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Thai Government Hangs By A Thread


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Maybe they have just learned from the PAD playbook.

But, bringing kids into town doesn't seem nearly as bad as paying their families to use them as human shields on the front lines.

From the PAD seizure of BKKs airport.

Protesters in Thailand are luring children into their airport rally by paying mums and dads to give up their kids, according to an Australian trapped in the country...

Families who joined the "peaceful" demonstration with babies or children were getting paid more, Ms Vennell said.

"Many families are pushing their children to enter into the situation to provide more money for their families," she said.

The idea is that the military or police won't use as much force because children were still there, she said.


MellowYellow, if posting media reports, please use ones with a bit more credibility than hearsay picked up by a young traveller with no other authentication.


Are you trying to imply that the "Aussie traveller" had a reason to lie, 15 months years ago, with some nostradamic foretelling that it might be useful in an argument for the other side in 15 months?

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Having more elections in Thailand means nothing. Either side does not respect the result.

That model is useless in Thailand.

Another coup ? That just strips away foreign confidence in LOS.

Anyone got any other ideas ?

yes..... the problems are stemming from the two forces that are in place to protect the people ......army and police ...... no one is safe when the military and poilce defy govt orders to protect the interest of the country ..... both forces need a broom thru the top order and start fresh ..... what if the police and military disagree ??? what if one sides with the red shirts and the other with the govt ?? it only takes one nutter to set things off ..... this is not looking good !!!! IMO

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I don't think so.

They are suffering from a loss of nerve, but have an opportunity to recover.

Abhisit just finished telling off the people who are truly in control of this country (the military). Wouldn't expect him to be in power too much longer, especially considering the military's actions today proved they're more than willing to switch sides at this point in time.

That's how it should be in a free society. The military should be subordinate to civilian powers. It certainly goes against the Red's claim that Abhisit a puppet of the military. Should he retain power, my thinking is that Thailand has made a big step forward.

Agree with the concept.

Why is it that neither side is calling for amendment to the constitution changing the military's role?

One might think that both sides would want the military to report directly to the PM and to codify this direct link of chain of command.

If a PM started issuing unlawful orders, they could have a judicial process to determine whether or not the orders stood.

Right now it appears that the military is free to engage and disengage in politics at the whims and desires of it's current leaders. They also seem to have little to no accountability other to themselves.

I know their oath is sworn to HRM, but he does not engage in politics.

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"The protesters brought Buddhist monks to the front, to counter which the police regrouped by bringing female riot police to the front of their lines. The protesters retreated as Buddhist monks in the Theravada sect cannot have physical contact with females."

Only in Thailand

As long as the PM can prevent Bloodshed he can stay in power.

Have to eat some Poo but with Songkran starting he should get another week in power.


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Give him a gun and tell him to take the first shot :)

Nobody needs to shoot anybody. There are other methods of dispersing and controlling these people. This whole notion of Thais not hurting Thais is twaddle and a little childish. The country seriously needs to move forward and if this is not dealt with it'll be the same thing over and over again by any group not happy with the system.

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It's quite clear the military does what the military wants to do, and doesn't take orders from the government.

Does anyone in Thailand know about or understand the concept of Court Martial e.g. diminishing the rank of said army officers who refuse an order? Or is everything in Lack of Sanctions (LOS) meerly suggestions?

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After Abhisit had instructed the army and police to stop the demonstrators from entering the sat compound, the picture of the laughing soldier, arm in arm with the red shirt demonstrator says it all - the chap who is printing those Mr. T posters (President for life) has upped his production after that picture was shown in the Nation Newspaper.

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[This could mean that a crackdown is on the cards and bloodshed will happen, then Abhisit steps down..

Army has already said they will not hurt thai people, so I don't think that will happen.

What the he-- do "police" do in this country???? Are then not "employed" to enforce the law? GEEZE what a way. Phew really difficult to understand. Sorry I was born/raised in Philadelphia, PA U.S.A. and know that consequences are definitely forthcoming if/when a law is broken. Isn't that what a civilized society does i.e. decide on appropriate actions for the good of the many and give consequences to those who do not want to detract from the norms of the majority of the people? PHEW - Land of Scams (LOS) is a challenge for me to understand - still.

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I don't think so.

They are suffering from a loss of nerve, but have an opportunity to recover.

Abhisit just finished telling off the people who are truly in control of this country (the military). Wouldn't expect him to be in power too much longer, especially considering the military's actions today proved they're more than willing to switch sides at this point in time.

That's how it should be in a free society. The military should be subordinate to civilian powers. It certainly goes against the Red's claim that Abhisit a puppet of the military. Should he retain power, my thinking is that Thailand has made a big step forward.

Agree with the concept.

Why is it that neither side is calling for amendment to the constitution changing the military's role?

One might think that both sides would want the military to report directly to the PM and to codify this direct link of chain of command.

If a PM started issuing unlawful orders, they could have a judicial process to determine whether or not the orders stood.

