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Political Correctness

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just get the balance right.

Five very profound words indeed, I couldn't have put it better myaself.

Easy to say, hard to do with all the western Feminazi's running around these days... :o

Some would argue for 2005s 'Feminazi' read 1900s Emmeline Pankhurst and the suffrogetes , the mans world is getting smaller, or is the womans world getting equal?

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I can't believe you people are so insensitive, and using unfair language! :o

Don't you know that the term 'political correctness' is grossly discriminatory against politicians and 'correctness' implies that one side is correct while disenfanchising the other?

Kindly refer to it as 'agreement, perspective and outlook sensitivity' from now on.


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just get the balance right.

Five very profound words indeed, I couldn't have put it better myaself.

Easy to say, hard to do with all the western Feminazi's running around these days... :o

Some would argue for 2005s 'Feminazi' read 1900s Emmeline Pankhurst and the suffrogetes , the mans world is getting smaller, or is the womans world getting equal?

Feminism is too often confused with liberation.

True feminists are a smaller minority than you would assume, and 'faminazis' are just as bad as mysoginists.

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One of the things I like about Thai's is that they are not afraid to speak their mind.

The only thing is, they can take a h3ll of a long time getting around to it... :o

And then, it's usually delivered in such a subtle way that you may miss it completely... the face thing. :D

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One of the things I like about Thai's is that they are not afraid to speak their mind.

The only thing is, they can take a h3ll of a long time getting around to it... :o

And then, it's usually delivered in such a subtle way that you may miss it completely... the face thing. :D

I think it's a false notion you are presenting here Scamp. Thais do NOT speak their mind in public very often, and can be very wary of what they speak about. While they can say more about superficial features such as handicaps, skin colour and body shape, many still avoid huge chunks of "uncomfortable" subjects in conversation.

Many of them are unwilling to discuss the problems in Thai society with outsiders. As an example, do you remember the several kilometers long banner that was put up alongside the Chao Phraya river during APEC, so the foreign politicians and the TV cameras would not have to see the slum behind it?

Seems to me you what you really miss are politically incorrect expats, their Thai hangarounds, and Nana, Scamp. :D

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Have you ever seen a sign in a beer bar like the one below?




There would be an uproar if that was anywhere in the U.K. and I think it is very brave, if not a little amusing, but I think the attitude has a lot to do with the fact that they are not as lax on foriegn residency as we are and they have never let another country populate them.

I think political correctness is one of the things that is screwing up the culture in the west, and we're now all part of a culture which is terrified of being sued for saying the wrong thing or giving inaccurate information.

Try replacing ARAB with JEWISH and see all the uproar you get. To wit:




Buckle up... I am sure some AHOLE will argue that Jews do not molesting women etc.

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One of the things I like about Thai's is that they are not afraid to speak their mind.

The only thing is, they can take a h3ll of a long time getting around to it... :o

And then, it's usually delivered in such a subtle way that you may miss it completely... the face thing. :D

I think it's a false notion you are presenting here Scamp. Thais do NOT speak their mind in public very often, and can be very wary of what they speak about. While they can say more about superficial features such as handicaps, skin colour and body shape, many still avoid huge chunks of "uncomfortable" subjects in conversation.

Many of them are unwilling to discuss the problems in Thai society with outsiders. As an example, do you remember the several kilometers long banner that was put up alongside the Chao Phraya river during APEC, so the foreign politicians and the TV cameras would not have to see the slum behind it?

Seems to me you what you really miss are politically incorrect expats, their Thai hangarounds, and Nana, Scamp. :D

You're right Meadish - I stand corrected... I should have been more specific regarding the superficial comments that Thai's often make.

I'd forgotten about the APEC banner - and what's this Scampy/Nana connection all about? :D

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You are all taking about PC, but can anyone give me a definition?

PC = Politically Correct

i.e. Janitors are now known as "Sanitation Engineers".

Clerks are "Sales Associates" or "Retail Partners"

Retarded people are "Mentally Challenged" (even the ones who are educated but just plain stupid)

Fat/Obese people are "Weight Challenged"

The first victim of Political Correctness is.......the TRUTH !

I used to be cheap and easy. Now I am "Readily Available and Financially Inexpensive"

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At the risk of getting flamed........

A lot of those "No arab..." signs were around in the bars in the eighties.

