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The 10 Best Movies Of All Time

Jai Dee

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As we're such a diverse lot here on TV, full of kulcha, let's find out your preferences...

Mine (in no particular order):

1. The Godfather

2. Saving Private Ryan

3. What Dreams May Come

4. Raiders of the Lost Ark

5. The Adventures Of Robin Hood (1938 version with Errol Flynn)

6. The Aviator

7. Return of the King

8. Monsters Inc.

9. Shrek

10. The Crow


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1) The Shining

2) The Rock (well, I liked it...)

3) Fight Club

4) Shawshank Redemption

5) Life of Brian

6) The Princess Bride (has anyone else seen it?)

7) Return of the King

8) The Usual Suspects

9) Enemy of the State

10) The Matrix

Not completely sure about the order, but it would work as a desert island selection...

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1) Heaven & Earth..................................A grown mens weepie and so true to life

2) Alien...........................................A true shocker and so far ahead of it's years.

3) Lord of the Rings...........................Stunning film

4) Blade Runner.................................A true Sci-Fi classic

5) Airplane.........................................Got to be the funniest film ever made.

6) Gladiator........................................Another great from Ridley Scott

7) One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest......Say no more

8) Witchfinder General........................Hammers best,haunting music

9) Dr No............................................The first in a line of greats

10) Gotcha.........................................Simple film,full of laughs

Favourite director...............................Ridley Scott

Favourite Actors..................................Tommy Lee Jones/Johnny Depp

Favourite actress................................Miranda Richardson

Reminded by the previous post; my favourite fantasy films

1) The Princes Bride

2) Never Ending Story

3) Ladyhawke

Edited by lampard10
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Pulp Fiction

Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon

True Romance

Kill Bill I (not II)

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind


The Big Labowski


The Prodical Son

The Last Samurai

Not in order... and changes daily.. :D

totster :o

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Pulp Fiction

Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon

True Romance

Kill Bill I (not II)

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind


The Big Labowski


The Prodical Son

The Last Samurai

Not in order... and changes daily..  :D

totster  :o

I see you've put Platoon in there. That's one film I know the script off by heart to;

You ********************************************mother******************************





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Ya smoke this shit so to escape from reality? Me, I don't need this shit. I am reality.

There's the way it ought to be, and there's the way it is.

Sgt. Barnes: You talking about killing? Hmm? Y'all experts? Y'all know about killing? I'd like to hear about it, potheads.

[takes pipe and inhales drag]

Sgt. Barnes: Are you smoking this shit so's to escape from reality? Me, I don't need this shit. I am reality. There's the way it ought to be, and there's the way it is. Elias was full of shit. Elias was a crusader. Now, I got no fight... with any man who does what he's told. But when he don't, the machine breaks down. And when the machine breaks down, we break down. And I ain't gonna allow that... in any of you. Not one.

[hands pipe back and spits]

Sgt. Barnes: Y'all love Elias. Oh, you wanna kick ass. Yeah. Well, here I am, all by my lonesome. And there ain't nobody gonna know. Six of you boys against me. Kill me. Huh. I shit on all of you.

Bunny: Holy shit, d'you see that ######in' head come apart, man?

[Chris has just gotten to Vietnam. Some passing veterans shout at him]

Soldier 1: You're gonna love the Nam.

Soldier 2: For ######ing ever.

Sgt. Barnes: You all take a good look at this lump of shit. Remember what it looks like. You ###### up in a firefight... and I goddamn guarantee you a trip out of the bush - in a body bag! Out here, <deleted>, you keep your shit wired tight at all times! And that goes for you, shit-for-brains. You don't sleep on no ######in' ambush! And the next sum'bitch I catch coppin Z's in the bush, I'm personally gonna take an interest in seein' him suffer. I shit you not. Doc, tag him and bag him!

[King is writing a letter to his girlfriend]

Francis: It ain't D-E-R-E, it's D-E-A-R. And "Sarah" ain't got no two R's, King. ###### you're dumb.

King: It don't make no difference, she know what I mean. She don't read too good nohow.

[Refering to Vietnam]

Chris Taylor: Somebody once wrote: "###### is the impossibility of reason." That's what this place feels like. ######.

Sgt. Elias: Hey O'Neill, take a break! You don't have to be a prick every day of you life, you know.

Bunny: Hey, I can dig it, man. When you smoke that shit everything kind of gets weird, you know what I mean? You heard that story about the gooks putting chemicals in the grass so we don't fight and become pacifists?

Junior: Yeah, but don't you worry Bunny, 'cos you're used to kill anyway, man.

