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Red Shirt Leaders Flee As Thai Forces Surround Hotel

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Just saw this tweeted, from the UDD's Twitter account red_phan_fa_2day:

Media alert: We have just received credible reports of a military action being planned against #redshirts protesters in Ratchaprasong 2nite


No idea how credible this is, but who knows....

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THis sort of action by the Thai "authorities" - who are clearly acting on the orders of a political party - the Democrats - just brings into the open how UNDEMOCRATIC the current order is - how can a political party order the arrest of demonstrators? - However it is presented - using terms like "terrorism" or "ill-intentioned" it does not look good to the world that those clearly involved in political protest are being pursued as criminals - this is simply not how democratic governments operate and is a paper-thin ruse.

I think you kind of missed the point. they are not to be arrested for protesting.

They are to be arrested for illegal actions, that may or may not have had to do with the protests,

but are considered CRIMINAL ACTS, under ANY situation.

Just because they are protesters, doesn't suddenly give them a free pass to be criminals.

When you have a mass demonstration, you do not arrest the leaders, you will have to negotiate with them. However you can sue them and bring the story to the Court after the conflict. What if we have arrested Cohn Bendit during May 68? the balance of actions is done after, everybody suing each other but not DURING it is an unsafe provocation.

Those who have engaged army Saturday are also responsible and can be considered as blood tainted, as well they should be arrested.

It was the reds whom broke the negotiations, demanding (ordering) Abhisit to desolve the parlament in 14-15 days. What kind of negotions is that?

You are a stubborn Partisan.

Who was paying the Hotel Bill?

He signs for things this way:


Thaksin Shinawatra

I guess you're wrong. That's Adolf's signature.

Adolf's similar, but different



I understand why the leaders stayed in a hotel (for planning, logistics etc.). Despite the childish comments, when you are managing and leading a situation you need to be in a place that is conducive to allowing maximum performance. The leaders were on stage and working most of the day. It's not easy standing up there making the speeches and exhorting the crowds. Think about how tough it is when you have to give a 1 hour presentation or having to do a 3 hr. seminar on a hot & sticky day. It saps the energy right out of you. You need to recharge every so often. The hotel was hardly the Ritz. It was where traveling salesman and package tourists stay.

However, what defies logic is the concentration of the key figures in one hotel. Either these people are so arrogant that they think they are untouchable or they are none too bright. You never ever concentrate the command in one location. Using the hotel premises also facilitated an easier intercept of signals etc. Hardly, an impressive decision.

good on them

shame on you

another red shirted bleeding heart who thinks lawlessness, murder and bully boy intimidation is acceptable

I don't know why the government bother with the police and army to sort out this mess when we've got all these experts on TVF. Go get 'em Blackman, your talent is wasted behind a keyboard.


most of the red supporters who have left the scene know that this is the end of the red leaders now. They don't agree with the way they work. The remains of a couple of hundred to maximum 3 - 4000 will be dispersed either way, brutally or when they're lucky they get arrested. It is probably also the case that red leaders and sub-leaders embarrass former participants to come back to the scene. The common folks of reds don't want what they see now.

There will probably be a small to medium size eruption next month, but it will succumb to itself. The rest is clearing up the hard core who have no place to hide by then(including Thaksin).

Today was just a proof that justice is closing in, slowly but surely.

Just saw this tweeted, from the UDD's Twitter account red_phan_fa_2day:

Media alert: We have just received credible reports of a military action being planned against #redshirts protesters in Ratchaprasong 2nite


No idea how credible this is, but who knows....

Just a thought: Remember that news conference that Abhisit was supposed to hold at 4PM, but still hasn't happened? If the UDD Twitter above is correct, perhaps that is why Abhisit is occupied with more pressing matters.

Anyway else heard anything about this, apart from the UDD tweet?

Today was just a proof that justice is closing in, slowly but surely.


No, it was another example of what clowns the lads in control are. Time for the govt to pack it in and resign before more bloodshed occurs on both sides.

I must say that today's episode of the red-shirt soap opera about the non-arrest of red-shirt leaders was beautifully scripted, directed and performed. I would have improved only one thing: I would have made Arisman climb down the rope, not just get him lowered down with somebody at the top feeding out the rope. Also, I would have included a scene with the red-shirt leaders showing their appreciation to the "kidnapped" high-ranking officers of the uniformed team for their rescue from the claws of the covert team of policemen, for example a wai or a pat on the back or envelopes changing hands.

Perhaps Joseph Estrada could make a (film) comeback and play the role of Arisman. A lovely symmetry since Arisman would certainly like to play the political role of Joseph Estrada.


the open letter of the redshirts

It's interesting to see the possible related posts under the text. Do we want Thailand to be like Venezuela and Chavez?

Redphanfa2day's Blog

April 16, 2010

Open letter to the Thai media from the red-shirt phrai

Filed under: UDD Statement — redphanfa2day @ 6:02 pm

Tags: red-shirts, Thai media, UDD

The following is an English translation of an open letter sent to Thai media organizations by the the red-shirt phrai (people)

An open letter to major Thai media

Stop supporting the tyrannical aristocratic government that abuses the people (phrais)

The governance of a country reflects (the liberty of expressing opinions and information of) the media in that country. Since April 8, 2010 the Abhisit Vejjajiva government has closed almost all channels for communicating among the red-shirts and Thai society, eg, the red shirt’s television channel – the People’s channel, almost 1,000 local radio stations, and dozens of web sites.

