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Australian Tourist Dies After Thai Street Attack

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Thailand is now, sadly, getting more dangerous than it used to be. That region around Prasat is a particularly poor one and that will have had a bearing. Did the victim know his attackers? Did they single him out for a reason or would have any falang got the same treatment? These are questions that need to be addressed. His wife should know the answers. It is a terrible situation. If this gets onto the news in Europe, tourism in Thailand will be dead too.

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anyone knows the name of this travel insurance Company? Very interesting to know because I wouldn't like to be their next victim! :)

How would Thai Visa find out the name of the insurance company?

Have been to Prasat. A quiet rural town immerced in rice fields.

lets keep the topic going.

My words are inadequate for the families!

RIP to the unfortunate victim ad deepest condolences to his girl friend and family.

For the insurance company I have nothing but contempt. I hope the negative publicity shames them. As regards the hospital treatment, this story explains why the wife and her family prefer to pay for the top hospitals rather than use the local hospital.

typo corrected

anyone knows the name of this travel insurance Company? Very interesting to know because I wouldn't like to be their next victim! :)

Yes indeed. Back home we have a saying; 10 people tell 10 more.... makes for long term advertising for any company that gives good or bad service. It would be an aid to the family if we let the insurance co. know that we know, and will advertise for them. Their choice if it is to be good or bad advertising.

that is terrible news,so sad for his family and his girlfriend.So much for travel insurance.R.I.P.

I’m trying to understand what happened; Prasat is very close to Surin. In Surin are some good doctors/ hospitals. The hospital in Bkk. mentioned that he could lose his arm? If so, because of an infection, right?

He returned to his little village with such a dangerous injury by bus, without treatment for an infection?

Such treatment is also available in Prasat, He had to travel to Prasat to get his passport, what about his gf and her family? And he died on the way to Prasat in a mini bus.

With all respect, but I don’t think that the hospital in Bangkok allowed him to travel without the right medication not to develop an infection.

The girl ran for help? Who would leave somebody alone being attacked by machetes? No cell phone?

Is it possible that her Ex showed up and it had never been a failed robbery?

Again I fully understand the tragedy, but there’s something wrong with the whole story. I feel really sorry that this happened to such a young guy. RIP Andrew. Our condolences.


I agree.

He was making the trip back to Prasat to fetch his passport on Sunday when he died on the mini-bus.

<deleted> ?

note to self : stay out of prasert and off of motorcy after dark

Thailand is now, sadly, getting more dangerous than it used to be. That region around Prasat is a particularly poor one and that will have had a bearing. Did the victim know his attackers? Did they single him out for a reason or would have any falang got the same treatment? These are questions that need to be addressed. His wife should know the answers. It is a terrible situation. If this gets onto the news in Europe, tourism in Thailand will be dead too.

Just send this article to a couple of newspapers around the world, they will print it.

Thailand is now, sadly, getting more dangerous than it used to be. That region around Prasat is a particularly poor one and that will have had a bearing. Did the victim know his attackers? Did they single him out for a reason or would have any falang got the same treatment? These are questions that need to be addressed. His wife should know the answers. It is a terrible situation. If this gets onto the news in Europe, tourism in Thailand will be dead too.


Thanks for your post, I totally agree. But Thailand isn’t getting more dangerous than it used to be. It’s just bad to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. The victim might not have known his attackers, and you were right that his wife should know the answers.

Four Thais were really knocking me out pretty badly a few years ago, already lying on the street, bleeding and they kept on kicking me for no reason. They broke my nose, some ribs and other injuries. It was just nasty. My wife was with me, not leaving me alone for a second, trying to stop them. Why would a Thai run away looking for help in the middle of nowhere?

All the speculations that Jaba addicted freaks did that doesn’t help him, it’s too late. Read between the lines.

It is a very terrible situation and I’d like to send my condolences to his family. Andrew may you rest in peace.

hmmm.. sounds like the travel insurance wanted to save a dime and that cost him his life. I wonder if they can be held accountable.

