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Unbelievable that most farang sit back and are scared to do anything yet complain about the bad treatment we get.

Us farang will never integrate with thai as long as you are scared of Thais. Can't join the red-shirts as they might not give me a 30 day extension to be with my teerak.

Some of us have been here for decades and fight for our rights and that means joining the red-shirts if that's what we believe.

If it was a protest about the bad treatment that the farangs get, then it is fine to join those protests.

If you really believe what the reds are protesting for, you think it is worth fighting for (for the sake of all Thais), you think you can make a difference, and you are prepared to live with the consequences, then maybe a farang could join these protests.

But if you have no idea what it's about and are just following your wife/gf, then you should definitely stay away.

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The way the red-shirts are acting, and the way the government has responded... I'll bet most people would call Thailand a third world country, or at least a developing country. No, it is not as destitute as Nigeria, but still, it is not Singapore with respect to GDP and economic viability.

You must mean the Nigeria you see on western media. Take a Trip to Abuja, then come back and tell us how destitute it is. Rooms at the Hilton start at about $500 and its 90% occupied year round.

Dumb foreigners joining the rally. They have no idea what they're doing. I hope the officials get their passports and deport them. Don't get involved unless you know what the real story is. It just shows your ignorance. This repetitive debacle stems only from the personal greed of the politicians here in Thailand. The party in power is privy to the billions of baht worth of contracts in their respective districts. It is about sharing the hard earned tax payers' money with strategic political friends to solidify their contracts in the future. It is not about democracy at all. It's about a system that doesn't work, programs that sound good but have no long term benefits, and about buttering up the uneducated so that you can ensure the majority vote, stay in office, and continue to raid the coffers. Foreigners beware. You are just tools of convenience in this country. You are not as valuable as you think you are. The branding of this potentially great country has just taken another ten steps back. And the sad thing is, the Thais don't give a dam_n.

How the hel_l do you know?


Because as a foreigner I have businesses here and have been living in this country all the while under various administrations. I have always paid taxes, I have partaken in many government contracts and observed 'suggested' tea money payments that have risen from as low as 7% to now a whopping 30%. The Thai way, right? I have had contracts pulled from under us because the political party at the time had better interests in giving contracts to sons' or friends' companies (ex. a media company given an airport pest control contract AND paid up front for a 5-year service contract, unheard of by the AOT standards). Transportation contracts and concessions given to siblings of the PM. I have seen bidding contracts rightfully won by competitors only to have the contract re-opened months later and 50% of the contract rewarded to a certain PM's son's company. And the list goes on. If you choose to stand in the way, you will be erased in the business community, branded, and possibly sent back to your homeland. Yet I am still happy and willing to live and work here as I accept the consequences. I still hope for change, but this is not the way.

You think this rally is truly for democracy? This 'Thai Olympics' is just another year, another location. BTW, the yellows are just as much to blame. This is only a ploy to get the former administration back into power to line their pockets (again) and that of their friends' with taxpayer money. If you look at the red's leaders and the vultures on the side waiting to 'cash' in, that would only tell you the agenda. A former police officer with 500 million THB of luxury cars, and former General with billions worth of land? How do you explain that? The corruption agency should not only dig into the former PM's finances and dealings, but also look into the allied partners as well. In fact, do it for the democrats as well.

The only thing that can be done is to get rid of all current government parties and start from the educational institutions. Stop trying to create a Thai constitution which has proven never to stick or work over the decades. Borrow the best from other governments if you have to. How do I know? Believe me, I know. Should I post anything else, it would be 'flagged' at this point. Don't be blinded by the media and the brainwashed masses.

The only thing positive coming out of this is it's nice to see that at least people are being paid by cash and not fish sauce. If you're going to join the band wagon, it's better to give your id and get paid the current 2000 thb daily. Better returns than the SET right now.