Furthermore, major Thai media have supported the Abhisit government by reporting half-truths to deceive people. This is not different to what has been done during previous political conflicts between the people and tyrant Thai governments, eg, the October 1973, October 1976, May 1992, and April 2009 events.

With advanced technology for communication, the intensity and magnitude of fabricating and painting the news to distort the facts seems to be more prevalent than in the past.

Currently most Thai media (government radio and television stations, free TV, and local radio stations and the People’s Alliance for Democracy (PAD) owned ASTV are acting as tools for propagandizing the right of the Abhisit government in its brutal mission to crush the red-shirt demonstrations at Phan Pha Bridge and on Radjadamneorn Road on April 10, 2010.

The propaganda by major Thai media has bombarded Thai society almost 24 hours a day through beautiful words but distorted information, such as suggesting the deaths of 19 red shirts and 4 soldiers (the latest report while writing this letter) may have been caused by a third party, the so-called “terrorists”, retired soldiers who are red-shirts, or some red-shirts who masqueraded as soldiers.

These media have also claimed the crackdown against the red-shirts by Thai state security forces leading to the 23 deaths and more than 800 hundred injured was the fault of the leaders of the United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD), without mentioning the wrongdoings of the government and other parties involved in the political conflict.

The storm of misinformation through many communication channels under the complete control of the government is an attempt to deceive society – both locally and internationally – and avert responsibility for the violent crackdown against red-shirt demonstrators by the Ahbisit government, leading to the 23 deaths.

The formidable security forces that set upon the peacefully protesting red-shirts used water cannons, tear gas, rubber bullets, live ammunition, and other forms of violence against the unarmed protestors at Khok Woa and Jor-Por-Ror intersections around noon on April 10.

The brutal mission increased in intensity in the late afternoon when tear gas and rubber bullets appeared to be ineffective in crushing the red-shirt protesters. The state security forces then used a helicopter to drop tear gas onto the hi-park stage located at Phan Pha Bridge and in front of the stage, which was surrounded mostly by elderly and children, who had gathered in peace to listen to speeches of some UDD leaders on the stage.

Heavy weapons, eg, M16 rifles with live ammunition were used; the guns shot toward the red-shirts standing up in the front lines at Khok Woa intersection. The noise of shooting did not cease until 10pm when the state security forces retreated because of serious injuries sustained by the force commander, Major General Walit Rotjanaphakdee) and his four aide – who were later reported killed.

The biased news reports and broadcasts by many Thai media about the demonstrations and movements of the red-shirts, who mostly support the previous Thaksin government, may result from various causes.

For instance: (1) the failure of logical thinking by some media who have been trapped in the matrix of the old traditional and conservative systems; (2) the ghost of Thaksin’s system made up to scare Thai society these past four years by some people who considered themselves an elite and well-educated group (the yellow/white/pink shirts) with many Thai media and people being spooked by what they have fabricated themselves; (3) benefits gained from the invisible power that supports the Abhisit government through the image of super persons with high ethics and morality.

The negative attitudes and unconscious actions of the media towards the red-shirt movement has more or less increased the deep confrontation among people with different political opinions in Thai society and triggered the 23 deaths from the crackdown of red-shirts on April 10.

If the stepped-up dirty tactics of the Abhisit government are comparable to a tyrant who has robbed the parliament and abused the owners, ie, partly the red shirts, then the media have been followers in helping the tyrannical government abuse people. The media have used their weapons (press and propaganda broadcasts on TV) to stab the abused people with no discussion of the wrongs about which they complain.

As one of the red shirt phrais who has been affected by Abhisit’s governance and the double standard, I would like to request (but not beg) the Thai media as follows:

1. Consider and improve your role and duty as media to be more professional about reporting news from both sides based on morality, ethics, and conscience than what you have been. Otherwise, you have no right to criticize, comment, or condemn the others wrongdoings because you are the same or even worse by using pen and ink to make money on the suffering of phrais. Do not forget that you are also phrais like us, although you have never thought about or listened to our voices for the past four years.

2. Stop looking down on the movement of the red-shirt phrais and thinking that they are fighting for an individual, ie, Dr. Thaksin Shinnawatra, or that they are brainwashed to sacrifice their lives for the movement leaders. In fact, all of us have been brainwashed under the patron-client Sakdina (Sakdina = a status in terms of land given by the sovereign to a nobleman in accordance with his rank) system that has been part of Thai society for generations. However, even under this system, no one would be happy to die for someone else.

The inconvenient truths that most Thai media cannot accept are: (1) there are large numbers of red shirt phrais – more than 14 million have registered to be UDD members and more are waiting to register across the country. About 20 percent of UDD supporters with higher education (Masters or PhD degrees) from leading universities inside the country or from abroad do not register to be the UDD members but stand on the same side; (2) the demand for the dissolution of parliament and the return of power to the Thai people to vote for their government is based on democratic principles and rights.

