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Retirememt Visa Extension

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I have to renew my Retirement Visa at the end of this month. What documents should I take? Thos already to hand are:

Passport & landing card + copies

Pension statement + copies

Embassy Certification of pension statement + copies


I think that's what I needed last year but can't be sure. No obvious answer on the Thai Immigration web-site and didn't have time on my last 90 day check to queue at the Info counter.

Many thanks

PS: Sticky fingers - retirement not retirememt!!

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You should have the pension statement/copy but should not provide unless asked as it is normally not a requirement. The Embassy letter is required and be sure the photos are recent (they have been known to check files to see if you are using an old one).

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"Letter from bank."

That's normally needed if extending with money in the bank. OP appears to be extending with income.

I have used "pension" money (more than minimum required) the last two times and have also provided a bank letter certifying the amount. When I renewed last week, they said they didnt require the bank letter if my pension money met the limits. So the answer (in BKK at least) is that the bank letter not required if you qualify on "pension" alone.

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Here's a copy of the information learflet provided to me by the Chonburi (Pattaya) Immigration Office a few weeks ago.

Even if we provide an income letter from the Embassy we still need a letter from a Thai bank, not more than one week old, showing a balance of 5,000 baht and a copy of the name page and transactions for the past 3 months.


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Even if we provide an income letter from the Embassy we still need a letter from a Thai bank, not more than one week old, showing a balance of 5,000 baht and a copy of the name page and transactions for the past 3 months.

Those guys seem to make the rules as they go along, I didn't think you were required to have a Thai bank account, though I assume most do.

That said, there is probably no point arguing the point with them.

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KK doesn't require it.

"When you say "pension statement", exactly what do you mean?"

That's a letter from your embassy saying what your income is.

What proof your embassy will require is up to them.

For the US Embassy, they have you fill out a form saying how much your income is, then have you swear to it.

Other embassies may require a bit more proof.

There is lots of info on this forum about this.

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"When you say "pension statement", exactly what do you mean?"

Whatever documents you have to support the amount declared on the Embassy letter of income. It may be tax forms, pension statements, bank statements or whatever. It should not normally be required but might save another trip if you have in pocket just in case.

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Here's a quote from an email I received from the Australian Consulate regarding income letters.

"Some Thai Immigration offices also want you to present a letter from Centrelink or your pension provider, confirming the amount of your regular payment. Please check with your local immigration office on whether they require this. Some offices want you to get the Embassy to make a Certified True Copy (March 2010 cost is THB 880 - we need to see the original of the letter, not a copy). However not every Immigration office requires this, so please check beforehand."

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I used my wife's address as my residing address when applying for a retirement extension last month at Khon Kaen Immigration.

The officer asked for the Tabian Baan, which we didn't have with us, nor did we need it at Thali or Korat for previous extensions.

Anyway in the end my wife's ID card sufficed, but it seems KK likes the house book.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks to all for the inputs above. Renewal at Chaeng Wattana last week was quite painless.

My passport apart, I took the following documents:

a) Form TM 7 + photograph

:) copies of passport ID page & form TM6 (arrival/departure card),

c) letter from embassy certifying my pension income and nationality status,

d) copy of letter-headed invoice and receipt for condo annual service charge (as proof of address) and

e) 1,900 baht fee.

No fingerprints or letter from my Thai bank were asked for.

Queuing and processing time from entry to departure was 90 minutes: it would probably have been less if I'd arrived earlier, but morning traffic jams did for that. No complaints.

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At Nonthaburi, a couple of weeks ago, I was ask to show how my money came into Thailand...ATM receipts or transfers from my UK bank to my Thailand bank. . I have never been asked for this information before. So best take your ATM receipts/bank book and maybe update it first. There is a thread on this within the last two weeks

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