I can't help but notice there are a few BITTER members here who get off at insulting Americans and other people who are not like them. That is fine, this is the Internet and there is freedom of speech. Go ahead and spit your vituperations all you want. If it makes you feel good to insult people as an anonymously then that says more about your sordid, sad little lives than anything else.... go ahead, NO ONE CARES!!!! :)

i am an aussie who is very happy here and appreciate the opportunity to live in such a great country , i am just tired of LOUD MOUTH americans , sorry to offend you if you are one !!!

lols! I am an American and to a certain extent I have to agree with you... many Americans - not all - have a tendency to "look down" on the rest of the world as some type of amusement park with funny people. This is quite insulting, because it is naive and condescending. Most probably don't even know where Thailand is. They are ignorant and only interested in knowing what time the Denny's restaurant opens in the morning to serve bacon and eggs.

Americans aren't the only ones guilty of this. Lots of people from developed countries look down on America (and other countries) as some kind of amusement park

Which Hotel was that in????

Info says: Royal Hotel, Ratchadamnoen Avenue, Bangkok.

And please stop with the colors.

I have been a WP holder, tax payer, volunteer, legal business and property holder, husband and father to Thai nationals for the past 7 years...I am not allowed a voice or an opinion?

I should be deported because I may choose to demonstrate ( peacefully and legally) against what I believe to be wrong?

Since we are told all the time Thailand is a *democracy* Where does this fit in with that ideal?

I am a guest who must contribute and just take whatever is thrown my way. At least China are open in their communist beliefs.

I truly find it unbelievable, these thoughts come from the mouths of westerners who come from free, democratic countries.

You hit the nail right on the head.

I can not believe that more then 24 hours, 13 pages, 311 posts later-some people are still at it. Give it a rest :D

Who are you to tell me to give it a rest, you are not the boss of me

My wife is !!!! :)


The foreigners that got up on the stage to prattle inanities and allowed themselves to be interviewed are utterly pathetic. If you have to address the crowd in English, it is pretty obvious that you know sweet FA about Thai politics. As for the German who came down from Ubon with his Thai wife - he seems the type of guy that does everything he is told by his Thai wife that he probably met in a beer bar in Pattaya. In 1992 during the Black May events the troops deliberately aimed at foreigners in the crowd because they assumed they were reporters and wanted to limit news of their activities being reported abroad. At least two died that way, although both were curious tourists not reporters. In the 1985 failed coup attempt the only two people who were hurt were two foreign newsmen who were shot and killed by a tank machine gunner for taking newsreel pictures. Perhaps these foreigners are aiming to join the distinguished list of people who were at the wrong place at the wrong time in Thai history. Personally I would recommend that they get their Thai nationality and wait for another five years after that when they will be allowed to vote before getting involved in Thai politics.

The foreigners that got up on the stage to prattle inanities and allowed themselves to be interviewed are utterly pathetic. If you have to address the crowd in English, it is pretty obvious that you know sweet FA about Thai politics. As for the German who came down from Ubon with his Thai wife - he seems the type of guy that does everything he is told by his Thai wife that he probably met in a beer bar in Pattaya. In 1992 during the Black May events the troops deliberately aimed at foreigners in the crowd because they assumed they were reporters and wanted to limit news of their activities being reported abroad. At least two died that way, although both were curious tourists not reporters. In the 1985 failed coup attempt the only two people who were hurt were two foreign newsmen who were shot and killed by a tank machine gunner for taking newsreel pictures. Perhaps these foreigners are aiming to join the distinguished list of people who were at the wrong place at the wrong time in Thai history. Personally I would recommend that they get their Thai nationality and wait for another five years after that when they will be allowed to vote before getting involved in Thai politics.

Well, it won't stop them from being shot by your own admission, as these trigger happy soldiers won't ask to see passports first.

I have been a WP holder, tax payer, volunteer, legal business and property holder, husband and father to Thai nationals for the past 7 years...I am not allowed a voice or an opinion?

I should be deported because I may choose to demonstrate ( peacefully and legally) against what I believe to be wrong?

Since we are told all the time Thailand is a *democracy* Where does this fit in with that ideal?

I am a guest who must contribute and just take whatever is thrown my way. At least China are open in their communist beliefs.

I truly find it unbelievable, these thoughts come from the mouths of westerners who come from free, democratic countries.