There is sound evidence to show that the Abhisit government is illegitimate and lacks authority to govern the country. The Abhisit government is heavily corrupt, not able to solve the critical crisis of the country, and recently became tyrannical by ordering the violent crackdown against the red-shirt phrais. Additionally, it is clear that the red-shirt phrais need a true democracy of the people, by the people, and for the people, not the current fake democracy controlled by the aristocratic group.

3. Stop indirectly or directly supporting the Abhisit government’s use of double standards for administering phrais with different shirt colors. For example, most Thai media hardly criticized the PAD leaders after they took over Government House for more than three months in 2008 and seized Thailand’s international airport for a week in late November of the same year. Additionally, the Abhisit government fails to use legal process for the violent actions instigated by PAD leaders. In contrast, legal measure have been immediately used by the Abhisit government to crush the demonstrations of the red-shirt phrais on Phan Pha Bridge and at the Rachaprasong intersection.

4. Stop propagandizing half-truths, or making false charges against the red-shirt phrais, unfairly calling them “criminals of society”, while the real criminals are unhampered in their fake righteousness with obvious support from some academics, independent organizations, and most Thai media.

Finally, I believe that the four requests above are reasonable, and it is possible for the Thai media to reconsider their actions. Nevertheless, this depend on the accountability, conscience, and the standpoints of the media to choose either to be phrai media that acts as slaves of the aristocratic group forever, or to be phrai media that acts on democratic principles to report the truth with rightness and fairness for all phrais of whatever shirt color.

The red-shirt phrai

Below is the original Thai document:

จดหมายเปิดผนึกถึงสื่อมวลชนไทย (ส่วนใหญ่)

หยุดสนับสนุนรัฐบาลโจร (อำมาตย์) รุมโทรมประชาชน (ไพร่) เสียที


มีคำกล่าวไว้ว่า “การปกครองของรัฐบาลประเทศนั้นเป็นเช่นใด สะท้อนได้จาก(เสรีภาพในการนำเสนอข่าวสารของ) สื่อในประเทศนั้นๆ” การปิดกั้นช่องทางสื่อสารระหว่างกลุ่มคนเสื้อแดงและสังคมแทบทุกช่องทาง ไม่ว่าจะเป็นทีวีคนเสื้อแดง (People channel) วิทยุชุมชนเกือบ 1000 คลื่น และเว็บไซต์กว่า 36 เว็บไซต์ คือความจริงที่เป็นเผด็จการ ละเมิดสิทธิขั้นพื้นฐานของประชาชน ที่รัฐบาลนายอภิสิทธิ์ เวชชาชีวะ กำลังกระทำอยู่ มิหนำซ้ำ ยังมีสื่อกระแสหลักจำนวนมากช่วยกระหน่ำ ซ้ำเติม ให้ข่าวที่เป็นความจริงเพียงด้านเดียวมอมเมาประชาชนอย่างบ้าคลั่งและไร้อารยะที่สุด มิได้ต่างจากสื่อเผด็จการในเดือนตุลาคม 2516 2519 พฤษภาคม 2535 และเมษายน 2552 แต่อย่างใด เผลอๆ อาจมีดีกรีความโหดเหี้ยมมากกว่าด้วยซ้ำ ไม่ว่าจะเป็นการสร้างข่าวบิดเบือนข้อเท็จจริงผ่านเทคโนโลยีการสื่อสารต่างๆ ที่มีมากกว่า เพื่อสร้างความชอบธรรมในการสั่งปราบปรามผู้ชุมนุมเสื้อแดงอย่างรุนแรงของนายอภิสิทธิ์ เมื่อวันที่ 10 เมษายน 2553 ที่ผ่านมา และไม่มีทีท่าจะหยุดกระพือโหมข้อมูลบิดเบือนที่สอดประสานกันอย่างต่อเนื่องระหว่างสื่อของรัฐบาล (ทั้งวิทยุและโทรทัศน์) ฟรีทีวีทุกช่อง (ที่อยู่ภายใต้การควบคุมเบ็ดเสร็จของรัฐบาล) และทีวีและวิทยุชุมชนของกลุ่มพันธมิตรประชาชนเพื่อประชาธิปไตย

