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Gardening On The Islands

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  • 1 month later...

Here's a good link I just came across in the TV farming forum, for making your own "organic pesticides"..... there are a number of "recipes" ... however some items listed would not be easily found in Thailand... however there are quite a few that are. wink.png


Some bugs have been running rampant lately, so if you wish to control them, now is the time! Best to apply in evening, both under the foliage and on top! If it rains ... reapply!

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Sun shift.... ! We generally don't realize here how much of a shift in the sun there is during the year here... at least I don't... except at sunset!

But something I have noticed on the few sunny days, lately, is how the sun has shifted to the west .... so plants that were in shade during the day are now getting full sun almost all day w00t.gif The shade loving plants are not happy by mid afternoon, .... and need to be moved....(lucky for me, mine are in pots but need to move them facepalm.gif)

If you have noticed drastic wilting and withering leaves on your plants... this is no doubt the reason....unless you've forgotten to water the sun loving plants! tongue.pngsmile.png

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To all those who say that it is impossible to grow tomatoes on Samui, i have just discovered that my neighbours wife has got 4 , albeit scraggly looking plants in her garden which she has grown from one solitary tomatoe. She has had quite a few fruit off them. The egg shaped variety. She lives in Soi Maenam Resort, Maenam.

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To all those who say that it is impossible to grow tomatoes on Samui, i have just discovered that my neighbours wife has got 4 , albeit scraggly looking plants in her garden which she has grown from one solitary tomatoe. She has had quite a few fruit off them. The egg shaped variety. She lives in Soi Maenam Resort, Maenam.

Good for her, no one said it was impossible to grow tomatoes on Samui... they just don't produce a decent sized fruit to be worth while bothering with.... Seen many shaggy looking ones trying to grow... just not worth the effort!

That's why the locals here or in the south of Thailand don't bother trying ....

Head north of BKK and they do much better... Check out the Farming forum wink.png

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Check out the Farming forum??? saai.gif

Hey, that's a good part of TV forums ..... especially the Farm photos thumbsup.gif .... there are even pics of Toms and other crops we can't grow well, in the south!!!! ..... you should "get out of the box".... more tongue.png


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  • 2 weeks later...

When is the growing season on these islands for vegetables and spice herbs?

There are a number of vegetables and herbs that the locals get several crops a year; some 3 or 4 crops. Most of the annual herbs and veg mature quite quickly...

Now coming to rainy season would not be the time to start ... but assuming you have water... when soil is good to work.... just make it as weed free as possible! Now would be a good time to prep growing area... then you can weed out the weeds before you plant... especially if it's "virgin soil"... may need working a few times...

Some common annual herbs grown, are: Dill, Thai basil, Italian basil, mustard, (for eating leaves) various others that the locals eat but I am not sure of the names..(some have a required taste) From observation the locals use shade clothe whilst seeds are germinating...(green which is 50% shade)

Thai type Chilly take a while to develop to "fruiting" stage, but once the plants start they keep producing...

Italian Basil, seem to do well between April and Sept, (hard to find seed here some times) Save seed if you can find and grow from them (keep these seed in refrigerator .....)

Perennial herbs spearmint and pepper mint... Oregano .... Not always easy to find. Lemon grass (I think one could classify as a herb)... need to ask a local for some root, as not usually seen in the nurseries,

As for Vegetables. Corn I see locals getting two or three crops a year ... Some leafy vegetables will produce three or four crops, I am really not a veg expert, but the stuff that looks like kale... and some long narrow leaf vegetable.... seems to be common. Cabbage but it is picked while small.... (not fully developed as we would in cooler climates or even in the northern regions of Thailand.... above BKK )

Various types of Squash or what the Thai's call pumpkins do well too.. Yard long beans... needs support poles (bamboo or branches about 6 feet high, .....2 metres if you are a metric thinker! )

The biggest blight with vegetables is the insects that can wipe out a crop almost overnight sad.png

Usually Gai's Pharmacy on Soi 4 in Maenam, (towards the sea) has a better selection of seed, than many places. Cheaper Fertilizer than most places too.

