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Thailand Crime Rate?


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This newyorkman is an obvious troll, whether he's genuine or not. Why is anyone taking the bait?

If you take a hard look at the nationmaster statistics you'll find they can't be trusted. How is it possible that the firearm murder rate is higher than the overall murder rate? Not mathematically possible. Cannot be trusted.

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Open season on Farangs runs from Jan 1 to Dec 31 every year

Sensei, I am sorry but I don't understand your aggression towards Thailand. I think that maybe you had a bad experience and are now just trying to scare people away from going to visit. Thailand is about 9th on the list of murders per capita and I had never met a friendlier race of people to be around. Of course, as a foreigner they would like to part you from your money but generally do it in a way that you don't really take that much offence to. I don't even know the stats about New York city but I think that they are a little higher than the L.O.S. I understand that you may feel a little more comfortable being able to defend yourself but I always find that aggression towards Thai people and disrespect towards them always casues the situation to get worse. I know that if you find yourself in a situation that you cannot get yourself out of intellectually then, sometimes, you need to confront voilence with voilence, but I don't always think that this is the best policy. Martial arts teaches us that the last resort is to inflict pain on others.

Be well.

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New York is safe then????

What a load of twaddle,utter garbage.you make it sound like there is a good chance of dying if you are not well connected.Thats called a snob in the uk,and i suppose you have a thai/chinese gf/wife thats got loads of money and her father is Thaksin.

All you need to be safe in Thailand is to be a good honest nice person,not be too loud and and dont be an idiot,just like most countries in the world.

sorry but i have lived here for years and i don think Thailand is dangerous.

The entire Thailand is about who's connected to whom, that's the culture here. You would know that if you lived here long enough and had a brain.

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I am the love child of Chuck Norris and Bruce Lee and I will roundhouse kick you and your half pint gang members back into your mothers wombs, only for you to be reborn, and slapped again by the midwife.

Oh and for the record, only little bitches use guns and knives. I have been shot and stabbed in the past and guess what, it didn't even hurt. Infact, I didn't even realise until they started shouting nasty words at me. Thats when I slapped them, bent them over and introduced them to my Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Bruce Lee is dead and Chuck Norris is selling gym equipment. Roundhouse is so 1980's. Even pop martial arts are mixed martial arts with emphasis on jujutsu. Street punks shoot and miss and hit innocent kids. Before I was a master of bushido, I was trained by airborne, that's special forces for those who don't know. I can group shots in 1 inch circle from 50 yards with 9mm Beretta 92F, headshots every time from 600 yards with sniper bolt action rifle 12X scope. And don't get me started on my assault rifle with bayonette and two magazines taped together. I'd bitch slap the punks around, but my religion, Buddhism, prohibits me from arbitrarily bitch slapping punks. I do make acceptions sometimes, though, and the I have to go to Wat and make amends, but hey, it works for Steven Seagal, and it works for me.

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Open season on Farangs runs from Jan 1 to Dec 31 every year

Sensei, I am sorry but I don't understand your aggression towards Thailand. I think that maybe you had a bad experience and are now just trying to scare people away from going to visit. Thailand is about 9th on the list of murders per capita and I had never met a friendlier race of people to be around. Of course, as a foreigner they would like to part you from your money but generally do it in a way that you don't really take that much offence to. I don't even know the stats about New York city but I think that they are a little higher than the L.O.S. I understand that you may feel a little more comfortable being able to defend yourself but I always find that aggression towards Thai people and disrespect towards them always casues the situation to get worse. I know that if you find yourself in a situation that you cannot get yourself out of intellectually then, sometimes, you need to confront voilence with voilence, but I don't always think that this is the best policy. Martial arts teaches us that the last resort is to inflict pain on others.

Be well.

Finally someone with at least some intelligence. Thais are friendly with tourists they can fool, but who knows what it is, they call them farang ki nok - which means you know all their games and you are good for nothing to them. You understand Thai and they can't talk bad about you right in front of you. And when they try to fool you, and you catch them on it, they lose face, which makes them look like idiots. That's when they get aggressive, because then it's farang fault for making them lose face. As you can see, Thai can get very aggressive quite easily. Also, I don't have a high opionion of farang in Thailand, mostly they are sex tourists, because prostitutes in Thailand are cheaper than London or whatever. But I am getting bored. I really do must get back to my businesses, including buy tonns of stock on NYSE and making tonns of money when it goes up, just like I did in 2003. Be careful with Thailand, it's not always what it looks like.