การโหมกระหน่ำโฆษณาชวนเชื่อ ใช้วาทกรรมทางการเมืองบิดเบือนข้อเท็จจริงผ่านสื่อต่างๆ ว่า การตายของเสื้อแดง 17 คน และทหาร 4 นาย (ข้อมูลล่าสุด ขณะเขียนจดหมายฉบับนี้) อาจเป็นการกระทำของมือที่สาม ผู้ก่อการร้าย กลุ่มนายทหารที่ปลดเกษียณแล้วและเป็นเสื้อแดง หรือเสื้อแดงปลอมเป็นทหารไม่ทราบฝ่ายสร้างสถานการณ์ขึ้นมา ฯลฯ ตลอดจนโทษว่าเป็นความผิดของแกนนำแนวร่วมประชาธิปไตยแห่งชาติ (นปช.) เพียงฝ่ายเดียว ที่ทำให้มีการตายเกิดขึ้น เป็นต้น ล้วนเป็นความพยายามอย่างโจ่งแจ้งและต่อเนื่องของสื่อกระแสหลัก เพื่อทำให้สังคมหลงประเด็นและข้อเท็จจริงที่ว่า รัฐบาลนายอภิสิทธิ์เป็นผู้จุดชนวนแห่งโศกนาฎกรรม 21 ศพ ด้วยการสั่งสลายการชุมชนของคนเสื้อแดงอย่างรุนแรงและทุกรูปแบบ ไม่ว่าจะเป็นการกระหน่ำยิงกระสุนยางอย่างไม่ขาดสายบริเวณสี่แยกคอกวัว และถนนข้าวสาร ตลอดจนการปล่อยก๊าซน้ำตาจากเฮลิคอปเตอร์ลงบนเวทีและบริเวณหน้าเวทีปราศรัยตรงสะพานผ่านฟ้าของผู้ชุมนุมเสื้อแดง โดยไม่สนใจผู้ชุมชนที่เป็นคนแก่ ลูกเด็กเล็กแดง ซึ่งนั่งฟังการปราศรัยอยู่บริเวณนั้นอย่างสงบ ทั้งนี้ได้กระทำอย่างต่อเนื่องตั้งแต่ช่วงบ่ายจนถึงเย็น ตามด้วยการใช้อาวุธหนัก เช่น M16 ลั่นกระสุนปืนจริง ในแนววิถีกระสุนตรงเข้าใส่มวลชนเสื้อแดงบริเวณสี่แยกคอกวัวและสี่แยกจปร. อย่างไม่บันยะบันยัง จนประมาณ 4 ทุ่มของวันเดียวกัน ที่ปฏิบัติการอำมหิตของฝ่ายรัฐบาลได้ถอนกำลังออกไป หลังจากมีการยิง M79 จากบุคคลไม่ทราบฝ่ายสวนเข้าไปในแนวทหาร ส่งผลให้แม่ทัพผู้บัญชาการสลายผู้ชุมนุม (พลตรีวลิต โรจนภักดี) ได้รับบาดเจ็บสาหัส และทหารอีก 4 นาย เสียชีวิต ในเวลาต่อมา

การนำเสนอข่าวสารอย่างอคติ ขาดจรรยาบรรณของสื่อมวลชนไทยส่วนใหญ่เกี่ยวกับการชุมนุมและการเคลื่อนไหวของมวลชนไพร่เสื้อแดง ไม่ว่าจะมีสาเหตุมาจากความล้มเหลวของความคิดที่เป็นระบบ (The failure of system thinking) การติดอยู่ในกับดักของระบอบจารีต-อนุรักษ์นิยมล้าหลัง ภาพความน่ากลัวของระบอบทักษิณที่ถูกสร้างขึ้นมาหลอกหลอนสังคมไทยในช่วง 4 ปีที่ผ่านมา และส่งผลให้สื่อมวลชนไทยส่วนใหญ่และประชาชนอีกส่วนหนึ่ง (เสื้อเหลือง-ขาว-ชมพู?) กลัวระบอบนี้อย่างไร้สติจนถึงขั้นขี้ขึ้นสมอง หรือการยอมศิโรราบรับใช้อำนาจที่มองไม่เห็น ผ่านวาทะกรรม “เป็นคนดีเลิศ ประเสริฐจริยธรรม คุณธรรมสูงส่ง” เพื่อผลประโยชน์ต่างตอบแทนต่อเจ้าของสื่อ ฯลฯ พฤติกรรมเหล่านี้ ล้วนมีส่วนไม่มากก็น้อยในการสร้างความแตกแยกร้าวลึกของสังคมไทยในปัจจุบัน และการตายของประชาชนและทหารรวม 21 ศพ จากเหตุการณ์สลายการชุมชนเมื่อวันที่ 10 เมษายน ที่ผ่านมา หากเปรียบรัฐบาลนายอภิสิทธิ์เป็นโจรที่ปล้นอำนาจกลางสภา แล้วข่มขืนประชาชน (ไพร่เสื้อแดง) ผู้เป็นเจ้าของอำนาจ สื่อมวลชนเหล่านี้ ก็ไม่ต่างกับสมุนโจร ที่นอกจากจะยืนส่งเสียงเชียร์การรุมโทรมประชาชนที่ไม่มีทางสู้ แล้วยังใช้อาวุธ (ปากกาเปื้อนหมึก คำโฆษณาชวนเชื่อออกทีวี) ทิ่มแทง ซ้ำเติมให้ประชาชนเหล่านี้ตายอย่างไร้ความชอบธรรมในสังคม ทั้งๆ ที่เป็นผู้ถูกกระทำ

ในฐานะประชาชนไพร่เสื้อแดงคนหนึ่ง ที่ถูกกระทำจากรัฐบาลเผด็จการอำมาตย์ของนายอภิสิทธิ์ เวชชาชีวะ และเป็นส่วนหนึ่งของไพร่ที่ได้รับการปฎิบัติที่เป็นสองมาตรฐานในสังคมไทยในปัจจุบัน ขอเรียกร้อง (แต่ไม่อ้อนวอน) สื่อมวลชนไทยที่มีพฤติกรรมดังกล่าวข้างต้น ดังนี้