If more names come to mind, I post later, or anyone else can add of course!

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Here is a nice little set up, for growing vegetables. I saw at one of the bigger hotels... yesterday....


Lettuce too, which I have not seen growing in the ground here before... (Usually hydroponically grown)


Some good composted soil added, which is available at several locations around the island (quality varies) .....

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ants! .... they drive me crazy sometimes !!! crazy.gif.pagespeed.ce.dzDUUqYcHZ.gif

I am sure many people find them almost as annoying as mosquitoes ... especially the ones that bit or sting.... or get into food etc...

For years now, I have looked for a Borax, source on Samui, to no avail.... Borax is very effective to kill ants... just mix with some sugar and make traps (empty plastic cartons with few holes punched in the sides would be ideal!)

I came across an online store whilst reading through TV General Topics.... this online shop was mentioned, based in Phuket..


It lists a number of "health foods" etc... including Epsom salts... which never seems to be available locally either....

I use the canned sprays, available everywhere, ARS or Chaindrite etc) some which say they are "residual for 4 weeks".... I think 4 hours is more like it... facepalm.gif

If anyone has found Borax or Epsom salts locally, it would be great to know where! ... otherwise this maybe a good alternate source! thumbsup.gif

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  • 2 weeks later...

^ the chameleon looks a bit too slow! PS.... tongue.png

I have found a source of Borax, that one of the local Pharmacies will bring in, (I will post who when I have tried it to make sure it works!) It should be here today or morrow... stay tuned! smile.pngwink.png

I been waiting to mention this but now we seem to be getting a bit more rain, it is a good time to make cuttings or divide many plants...

So many people have been asking me! wink.pngfacepalm.gif

Generally for woody shrubs ... take a branch about the thickness of a pencil and about 12" to 18" long... (30 cms to 45cm for those from the new school of measuring! ) Strip off most of the foliage and put them into the ground or a pot with soil enough to get the bottom of the cutting at least 6" in the ground... This works with many shrubs, so a case of experimenting sometimes... most will root within a month or so...

There are a few plants like Bougainvillea, that this cutting and sticking in the ground, generally does not work and involves "air layering" which can be a little more tedious! See an earlier post on doing the limes.... same same method!

For plants that need to be divided, (multi green stems usually coming from the ground) Ginger, lemon grass, etc. These can be dug up and divided quite easily ... use the outer shoots and discard the old centre parts... Cut off the top foliage before planting... and new growth will soon come!

This all really can be done anytime, but doing it now means less keeping an eye on them to water them several times a day! thumbsup.gif

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The Borax I ordered finally arrived yesterday.... the ants are in a frenzy thumbsup.gif I mixed with some sugar and water (about 50/ 50)

Will see if the populations decrease by tomorrow...

This is "food grade", so more expensive than agricultural grade, which cannot get locally, that I have found ...

Gai Pharmacy on Soi 4 Maeman, brought it in. She will do the same for others if interested... (order in)


They like the hose pipe as their run way ... This was after about 10 minutes....


So I hope I will be able to head out to the garden soon, with out a major attack of ants... nibbling at me....bah.gif

I will post progress! wink.png

Just one more note:

With the rain of late, many shrubs have put on a lot of growth very quickly .... so they are falling over... so propping with a bamboo pole, will help, or trim them back, to lighten the weight! best to do before they snap! wink.png

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Borax I ordered finally arrived yesterday.... the ants are in a frenzy thumbsup.gif I mixed with some sugar and water (about 50/ 50)

Will see if the populations decrease by tomorrow...

This is "food grade", so more expensive than agricultural grade, which cannot get locally, that I have found ...

Gai Pharmacy on Soi 4 Maeman, brought it in. She will do the same for others if interested... (order in)


They like the hose pipe as their run way ... This was after about 10 minutes....