Sorry, your Thai wife. kids, job and property don't make any difference at all. The fact is that you only have temporary permission to remain in Thailand that has to be renewed every year and can be rescinded instantly for doing anything the authorities don't like, at the sole discretion of the Interior Minister without right of appeal. You have the same political rights as any tourist that has just hopped off the plane. In a word you are a foreigner, not Thai. If you want to participate in politics, become Thai but even then your citizenship could be revoked for doing anything regarded as an offence against public order and you would not be entitled to hold public office. Perhaps you should try your luck getting involved in political demonstrations in China, since you seem think thigs are more open there. Get real.

I can think of many scenarios where the active participation of a few farangs in this STRICKLY internal Thai political matter could result in a huge backlash against all farangs. Imagine the thoughts of Thais on the other side as they see non-Thais (BTW, unless you are Thai by ethnicity and nationality, you ARE farang, doesn't matter if you speak/write fluently, have live here for many years, married to a TW or one of the very few who have aquired citizenship) interferring in this mess. Easy for me to imagine all long-term expats getting kicked-out, only 30-day visas allowed with no re-entry.

These farangs, like that grinning a**hole in the OP photo, are idiots and need to be permanently banned from the Kingdom. I hope that is the least that happens. They are playing with fire, and the fire could soon immolate you.

You give the Thai people no credit at all, they aren't a pitch fork wielding mob out to get us all. This is extreme paranoia on your part, go see a shrink ASAP.

In fact an insult like this against all Thai people deserves a ticket home and a good kick in the ass as you board your plane home.


Photo today of red leaders at Rachadamnoen, with a foreigner sitting near them:




The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw


Photo today of red leaders at Rachadamnoen, with a foreigner sitting near them:

Probably just a friendly spy from one of the Embassies.

Delete that photo immediately if you value your life. :):D :D

I'm wondering who this guy thinks he is.......... Don't you have his name already to report to immigration.

Photo today of red leaders at Rachadamnoen, with a foreigner sitting near them:




Was there today.

This photo 'might' be slightly unfair. Might be. Not sure.

There were quite a few foreigners in the area, from hotels, trying to get through, some like me seeing if I could get to MBK before Songkran.

Some foreigners were simply sitting in the shade taking a rest from the heat, trying to work it all out.

They'd probably never seen anything like it.

Others however....



(Apologies for not knowing the code to paste in directly)


I feel bad for the damage that is being done to the reputation of this country including the adverse economic ramifications (possible loss of foreign investments, damage to the tourist industry, etc). But with that said, it's their country. They're gonna have to figure it out on their own.

Best advice to foreigners: stay neutral and stay out of Thai politics. We may live here, but this ain't our country!

If you have a burning need to share your opinion, limit it to discussions with other farangs. Think about it -- the last thing we need is to have Thais targeting foreigners because some idealist idiots feel they need to become political activists in a country where they're not citizens.


Exactly. Well stated. Although farangs deal with inconveniences now and then, they are lucky to live in this country and are lucky that no matter which party rules in the end, they'll most likely be allowed to continue to live here.

I am a foreigner living in Thailand now for more than 20 years. I have my opinions about this and many other situations here in Thailand , and I feel free to express them...... WITHIN my circle of friends and accquantainces, but not on a stage in a public rally. That is not my place.

We foreigners are GUESTS in this country. Any foreigner who publically protests at a open rally, such as is going on in BKK now, is trying to upset/overthrow the government and should be escorted to the airport and deported immediately.

People should know better, when to open and when to keep their mouths closed and opinions to themselves. There are places to express your opinions, but on stage or at a public rally is definitely not one of them.

Immigration, pick them up and show them the door.

Apparently the Thai wife [some of whom can become very rabid with their opinions] have them by the short and curlies. The effect is that these foreigners are not thinking , but reacting with the wrong head.

My opinion is foreigners open you mouth in protest, close the door to this country that we all love as guests in a beautiful place.


Well said.


I think the 'farangs' involved in these protests would probably be the last people in their homelands to join a similar protest back 'home'.

I think the UK and US are in need of political revolution. Will we see any of them who are partaking in the current sponsorship fly back and start something back there?

I think the 'farangs' involved in these protests would probably be the last people in their homelands to join a similar protest back 'home'.

I think the UK and US are in need of political revolution. Will we see any of them who are partaking in the current sponsorship fly back and start something back there?

Of course not - they live in Thailand now. Pure drivel.

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