Bunny: Yeah, but I still like a piece of pussy once in a while. Ain't nothing like a piece of pussy, except maybe the Indy 500.

Junior: The only way you get some pussy man, is if a bitch dies and wills it to you. And then, maybe!

Junior: Free your mind, your ass will follow.

[Refering to Elias]

Rhah: And if there's a heaven and God I hope there is, I know he's sitting up there, drunk as a ######ing monkey and smoking shit. Because he left his pains down here.

King: Somewhere out there is the beast and he's hungry tonight.

Chris Taylor: Have you ever gotten into a mistake that you just can't get out of, King?

King: There is a way out of everything, man. Just keep your pecker hard and your powder dry and the world will turn.

Bunny: You know Junior, some of the things we've done, man... I don't feel like we've done something wrong. Sometimes, man... I get this bad feeling. I told the padre the truth man, I like it here. Get to do what you want, nobody ######s with you. The only worry you got is dying. And if that happens you won't know about it anyway. So what the ###### man?

Junior: Shit! I gotta be in this hole with you man? I just know I shouldn't come.

Sgt. Barnes: What's the matter boy? He ain't gonna bite you. That's a good gook; good and dead.

Sgt. Barnes: Death? What you all know about death?

Sgt. Elias: Police up your spare rounds and frags. Don't leave nothin' for the dinks.

Tex: It's gonna piss on us all night. Gonna put a serious case of crotch-rot on that ugly face of yours, Junior.

Junior: Goddamn, break your ass for the white man. Ain't no justice around here.

Sgt. O'Neill: Bob, I got a bad feeling on this one, all right? I mean I got a bad feeling! I don't think I'm gonna make it outta here! D'ya understand what I'm sayin' to you?

Sgt. Barnes: Everybody gotta die some time, Red.

Sgt. Barnes: Martin, get your boots on. And the next time I catch you spraying skeeter repellent on your ######in' feet, I'm gonna court martial your nigger ass.

Junior: Well then court-martial me, mother######er! ###### my ass, send me to ######ing Long Binh! You do your ######ing work! You white folks have got your last klick out of Junior!

Sgt. Barnes: O'Neil, get me that centipede.

Sgt. O'Neill: Sarge?

Sgt. Barnes: Yeah, that long hairy red and black bastard I found in the ammo crate. I'm gonna put it in this boy's crotch, see if he can walk.

Chris Taylor: It's the way the whole thing works, people like Elias get wasted, people like Barnes just go on making up the rules any way they want. So what do we do? Sit in the middle and suck on it. We just don't add up to dry shit, King.

King: Whoever said we did, man? All you got to do is make it out of here. It's all gravy, everyday the rest of your life, gravy.

Chris Taylor: He killed him, I know that he killed him, I saw his eyes when we came back in.

Rhah: How do you know the dinks didn't get him? You've got no proof, man.

Chris Taylor: The proof is in the eyes, when you know you know.

Rhah: Elias didn't ask you to fight his battles for him. And if there's a heaven, and God I hope there is, I know he's sittin' up there drunk as a ######in' monkey and smokin' shit, cause he done left his pains down here.

Chris Taylor: Anyway you cut it, Barnes is a ######ing murderer!

King: Right on.

Rhah: Taylor, I remember when you first came in here, telling me how much you admired the bastard.

Chris Taylor: I was wrong.

Rhah: Wrong? You ain't never been right, about nothing! And dig this you <deleted>, and dig it good. Barnes has been shot seven times and he ain't dead, does that mean anything to you, huh? Barnes ain't meant to die! The only thing that can kill Barnes is Barnes.

King: Hey, Taylor, how in the ###### you get here anyway? You look educated.

Chris Taylor: I volunteered for it.

King: You did what?

Chris Taylor: I volunteered. I dropped out of college, told 'em I wanted the infantry, combat, Vietnam.

Crawford: You volunteered for this shit, man?

Chris Taylor: Believe that?

King: You's a crazy ######er, giving up college?

Chris Taylor: Didn't make much sense, I wasn't learning anything. I figured why should just the poor kids go off to war and the rich kids always get away with it.

King: Oh, I see, what we got here is a crusader.

Crawford: Sounds like it.

King: Shiiit, you gotta be rich in the first place to think like that. Ever'body know, the poor are always being ######ed over by the rich. Always have, always will.

[Chris Taylor takes his first hit of marijuana]

Sgt. Elias: First time?

Chris Taylor: Yeah.

Sgt. Elias: Then the worm has definitely turned for you, man. Feel good?

Chris Taylor: Yeah, it feels good. I got no pain in my neck now.

Sgt. Elias: Feelin' good's good enough.