And yes its real bad to get attacked like that here in Thailand, i hope they get the guys but if there are no more witnesses then it would be hard.

Yes, something sounds very, very, wrong with him travelling back and forth to one hospital, another, then another, and then told to fly back to Australia.

He should have went to Bumrumgrad or some top quality place in Bankok, no?

Bungrumrad are just as bad, if it looks like they won't get paid they'll have you out. I had an epileptic fit on the BTS the next thing I knew I was in their Casualty department, when they realised all I had on me was the cash in my trousers and no plastic, they started to not so subtly suggest I vacate the bed, even though the Dr admitted I shouldn't move and told me to spend an hour or two in the waiting room before going home. God Bless the NHS, it the one thing I miss about the UK

That is pretty scary..i lived by that intersection for 4 years, often walked right in that underpass at night..fortunately never had any incidents. So those guys never demanded money or anything, just an unprovoked attack. Did they try to follow you?

They never said anything. It was totally unprovoked. Yes, they did give pursuit. After breaking free, I ran back toward the Klong Tan intersection. They gave chase, until I reached a noodle stand with some patrons. The machete boys hung back about 30m while I frantically pleaded for help from the couple, having their dinner, and the noodle vendor. These ordinary people were confronted by a one-shoed, wild-eyed, sweating, beat up farang dripping blood from a badly injured hand. I gesticulated toward the guys up the street. They looked, saw the machetes, and naturally, they turned their chairs away while the noodle vendor busied himself with the dishes in the tub sitting on the ground near him. The two guys started walking slowly toward where I was standing, so I took off again and ran the last 40m or so to the intersection. The two guys stopped short a bit, paused, then turned and slunk back into the shadows. I looked across the street to the police box there then saw a taxi coming up from Pra Khanong. I considered briefly, then flagged the taxi and headed to the small hospital nearby.

Things can happen here or anywhere I guess. RIP to the poor guy who was killed. Condolences to the people he left behind.


My condolences to the family and friends, including the little one that will never knows his father.


Very sad story all around. Yaba and drugs like it are the scourge of the earth and the addicts in many cases have lost all grips on reality and will do anything for that next fix.

This kind of attack is terrible as is the rest of the events that led to this poor guys tragic death. The insurance company as well as the local medical staff involved should also be held accountable.

Any of us that have lived here long enough have heard similar stories like this all too often (as is the case in most countries around the world). We have somehow let ourselves believe (and mistakenly so) that Thailand is somehow a very safe place to live and we walk around very complacent thinking that nothing will happen to us.

When I first moved here I used to feel safer than I did at home in Canada. Once I opened my eyes a bit and started to see what was going on around me that changed. I found this website that may give you something to think about as well http://www.nationmaster.com/graph/cri_mur_...ders-per-capita

To my surprise the Land O smiles actually is ranked #14 in the world with the highest murder rates per capita and is ranked #9 for total murders per year. Makes you wonder what is really going on behind the smiles.

i hope this helps people remember that even when you think you are safe you still need to be smart and always keep your head up and be aware of what is going on around you. Scum like these will usually go for the easiest score which is typically those who do not suspect they are in danger.

My condolences to the family RIP.

I have just spoke to AAP in Canberra, Australia and vented my disgust with regards to the Insurance company. I directed AAP to the TV link and the journo I spoke to said they may do more on it now due to the interest being generated.

Also the journo I spoke to said that DFAT did not release the name of the Insurance company.


My condolences to the family for this tragic loss, I have just had a call from a female reporter at the Sydney Morning herald, looking for any further information and wanting to speak to anyone who new the victim etc. She told me she thought it was unusual for something like this to happen in Thailand and they are looking into it further? Anyway I could be of no help on the matter, only to say that this sort of stupid violence is now happening world wide, and unfortunately the LOS is not immune.

hmmm.. sounds like the travel insurance wanted to save a dime and that cost him his life. I wonder if they can be held accountable.

And yes its real bad to get attacked like that here in Thailand, i hope they get the guys but if there are no more witnesses then it would be hard.