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Bruce Lee is dead and Chuck Norris is selling gym equipment. Roundhouse is so 1980's. Even pop martial arts are mixed martial arts with emphasis on jujutsu. Street punks shoot and miss and hit innocent kids. Before I was a master of bushido, I was trained by airborne, that's special forces for those who don't know. I can group shots in 1 inch circle from 50 yards with 9mm Beretta 92F, headshots every time from 600 yards with sniper bolt action rifle 12X scope. And don't get me started on my assault rifle with bayonette and two magazines taped together. I'd bitch slap the punks around, but my religion, Buddhism, prohibits me from arbitrarily bitch slapping punks. I do make acceptions sometimes, though, and the I have to go to Wat and make amends, but hey, it works for Steven Seagal, and it works for me.

Like I told you before, guns are for little bitches, ones who have to hide behind their boomsticks. You think that jibber jabber is impressive? I can kill a man with a chopstick up to 800 yards, and maim a man up to 1000 yards. Anything after 1000 yards I can't hit with a chopstick because there is not a chopstick in the world that can survive the immense forces inflicted on it for that long, it simply disintegrates. Some say it travels so fast it ends up in another dimension, but it has not been confirmed yet.

Back in the day when I was adopted by Pandas I learned their secret ways. I learned how to look all friendly, but be very deadly, and I can fight with bamboo better than anyone alive today, and when i'm done fighting, I can survive on the bamboo.

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ive actually never heard so much' bushido' in all my life. what world does newyorksuperman live in!?

Well I am also from NY...i know how tought it is there, I lived in Brooklyn and then moved up to Manhattan... so he is either 1 of 3 things:

1) What we call in america a "internet ganster" or a 'wankster" meaning some one who acts all tough behind a computer but actually is a little Byotch in real person, probably from years of being bullied around.

2) He has "little man syndrome"...i know you all have met some pople like this...

3) He could actually be what he saids, I know for a fact that New Yorkers like to brag and act tough but some of them can back it all up....

(NewYorkMan)So if you do have Money and aint bullsh** about all this, then PM me and lets stack this paper together, cause I got a lot of connection that i am sure you dont and vice versa. For real.

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i heard its the quiet ones you want to worry about!

i dont worry about the i ams. theres one right now outside 7 sipin on a chang givin it the i am... but he isnt.

nor am i but then i dont go givin it the big un, like the segull lover.

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I guess I am missing out on something. I have been living in Pattaya for three years now. Except for trips to Immigration I have never spoken to any policemen or other government employees. I have never had a confrontation with any Thais, including baht bus drivers. I am often stupid drunk and wandering around in the wee hours and have never even felt threatened. I have no large sum of money and as far as I know I have never met an "influential person". I am almost 70 years old and moderately fat so no one is afraid of me.

I need help. How can I change my life so I am like some of you big boys?

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Lets not let facts get in the way. Thailand is far, far from safe. It may be safer than 'X', but it's not safe. Crime is high--both violent crimes and petty crime. Safety and driving infractions are rampant and deadly.

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Never heard so much tosh here on Tv for a long time. Thailand with a worse murder rate than the USA you are obviously reading too many comics. A link to this statistic would be nice ? Get a real life and I would bet my small Thai missus could kick your sad sorry ass all over Thailand ha ha ha

PS Steen Segal is just a coke snorting fat basT$%^d now and couldn't kick his own ass never mind anybody elses. Ha ha ha

Thailand is one of the World's most dangerous places according to the daily Telegraph.


Then this from the Independent...

With so many Britons murdered in Thailand, why does our Government not warn of the dangers faced there?

At least 17 Britons have been murdered in Thailand since 2003 – including Toby Charnaud, brutally slain by his Thai wife. Now, his family want to know why our Government is so reluctant to warn that the 'Land of Smiles' is one of the most dangerous places on earth for its British residents.


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I am from South Africa, and am married to a Thai, we speak alot about Thailand and do comparisons, If you want to know a dangerous place to stay come here to Joburg, and lets see how long you can survive, I am not saying that Thailand is safer than South Africa but statistically speaking the crimes here are far more hanous than what is released, and it is not just the tourists that are targeted, it does not matter who you are and how well you are connected, for an example if your car is on a list thay take it, you make noise you are terminated, and so on.

