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Thai Anti-Riot Squad Cut Up By Soldiers In Black

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Anti-riot squad cut up by soldiers in black

By Avudh Panananda

The Nation


BANGKOK: -- Don't hold your breath if you wish for a speedy resolution to the political predicament following the bloodbath on Saturday.

When blood got into the eyes of the opposing sides, common sense just flew out the window. It will take at least one to two weeks for emotions to cool off before the political battle can shift from the streets toward its proper arena - a ballot box.

It is also ironic and deplorable that past political tragedies did not serve as a lesson to avoid more bloodshed but may have hardened their determination to defeat one another. Instead of respecting the sanctity of life, key figures on the opposing sides plotted to splatter blood into hands of their rivals.

In the Black May incident, Palang Dharma Party leader Chamlong Srimuang led street protests to bring about the downfall of the then prime minister Suchinda Kraprayoon. Despite his personal victory, Chamlong's party suffered a shattering defeat in the 1992 general election and he eventually faded out of mainstream politics. He failed to overcome the stigma of leading people to their deaths.

The Pheu Thai Party, and its puppet master Thaksin Shinawatra, made elaborate preparations to avoid Chamlong's mistake. The red shirts are being led by people who harbour no hopes of becoming a prime ministerial candidate or a main force in politics.

Thaksin recruited Chavalit Yongchaiyudh as Pheu Thai chairman. Chavalit's open mission is to prepare for the upcoming elections. Red-shirt leader Adisorn Piengket admitted, however, Chavait was actually Thaksin's commander to wage the "last battle" to bring about political change.

What happened on Rajdamnoen Avenue on Saturday was not a botched anti-riot operation nor a lynching mob gone berserk. It was a head-on skirmish between two well-trained armed forces - one in fatigues and another in black. The red shirts were just props in the battlefield.

Like past tragedies, parties involved might try to sweep everything under the rug by blaming "a third hand" or terrorists or unidentified elements. But a tactical retreat to attack riot forces from behind was not something the mob could do on the spur of the moment.

Riot gear, such as tear gas, shields and batons, is designed to rein in unruly crowds but not to repel live ammunition. The death of Colonel Romklao "Pao" Thuwatham of the 2nd Infantry Division, is expected to reverberate through the Army ranks.

It is a century-old tradition that graduates from Chula-chomklao Royal Military Academy come from the same feeding bowl, and hence will not kill their own kind under any circumstances. In the failed coup of 1977, General Chalard Hiransiri broke the sacred code by fatally shooting General Arun Thawathasin. Chalard was subsequently executed by a firing squad.

Chavalit and top generals backing the red shirts should know that Army commanders will not allow Romklao to die in vain. Justice must be served one way or another.

In coming days, the government and the red shirts are expected to exchange barbs on the bloodbath. Autopsy reports on the victims will be highly politicised. The Pheu Thai Party candidates cannot afford to join the election with blood on their hands. Thaksin's best-laid plan will backfire if the main opposition party is mired by such tragic incidents.

A deal will not be struck unless the opposing sides can ascertain a strong chance to win at the polls. Then and only then will the red shirts disperse.

Don't kid yourself if you think a snap election will usher a fresh start. The Democrats and the Pheu Thai Party are expected to fight an election war of titanic proportions. The outcome is unlikely to end the polarisation, such that the next prime minister may well come from one of the smaller parties.


-- The Nation 2010-04-13


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I guess it is in the public media now..

Why cant these scumbags take this pissing match out of town..

I want to go back to work...

Don't these red shits have jobs and family's to go home to?

Truly a pious and religious man.

Is that picture out in the general media?

If not, I would think long and hard about publishing it.

Fascinating post, though I agree with caution. The Nation has published a very clear image of the guy with the gun sadly with no reference or comment. Is the Nation assuming those that know who he is know who he is? They too are being cautious?