I sincerely hope that the insurance company are held accountable! Also seems to me, that the medical treatment here, would have been a lot cheaper than Aussie and of an equal standard too. My wife had a double heart valve replacement here and I have been in and out for various problems too. I have nothing but praise for the quality and dedication of the doctors here. Sounds like the insurance company is to blame in this case - sending an obviously very sick person on any trip sounds dubious to me. Condolences to all his family and friends, but don't let this just slide away!


Don't know who is the bigger culprit here. The two thais or the insurance company. Sounds like he would never had died with proper medical care.

My condolences to the family and hope the insurance company has to support the wife and baby, since he can't.


What an idiotic insurance company! I'll guess the father could sue the company for causing his son's death, by forcing him to travel while he shouldn't.

This could be an isolated incident by some drug addicts. Or, which I fear more, can be the way this society is going, thanks to what happens in Bangkok. People lose respect for other's lives, law and order, the society, big daddy and more. The more I think of it, the more my decision to move back home feels totally right.

hmmm.. sounds like the travel insurance wanted to save a dime and that cost him his life. I wonder if they can be held accountable.

And yes its real bad to get attacked like that here in Thailand, i hope they get the guys but if there are no more witnesses then it would be hard.

I sincerely hope that the insurance company are held accountable! Also seems to me, that the medical treatment here, would have been a lot cheaper than Aussie and of an equal standard too. My wife had a double heart valve replacement here and I have been in and out for various problems too. I have nothing but praise for the quality and dedication of the doctors here. Sounds like the insurance company is to blame in this case - sending an obviously very sick person on any trip sounds dubious to me. Condolences to all his family and friends, but don't let this just slide away!

Did the insurance company know that he had an infection? I doubt it. I guess it was more about some expensive surgery and not some treatment for his infection. If you really start thinking what must have happened, he was just too sick to travel, even a nine hour trip to his village.

No treatment to prevent an infection? You can buy that at every pharmacy. He must have been in such pain, that’s unbelievable. He wanted to take his passport, just to drive back to Bangkok?

And from Bangkok to Australia with such a serious injury, because the insurance company said so?

There must be much more behind the story, I’ve never heard about such an insurance company risking to pay much more. Imagine there’s a heaven………………………RIP. Our condolences to his wife and family.

...Bungrumrad are just as bad, if it looks like they won't get paid they'll have you out. I had an epileptic fit on the BTS the next thing I knew I was in their Casualty department, when they realised all I had on me was the cash in my trousers and no plastic, they started to not so subtly suggest I vacate the bed, even though the Dr admitted I shouldn't move and told me to spend an hour or two in the waiting room before going home. God Bless the NHS, it the one thing I miss about the UK

It sounds like the U.S. system.

What an idiotic insurance company! I'll guess the father could sue the company for causing his son's death, by forcing him to travel while he shouldn't.

This could be an isolated incident by some drug addicts. Or, which I fear more, can be the way this society is going, thanks to what happens in Bangkok. People lose respect for other's lives, law and order, the society, big daddy and more. The more I think of it, the more my decision to move back home feels totally right.

Do you always believe what newspapers are writing?


The uncaring woman from Australian Foreign Affairs quoted as saying "it's a matter for Thai authorities to determine" knowing full well that NOTHING would be done. Getting a result in Thailand in almost all of these events is squarely in the hands of Australian Politicians and other various authorities. They just never bother. They simply don't care about it's citizens abroad. Demanding a result and putting sufficient political and economic presure will always get the right result and justice will be gained.

A case in point, an Indian student was killed in Melbourne. The Indian government put pressure on Australia and got an immediate and effective result.

It could be argued that Indian citizens are better protected (or at the very least get justice ) abroad by their government than Australians are

How many Australian citizens are killed or suffer other horrific events inThailand at the hands of Thais and Australia does nothing?.

What does it take for the Australian government to send the message loud and clear to Thailand to keep their hands off their citizens?