Many of the bar owners were farang that had worked in Saudi Arabia. What really got up their nose was the hypocracy of the Saudis that came to LOS. Alcohol was banned, even in the compounds that the westerners lived in, then they would see the same people that would give you a flogging if you were caught drinking alcohol, jumping onto planes heading for LOS and drink and whore themselves silly.

I have noticed that because of the west's colonial past, westerners seem to be held to a higher standard of not showing rascism, yet overt rascism in Asia is totally ignored. Many bars in Japan are closed to westerners. Try and find a Thai that has a good word to say about Thai-Indians.

PS. I do not consider myself a racist (though I have a feeling I'm going to get called one for this post).

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Try and find a Thai that has a good word to say about Thai-Indians.

Very true, Sir.

I always ask them if lord Buddha was in fact "kaek".

It's often the same when it comes to the issue of slavery. If you read the news over the past, what, 20 years or so, you'd think the Americans were the only ones who ever practised slavery. They tend to ignore the fact that slavery was going on thousands of years before America was even discovered (there was even slavery in Thailand less than 100 years ago).

It's also not PC to point out that many people were made slaves by people from neighbouring tribes in the same region, and that their own ancestors used to do the same thing to unlucky members of other tribes.

They tend to conveniently overlook that most slaves were slaves before ever leaving Africa (except those descendants born to slaves already in America,the Caribbean or South American countries).

Of course, your chances of sueing for compensation are much better in America than Liberia, Chad, Angola and similar places.

Westerners (especially Americans) seem to get blamed more than anyone else for the woes of slavery.

The same goes for racism. When people of other nationalities discriminate, it's called "protecting their national culture and identity". If a (white) westerner ever proposed EXACTLY the same policy, it would be label racism.

For example, restaraunts, bars and hotels in Japan that exclude all non-japanese. They say they are trying to protect their culture. Try doing that in Europe or North America.

The sad truth of the matter is that it DOES happen in North America, but those establishments exclude Westerners that are citizens of the same country!

For example, a Credit Union in British Columbia that excludes any non-Sikh from being a member, or even getting any service at all.

Vietnamese only night-clubs. Chinese only stores and clubs. (I have a lot of Chinese, and a couple of Vietnamese friends in Vancouver. They've pointed out places where "white" people like me aren't welcome).

If you even comment on the fact, the first thing that happens is you get labelled a racist. Most people are too scared of being labelled to say anything, even if it's the TRUTH.

As I said before, the TRUTH is the first victim of Political Correctness.

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PC is something sometime abused, but politeness should be always used.

No drunk arabs ...... what about a Brit drunk?? Isn't it the same??

In Greece last summer there was a board asking the poeple of Israel to stay out of the PUB for safety reason, since they might had been target for a terrorist bombing ......

I do not like how Arabs behave (in general) but I would never enter into a place where discrimination is so clear.

If an Arab is molesting people (as well as a French or German) they should call the police

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It would appear that no one on this thread has the slightest idea of what political correctness is or what it’s all about.

Yet for people who have no idea what they are talking about you are extremely vitriolic.

In general PC when you find out what it is, is a good thing, in fact you yourselves are using it frequently in this forum...

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From the dictionary:-

political correctness - avoidance of expressions or actions that can be perceived to exclude or marginalize or insult people who are socially disadvantaged or discriminated against.

Happy now?

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Political correctness is the alteration of language to avoid offense based on race, gender, disability, or other status. Carefully chosen words, language, and behavior may be used to encourage, promote, or establish, favorable outcomes and relationships. According to critics, the concept is said to be particularly embraced by advocates of certain forms of identity politics, especially gay rights, feminism, multiculturalism and the disability rights movement.

The term most often appears in the predicate adjective form "politically correct", often abbreviated "PC", and is often used mockingly or disparagingly. The term political correctness is fraught with controversy. Many on the political left dispute the use of the term "politically correct" to describe what they are seeking to accomplish.

Recent controversy over political correctness is based on the claim that some on the political left seek to erect boundaries or limits to language, the range of acceptable public debate, and conduct. This claim became widely publicized in the early 1990s as part of a conservative challenge to curriculum and teaching methods on college campuses in the United States. (D'Souza 1991; Berman 1992; Schultz 1993; Messer Davidow 1993, 1994; Scatamburlo 1998)

According to a series of essays by William Lind, political correctness is censorship based on the social mores of the times.