If we link with autopsy and Seh daeng report

only one deceased due to consequence of tear gas and rally.

nearly all victims shot by snipers (high velocity bullets shot at Long distance)

Seh Daeng report: 3 groups of snipers

- Army beginning to shoot on Red Shirts

- Ronin Fighters protecting the Red Shirt and shooting to the Army snipers

- a third group "unknown" shooting the Command Officers and throwing a grenade on the Command tent...


Truly a pious and religious man.

Is that picture out in the general media?

If not, I would think long and hard about publishing it.

Fascinating post, though I agree with caution. The Nation has published a very clear image of the guy with the gun sadly with no reference or comment. Is the Nation assuming those that know who he is know who he is? They too are being cautious?

This one contained a possible unmasked shot of the guy.

Aside from the obvious defamation issues, for oneself and TV, do you want to be one of the people unmasking a person who shoots people for a living?


Thaksin and his leaders are just terrorists they should be reigned in over this with international help if necessary , the red shirts who were used as props should go home but they wont.

The Reds wanted a bloodbath and they got it .

There could have been a lot more deaths lets hope there is no more bloodshed but i doubt it.

Yes, that face holding the heavy weapon won't be too difficult to identify.

not meaning to make light of this matter in any way but he looks just like Al Pacino

Truly a pious and religious man.

Is that picture out in the general media?

If not, I would think long and hard about publishing it.

Fascinating post, though I agree with caution. The Nation has published a very clear image of the guy with the gun sadly with no reference or comment. Is the Nation assuming those that know who he is know who he is? They too are being cautious?

This one contained a possible unmasked shot of the guy.

Aside from the obvious defamation issues, for oneself and TV, do you want to be one of the people unmasking a person who shoots people for a living?

The photo is posted at loads of sites today, and I ran across it in a couple of Twitters and "retweets". Still, I agree with you and that's why I removed the graphic link, although I made no implications regarding whether it was the same person. It's not really my place to further circulate it here, and yes, I do worry as well. My apologies for an obvious error in judgement.


About the comments of being shot from long range, the facts would appear to be different. Yesterday on the Nations Tweet , there was a statement that the Police Hospital Autopsy report states that most of the victims were shot from behind, one at very close range as there was gunpowder on the body.


The only thing for certain is the parties involved, particularly Se Daeng and the Red Shirts, will deny deny deny any wrongdoing. Telling the truth is at the bottom of the priorities list for those people. They learned how to make wimpy excuses from the time they were 4 years old, and have been perfecting their craft ever since.

About the comments of being shot from long range, the facts would appear to be different. Yesterday on the Nations Tweet , there was a statement that the Police Hospital Autopsy report states that most of the victims were shot from behind, one at very close range as there was gunpowder on the body.

How would you plan to get out of the crowd if you were one of the planted assassins? Wouldn't it be completely insane to commit this type of crime surrounded by bystanders and cameras?


its interesting reading over on the other paper we cannot quote on here

headed ''Slain camerman may have caught 'third hand' killers''

google it

the intimation seems to be that the cameraman may have been shot by the men in black


I have a suggestion. Revoke all bail on those previously charged. Give them, and the other leaders of the insurrection 3 days to present themselves. Then charge them with treason. I include Thaksin as a leader.

If they don't show up within 3 days, do one of 2 things.

1/ Issue orders for them to be shot on sight, and declare anybody in the vicinity and/or assisting them will be considered aiding and abetting and equally guilty.


2/ issue bounty warrants of B1,000,000 per leader and B10,000,000 for Thaksin. make it clear that no questions will be asked if they are worse for wear, up to and including dead.

For anybody who has ever doubted the motivation of Red Shirts, gf's family firmly believe a payment of B100,000 will be received by every family that contributed to Thaksins re-instatement. If the motivation is money, use it against them.

its interesting reading over on the other paper we cannot quote on here

headed ''Slain camerman may have caught 'third hand' killers''

google it

the intimation seems to be that the cameraman may have been shot by the men in black

Though it's *all* speculation, I assumed the Japanese cameraman must have been targeted.

