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Bangkok: 10+ Dead, Hundreds Hurt In Bangkok Clashes

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And where is Abhisit?!?

People keep dying because of him.

Actually they are dying because of your hero Thaksin.

They are just cannon fodder for him.

And because of Abhisit as well

Just not so. That is red spin and nothing more.

ABHISIT is doing the job of being national leader, under the most trying of circumstances.

Thaksinm= has been financing the aggravation of those circumstances.

The blame must rest were it is most deserved.

And that is in the lap of the one fomenting the violent situation.

Not the one dealing with it as national leader.

By all standard of democracy in the world including Israel Abhisit is illegitimate .

Perhaps in Uganda or Somalia he might pass for duly elected

Then he send soldiers with M16 and live ammo against civilians

and they start shooting in the air then on protesters .

Is that PM guy normal ?

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Without any doubt, Abhisit's time to go has come.

ok i'll bite

why is that then?

her looks stronger than ever to me

You don't look strong when you kill your own people just to stay in power. It could all have been avoided by calling new elections. If he is indeed backed by the majority of Thais as he claims, he should have no problem winning an election and proving his mandate.

Abhisit now has the blood of Thais on his hands, and the Thai people will not forgive him.

Abhisit is doing his JOB- he is enforcing LAW and ORDER. The red shirts have been shown amazing leniency by the authorities but enough is enough and it's time for the red shirts to go home and tend to their fields. The farmers are but naive pawns in a game they do not understand. The blood of the dead is on Taksin's hands- he is the root cause for all of this.

Abhisit has now joined an elite club of Thai leaders that have ordered the army and police to shoot on their own Thai people. :)

what have you've been thinking? government did what they have to do perhaps if the reds burn your home you will just sit there and tweet about it? THINK!


Thai soldiers being held hostage by redshirts


Emergency Operation Command's spokesman Sansern Kaewkamnerd said red shirts protesters have held hostage two groups of soldiers.

The army is negotiating with the protesters to secure release of the soldiers.

He declined to give further details, saying the first group comprised eight soldiers while the second group comprised 20 soldiers.

Without any doubt, Abhisit's time to go has come.

Disagree. He has tried restraint for weeks. But the reds kept pushing.

He tried to negotiate with the red leaders, but Thaksin would have nothing of it.

The reds tried to keep it peaceful, but they couldn't help themselves. Breaking into parliament. Breaking into Thaicom. Confronting the army at their military bases.

The reds talked about non-violent protests. But non-violent protests don't involve sharpened sticks (spears), and they don't involve bombs.

The reds have caused this.

Yes Abhisit must resign now .

He sent soldiers with live ammunition , why did he do that ?

thats an interesting picture in your imagination, Abhisit in the barracks handing out live ammo...

the reds came equipped for a fight with guns, bombs and machetes

they got one

som nom naa

By all standard of democracy in the world including Israel Abhisit is illegitimate .

Perhaps in Uganda or Somalia he might pass for duly elected

Then he send soldiers with M16 and live ammo against civilians

and they start shooting in the air then on protesters .

Is that PM guy normal ?

What makes you think Thailand is/was a democracy?


i'm not up on politics- can anyone explain simply why the majority of posters are anti-thaksin & what makes him so much worse than other people in power? don't governments tend to be as bad as each other?

I agree

"anyone still supporting the red shirts is either totally insane or has no clue of reality "

ok, verygoodgirl, be a good girl and quit using large fonts.

Sad for the people, no matter on which side they are told to fight! The democrats took some 236m Baht as a 'party contribution' plus X, which we don't know of, from a petrochemical company and Thaksin sold a whole company without even paying taxes plus his wives land deals. So what choice do they have? "There must be some kind of way out of here, said the joker to the thief..."

The 'pawns' in the game for the big boys are the soldiers and policemen on the one hand and those poor buggers from the 'have not' class. Chess for the boys, pain for the people. When finally will people awake from the left-right paradigm. They're all crooks, so let's call the dog by it's name!


I could not have said it any better. Well done!!!!

Just saw Abhisit on TV. Impressive how much self control he shows.

Wondering if such a balanced PM is not showing too early in Thai history.

Facing him, shameless Zimbabwe-style red shirts leaders fooling innocent people to clash with the army for the sake of a billionaire hiding in Dubai.

Not enough for them to excite them to risk their lives for an agenda they're not aware of, they then go drag their bodies from the hospital to parade them to excite other ones to get hurt for their master on the run.


Did anybody else notice the smirk on his face?


actually they are dying because of your hero Thaksin.

They are just cannon fodder for him.

We should leave Thaksin out of this mess

it is not going to help, we need democracy,

we do not need a coup or a PM handled by the

militars = your hero Abhisit.

We should leave Thaksin out of this mess

As he is most certainly the root cause of this:

I nominate this as stupidest Post of the week!


pointless to give thaksin so much credit


thaksin deserves none.

the credit should go to the farmers, the real innocent "heroes" - paid or not a 30x500 bahts.

long live the freedom of association and free speech in thailand.

