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I see the Red shirts are out of Europe now and Fergusson is complaining about the black shirts bullying the referee. Seem to remember Keane and co starting that tactic many years ago.

Ooops wrong red shirt thread.

Farang Love Red Shirt

I'd appreciate if you just spoke for yourself :D

Must be married to a Thai Isaan lady formerly working in the red-area... Crazy statement! :):D:D

Hug a red-shit????? Sounds like a few posters are not particlar who they hug but I find it a morbid idea.......................... What a morbid bunch they are, they aren't fighting for rights, they are trying to help an a--hole buddy of theirs who is having to hang around in Dubai, to get a "get-out-of-jail-free" card, and they don't care who they hurt in the process. ALL of it for purly selfish motives....... Look at the damage they have done and what they have cost all their other countrymen (wolves disquised as sheep)...................... I would think that anyone who has been paying attention could see that........

Agree ! :)

What's does the green hanky stand for?

Into hardcore S and M and wind, rain and lava.

no ,that's wrong, you are talking about green with a small white star.

If it is only green, then that means they aren't into the lava so much, it is more like take it or leave it with lava. But the rest applies.

I know this is a small point, but i refuse to allow the slightest inaccuracy in any posts (which is why I have to seriously grit my teeth at how apparently if someone is popular, then they can do whatever they want breaking laws and stuff, in a democracy apparently that doesn't matter, because they are winners of the popular vote, even when they aren't).

And to prove my point on red shirts breaking laws, hold the phone this must be seriously breaking some laws to look this frigging smoking hot.

Too bad she is clearly politically confused...one moment a red shirt, another a yellow shirt, and another a pink shirt (well sort of shirt).

It just goes to show, it isn't the colour, it is how hot they are which relates to their hugginess.




I agree, we should all hug a redshirt tommorow....can I have this lovely creature hug for me?

Please do. I take it you are the gazelle as you did say lovely.

I will gladly donate the box where your undigested bits and digested matter in the snake feces can be placed so that you may have a funeral befitting you.

Actually it is a Kangaroo and it was in Australia.I have seen snakes this large in Bangkok though down Thong Lo way.

Hugs from them will be as good for your health as the ones from out friends in Red.

Light and Love to all

Hug a redshirt woman and she'll respond in the traditional Thai manner: charge you for it.

pinche bendejo.

if you are paying for hugs, I think Sirius and I need to take you for a trip to Poseidon after the bomb mess is cleared away, or nana Plaza.

I can assure you, hugs are free.

More than hugs? Not so cheap.

That's what they tell me.


Hug a redshirt woman and she'll respond in the traditional Thai manner: charge you for it.

pinche bendejo.

if you are paying for hugs, I think Sirius and I need to take you for a trip to Poseidon after the bomb mess is cleared away, or nana Plaza.

I can assure you, hugs are free.

More than hugs? Not so cheap.

That's what they tell me.

Poseidon? Sounds good, it's been a while.

Note to wife: Just kidding, never been to the place. :)

This farang completely sympathizes with the Reds. Heck, let's stop pretending "the Reds" are a faction. They're the people of Thailand! Their leader won the popular vote before, he would win now if an election were held today -- and better yet, the movement is showing signs that it can survive without him. They're the majority, and their democracy was taken away from them. The US government just chided the Reds for expressing their sentiments "inappropriately." Well, how about giving them the opportunity to express their will appropriately, through free and fair elections? Now that would be a nice change of pace. It's what the people want, and the Yellow Shirts have explicitly stated that democracy is exactly what they fear!

So go ahead and hug a Red. You know you want to.

Sympathise all you, they are stepping on a lot of toes.........................

Would you care to make a guess how many of those "POPULAR VOTES" were bought and paid for by Taksin or his "cronies" ? ? ? ?

Heck, let's stop pretending "the Reds" are a faction. They're the people of Thailand! Their leader won the popular vote before,

Small correction, PPP did not win the populare vote in the last election. Even the democrats got more than them, and both were in minority.

Carry on.

Hug a redshirt woman and she'll respond in the traditional Thai manner: charge you for it.

pinche bendejo.

if you are paying for hugs, I think Sirius and I need to take you for a trip to Poseidon after the bomb mess is cleared away, or nana Plaza.

I can assure you, hugs are free.

More than hugs? Not so cheap.

That's what they tell me.

I pass by the place every day from work since I live right around the corner basically, so let me know if you need someone to carry your wallet when you visit the place. :)

Brit ---- how will YOU accomplish this? Are there reds in the US?

Matter of fact, there are a lot of them with their rallies, and watching all this going on here.