More speculation (admittedly far out). I have been wondering who would have taken the picture published at the top of the page? If you look at the shadow of the gun barrel on the other guy's red shirt, it is well below the gun barrel, meaning the picture was taken at very close range, probably by an expensive camera with a separate flash attachment.

How is the guy who took the picture still alive, if the picture is what it is insinuated to be?

Where is the Japanese cameraman's camera?

Questions or trying to connect the dots, nothing more.

About the comments of being shot from long range, the facts would appear to be different. Yesterday on the Nations Tweet , there was a statement that the Police Hospital Autopsy report states that most of the victims were shot from behind, one at very close range as there was gunpowder on the body.

How would you plan to get out of the crowd if you were one of the planted assassins? Wouldn't it be completely insane to commit this type of crime surrounded by bystanders and cameras?

These are indeed insane times & desperate measures were applied to incite civil war which IMO was the game plan from the start of the protests considering how events unfolded beginning with peaceful protest which did not produce the desired results.

Truly a pious and religious man.

Is that picture out in the general media?

If not, I would think long and hard about publishing it.

Fascinating post, though I agree with caution. The Nation has published a very clear image of the guy with the gun sadly with no reference or comment. Is the Nation assuming those that know who he is know who he is? They too are being cautious?

This one contained a possible unmasked shot of the guy.

Aside from the obvious defamation issues, for oneself and TV, do you want to be one of the people unmasking a person who shoots people for a living?

I'm sorry "Thai at heart" your last sentence lost any support you may have had, it's people (generally) who put their heads in the sand who encourage these cowardly thugs to get away with their crimes, have you no shame? You're closer to the Thai psyche than you realise? :)

About the comments of being shot from long range, the facts would appear to be different. Yesterday on the Nations Tweet , there was a statement that the Police Hospital Autopsy report states that most of the victims were shot from behind, one at very close range as there was gunpowder on the body.

How would you plan to get out of the crowd if you were one of the planted assassins? Wouldn't it be completely insane to commit this type of crime surrounded by bystanders and cameras?

That was just routes of transit from high ground or cover points to shoot from.

I would expect there was only ONE group of snipers...

This side is the only one that can truly gain by creating a conflagration.

Army not a bit, even the hawks.

Once Abhisit said move in, the hawks got what they thought they wanted.

Moderate army didn't need blood at all.

Redshirts, were more rabble and riot than organized blood bath.

They were the playing card placed in the middle and cannon fodder.

And a few sacrificial lambs to the worlds perceptions too.

Who benefits with army/government disgraced for killing many?

Who benefits from putting army/government at each others throats?

Who needs martyrs and many dead to change the game and sway public opinion?

Who already has blood on their hands from the past, and so lowered thresholds of compunction to kill?

Who has no respect for, and is on the outs with the mainstream red leaders?

Who is directly connected with the amoral master funder in Dubai?

Who has access and the talent to use these weapons and motivation to change the game?

Who so far HAS benefited from this series of deaths?

A few good questions needing answers. Draw your conclusions as you will.


What a joke :)

Someone using some dubious photos to scam the Red shirts ???

We can see for the first man in the black carry a M16 or Carbine with a Silencer Attached ! That means he's firing Blanks !

If you want to scam someone pls do your homework first :D

its interesting reading over on the other paper we cannot quote on here

headed ''Slain camerman may have caught 'third hand' killers''

google it

the intimation seems to be that the cameraman may have been shot by the men in black

Not to mention that the 1st and repeated reports blamed him

'for insulting a soldier who shot him point blank.'

Snipers told to create deaths to spin on the world stage.

One reporter shot by army is a world wide negative.

Only now do we hear other sides to this.

'Boots on the ground' to give legs to the story one side wants told to the world.