Political correctness is often criticized as resulting in diluted speech which fails to articulate important societal problems. An enforced policy of political correctness in public discourse is sometimes perceived as inhibitive to the freedom of speech of individuals, particularly to the expression of opinions which should be heard even at the risk of offending some group. An example of a policy called "politically correct" would be censuring speech which calls attention to the misconduct of a particular group to avoid offending members of that group.

Critics of "PC" usually use the term "politically correct" in a manner that implies that there are a significant number of people who actually embrace the term. In politics, self-described political progressives never used the expression "political correctness" widely and have now stopped using it almost entirely as it has become a popular jeer against them. Most liberals and progressives argue that the term "political correctness" was redefined by conservative critics of social movements seeking equality. They argue that what they see as defending victims of oppression or discrimination does not itself constitute intolerance or censorship.

There is, however, a different viewpoint toward the issue held by some on the political left, who reject the conservative definition of the term when applied as a blanket political epithet to all liberals and leftists, but do believe that there is indeed a political correctness which has become a problem on the left. Specifically, those holding this viewpoint believe the emphasis on the left has shifted in recent years away from traditional left concerns of social class, socialism, organized labor, ecology, ending discrimination, and related issues, and has instead turned toward such things as postmodernism, post-structuralism, multiculturalism, academic theories of structural or instutionalized oppression such as white privilege and heterosexism, and the use of neologisms and unusual spellings, all of which are seen as either antithetical to the traditional left emphasis on the working class, divisive, exclusionary toward the white working class, incomprehensible to most of the general public outside of academia, or just plain embarassing to be associated with. One example is the theory that all heterosexual sex is rape; another example is the shift among environmental groups in recent years away from traditional ecology concerns such as overpopulation and wilderness preservation, toward environmental justice which is seen as leading to some environmental groups taking positions in opposition to environmental protection.


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From the dictionary:-

political correctness - avoidance of expressions or actions that can be perceived to exclude or marginalize or insult people who are socially disadvantaged or discriminated against.

Happy now?

A scant definition but adequate - so what's the problem with that?

And what has that got to do with anything in this thread?

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The situation in the UK is now ridiculous

We have to employ blacks, pakistanis and other such people who are generally rude and lazy. We are not allowed to keep our own culture, practice our own religion in our own schools. Its not allowed to make someone feel as an outsider - for instance saying to an immigrant "I find your behaviour rude, its not the correct way to bahave in this country" is considered very racist. Personally when I live in another country I try to assimilate with the culture as far as possible.

The situation now, we have many muslim communities who generally dispise the English people - the streets arent safe. As an English Brit many rural ethnic areas are out of bounds. You simply wouldnt go there, we are being outnumbered.

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The situation in the UK is now ridiculous

We have to employ blacks, pakistanis and other such people who are generally rude and lazy. We are not allowed to keep our own culture, practice our own religion in our own schools. Its not allowed to make someone feel as an outsider - for instance saying to an immigrant "I find your behaviour rude, its not the correct way to bahave in this country" is considered very racist. Personally when I live in another country I try to assimilate with the culture as far as possible.

The situation now, we have many muslim communities who generally dispise the English people - the streets arent safe. As an English Brit many rural ethnic areas are out of bounds. You simply wouldnt go there, we are being outnumbered.

######ing Pakistani, arabs, Turkish.

I hope one day to have England free from all those lazy people, because England never in its history went into a country imposing rules as in a colony.

I dream a world (England) where all citizend can lay down in the same PUB, having the same beer, all blonds, bald, with the beer bally and some tatoos on their bodies, ...... , a world where Irish beer is banned, a world where the street will be safe again and you can only smell the vomit of some drunk brit, a world where in a sunshine day all people will have redburned skin, ..... a


Adolf Smith (I did change my surname, cauz after my resurrection I only found you still loving me)


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A scant definition but adequate - so what's the problem with that?

Ask the Royal Spastic Society of the UK.

I hope I'm not of the same culture as Grossbones!

No culture or language is set in stone and those who believe this are deluding themselves. The English I was taught at school is not the same as used now. (It was even taught inaccurately!)(Listen to a Queen's speech from the 50s/60s even she has changed both vocab. And accent. Words such as pathetic, gothic, terrific now mean more or less the opposite of their original meanings. Who still winces at the word chairperson – this actually got a cartoon in Private Eye in the sixties –

A man making a phone call: - Hello Manfred Mann? This is the sexual equality commission; from now on you’ll be referred to as Personfred Personn

There is also a campaign to ridicule PC and this involves such cases as the Spastic Soc. who has considered name changes largely to increase their chances of collecting money. Most of these stories are seized on and magnified twisted and repeated. This was a change from the inside. Many charities change their names, partly not to insult the people they help, partly to improve the image of those they help and partly to increase their financial viability.