Why is there no more live updates on the Saturday updates thread?

Probably because it's Sunday :D

But Abhisit made his speech when it was still Saturday

And there is no Live updates for Sunday... at least not yet hahaha....

I am curious about what exactly Abhisit said just now :)


After 1 month of peaceful protesting this was bound to happen, something better happen soon before it gets worse.


How can people say these lies. Shooting grenades at public buildings is violent. Storming government offices is violent. Seizing the Thaicom office was an act of violence. The since the initial rallying in the outer provinces members of the red leadership have been advocating violence. This was the plan all along. Pull your head out of the sand. They wanted a violent confrontation to force the PM to quit.

But they didn't take the airport, like the yellows!

If it is proven that some of these people that died were paid by Thaksin to be there I would think he could be up on some very serious charges '

none of this would have happened if the red shirts were left to govern the country as duly elected...

That's the truth. Democracy has been stolen in this country several times since 2006. The reds have a good point...

Utter crap - the Isanies are the once that sold their votes to Taksin and are the main cause why democracy does not work here. The coup happened because Taksin was planting his supporters in key positions to make sure he would sray in power - this government we have has shown an awful lot of restrained and its the "peaceful" red shirts that are using life ammo - most if not all of the dead red shirts have probably been killed by their own either by accident or on purpose as propaganda meterial - anyone still supporting the red shirts is either totally insane or has no clue of reality

Wrong. Democracy has been stolen in Thailand. Here are the key recent events:

Sep 2006: Coup removes Thaksin

Dec 2007: People Power (allied to Thaksin) wins elections

Sep 2008: Constitutional Court removes Samak

Dec 2008: Constitutional Court forces out Somchai as PM

Dec 2008: Abhistit becomes premier, with no election

I make that 4 thefts of democracy. No wonder the reds and other non-privileged people in Thailand are angry. It seems it's only the wealthy Thais and the (relatively) rich farangs here who support these 4 years of theft of democracy.

I say the reds have a good argument - maybe they're being a bit crude about it (and Thaksin is surely no model leader) but democracy has always been won through resistance and compromise. People also struggled and died in UK, France, USA, etc, to win our rights. Unfortunate but true.


You just landed, right?

i'm not up on politics- can anyone explain simply why the majority of posters are anti-thaksin & what makes him so much worse than other people in power? don't governments tend to be as bad as each other?
The truth is that Abhisit lost face yesterday and had to regain it somehow today. His "strong response" and attempts to take back the rally sites have resulted in the deaths of Thai people :)

yes Thai people who were behaving in a dangerous, threatening and illegal manner that was detrimental to the countrys well being

unfortunately their terrorist like behaviour tragically took the lives of some brave soldiers doing their duty in defending this country from anarchists

unless its ok behave that way in cuckoo clock land ?........

Without any doubt, Abhisit's time to go has come.

ok i'll bite

why is that then?

he looks stronger than ever to me

He's responsible for the deaths of several protesters and soldiers. AND a Reuters journalist. Plus the overall attempt didn't even work, it's essentially a failed operation.

Just saw Abhisit on TV. Impressive how much self control he shows.

Wondering if such a balanced PM is not showing too early in Thai history.

Facing him, shameless Zimbabwe-style red shirts leaders fooling innocent people to clash with the army for the sake of a billionaire hiding in Dubai.

Not enough for them to excite them to risk their lives for an agenda they're not aware of, they then go drag their bodies from the hospital to parade them to excite other ones to get hurt for their master on the run.


Did anybody else notice the smirk on his face?

Probably a sign of pleasure because of the 9 farmers that died.

Thai soldiers being held hostage by redshirts

Emergency Operation Command's spokesman Sansern Kaewkamnerd said red shirts protesters have held hostage two groups of soldiers. The army is negotiating with the protesters to secure release of the soldiers.

He declined to give further details, saying the first group comprised eight soldiers while the second group comprised 20 soldiers.

Where's Rambo and Chuck Norris when you need 'em?

You just landed, right?
i'm not up on politics- can anyone explain simply why the majority of posters are anti-thaksin & what makes him so much worse than other people in power? don't governments tend to be as bad as each other?

You should do a search of the forum. The country has entered what may now be a civil war. Yet another discussion (there are hundreds) on the good versus bad things Thaksin did as a PM, and later as convicted fugitive, is really out of place here and now (on this thread anyway)!

By all standard of democracy in the world including Israel Abhisit is illegitimate .

Perhaps in Uganda or Somalia he might pass for duly elected

Then he send soldiers with M16 and live ammo against civilians

and they start shooting in the air then on protesters .

Is that PM guy normal ?

What makes you think Thailand is/was a democracy?

