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What Do You Want Pm Abhisit To Do Now?


What do you want PM Abhisit to do now?  

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1. Dissolve Parliament Immediately

2. Elections in 6months (all parties agree to abide by results and no protests of the outcome)

3. Campaigning in Red/Yellow dominated areas is to be allowed - no violence

4. Reds Protesters go home

5. Red Leaders go to court and face charges (released on bail similarly to what happened to yellows)

6. Abhisit can remain caretaker PM until elections are held.

7. Most importantly everything is settled in a peaceful and non-violent way.

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As this Poll appears also in another thread, I have to duplicate my answer:

Sorry, but I cannot answer to your Poll, because there is not the answer I would like to choose. IMHO, the situation is now such, that Abhisit has failed to defuse the situation (it was his first priority Economy is a second one, because the social environment is the guarantee of the long term). Next week, four Ex PMs, experienced and wise leaders, will discuss the solution for getting out of this Crisis.

Abhisit has no more credibility in the current situation, he cannot solve the situation. His coalition shows some cracks (criticisms from Banharm), some not verified informations are adding divergence with the Military support.

Abhisit should announce he steps down in the interest of the Country because he can only bring more controversies now....and it is also his own interest to stay away from actions for coming back in few months ( Elections), regenerated and with a rich experience.

It is the perfect timing for him to step down ...before others take the decision for him

I will add that the Caretaker PM should open discussion for the Roadmap to Election, Parliament dissolving, date of the Elections and that the Red Shirts will be requested to go back home for giving possibility to the Caretaker PM to handle the Crisis.

The Caretaker PM cannot come from the Democrat party.

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LOL :)

Rich Elite Yellow shirts who can use the Internet on the latest Mac PC with a 10MB broadband connection in their AC "study room" can each vote once.

Red shirts out on the streets or working in the factory or on the farm with no internet connection and no PC can vote, but of course, will not be able to.


Why is it all the RED supporters take offence if a person on the other side of the debate says anything that even hints at the REDs being "less educated" but when it comes to something like this suddenly they have NO computer skills no phone line in their house no computer, no phone with net access simply amazing.. how many of them have joined the various Facebook groups? How many hits does that UUD Website get, you can't tell me they are ALL yellow spies... plus of course all of their BKK supporters (and I"m told there are millions) surly they have access to the net and computers?? Silly silly boy... you just can't have it both ways all the time.

BTW my wife voted B, from her Mobile...

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1. Dissolve Parliament Immediately

2. Elections in 6months (all parties agree to abide by results and no protests of the outcome)

3. Campaigning in Red/Yellow dominated areas is to be allowed - no violence

4. Reds Protesters go home

5. Red Leaders go to court and face charges (released on bail similarly to what happened to yellows)

6. Abhisit can remain caretaker PM until elections are held.

7. Most importantly everything is settled in a peaceful and non-violent way.

what is the point of elections if Mr. T buys all the votes he needs ?

As long as people sell their votes they do not deserve democracy and democracy will never work

This is the cause of all the trouble, that Mr. T. was able and still is, to buy people off with a few hundred baht, you can not build a real democracy as long as the majority of people are willing to sell their vote

Edited by BKjohn
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1. Dissolve Parliament Immediately

2. Elections in 6months (all parties agree to abide by results and no protests of the outcome)

3. Campaigning in Red/Yellow dominated areas is to be allowed - no violence

4. Reds Protesters go home

5. Red Leaders go to court and face charges (released on bail similarly to what happened to yellows)

6. Abhisit can remain caretaker PM until elections are held.

7. Most importantly everything is settled in a peaceful and non-violent way.

Do you think Mr T will wait 6 more months? I doubt it, hence the pressure to do everything now.

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1. Dissolve Parliament Immediately

2. Elections in 6months (all parties agree to abide by results and no protests of the outcome)

3. Campaigning in Red/Yellow dominated areas is to be allowed - no violence

4. Reds Protesters go home

5. Red Leaders go to court and face charges (released on bail similarly to what happened to yellows)

6. Abhisit can remain caretaker PM until elections are held.

7. Most importantly everything is settled in a peaceful and non-violent way.

Red Shirts and Yellow shirts must have the same treatment. If an amnesty is granted it will be the proposal of the new goverment (after Election).

Abhisit cannot be the caretaker PM. It is too much controversial and will not cool down the situation. He has better to do in reshufling his own Party in line with next Election

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Do you think Mr T will wait 6 more months? I doubt it, hence the pressure to do everything now.

Of course not ... each day is costing him a fortune - without getting paid, there would be very few red shirts in Bangkok right now

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Do you think Mr T will wait 6 more months? I doubt it, hence the pressure to do everything now.

Of course not ... each day is costing him a fortune - without getting paid, there would be very few red shirts in Bangkok right now


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Judging by the current results (the second choice is way out in front), I would say that the majority of voters do not even begin to understand the plight of the 'serfs' in Thailand, nor do they understand what true democracy is.

Shame on you.

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^tough Khun T is not even a consideration! Like it or not he isnt coming back anytime soon - I think this is plainly obvious to all.

if the red shirts should win, he'd be pardoned by a newly bought government and back in a flash to become president for life

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Judging by the current results (the second choice is way out in front), I would say that the majority of voters do not even begin to understand the plight of the 'serfs' in Thailand, nor do they understand what true democracy is.