1. พิจารณาและปรับปรุงบทบาท-หน้าที่การเป็นสื่อมวลชนของคุณ ให้มีความเป็นมืออาชีพ ในการนำเสนอข่าวสารอย่างรอบด้าน มีคุณธรรม จริยธรรม และจรรยาบรรณ มากกว่าที่เป็นอยู่ หากมิเช่นนั้นแล้ว คุณก็ไร้ความชอบธรรมที่จะตำหนิ ติติงสังคม หรือประนามว่าคนอื่นเลว เพราะพฤติกรรมของคุณก็ไม่ต่างกัน หรืออาจจะชั่วช้าต่ำทรามกว่าด้วยซ้ำ เพราะคุณกำลังใช้ปากกาเปื้อนหมึก ทำมาหากินบนหยาดน้ำตาของประชาชนชาวไพร่ด้วยกัน (อย่าลืมว่าพวกคุณก็คือไพร่เช่นเดียวกับเรา) แต่ไม่เคยเหลียวแล หรือรับฟังเสียงของพวกเราผ่านสื่อของพวกคุณเลยในช่วง 4 ปีที่ผ่านมา

2. หยุดดูถูกการเคลื่อนไหวของมวลชนไพร่เสื้อแดงและคิดแทนพวกเขาเสียที ว่าทำเพื่อคนใดคนหนึ่ง (ดร.ทักษิณ ชินวัตร) หรือถูกล้างสมองจนสามารถตายเพื่อแกนนำมวลชน เป็นต้น เพราะความจริงพวกเราทุกคนล้วนถูกล้างสมองภายใต้ระบอบอุปถัมภ์-ศักดินาที่คงอยู่กับประเทศไทยมาช้านาน แต่ก็ไม่เคยปรากฎว่าภายใต้ระบอบที่ว่านี้ มีคนยินดีวิ่งแอ่นอกไปรับลูกกระสุนปืน หรือตายแทนใครด้วยความเต็มใจ นอกจากนี้ ความจริงอันเจ็บปวดอีกด้านหนึ่งที่สื่อมวลชนไทยส่วนใหญ่รับไม่ได้ ยังตามความคิดของมวลชนไพร่เสื้อแดงไม่ทัน หรือหลอกตัวเองอยู่ ก็คือ ประการแรก ไพร่เสื้อแดงมีจำนวนมหาศาล เป็นเสียงส่วนใหญ่ของคนในประเทศนี้ มากกว่า 14 ล้านคน ลงทะเบียนและทำบัตรสมาชิก นปช. เรียบร้อยแล้ว ขณะที่ไพร่เสื้อแดงอีกจำนวนมากยังต่อคิวรอทำบัตรสมาชิก นปช.อยู่ทั่วประเทศ และไพร่เสื้อแดงอีกส่วนหนึ่งที่เป็นคนรุ่นใหม่ หัวก้าวหน้า จบการศึกษาไม่ต่ำกว่าปริญญาโท-เอก จากมหาวิทยาลัยชั้นนำทั้งในและต่างประเทศ ไม่ต่ำกว่า 20% ของคนประเทศนี้ ที่ไม่จำเป็นต้องมีบัตรนปช. แต่ยืนเคียงข้างไพร่สีเสื้อเดียวกัน ประการที่สอง ข้อเรียกร้องของมวลชนไพร่เสื้อแดงที่ย้ำแล้วย้ำอีกในการชุมนุมครั้งนี้ คือการให้รัฐบาลเผด็จการอำมาตย์ของนายอภิสิทธิ์ยุบสภา คืนอำนาจให้ประชาชนเจ้าของประเทศภายใต้เสื้อทุกสี ได้ใช้หนึ่งสิทธิ์หนึ่งเสียงของเขาเลือกรัฐบาลที่เขาต้องการนั้น เป็นสิ่งที่ถูกต้องบนหลักการประชาธิปไตยและมีความชอบธรรมในการเรียกร้อง นอกจากนี้ เป็นที่ชัดเจนว่า สำหรับมวลชนไพร่เสื้อแดงนั้น เราต้องการประชาธิปไตยที่แท้จริง ที่เป็นของประชาชน โดยประชาชน และเพื่อประชาชน

3. หยุดสนับสนุนหรือส่งเสริมรัฐบาลเผด็จการอำมาตย์ของนายอภิสิทธิ์ เวชชาชีวะ ในการใช้สองมาตรฐานปกครองไพร่ภายใต้เสื้อต่างสี ไม่ว่าจะเป็นการกระทำทั้งทางตรงและทางอ้อม ที่ปรากฎให้เห็นเป็นที่ประจักษ์ในช่วงเวลาที่ผ่านมา เช่น สื่อมวลชนไทยส่วนใหญ่แทบจะไม่เคยตำหนิการยึดทำเนียบรัฐบาลกว่า 3 เดือนในปี 2551 และการยึดสนามบินนานาชาติเป็นเวลา 1 สัปดาห์ ในเดือนพฤศจิกายนของปีเดียวกันของกลุ่มพันธมิตรฯ อย่างจริงจัง ตลอดจนการดำเนินการทางกฎหมายต่อแกนนำพันธมิตรฯ ในการกระทำดังกล่าวที่ไม่มีความคืบหน้าใดๆ ทั้งที่เหตุการณ์ผ่านมาปีกว่าแล้ว ขณะที่การชุมนุมบนถนนบริเวณสี่แยกราชประสงค์และถนนราชดำเนิน-บริเวณสะพานผ่านฟ้าของกลุ่มมวลชนไพร่เสื้อแดงในปัจจุบัน กลับถูกสื่อมวลชนส่วนใหญ่ร่วมด้วยช่วยรัฐบาลนายอภิสิทธิ์โจมตีแทบไม่เว้นแต่ละวัน เป็นต้น