Right now it appears that the military is free to engage and disengage in politics at the whims and desires of it's current leaders. They also seem to have little to no accountability other to themselves.

I know their oath is sworn to HRM, but he does not engage in politics.

The national military should exist to protect the country from external forces. The police exist to maintain law and order wiithin the country. If there are regional militias they exist to defend the people and maintain law and order in their region.

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I fully support a coup that is followed by free and fair elections.

That's how we got to this point in the first place.

Nope. The last coup wasn't followed by free and fair elections.

For once I agree with you! but the EC kicked the mongrels out, didn't they?

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@ parryhandy,

Why you ask the Red Shirts to answer your questions?

Why you ask them to think?

If you live in Thailand for some years then you know Thai people CANNOT THINK.

If you live in Thailand for some years then you know that there are NO fair elections. It is called vote buying. Last election up to 2.000 Baht per vote. Thai people like the money but not the work to get the money nor the abailibility to think about things. It is their culture.

Futhermore, all Red Shirts are payed to demonstrate. ALL. Up to 1.000 Baht a day by Thaksin to bring him back. Their leaders are staying at the Hyatt Regency in suites at 20.000 Baht a night while the crowd is sleeping, cheering, urinating on the streets. They took all ID"s from the Reds Shirts so they cannot go home.

Red Shirts just follow the stupid Hitler orders from the leaders because they receive a salary to do the most bad and stupid things.

End of story. This is Thailand and no one can change. Only long time and good education. Two things Thai people don't want.

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Exactly - Thai not hurting Thais is complete and utter bol**cks - Thais love a good ruck providing they are they outnumber their opponant by 10 to 1. Abhisit is doing a great job, the military is bricking itself cause a coup would bring ALL Thais out into the street, so they can't play that card, leaving them devoid of ideas. This Thai not hurting Thai is media spin. Get in there kick them back to Nako n nowhere and have a good songkran.

Give him a gun and tell him to take the first shot :)

Nobody needs to shoot anybody. There are other methods of dispersing and controlling these people. This whole notion of Thais not hurting Thais is twaddle and a little childish. The country seriously needs to move forward and if this is not dealt with it'll be the same thing over and over again by any group not happy with the system.

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Maybe they have just learned from the PAD playbook.

But, bringing kids into town doesn't seem nearly as bad as paying their families to use them as human shields on the front lines.

From the PAD seizure of BKKs airport.

Protesters in Thailand are luring children into their airport rally by paying mums and dads to give up their kids, according to an Australian trapped in the country...

Families who joined the "peaceful" demonstration with babies or children were getting paid more, Ms Vennell said.

"Many families are pushing their children to enter into the situation to provide more money for their families," she said.

The idea is that the military or police won't use as much force because children were still there, she said.


MellowYellow, if posting media reports, please use ones with a bit more credibility than hearsay picked up by a young traveller with no other authentication.


Are you trying to imply that the "Aussie traveller" had a reason to lie, 15 months years ago, with some nostradamic foretelling that it might be useful in an argument for the other side in 15 months?

Is it possible she was a little annoyed at not being able to go home? Where did she receive said information?

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I do support Thaksin but do not see his involvement as taking the Country forward now. If he gets what he wants then he should leave it be. I suspect that is a forlorn hope on my part.

How can you support a murder and a thief? Christ! You may even be one yourself. Shuddddeeerrrrrrrr

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There will be a coup very quickly or abhisit will try to hang on and draw it out.... but will eventually be TOLD to call elections.

As what he is doing now is making a mockery out of the party and the military at the same time.

It is not Abhisit making a mockery, he has done what he needs to be done ...

the police and army do not follow orders, the police and army looking week

derilliction (sp) comes to mind

Do really think the military are going to do something against their sister, mother, niece, uncle, grandfather.

where do you think these guys come from?

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The red shirts are frustrated , they have enough of promises not held , enough of beeing

kept poor , ignorant and uneducated. Enough of beeing considered secund class citizens

Enough of the machinations of a parliament whose only objective is to hang on

to their plush seats and earn untold amount of money though corruption and traffic of influence .

Enough of the lack of transparency .

Yes the reds commited mistakes but , except for extremists like Arisman , I salute them for

having refrain on the whole of violent acts . Its pretty much astonishing given their

immense frustration

I thought that giving Abhisit 9 months to adjust all the above would work but it increasingly

looks to me as if that will not be possible , he as Thaksin are beyond the point of no return .

Its not so much the issue of love for Thaksin as the issue of dislike for Abhisit outside BKK

According to my info on personal preference upcountry folks would be ok without Thaksin ,

but they DO NOT WANT Abhisit

I 'd say in my opinin that a "council of wise men" with K Chuan Leepai , K Anand , K Chavalit , K Barnharm

(sorry for spelling mistakes) and few others Ex PM or academics is called upon to rule the country by now ,

write a new constitution that allows a greater control by the

people of the governement and more transparency and submit the constitution to popular referendum .