This farang completely sympathizes with the Reds. Heck, let's stop pretending "the Reds" are a faction. They're the people of Thailand! Their leader won the popular vote before, he would win now if an election were held today -- and better yet, the movement is showing signs that it can survive without him. They're the majority, and their democracy was taken away from them. The US government just chided the Reds for expressing their sentiments "inappropriately." Well, how about giving them the opportunity to express their will appropriately, through free and fair elections? Now that would be a nice change of pace. It's what the people want, and the Yellow Shirts have explicitly stated that democracy is exactly what they fear!

So go ahead and hug a Red. You know you want to.

They are not the people of Thailand. They are a radical political faction led by self exiled fugitive Thaksin who is on record for not caring about democracy. Face facts, your bird won't fly.

you speak with forked yellow tongue Keemosabie


Just after band practise last Saturday atCoco Walk, Ratchatewi, I decided to drive to Sukhumvit to find an Indian takeaway. Some barracades were opened near Siam Paragon and some cars were allowed in, including mine. The further I drove, the more red-shirts I saw, until eventually my way forward was blocked by a large truck. As soon as I got out of my car, the red shirts could not do enough to help me, shaking my hand, offering me food and drink and helping me out of a difficult situation.

As far as Webfact's comments about foreigners not knowing a lot about Thai politics, there are many foreigners living here who know more about Thai politics than many Thais themselves. Generalising is a dangerous thing Webfact.


Up to you, whom you hug, but for me, NO thank you.

I usualy stay in Bangkok in the lower Sukhumvit area when I in BKK and have to visit my Embassy near Sathorn Thai Road and later the Immigration building soon. The Protests are no help to me!

Thats correct the protests are no help to you what so ever,you being in Thailand and Thais protesting for the right to have elections in there own country :) ...that you are a guest of!

For the love of god! stop with the "guest" crap and not ALL Thais are protesting just a few who have no idea what they are even protesting for (besides the 1,000 baht a day). You are NOT a guest here if you are working, paying your own way, paying taxes etc. You ARE doing a job that a Thai cannot do and that's why some of us are here, not as a bloody guest.

Hug a red-shit????? Sounds like a few posters are not particlar who they hug but I find it a morbid idea.......................... What a morbid bunch they are, they aren't fighting for rights, they are trying to help an a--hole buddy of theirs who is having to hang around in Dubai, to get a "get-out-of-jail-free" card, and they don't care who they hurt in the process. ALL of it for purly selfish motives....... Look at the damage they have done and what they have cost all their other countrymen (wolves disquised as sheep)...................... I would think that anyone who has been paying attention could see that........

So that is a "no" for you then?


This farang completely sympathizes with the Reds. Heck, let's stop pretending "the Reds" are a faction. They're the people of Thailand! Their leader won the popular vote before, he would win now if an election were held today -- and better yet, the movement is showing signs that it can survive without him. They're the majority, and their democracy was taken away from them. The US government just chided the Reds for expressing their sentiments "inappropriately." Well, how about giving them the opportunity to express their will appropriately, through free and fair elections? Now that would be a nice change of pace. It's what the people want, and the Yellow Shirts have explicitly stated that democracy is exactly what they fear!

So go ahead and hug a Red. You know you want to.

They would not win a fair election

Only way they might win would be with vote buying

What platform would they run on?

They have given no insight on what changes they would make

what policies they would adopt

All I here is "yada yada yada"


The guy in a green hanky looks like a volunteer photographer and not a Red Shirt sympathizer per se. He has zero red clothing to begin with...

Just after band practise last Saturday atCoco Walk, Ratchatewi, I decided to drive to Sukhumvit to find an Indian takeaway. Some barracades were opened near Siam Paragon and some cars were allowed in, including mine. The further I drove, the more red-shirts I saw, until eventually my way forward was blocked by a large truck. As soon as I got out of my car, the red shirts could not do enough to help me, shaking my hand, offering me food and drink and helping me out of a difficult situation.

As far as Webfact's comments about foreigners not knowing a lot about Thai politics, there are many foreigners living here who know more about Thai politics than many Thais themselves. Generalising is a dangerous thing Webfact.

commenting on mod bhavoir is not allowed. :):D

please read th rules!


not this one!!!

But will save my judgement until the people leave and see if they had a positive impact on the country's culture and economy. Who are the ones who benefit from the outcome? Yet to be seen.

The real people? Who would those be? There are real people and fake people? Interesting. You know the demagogue American Sarah Palin also talks about the real people, in other words, the no brainers that like her.

good one..but Sarah palin is a bot

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