4. หยุดกระพือโหมข่าวที่เป็นความจริงเพียงครึ่งเดียว หรือการสุมเพลิงเติมเชื้อไฟใส่มวลชนไพร่เสื้อแดงให้เป็นผู้ร้ายและจำเลยของสังคมโดยไร้ความเป็นธรรม ขณะที่ผู้ร้ายตัวจริงลอยนวลอยู่บนความชอบธรรมจอมปลอมที่นักวิชาการ องค์กรอิสระ และสื่อไทยส่วนหนึ่งให้การสนับสนุนหลักอย่างเป็นทางการ (ออกหน้า ออกตา)

ท้ายสุดนี้ ข้าพเจ้ามีความเชื่อมั่นว่า ข้อเรียกร้องทั้ง 4 ข้อข้างต้น ไม่ได้เกินเลย หรือสุดวิสัยของสื่อมวลชนไทยจะกระทำได้ หากขึ้นอยู่กับวุฒิภาวะ ความรู้จักแยกแยะผิดชอบ-ชั่วดี หิริโอตปะ (ความอายและเกรงกลัวต่อการกระทำความชั่ว) และจุดยืนของสื่อมวลชนเองว่าจะเลือกข้างไหน ระหว่าง ข้างที่หนึ่ง “ขอเป็นสื่อมวลชนไพร่ ขี้ข้ารับใช้เผด็จการอำมาตย์ทุกชาติไป” หรือข้างที่สอง “ขอเป็นสื่อมวลชนไพร่ ยืนอยู่บนหลักการประชาธิปไตย เสนอข่าวสารที่ถูกต้อง เป็นจริง และเป็นธรรมต่อไพร่ทุกสีเสื้อ”

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most of the red supporters who have left the scene know that this is the end of the red leaders now. They don't agree with the way they work. The remains of a couple of hundred to maximum 3 - 4000 will be dispersed either way, brutally or when they're lucky they get arrested.

Today was just a proof that justice is closing in, slowly but surely.

today was proof that abhisit hasnt got much control over his security forces...

Has he come out of his bunker and shown his face yet?? NO I wonder why?

the crowds over song gran have been about 3 or 4 k in the early morning building up to 30 k in the evening and thats what the local yellow leaning media has reported..

most of the red supporters who have left the scene know that this is the end of the red leaders now. They don't agree with the way they work. The remains of a couple of hundred to maximum 3 - 4000 will be dispersed either way, brutally or when they're lucky they get arrested. It is probably also the case that red leaders and sub-leaders embarrass former participants to come back to the scene. The common folks of reds don't want what they see now.

There will probably be a small to medium size eruption next month, but it will succumb to itself. The rest is clearing up the hard core who have no place to hide by then(including Thaksin).

Today was just a proof that justice is closing in, slowly but surely.

Twaddle. If anything, this will have increased Red support nationwide.

Given a fair election tomorrow, I reckon they would pick Red. personally I couldn't give dam_n, I just hope one popular party manages to last a term without some unelected thugs barging in.

The Thai peasants know dictatorship when they see it.

Give them another 30 years of elections without coups and they too may learn to despise all politicians, and choose the least repulsive side.

On the bright side, all this regression back to feudal Thailand days might mean i can get a string of legal mianoys walking behind me, bare breasted. Nice.

Forget about arresting them, just snipers to take them out at this time. They are bunch of terrorist that will not respect the law. And if any case they are cornered they will flee the country any ways. They care about their own interests more than the countries interests

I've talked to many Thais (women mostly :) who work in the Chidlom and Siam area and they feel just about the same as you do.

It seems their thinking is that the Reds are killing the economy so it's OK to kill the Reds.

That's a bit drastic in my opinion... but people here are losing their patience.

I submit the people who are losing their patience are the ones that are happy with the status quo ,, have shops and businesses etc that are loosing money ,, RIGHT ??

What you and they don't get is the fact there are millions of Thais who have lost patience about the directon their lives are going in and the lack of democracy here.

Whats more important ,, keeping luxury shopping centers open for tourists and spoiled rich bangkok elites to make a profit ,,, or the overall direction of the whole country and the desires of millions of people who by the way represent the majority.

I say ,,, let the shops stay closed ,,, this is the only weapon the reds have while Abish__it's weapon is the tank and live bullets

May I just remind all of you, that TOURISM, is the #1 industry in Thailand... responsible for more jobs than any other sector of the economy.