Shame on you.

Shame on you for supporting those that continue to damage the country.

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Judging by the current results (the second choice is way out in front), I would say that the majority of voters do not even begin to understand the plight of the 'serfs' in Thailand, nor do they understand what true democracy is.

Shame on you.

This poll is truncated, we cannot reply....

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Bring out the tanks !

Once tanks start rolling into the crowds of red shirts they will soon disperse !

Then get the water cannons out and give them an early Songkran !

Have the tanks fire a few over head warning shots !! that'll surely work !

And of coarse , find the leaders and put em' in jail.


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Well there were some whining that Jingthing's reference to a POLL was wrong and biased.

Here's their chance to VOTE ONCE, and we can see what TVF people think of the situation.

So far lets just say, it appears 'Statistically significant'.

One man, One vote.

Trouble is I suspect that a lot of these 'political debators' :) , have multi accounts, multi pseudonyms, and will probably have been reincarnated 6 or 7 times before Sunday :D

The vote will still show at least 3;1 against the reds, unlike what the red supporters say/believe.

Personally I voted B.


Rich Elite Yellow shirts who can use the Internet on the latest Mac PC with a 10MB broadband connection in their AC "study room" can each vote once.

Red shirts out on the streets or working in the factory or on the farm with no internet connection and no PC can vote, but of course, will not be able to.


As if we don't see dozens of Thais in internet cafes daily

in ever town and village around the whole country...

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Judging by the current results (the second choice is way out in front), I would say that the majority of voters do not even begin to understand the plight of the 'serfs' in Thailand, nor do they understand what true democracy is.

Shame on you.

Mr. or Mrs. high & mighty, who pretends to know it all, who do you think you are?

There is no "true" democracy anywhere - some come close, but in reality it simply does not work. In any country where people sell their votes to whoever pay's them, those people kill democracy and those are the people who are rampaging through Bangkok right now screaming for democracy

Edited by BKjohn
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Abhisit should put up with absolutely no more crap. Any further provocation must be dealt with fairly but FIRMLY, otherwise like somebody said, arrest the leaders at their hotel. I would suggest no more protesters be allowed into the gathering site, and not on the nearby streets disrupting traffic. Turn them away, or disperse the entire crowd under SOE authority. The 24/7 incitement to riot also must end - peaceful speeches OK, but hatred-riddled screaming crowd incitement must not be tolerated any longer!

Edited by ThailandLovr
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^tough Khun T is not even a consideration! Like it or not he isnt coming back anytime soon - I think this is plainly obvious to all.

Hate to disagree but this is all for his benefit, he will be back. As soon as his Party are in Government the first thing that will happen is he will get his money back, and return a hero.

If however, that does not work, then plan B is already in place,.

Edited by beano2274
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^tough Khun T is not even a consideration! Like it or not he isnt coming back anytime soon - I think this is plainly obvious to all.

if the red shirts should win, he'd be pardoned by a newly bought government and back in a flash to become president for life

Correct. All those who claim that Thaksin's political life is finished and that he'll never return to be PM, obviously haven't lived in Thailand long enough. These sorts of things with disgraced politicians have happened in the past, and will happen again - and if the reds get their way it won't be long now.

Should that day come, should Thaksin be white-washed and returned to power, what is going on now will seem like a picnic in the park.

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How about getting some nice Video pictures of the lovely Hotel rooms the Leaders are in and then beaming them onto the screens in and around the red shirts, showing them that the leaders do not really care about the people who march with them as they cannot live in the same conditions as them. This might start anarchy in the ranks.

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What do you want PM Abhisit to do now?

To dissolve the Parliament

To disperse the protesters and arrest the red shirts leaders

To be patient

To dissolve Parliament: it has to be done after discussion of he Roadmap, implementation of negotiated amendments. Not now

to disperse the protesters and arrest the red shirts leaders: it is stepping up the crisis with uncontrolled consequences, maybe a general strike paralysing the whole Country (It will be the response in France)

To be patient: obviously this is a dead end

ANSWER missing: To STEP DOWN and let a caretaker minister negotiate the roadmap to election, dissolution of parliament. and end of Red Shirts Rallies.

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How about some other choices in the poll? like for example

- Implement some changes in policy to make the poorer people in the NE more happy?

- Reform the education system to ensure that EVERYONE in Thailand get a good education ( at least up to high school), so they are more informed before they demonstrate next time.

- Start getting rid of all the corruption in this country (good luck).

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if the red shirts should win, he'd be pardoned by a newly bought government and back in a flash to become president for life

Correct. All those who claim that Thaksin's political life is finished and that he'll never return to be PM, obviously haven't lived in Thailand long enough. These sorts of things with disgraced politicians have happened in the past, and will happen again - and if the reds get their way it won't be long now.

Should that day come, should Thaksin be white-washed and returned to power, what is going on now will seem like a picnic in the park.

agree 100% - 26 years have tought me that the impossible is very possible here and should he manage to return his first course of action will be to make sure to remove (I leave it up to you to imagine how) anyone who may present a danger to his future as president for life,

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What difference does it make what people on Thaivisa think?

What do I want Abhisit to do? I want him to put a Sunderland shirt on and give everyone an extra day's holiday tomorrow.

What do I want the red shirts to do? Tidy up the mess and turn out the lights when their party is over.

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