Perception Managment of what we think,

because what we see may back up what we were TOLD.

Regardless of the truth in the matter.

What a joke :)

Someone using some dubious photos to scam the Red shirts ???

We can see for the first man in the black carry a M16 or Carbine with a Silencer Attached ! That means he's firing Blanks !

If you want to scam someone pls do your homework first :D

Me thinks you've got no idea what you are talking about.

1) What silencer?

2) How does a silencer "mean he's firing Blanks"?

its interesting reading over on the other paper we cannot quote on here

headed ''Slain camerman may have caught 'third hand' killers''

google it

the intimation seems to be that the cameraman may have been shot by the men in black

Though it's *all* speculation, I assumed the Japanese cameraman must have been targeted.

More speculation (admittedly far out). I have been wondering who would have taken the picture published at the top of the page? If you look at the shadow of the gun barrel on the other guy's red shirt, it is well below the gun barrel, meaning the picture was taken at very close range, probably by an expensive camera with a separate flash attachment.

How is the guy who took the picture still alive, if the picture is what it is insinuated to be?

Where is the Japanese cameraman's camera?

Questions or trying to connect the dots, nothing more.

The first dot you can connect is that there is no shadow at all on the red shirt.It is a vow of the shirt or maybe something hidden under the shirt.

I have a suggestion. Revoke all bail on those previously charged. Give them, and the other leaders of the insurrection 3 days to present themselves. Then charge them with treason. I include Thaksin as a leader.

If they don't show up within 3 days, do one of 2 things.

1/ Issue orders for them to be shot on sight, and declare anybody in the vicinity and/or assisting them will be considered aiding and abetting and equally guilty.


2/ issue bounty warrants of B1,000,000 per leader and B10,000,000 for Thaksin. make it clear that no questions will be asked if they are worse for wear, up to and including dead.

For anybody who has ever doubted the motivation of Red Shirts, gf's family firmly believe a payment of B100,000 will be received by every family that contributed to Thaksins re-instatement. If the motivation is money, use it against them.

Joke surely! 1m &10m any assain wouldn't get out of bed for that, never mind hit or capture a World known target, been watching to much butch cassidy and still in the same time zone, loose change to everyone involved, get real :D:D:D:)

What a joke :)

Someone using some dubious photos to scam the Red shirts ???

We can see for the first man in the black carry a M16 or Carbine with a Silencer Attached ! That means he's firing Blanks !

If you want to scam someone pls do your homework first :D

Finally woken up

Did you have a nice sleep on the concrete with your fellow paraders?

Now why doesn't everyone go play Songkran ..

Just watch out for people throwing hand grenades instead of water :D


Look at the tip for the barrel, that's the silencer ! It's got no holes , so how's the bullet going to shot out ?

High chances it's a fake photo to push the blame to the man in blck or the Red Shirts.

What a joke :)

Someone using some dubious photos to scam the Red shirts ???

We can see for the first man in the black carry a M16 or Carbine with a Silencer Attached ! That means he's firing Blanks !

If you want to scam someone pls do your homework first :D

Me thinks you've got no idea what you are talking about.

1) What silencer?

2) How does a silencer "mean he's firing Blanks"?

We can see for the first man in the black carry a M16 or Carbine with a Silencer Attached ! That means he's firing Blanks ![/b]

What about it having a silencer leads you to believe he's firing blanks? They aren't mutually exclusive. Also I don't see a silencer.

Look at the tip for the barrel, that's the silencer ! It's got no holes , so how's the bullet going to shot out ?

The bullet comes out the tip. And even if shooting blanks the gasses need to be expelled from the end of the barrel, if the barrel was plugged you'd likely damage the gun, perhaps explosively when fired (even with blanks).

I think you're thinking of a flash suppressor, not a silencer:


It has slits/holes cut in the side to help dissipate the flaming gases that come out of the end of the barrel.

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