Killing Tourism is like Killing the Golden Goose.....



Hey Dufus-brain....tourism isn't the #1 industry in Thailand...not even close...it is about 6% of the Thai economy and employs 1.8 million people....the biggest sector is 'manufacturing' (assembly of Japanese electronics and cars) accounting for 47% of GDP and employing only about 11% of people....agriculture is the big e,ployer...almost 50% of the working population, but it accounts for only 11% of GDP...why don't you get some facts before posting?

Today was just a proof that justice is closing in, slowly but surely.


No, it was another example of what clowns the lads in control are. Time for the govt to pack it in and resign before more bloodshed occurs on both sides.

Totally agree. this Gvernment is not able to bring Peace in the Country. We are aiming toward more blood...

Hey I got a question..

Some news articles say there was as many as 30,000 + reds in town a few days ago..

but, now they say there are only 3,000-4,000.

Is this true? did so many really leave, and, if so - why?

to enjoy Songkran with their families?

Perhaps this is why they were being moved on by Police (because they are currently low in numbers)

So, what is the deal?

Are the reds waiting for more of their people to come back into town or is nobody else coming?

I'm just interested in hearing from someone who knows these sort of details.

If there is only 3 or 4K they should get 50 000 troops

Move in and retake the area

Move in armed to the hilts ... see a red with a weapon

shot him or her on the spot!! We know reds do not play

fair ...

We all know this has no happy ending ... git'er done

Incredible .... Fascisme

Well Jerry, what do you call the Red leadership, Freedom Fighters, Maoist , Nationalists, Democrats, Republicans, Globalists, Terrorists, or maybe even Fascists?

You seem to like to like name calling... so give the Red leaders a name.

Like you, I don't want to see blood, but I don't think that it's a concern of the Red Shirt leaders. So maybe they are capitalists or totalitarian demagogues spewing out inane babble to the resounding response of foot clappers? And it could be they are just well paid. Got an answer? I'm sure you respect the Red leaders intellect.

Something is going to go down here... and it's going to be ugly.


Today was just a proof that justice is closing in, slowly but surely.


No, it was another example of what clowns the lads in control are. Time for the govt to pack it in and resign before more bloodshed occurs on both sides.

the mess which is within all forces needs to be considered too. It is a good sign, and if you're honest to yourself, also a question to all people here, did you, or anybody else see this attempt to arrest some dangerous leaders expect to happen today?

Please post your truthful answers.


The Government has managed to find a few top cops that will obey its rules.

The rank and file however are having second thoughts.

Like the Italians in the last war, they are capable of more fight than this. Trouble is, the rank and file are mostly red, their families are mostly red.

So much for the offer of talks. No more talks I say, starve the business community out now. All the yellow supporters backers are now loosing big money.

Obama was so concerned yesterday with the Thais running round screaming "Terrorist" that he held a press conference.... and announce a mission to Mars!

It is the business community and hotels that generate income - starve the business community out and what are you left with - do the "rank and file" have the skills to run businesses in an increasingly global economy? Lets not lose sight of the fact that their real "leader" is himself a very astute business man who has made millions - I sometimes wonder if what he really wants is a Thailand where the only business leaders are him or his family so they can glean ALL the profit.

The dissafected police should realise that by failing to protect the community and property in Bangkok they are in the long term jeopardising their own income - or should I say both of their "incomes". Will the "rank and file" be able to pay their "on the spot fines"

This comes across as if it is a communist style revolution bringing people power to overthrow a dictatorial government - nothing is further from the truth it is about a power hungry politician who wants back! I feel very sorry for Abhisit as there is nothing that he could do which could calm this situation- I believe he has made a valient effort to restore peace without resorting to any kind of compulsion but it just cannot work. It is ludicrous to suggest that there could or should be an election immediately in the wake of a victory by one side or the other. Much as I dislike the idea of a coup I feel that only the army is capable of enforcing peace and then insisting on at least 12 months of peace before an election. If one were held soon then the scale of violence, intimidation and bribary is too scary to contemplate

I understand why the leaders stayed in a hotel (for planning, logistics etc.). Despite the childish comments, when you are managing and leading a situation you need to be in a place that is conducive to allowing maximum performance. The leaders were on stage and working most of the day. It's not easy standing up there making the speeches and exhorting the crowds. Think about how tough it is when you have to give a 1 hour presentation or having to do a 3 hr. seminar on a hot & sticky day. It saps the energy right out of you. You need to recharge every so often. The hotel was hardly the Ritz. It was where traveling salesman and package tourists stay.

However, what defies logic is the concentration of the key figures in one hotel. Either these people are so arrogant that they think they are untouchable or they are none too bright. You never ever concentrate the command in one location. Using the hotel premises also facilitated an easier intercept of signals etc. Hardly, an impressive decision.

Yes i agree with all of that. Even if these red leaders were genuine in their fight for the rights of the poor, down-trodden, i don't think they would have to prove so by sleeping rough on the streets, and nor would the poor and down-trodden expect them to. That said, we know that the red leaders' fight has nothing to do with helping the poor, down-trodden, so where they sleep is pretty immaterial.