It’s easy to get carried away with what PC actually is but if one is capable of reading critically and analytically, separating the wheat from the chaff one shouldn’t be taken in by an article such as the one below…

The firefighter (who happened to be male, but could just as easily have been female) abridged the rights of the cat to determine for itself where it wanted to walk, climb, or rest, and inflicted his own value judgments in determining that it needed to be "rescued" from its chosen perch. In callous disregard for the well-being of the environment, and this one tree in particular, he thrust the disabled-unfriendly means of ascent known as a "ladder" carelessly up against the tree, marring its bark, and unfeelingly climbed it, unconcerned how his display of physical prowess might injure the self-esteem of those differently abled. He kidnapped and unjustly restrained the innocent animal with the intention of returning it to the person who claimed to "own" the naturally free animal, but it immediately fled his grasp, having withstood more insult and injury than it could bear.

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The situation in the UK is now ridiculous

We have to employ blacks, pakistanis and other such people who are generally rude and lazy. We are not allowed to keep our own culture, practice our own religion in our own schools. Its not allowed to make someone feel as an outsider - for instance saying to an immigrant "I find your behaviour rude, its not the correct way to bahave in this country" is considered very racist. Personally when I live in another country I try to assimilate with the culture as far as possible.

The situation now, we have many muslim communities who generally dispise the English people - the streets arent safe. As an English Brit many rural ethnic areas are out of bounds. You simply wouldnt go there, we are being outnumbered.

######ing Pakistani, arabs, Turkish.

I hope one day to have England free from all those lazy people, because England never in its history went into a country imposing rules as in a colony.

I dream a world (England) where all citizend can lay down in the same PUB, having the same beer, all blonds, bald, with the beer bally and some tatoos on their bodies, ...... , a world where Irish beer is banned, a world where the street will be safe again and you can only smell the vomit of some drunk brit, a world where in a sunshine day all people will have redburned skin, ..... a


Adolf Smith (I did change my surname, cauz after my resurrection I only found you still loving me)



And purge our language too...rid it of all foreign words and return to a pure elemental English...ugh! ugh! ugh!

Edited by wilko
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As a guest in Thailand I am polite and try to assimilate the culture - but I will not take kindly to rudeness, people calling me a monkey from accross the street is totally unacceptable. They should expect some come-back.

In the same way if I way if I went to Brixton and started calling "black monkey" to the locals there I would expect to go to the crematorium and rightly so.

We are big people. By that I mean we are generally smarter, richer, better educated etc. As such we were able to take over much of the world. The thing is, when all these countries got their independence they went to sh*it - just look at Burma! Look at India, I think its much the same as when we first arrived.

This part of the world is full of hypocrisy, religious non-sense - these are not advanced cultures. I believe we are are superior to them, our culture is better. I do think the whole PC thing is going way to far! We are getting to liberal.

The situation in the UK is now ridiculous

We have to employ blacks, pakistanis and other such people who are generally rude and lazy. We are not allowed to keep our own culture, practice our own religion in our own schools. Its not allowed to make someone feel as an outsider - for instance saying to an immigrant "I find your behaviour rude, its not the correct way to bahave in this country" is considered very racist. Personally when I live in another country I try to assimilate with the culture as far as possible.

The situation now, we have many muslim communities who generally dispise the English people - the streets arent safe. As an English Brit many rural ethnic areas are out of bounds. You simply wouldnt go there, we are being outnumbered.

######ing Pakistani, arabs, Turkish.

I hope one day to have England free from all those lazy people, because England never in its history went into a country imposing rules as in a colony.

I dream a world (England) where all citizend can lay down in the same PUB, having the same beer, all blonds, bald, with the beer bally and some tatoos on their bodies, ...... , a world where Irish beer is banned, a world where the street will be safe again and you can only smell the vomit of some drunk brit, a world where in a sunshine day all people will have redburned skin, ..... a


Adolf Smith (I did change my surname, cauz after my resurrection I only found you still loving me)


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