Bunny: I told the padre the truth, man: I like it here. You get to do what you want. Nobody ######s with you. The only worry you got is dyin', and if that happens you won't know about it anyway. So what the ######, man?

Sgt. Elias: Barnes believes in what he's doing.

Chris Taylor: And you?

Sgt. Elias: Back in '65? Yeah. Now, no. What happened today is just the beginning. We're gonna lose this war.

Sgt. Barnes: Elias was full of shit. Elias was a crusader. Now I got no problem with any man does what he's told, but when he don't, the machine breaks down. And when the machine breaks down, WE break down. And I'm not gonna allow that, from any of you. Not one.

Sgt. O'Neill: Excuses are like <deleted>, Taylor. Everybody's got one!

Rhah: What did you turn in to the underworld for, Taylor?

King: This here ain't Taylor. Taylor's dead! This here is Chris. He's been resurrected.

Chris Taylor: Die you mother######ers! Die!

Lt. Wolf: Barnes, what's the hold up? Six says we're jamming him up back there.

Sgt. Barnes: Tell that dipshit to get ######ed!

[turns to Chris]

Sgt. Barnes: What the ######'s the matter with you, Taylor? You are one simple son of a bitch!

Sgt. Elias: Barnes! Barnes! What the ###### do you think you're doing?

Sgt. Barnes: Stay outta this, Elias, this ain't your show.

Sgt. Elias: [shouts] You ain't a firing squad, you piece of shit!

[Elias and Barnes fight, the others try to stop them from fighting]

Sgt. Barnes: You're done, Elias! I swear to ######in' God, you're done.

Bunny: What are they doing over there? They're gettin' high, that's what.

Sgt. Barnes: Stay outta this, Elias. This ain't your show.

Sgt. Elias: You ain't a firing squad, you PIECE OF SHIT!

Pvt. Gator Lerner: He said he was hit in a bombing raid.

Tex: Keep this sorry cheese dick off my ass.

Sgt. Barnes: That Son of a Bitch Knows What I'm Saying!

Ace: ###### Right He Does!

Morehouse: Ya ######ing Lame ######!

Sgt. O'Neill: What do ya say there LT?

Bunny: [after Pvt. Taylor doesn't shoot a disabled Vietnamese guy] ######in' pussy, man. He's laughing at 'ya. Thats the way the gook laughs. I bet your crying your little heart out aint 'ya? About Sandy and Sal and Manny.

[bunny beats the guy's brains in with the butt of his shotgun]

Tony Hoyt: I say we waste the whole ######ing village!

Tony Hoyt: What the ######s your problem Taylor?

Just some quotes

totster :o

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Hmmm, sure i'll miss some of my favourites but here's 10 of the top of my head.

1. Scarface

2. Deer Hunter

3. Back to the future (1.21 Giga watts, martyyy!!!!) Class

4. Stand by me

5. Platoon

6. Sexy beast

7. Indiana Jones Temple of Doom

8. City Slickers

9. Heat

10. Pulp Fiction

Come on beat that!

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Abridged list:

1. One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest

2. Taxi Driver

3. The Shining

Two great actors in these films. De Niro and Nicholson.

They would be in my top 10 movies.

Absolutely. Others apparently agree as they have 17 best actor nominations between them, 5 and 12(the most of any actor), respectively. They would certainly dominate a total 10 film list of mine with the likes of:

Godfather, Part II

The Deer Hunter

Raging Bull

Cape Fear

for DeNiro, and

The Last Detail

A Few Good Men

for Nicholson

Among the younger actors, Edward Norton seems to be rising to the top

American History X is excellent as well as The Score (with DeNiro).

For actresses, it's Meryl Streep that is head and shoulders above others with films such as:

Kramer vs Kramer


The Deer Hunter (with DeNiro)

Ironweed (with Nicholson)

She also more nominations than any actor/actress in history: 13

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Ya smoke this shit so to escape from reality? Me, I don't need this shit. I am reality.

There's the way it ought to be, and there's the way it is.

Sgt. Barnes: You talking about killing? Hmm? Y'all experts? Y'all know about killing? I'd like to hear about it, potheads.

[takes pipe and inhales drag]

Sgt. Barnes: Are you smoking this shit so's to escape from reality? Me, I don't need this shit. I am reality. There's the way it ought to be, and there's the way it is. Elias was full of shit. Elias was a crusader. Now, I got no fight... with any man who does what he's told. But when he don't, the machine breaks down. And when the machine breaks down, we break down. And I ain't gonna allow that... in any of you. Not one.

[hands pipe back and spits]


Just some quotes

totster  :o

If nothing else, finally an accurate guide of exactly what profanities are censored on TV :D

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There seems to me a lot of excellant black and white films not appearing on these lists.