The current parliament is artificial it has be subject to too many changes since last voted in Dec 2007

elections are called upon . They must return to the people for legitimacy

As for the Royal Thai army they have sensed the mood of the country , and that is a very important

thing for Thailand

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Even a blind man can see what's needed here, and has always been the case. The government elected by the people has to be allowed to serve out it's term without military or any other intervention. Any other scenario and the voters are bound to take to the street, especially when supporters of the opposing party have been treated with kid-gloves in the past. I'm farang, but I'd get very pear shaped if the government in the UK was ousted by the army and another, unelected, party was put in in it's place.

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Heading north yesterday, big police road block BKK side of SaraBuri (highway1??) Just north, 4 or 5 pickups flying red flags parked on the side of the road, didn't look like happy campers.

Re-enforcements heading south will have to try something else.

Noticeable lack of red flags etc up here, only one I saw was on a over-long load.

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Makes you wonder why anyone would wanna be Prime Minister.

Sure the power position is nice .... but it never seems to last long

If they call an election and reds win ..

Yellows will then protest

If yellow win election

Reds will cry foul again

Lose / Lose

and the beat goes on

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Even the Army is being more responsible and progressive than Abhisit at the moment. The country is suffering because this one silver spoon millionaire Abhisit just won't admit that his ship is sinking. His ability to censor thought and information and stifle all expression of political will is far less than he thinks it is.

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Even the Army is being more responsible and progressive than Abhisit at the moment. The country is suffering because this one silver spoon millionaire Abhisit just won't admit that his ship is sinking. His ability to censor thought and information and stifle all expression of political will is far less than he thinks it is.

How about a megalomaniac billionaire that wont admit that his ship has already sunk?

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There will be a coup very quickly or abhisit will try to hang on and draw it out.... but will eventually be TOLD to call elections.

As what he is doing now is making a mockery out of the party and the military at the same time.

It is not Abhisit making a mockery, he has done what he needs to be done ...

the police and army do not follow orders, the police and army looking week

derilliction (sp) comes to mind

Do really think the military are going to do something against their sister, mother, niece, uncle, grandfather.

where do you think these guys come from?

Exactly right . God forbid they do something violent . And same to the reds

Edited by moresomekl
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Makes you wonder why anyone would wanna be Prime Minister.

Sure the power position is nice .... but it never seems to last long

If they call an election and reds win ..

Yellows will then protest

If yellow win election

Reds will cry foul again

Lose / Lose

and the beat goes on

If the election is free and fair without corruption , i think all will accept it .

I dont think the dems would win that one .

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There were not many happy faces at the press conference. Last ditch efforts now by the govt. to hold things together.

Hang in there Prime Minister, you are the only leader Thailand has ever had , so , you are surrounded by a lot of back stabbing , weak kneed, out of date , out of time Generals , come to Australia mate, you would do a better job than the one here at present , not that the opposition are any brighter.

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Even the Army is being more responsible and progressive than Abhisit at the moment. The country is suffering because this one silver spoon millionaire Abhisit just won't admit that his ship is sinking. His ability to censor thought and information and stifle all expression of political will is far less than he thinks it is.

How about a megalomaniac billionaire that wont admit that his ship has already sunk?

Both Abhisit AND Thaksin are beyond the point of no return .

Those who want a fight still can make Abhisit Thai ambassador to


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Even the Army is being more responsible and progressive than Abhisit at the moment. The country is suffering because this one silver spoon millionaire Abhisit just won't admit that his ship is sinking. His ability to censor thought and information and stifle all expression of political will is far less than he thinks it is.

How about a megalomaniac billionaire that wont admit that his ship has already sunk?

If those are the footsteps Abhisit insists on following, the sooner the better.

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"A total of 37 companies of troops were deployed to guard the Thaicom satellite earth station in Pathum Thani's Lat Lum Kaeo district at 10:30 pm Friday night.

The troops came from the 9th Cavalry Division in Kanchanaburi, 2nd Cavalry Division in Bangok and the Don Mueng-based Air Defence Command.

They set up barbed wires around the station's wall and made the barriers higher than the last time.

They also set up three checkpoints at the entrance to Wat Bor Thong temple, at the entrance to Shinawatra University and the entrance to Wat Nong Pladook Temple.

The soldiers at the checkpoints were armed with M16 assault rifles and machine guns.

The Nation"

So do the Reds try again or did they make their point yesterday?

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Heading north yesterday, big police road block BKK side of SaraBuri (highway1??) Just north, 4 or 5 pickups flying red flags parked on the side of the road, didn't look like happy campers.

Re-enforcements heading south will have to try something else.

Noticeable lack of red flags etc up here, only one I saw was on a over-long load.

Yeah Mick , big stuff went down from Phitsanulok Wed, these boys are hard ones, not kids, have a mate thats a regular , Ol Sarg , he's done a fair bit of boarder stuff.

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