

I have worn 2 large gold earrings for 20 odd years..my choice, but on arrival in NongKai immigation ,the lady of the day ,even as i was making polite small talk was focused on said earrings...Where did you get them? Why do you wear them? Are you a lady,? If not you should remove them now, it is not good for a man to wear earrings... ah ha ah ha ... lol

She gave me a fair dressing down in front of the waiting queue...Welcome to Thailand.... :)

I remained polite and smiling and she ran out of things to say in the end...

If i had told her exactly what i thought of her actions , i would probably ended up with major probs...so smile and bite your tongue,as the OP should have done..

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