So I hope I will be able to head out to the garden soon, with out a major attack of ants... nibbling at me....bah.gif

I will post progress! wink.png

Just one more note:

With the rain of late, many shrubs have put on a lot of growth very quickly .... so they are falling over... so propping with a bamboo pole, will help, or trim them back, to lighten the weight! best to do before they snap! wink.png

Just to update on the Borax and sugar mix experiment ... these little red stinging ants, (shown above ^) seemed to have disappeared thumbsup.gif .... But that mix does not seem to be as effective on the small black ants (that also sting)... or the larger red ants that bite...but not sting!

I have not seen as many small "sugar ants" around the inside of the house either, for the last few days ! smile.png

I reckon there are about five or six types of ants, here... not all are annoying, some are actually useful around the garden~!

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  • 1 month later...

It's been pretty quite around the garden this last while... !.... a few weeds to deal with and keep on top of.... but with the coolish weather, many plants not feeling the stress of the warmer days, which I am sure will come soon...!

I can say after a month or so now, that the house and garden are pretty much an ant free zone... even none of what I call "dust ants" are gone from the daily sweep of the house! after using the Borax mix mentioned above...thumbsup.gif

There are lots of great blooming plants doing well .... one plant that seems to hold it's flower for months on end, this is Cosmos, come in both yellow and orange, and really simple to grow from seed! ... Small seedlings that appear under the plants can easily be transplanted!


Portulaca ... here, in several colours, are another easy plant to grow, but they do need dividing up every few months... to keep them going... it's really simple to do! ... If you don't they just seem to die out! They generally open there flowers in the morning hours...


Canna lilies, come in many colours, these plants are as tough as nails. they do well in both very dry or even boggy / ponds!

There are lots blooming around right now... they tend to come and go throughout the year...

Easy to divide up.. and transplant... if you know some one with large clumps!


a mixed batch of colours of Canna lilies! ...


Happy Gardening!

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It's been pretty quite around the garden this last while... !.... a few weeds to deal with and keep on top of.... but with the coolish weather, many plants not feeling the stress of the warmer days, which I am sure will come soon...!

I can say after a month or so now, that the house and garden are pretty much an ant free zone... even none of what I call "dust ants" are gone from the daily sweep of the house! after using the Borax mix mentioned above...thumbsup.gif

There are lots of great blooming plants doing well .... one plant that seems to hold it's flower for months on end, this is Cosmos, come in both yellow and orange, and really simple to grow from seed! ... Small seedlings that appear under the plants can easily be transplanted!


Portulaca ... here, in several colours, are another easy plant to grow, but they do need dividing up every few months... to keep them going... it's really simple to do! ... If you don't they just seem to die out! They generally open there flowers in the morning hours...


Canna lilies, come in many colours, these plants are as tough as nails. they do well in both very dry or even boggy / ponds!

There are lots blooming around right now... they tend to come and go throughout the year...

Easy to divide up.. and transplant... if you know some one with large clumps!


a mixed batch of colours of Canna lilies! ...


Happy Gardening!

Hi Mr gardener,

Can I ask you about those Canna lilies, if I should buy some in little pot or in seed ? its seems I could make kind of a little edge with them, I have a edge I did trim so much yesterday hopping it will restart from the base, now there is nothing left sad.png

And also maybe where I could buy some if you know a shop? I have seen at least 3 of them in Lamai only but I never bought anything till now.

As for the Thai name I can show the picture.

wai.gif in advance

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It's been pretty quite around the garden this last while... !.... a few weeds to deal with and keep on top of.... but with the coolish weather, many plants not feeling the stress of the warmer days, which I am sure will come soon...!

I can say after a month or so now, that the house and garden are pretty much an ant free zone... even none of what I call "dust ants" are gone from the daily sweep of the house! after using the Borax mix mentioned above...thumbsup.gif

There are lots of great blooming plants doing well .... one plant that seems to hold it's flower for months on end, this is Cosmos, come in both yellow and orange, and really simple to grow from seed! ... Small seedlings that appear under the plants can easily be transplanted!