Good point . Well they try very hard , i guess

Just saw Abhisit on TV. Impressive how much self control he shows.

Wondering if such a balanced PM is not showing too early in Thai history.

Facing him, shameless Zimbabwe-style red shirts leaders fooling innocent people to clash with the army for the sake of a billionaire hiding in Dubai.

Not enough for them to excite them to risk their lives for an agenda they're not aware of, they then go drag their bodies from the hospital to parade them to excite other ones to get hurt for their master on the run.


Did anybody else notice the smirk on his face?

no, only you would be sick enough to imagine he would smirk whilst people are still dying in hospitals all over Bangkok

You just landed, right?
i'm not up on politics- can anyone explain simply why the majority of posters are anti-thaksin & what makes him so much worse than other people in power? don't governments tend to be as bad as each other?

You should do a search of the forum. The country has entered what may now be a civil war. Yet another discussion (there are hundreds) on the good versus bad things Thaksin did as a PM, and later as convicted fugitive, is really out of place here and now (on this thread anyway)!

ok thanks


I think the next Government of Thailand will be the Army, The people cannot settle this dispute, peacefully. This time I think the Army will not let go of power. Hope I do not get banned for saying what's obvious, If this government was aloud to serve its term of office, then have elections, then maybe civil obedience may follow, But I do not think so, because whoever gets in will not be cirfice for the opposition, Hence my view about the Army. Only Thailand will suffer, Nobody likes military controlled Governments.


"rest in peace" for the soldiers who died today. I hope that the government offers support and assistance to their families.

Regardless of the cause of the conflict or the goal that the protesters try to achieve. There comes a point where normal people know it is time to retreat. For example when faced with thousands of soldiers in riot gear ready to forcefully remove you from a intersection where you have no right to be... Unfortunately the protesters did not recognize the time to retreat. Manipulated by their "leaders" they choose to fight the security forces, never accepting their legitimate authority. I hope that the murderers responsible for the death of these soldiers and the Japanese cameraman are arrested and convicted of murder.

Although I feel sorry for the families of the protesters who died today, it is not Taksin or Abhisit who is to blame. The only one guilty is there own intellect and the choices they made. If only they put the same amount of energy and enthusiasm into raising and educating their children as they put into their "struggle" for democracy...


Please try to observe forum netiquette while posting. Large fonts are hard to read, and all CAPS is equivalent to shouting at someone sitting in front of you.

Posts in CAPS and large fonts will be arbitarily deleted during this high traffic period.

Thank you for your co-operation.

Without any doubt, Abhisit's time to go has come.

ok i'll bite

why is that then?

he looks stronger than ever to me

He's responsible for the deaths of several protesters and soldiers. AND a Reuters journalist. Plus the overall attempt didn't even work, it's essentially a failed operation.

Please be honest. There is nothing the red shirts can do that you wouldn't spin against Abhisit, now is there?


the way this is unfolding tonight is truly a black mark on all Thai society. Rural, urban, elite, poor or otherwise. You see the clips of these 18 to 20 yr old conscripts??? How many of us have passed a toll way both and had one of these young kids smile at us???? These poor kids need to die, <deleted>! We have all heard the rumors of money changing hands to enroll 'supporters' for this showdown. I wonder what the cash incentive for the leaders of the UDD was? couple of mill maybe??? what a joke.

And for their illustirious leader...was he not the same guy who pleaded tearfully with the media to leave his children alone, not make them the focus of attention during his 'regin'?? OH WAIT! wasn't that the same two 'kids' (uh sorry...shareholders) that were out promoting his book? "My Dad' yah, but that was different. Anybody recall when his son scooped that media adverstising contract from the UK based company that had already paid for and won the rights to underground advertising???? His kid JUST opened a media compnay and within weeks, the UK firm suddenly was out of the picture. OOOPs forgot that one. Anybody remeber when his daughter enrolled at a prestigiuos UNI and the entrance grading was adjusted to allow her acceptance??? NO? let me help...that was just before the media kid was caught cheating during his mid term exams'...he never graduated by the way) Was that not just around the time when 'the leader' tried to buy Liverpool Football Club and announced that he would pay for the pruchase with tax payers funds! I must have been away during the referendum, my Thai wife may have also forgot to inform me how she voted. Oh yah, he stated that the then Minister for tourism and sport (Son of Kamnan Po, brother to current mayor of Pattaya) was actively searching for a location for the soon to be Thailand football academy!!!! I must of missed the ground breaking presser to this wonderful new academy or I may be simply driving by it every day and failed to notice. Whatever happend to the team of lawyers that were arrested when they presented a box of chocolates smoothered in 2 million baht, just prior to a court rulings procedure on his land grab case???? Missed that one as well!

The 'Man' got his wish, blood on the streets, plain ole Thai folks dead for no good f...ckin reason other than to advance his weak ass agenda. He is forever stating....sic "I just want to die as a Thai on Thai soil". <snip>

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