What i do find amazing is that a hotel owned by a convicted criminal has been fully complicit in aiding and abetting another criminal, with seemingly no consequences. Authorities should shut the place down with immediate effect.

Time to call in Jimmy Carter? They could do worse.

Or the Dalton Brothers? :)

Or the Righteous Brothers. You know, "You've lost that loving feeling"

An open letter to major Thai media

Stop supporting the tyrannical aristocratic government that abuses the people

This is the same reds that threw and hit media with bricks and ran them off from their site just 2 days ago?


Just saw this tweeted, from the UDD's Twitter account red_phan_fa_2day:

Media alert: We have just received credible reports of a military action being planned against #redshirts protesters in Ratchaprasong 2nite


No idea how credible this is, but who knows....

I heard this too

Heard they are sending in Jesse James mistress to wipe out the whole lot of them

Look for her getting the the BTS Chitlom any minute now



Hey Dufus-brain....tourism isn't the #1 industry in Thailand...not even close...it is about 6% of the Thai economy and employs 1.8 million people....the biggest sector is 'manufacturing' (assembly of Japanese electronics and cars) accounting for 47% of GDP and employing only about 11% of people....agriculture is the big e,ployer...almost 50% of the working population, but it accounts for only 11% of GDP...why don't you get some facts before posting?

Right... so herd everyone into a factory wearing the same uniforms and have them stamp out parts on 12 hour shifts.



^Yes elcent I did expect it, but you need to stop thinking Thailand works the same way as in most western countries. It does not. This was merely a staged event simply because the BIB and military want no part of this. Can you honestly say with a straight face that those given this task were serious on capturing the reds present? :)


I think you kind of missed the point. they are not to be arrested for protesting.

They are to be arrested for illegal actions, that may or may not have had to do with the protests,

but are considered CRIMINAL ACTS, under ANY situation.

Just because they are protesters, doesn't suddenly give them a free pass to be criminals.

When you have a mass demonstration, you do not arrest the leaders, you will have to negotiate with them. However you can sue them and bring the story to the Court after the conflict. What if we have arrested Cohn Bendit during May 68? the balance of actions is done after, everybody suing each other but not DURING it is an unsafe provocation.

Those who have engaged army Saturday are also responsible and can be considered as blood tainted, as well they should be arrested.

It was the reds whom broke the negotiations, demanding (ordering) Abhisit to desolve the parlament in 14-15 days. What kind of negotions is that?

You are a stubborn Partisan.

I think Animatic has shared some good points. Just because they are in violation of a government order punishable by a year in jail doesn't mean they would be charged with it. But - a couple or four already have outstanding warrants, or have violated bail conditions; that's enough to arrest them. Charges of kidnapping, murder, damaging and defacing public property (yeah, that's a little one, but it's still there), incitement to break and enter (remember the Parliament building?), threatening with intent to cause harm or injury...The list goes on and on.

And a Partisan is a committed member of a political party. So...unless Animatic has gotten citizenship (tell us how you did it, Animatic) and has registered with a party... not quite the right word.

Stubborn? Yeah, that one fits :)

An open letter to major Thai media

Stop supporting the tyrannical aristocratic government that abuses the people

This is the same reds that threw and hit media with bricks and ran them off from their site just 2 days ago?


At least they realized pretty quickly how stupid that move was

and invited the back

Isn't it a bit odd that all or most of the Red Shirt / Thaksin supporters here are new forum members ??? :)

Yes, I noticed that. All except Britmaveric and Rainman are newbies, and Rainman hasn't posted on the News forum for weeks - perhaps wondering how he could be so wrong so often in previous posts.

But what else can you expect? The government keeps suppressing the web sites of democracy supporters and now we've got nowhere else to go except cuddle up to you yellow shirt/elite supporters. Just move up a tad will you, it's getting rather crowded in here.

Today was just a proof that justice is closing in, slowly but surely.


No, it was another example of what clowns the lads in control are. Time for the govt to pack it in and resign before more bloodshed occurs on both sides.

It's not the government that are the clowns, it's the police. A change of government is not suddenly going to change that.

As far as an end to bloodshed is concerned, the reds could simply go home and wait for elections like the rest of Thailand's law-abiding citizens are doing, instead of believing in their divine right to force their wants and needs on the rest of the country.


It's hard to label the red movement because they have included so many seemingly contradictory elements. If they win, you truly do not know what you will get. Except the obvious of course, power shifted to the red terror leadership group led by Thaksin, the constitution changed (or much more), Thaksin getting what he wants as far as cleared charges and his ill gotten filthy lucre back. Perhaps simply BAD NEWS may do for the time being.

Isn't it a bit odd that all or most of the Red Shirt / Thaksin supporters here are new forum members ??? :D

Yes, I noticed that. All except Britmaveric and Rainman are newbies, and Rainman hasn't posted on the News forum for weeks - perhaps wondering how he could be so wrong so often in previous posts.

But what else can you expect? The government keeps suppressing the web sites of democracy supporters and now we've got nowhere else to go except cuddle up to you yellow shirt/elite supporters. Just move up a tad will you, it's getting rather crowded in here.

You can sit next to me and I will give you a cuddle. :)

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