Everything evolves around money, the more money you got, the bigger target you are!

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New York is safe then????

What a load of twaddle,utter garbage.you make it sound like there is a good chance of dying if you are not well connected.Thats called a snob in the uk,and i suppose you have a thai/chinese gf/wife thats got loads of money and her father is Thaksin.

All you need to be safe in Thailand is to be a good honest nice person,not be too loud and and dont be an idiot,just like most countries in the world.

sorry but i have lived here for years and i don think Thailand is dangerous.

Like I said, idiots who sit at their bars with tourist police 10 meters away think Thailand is safe. I saw dead body of middle age farang lying next to major road two hours north of Phuket couple years ago, wearing only underwear. Locals explained that instead of just getting suicided in his hotel room this was done in retaliation for offense to a Thai woman. As a person of influence, I was offered a hit to be done for a discounted price of 6,000 baht when the going rate was 40,000 to which I said not interested at the time, but your farang behind is worth about that much in Thailand. Still think Thailand is safe? Thai murder rate is twice the US, which is already high to start. The real danger of Thailand is that, unlike NY which is rough, Thai pretend to be all nice and sweet and peaceful while being twice as dangerous as US, and some farang fall for the image of Thailand and suffer consequences. I can't count how many farangs were killed while in a court dispute with mia Thai or business partner. Still think you are safe? Thais care so much about farang that they closed all major airports a few months ago. UK is joke, tried to take over entire world and thank God finally kicked out from every country. Only idiots would try to take over USA as a colony, total idiots. And now UK people apply their retarded reasoning to Thailand and claim that it's safe. No, only I and Steven Seagal are truly safe in Thailand, because we are more bad ass than any Thai kickboxing punk or a gang of kickboxing punks. My interest in Thailand is business, not Thai women who are the biggest criminals in the world with the highest incarceration rate in the world. That's why so many farang get screwed by their Thai wife. Thailand is not safe on so many levels that I don't have enough space to type in all the examples.

Edited by cudaproject
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I am the love child of Chuck Norris and Bruce Lee and I will roundhouse kick you and your half pint gang members back into your mothers wombs, only for you to be reborn, and slapped again by the midwife.

Oh and for the record, only little bitches use guns and knives. I have been shot and stabbed in the past and guess what, it didn't even hurt. Infact, I didn't even realise until they started shouting nasty words at me. Thats when I slapped them, bent them over and introduced them to my Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Bruce Lee is dead and Chuck Norris is selling gym equipment. Roundhouse is so 1980's. Even pop martial arts are mixed martial arts with emphasis on jujutsu. Street punks shoot and miss and hit innocent kids. Before I was a master of bushido, I was trained by airborne, that's special forces for those who don't know. I can group shots in 1 inch circle from 50 yards with 9mm Beretta 92F, headshots every time from 600 yards with sniper bolt action rifle 12X scope. And don't get me started on my assault rifle with bayonette and two magazines taped together. I'd bitch slap the punks around, but my religion, Buddhism, prohibits me from arbitrarily bitch slapping punks. I do make acceptions sometimes, though, and the I have to go to Wat and make amends, but hey, it works for Steven Seagal, and it works for me.

Watch out mate.. cause I'm a black belt in origami!

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Some years back there was a tough guy farang in the Pattaya/Jomtien area. He got involved in drugs, gambling and loan sharking. He lasted quite a while but it finally caught up with him. They found him sitting in his car beside the Jomtien police box. He had a tiny .22 inch hole in his temple. It doesn't matter how tough you are or how much bullshit you spread. It can all end in a heartbeat.

You want to be happy and stay out of trouble in Thailand, you keep a low profile and mind your own business.

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Some years back there was a tough guy farang in the Pattaya/Jomtien area. He got involved in drugs, gambling and loan sharking. He lasted quite a while but it finally caught up with him. They found him sitting in his car beside the Jomtien police box. He had a tiny .22 inch hole in his temple. It doesn't matter how tough you are or how much bullshit you spread. It can all end in a heartbeat.

You want to be happy and stay out of trouble in Thailand, you keep a low profile and mind your own business.

I practice daily so you'd better send at least six assasins to finish me off :o:D

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