In the meantime the Thai "authorities" will continue to do nothing to either prevent or severely punish the perpetrators.

My condolences. It's now up to the family if they want to seek justice for their son, but don't expect any assistance fromAustralian government as they are too busy sucking up to the Thai authorities.


Very sad story RIP.

Very sorry for the Mum and unborn child.

Globo.....you "suppose" a lot don't you?

Sad case you are to enter your first post onto a forum with such wild theories, you should be ashamed.

The uncaring woman from Australian Foreign Affairs quoted as saying "it's a matter for Thai authorities to determine" knowing full well that NOTHING would be done. Getting a result in Thailand in almost all of these events is squarely in the hands of Australian Politicians and other various authorities. They just never bother. They simply don't care about it's citizens abroad. Demanding a result and putting sufficient political and economic presure will always get the right result and justice will be gained.

A case in point, an Indian student was killed in Melbourne. The Indian government put pressure on Australia and got an immediate and effective result.

It could be argued that Indian citizens are better protected (or at the very least get justice ) abroad by their government than Australians are

How many Australian citizens are killed or suffer other horrific events inThailand at the hands of Thais and Australia does nothing?.

What does it take for the Australian government to send the message loud and clear to Thailand to keep their hands off their citizens?

In the meantime the Thai "authorities" will continue to do nothing to either prevent or severely punish the perpetrators.

My condolences. It's now up to the family if they want to seek justice for their son, but don't expect any assistance fromAustralian government as they are too busy sucking up to the Thai authorities.

Agree with that 100% - Well said.

//deleted by Admin//.

come on,hypothosis and inuendo make for great debate,but hardly fit the story so far.The medical side of the story does n't even come close to understandfing what really happened.For example if the man is in a local hospital and they say he has severed tendons and they need surgery,how on earth can the guy travel all the way to bangkok,and surely there would have been a hospital in korat that could perform micro-surgery.Was it the case that only a private hospital had the necessary skills to do the operation and seeing that he did not have very good health cover(maybe the hospital in bangkok contacted his travel insurance firm and they said "no way would ther cover) and the hospital sent him on his way.Also the injuries sound very serious,maybe in his condition with very little help he was n't able to think straight(a 9 hour bus trip to get your passport so as to return home).If i had problems getting the correct treatment because of no funds/no one to foot the bill i'd phone home.I dont know,so many questions,hope they can be answered in due course.


Hanging them in the town square for a few days after they find these two thugs would be good thing..

If that point is not received by those who carry long blades then at least two more undesired scumbags are gone.

Someone must know who they are.. that area is too small to not hear or know something..


My wifes cousin was hacked to death not far from Korat a couple of years ago,,he was a teenager.

The murderers had some connection to the local police.

It was witnessed and it actually went to court, compensation was paid by their families and they did not serve any kind of imprisonment.

Hanging them in the town square for a few days after they find these two thugs would be good thing..

If that point is not received by those who carry long blades then at least two more undesired scumbags are gone.

Someone must know who they are.. that area is too small to not hear or know something..

Probably anyone around there knows, but keep their mouth shut. Even the local police probably knows who did it. I've seen similar incidents in my wife's village. One guy stabs another one to death during an argue. The one who killed, has a brother in law who is a policeman. In the police protocol: Death by accident, when clearing vegetation with a knife.

Even the police have to be careful to not mess with the wrong people, since they can risk being killed as well. It's like sleeping in the lions cage.

I have just spoke to AAP in Canberra, Australia and vented my disgust with regards to the Insurance company. I directed AAP to the TV link and the journo I spoke to said they may do more on it now due to the interest being generated.

Also the journo I spoke to said that DFAT did not release the name of the Insurance company.


Thanks for doing this.

It won't bring this unfortunate man back, but it might help prevent similiar cases in the future.

From the description of what occurred and the time lapse bewteen the assualt and death, this death was thoroughly preventable. His death was as much due to lack of proper medical care as it weas to the original injury. And unlike so many, he had the forethought and repsonsibility to have taken out an insurance policy. :)

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