Portulaca ... here, in several colours, are another easy plant to grow, but they do need dividing up every few months... to keep them going... it's really simple to do! ... If you don't they just seem to die out! They generally open there flowers in the morning hours...

Canna lilies, come in many colours, these plants are as tough as nails. they do well in both very dry or even boggy / ponds!

There are lots blooming around right now... they tend to come and go throughout the year...

Easy to divide up.. and transplant... if you know some one with large clumps!


a mixed batch of colours of Canna lilies! ...

Happy Gardening!

Hi Mr gardener,

Can I ask you about those Canna lilies, if I should buy some in little pot or in seed ? its seems I could make kind of a little edge with them, I have a edge I did trim so much yesterday hopping it will restart from the base, now there is nothing left sad.png

And also maybe where I could buy some if you know a shop? I have seen at least 3 of them in Lamai only but I never bought anything till now.

As for the Thai name I can show the picture.

wai.gif in advance

Hi Tchooptip!

I think the stuff you trimmed back will probably re-appear... most things revive pretty fast here... with out knowing what it was it hard to say for sure...

I have no idea of the Thai name, for Canna lilies, but easy enough to spot.... if you have neighbours with large clumps, then just chop off some of the root... (ask them first!!!) .... they are better split up every year or two,... just like herbaceous perennials... I split some a few weeks ago, and up and blooming already! thumbsup.gif

Other wise check the garden centres, it may be a bit of a hunt, but if they are blooming, they will probably have them, set out front... (I am having a blank blink.png on garden centre locations in the Lamai area, but I am sure there are some... or try some of those on the road to Nathon... there are several nurseries in the Lipa Noi area on both sides of the road.

I have never seen seeds for sale here, usually in the "west " they are sold as "tubers"... in in colder location would have to be frost protected, digging them up and storing...

But here they go all year round...and do not die back, . but only bloom periodically... a nice show when they do though!

As flowers finish pinch off the "dead heads", and new flowers will appear more quickly! Make sure too that planting area is free of weeds especially grass and avoid watering foliage in evening as they can be pron to fungus.... open airy areas are best, usually too . wink.png

Hope that helps...! smile.png

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It's been pretty quite around the garden this last while... !.... a few weeds to deal with and keep on top of.... but with the coolish weather, many plants not feeling the stress of the warmer days, which I am sure will come soon...!

I can say after a month or so now, that the house and garden are pretty much an ant free zone... even none of what I call "dust ants" are gone from the daily sweep of the house! after using the Borax mix mentioned above...thumbsup.gif

There are lots of great blooming plants doing well .... one plant that seems to hold it's flower for months on end, this is Cosmos, come in both yellow and orange, and really simple to grow from seed! ... Small seedlings that appear under the plants can easily be transplanted!

Portulaca ... here, in several colours, are another easy plant to grow, but they do need dividing up every few months... to keep them going... it's really simple to do! ... If you don't they just seem to die out! They generally open there flowers in the morning hours...

Canna lilies, come in many colours, these plants are as tough as nails. they do well in both very dry or even boggy / ponds!

There are lots blooming around right now... they tend to come and go throughout the year...

Easy to divide up.. and transplant... if you know some one with large clumps!


a mixed batch of colours of Canna lilies! ...

Happy Gardening!

Hi Mr gardener,

Can I ask you about those Canna lilies, if I should buy some in little pot or in seed ? its seems I could make kind of a little edge with them, I have a edge I did trim so much yesterday hopping it will restart from the base, now there is nothing left sad.png

And also maybe where I could buy some if you know a shop? I have seen at least 3 of them in Lamai only but I never bought anything till now.

As for the Thai name I can show the picture.

wai.gif in advance

Hi Tchooptip!

I think the stuff you trimmed back will probably re-appear... most things revive pretty fast here... with out knowing what it was it hard to say for sure...