I hope the ones I’ve included can redress the balance.

I can’t put them in order (I also can’t count).

North By Northwest (1959)

Double Indemnity (1944)

Some Like It Hot (1959)

Pulp Fiction (1994)

Godfather, The (Part II) (1974)

Deer Hunter, The (1978)

L.A. Confidential (1997)

Lawrence of Arabia (1962)

Godfather, The (1972)

Casablanca (1942)

Schindler's List (1993)

Citizen Kane (1941)

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Can't believe no foriegn language movies in your lists, missing out on some great films, City of Gods for one.

Top ten list, impossible for me, I can never decide, but here are some of my favourites:

Raging Bull

Taxi Driver


Means Streets


Godfather 2

Dog Day afternoon

One flew over the Cuckoo's nest

Apocalypse Now


Full Metal Jacket

Millers Crossing (often forgotten coen bros. film) :o

Raising Arizona

The Big Lebowski

The Hudsucker Proxy

Drug Store Cowboy

My Own Private Idaho

The Fog

The Thing



Betty Blue (I fell in love with Beatrice Dalle) :D

The three colours trilogy

Chunking Express

Fallen Angels

Seven Samurai


Man Bites Dog

City of God

Das Boot


How to marry a millionaire

Citizen Kane

The African Queen

Zoolander (not a great comedy film watcher but this does it for me)

The Lost Boys

Raiders of the Lost Ark

Star wars, Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi

Shawshank Redemption

Pulp Fiction

and thats just to name a few, I love watching a good film. :D

Edited by bkkmadness
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My list.... its bit hard to make a list of ten... for some reason i dont like LOTR..sorry guys...

01. Schindlers List

02. Apocalypse Now

03. Forrest Gump

04. GodFather 1&2

05. Saving Private Ryan

06. Usual Suspects

07. Seven

08. The Shining & Full Metal Jacket

09. Deer Hunter & Taxi Driver

10. Star Wars 1-6

11. Matrix 1&2

12. GoodWill Hunting

13. Shawshank Redemption

14. Green Mile

15. One flew over cuckoos nest

Favorite Director: Stanley Kubrick or Spielberg... am confused here

Fav Actor: Tom Hanks

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My list.... its bit hard to make a list of ten... for some reason i dont like LOTR..sorry guys...

Welcome to a very exclusive club.

I couldn't get into the book when it was all the rage in the 60s-70's - I thought the characters were without substance - I couldn't feel them; they seemed to have no human characteristic that identified themselves to me; I could feel no empathy for anyone.

When I saw the first LOTR film, I was hoping the director would have been able to supplement my lack of imagination. But no, I turned the DVD off halfway through, bored out of my brain.

It's not that I am anti fantasy stories, it's just that, despite all the hype, Tolkein is much too cerebral - almost clinical - in his writing, to light a spark in me.

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I have to agree with Tommy M here, LOTR is overated I think. Dont get me wrong a great film, direction, acting, story, script, all well made, and certainly entertaining to watch.

I did enjoy the series but the sign of a great movie or book for me is when after a week, two weeks, months or years you still think back to it and still could watch it or read it again and again, something that effects you with some depth and I could never get that out of LOTR, whereas Betty Blue or something like that chokes me right up.

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I agree to bkkmadness 101%... but i dont want any LOTR Vs Matrix/StarWars Flame war... lol.. I saw all the 3 parts together at a strech in DVD for a second time to see why I didnt liked that movie... I just love some vfx shots there.. but there was nothing new in that... story was very plain, no depth and not inspiring in anyways...It never made me think a little bit about anything from that movie other than why on earth all people are crazy abt LOTR... I think kids pulled their parents to cinema'sa and make it a box office hit... Star Wars was original. I loved Tim Burtons Big Fish and Edwards Scissorhand than LOTR....lol..

I have to agree with Tommy M here, LOTR is overated I think.  Dont get me wrong a great film, direction, acting, story, script, all well made, and certainly entertaining to watch.

I did enjoy the series but  the sign of a great movie or book for me is when after a week, two weeks, months or years you still think back to it and still could watch it or read it again and again, something that effects you with some depth and I could never get that out of LOTR, whereas Betty Blue or something like that chokes me right up.

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That's it, great film, one of my all time favourites since I first watched in on I think Channel 4 when I was 14.

Obviously being a French film on late night Channel 4 and me being a teenage boy I thought I might see a flash of tits in it, the first scene didn't let me down. :o

Blue Velvet was the David Lynch film you was thinking of with the awesome Dennis Hopper.

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