I have no idea of the Thai name, for Canna lilies, but easy enough to spot.... if you have neighbours with large clumps, then just chop off some of the root... (ask them first!!!) .... they are better split up every year or two,... just like herbaceous perennials... I split some a few weeks ago, and up and blooming already! thumbsup.gif

Other wise check the garden centres, it may be a bit of a hunt, but if they are blooming, they will probably have them, set out front... (I am having a blank blink.png on garden centre locations in the Lamai area, but I am sure there are some... or try some of those on the road to Nathon... there are several nurseries in the Lipa Noi area on both sides of the road.

I have never seen seeds for sale here, usually in the "west " they are sold as "tubers"... in in colder location would have to be frost protected, digging them up and storing...

But here they go all year round...and do not die back, . but only bloom periodically... a nice show when they do though!

As flowers finish pinch off the "dead heads", and new flowers will appear more quickly! Make sure too that planting area is free of weeds especially grass and avoid watering foliage in evening as they can be pron to fungus.... open airy areas are best, usually too . wink.png

Hope that helps...! smile.png

Hello Jimmy,

thank you for your answer, the hedge I did trim I believe in English is a "privet" in French troène, that I guess was not look after, never trimmed, so I took the risk to cut it half-length ???sad.png

For the Canna lilies I can put the photo on my phone to show, my wife is not sure of the Thai name.

I do not want to impose on your kindness...but... I never found the answer for the seasons in Thailand compare to Europe, maybe the comparaison is difficult?

In Europe the vegetation starts again in spring and the leaves are falling in automne, october november (roughly of course) but in Thailand ?

Have a good day

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Quote... I started afresh so not have to scroll through all the pics again!

"Hello Jimmy,

thank you for your answer, the hedge I did trim I believe in English is a "privet" in French troène, that I guess was not look after, never trimmed, so I took the risk to cut it half-length ???sad.png

For the Canna lilies I can put the photo on my phone to show, my wife is not sure of the Thai name.

I do not want to impose on your kindness...but... I never found the answer for the seasons in Thailand compare to Europe, maybe the comparaison is difficult?

In Europe the vegetation starts again in spring and the leaves are falling in automne, october november (roughly of course) but in Thailand ?

Have a good day"


Ah! you are talking about a hedge in Europe... well being Privet it may come back... not seen in the south of Thailand but may well grow in the northern areas! (better stay to local stuff here!) wink.png

Yes, taking a photo will help and go to the plant centres, ... I did ask a local, but was told it had long Thai name, and they could not remember what it was anyway! facepalm.gifsmile.png

As for seasons in Thailand, it really depends on were you are, the north is much cooler in winter months than the south... although this year all of Thailand seems to be experiencing, colder than normal temperatures... The monsoon seasons vary around the country too... But it is still not the same as northern climates... April, is our hottest month here in the southern regions, generally.

Speaking for Samui and the islands, and I assume that is where you want to find Canna lilies, here they stay "evergreen" and don't die back as they would in colder climate... I sometimes cut mine back to the ground, so as to just get fresh new growth, the come back very quickly. thumbsup.gif

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What would be some easy starter veggies for this time of year in Samui, Ive only ever grown tomatoes in a greenhouse before.

The locals have been planting all kinds of stuff lately, Corn, dill, basil, (local and Italian)..... just about any thing really that you can find seed for...

There lies the problem sometimes, I know someone looking for Bok Choi, but cannot find!

Gai Pharmacy, Soi 4 Maenam, usually has a reasonable selection of seed, if you squeeze down one of the aisles !... Do not buy seed sitting on seed rack in the full sun... wink.png

Anyone know of other seed sources around the islands? (for those on KP the "Garage shop" in Tongsala, usually has a pretty good selection..

This was planted mid January, coming along fast now!


Hope that helps!

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Can I get some comments on a good species of sea side bamboo.


That's a tough one.... I don't know... how salt tolerant bamboo is... (from sea spray etc)

Just doing a quick Google search .... here is one example, below .... it looks like there are many varieties that are.... trying to find them here, might be a bit more difficult.... you generally do not see a lot of varieties at local nurseries~! wink.png


Can any one help here?

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