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Who Is To Is To Blame For The Problems Of Thai Society And Who Should Be The One To Fix It?


Who is to blame for this conflict?  

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Thai education has to take most of the blame.

It’s content is poor and taught by poorly educated Thai’s that follow a curriculum that should have been binned years ago.

But...............................Does Thailand really want to educated children/teenagers to the point that they will demand decent and well paid jobs?

If they do educate them to a good standard then who will harvest the rice for 120 baht a day?

Edited by nam-thip
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The red shirt leaders are responsible for THIS problem. They have gone beyond protests to insurrection and, to me, have lost credibility.

The resolution will still need to involve cooperation between the government and the Red Shirt leaders. The Red shirts have made their point but need to go home now and continue their drive for fair treatment within the Government and media. Anyone (the men in black?) that started the gunfire needs to be jailed or executed.

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economy and social consesiousness developed, especially within the last years, but the social and political structure is back from somewhere from the middle ages, with the cast system, racism, army rule on all areas of life (including media and banking) and corruption on top of it.

Edited by londonthai
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if the answer is not included in the polls you can just write it out as a comment, btw you can blame the lack of education on previous governments. And education is not actually a person so i recomend you vote "no one"...anyways, its up to you.

Edited by 321niti123
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One family/household at a time. Take care of your own, don't have kids if you can not afford them, don't buy anything you have to finance. Then you don't have to blame some gov't (whatever color shirt) for not providing for you.


Edited by Heng
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As mentioned by others one of the major problems is the things we are not to mention. Whilst this is the case across Thailand I don't see how anything can really improve and it is one reason why I don't what my kids brought up in Thailand. I'd sooner be in a country where you can at least discuss problems of any sort rather that skirt around them as if they don't exist. :)

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I voted "no one' as the cause of the current disturnaces....and "all peace loving Thais" as the solution.

I don't much like the 2nd choice, but it was the closest I could come to what I really feel.

These "political" problems we are having are not really "political' in nature. The core cause of these disturbances is the economic devide between the relatively well off city living middle-calss Thais, especially in Bangkok, but also in other cities throught Thailand and the relatively poor Issan (but other areas also) farmers. This is being exagerated by the Thai soup operas shone country-wide on television, but mostly by the inability of the current economic and social system in Thailand to provide any real possibility of a change in their status for the poor in Thailand as the poor in Thailand see it.

Example #1: My brother-in-law finished his time in the Army. He wanted to live in Bangkok. He tried for a job as a waiter/busboy clearing tables in a restaurant in Bangkok. He lost his job after a few weeks, mainly because another person who wanted that job more than my brother-in-law did agreed to pay more of his salary and tips to the maitre-de as a kickback than my brother-in-law could afford. (My brother-in-law had a infant son and a wife to support, the other person didn't).

Example #2: Somel years ago now my Thai wife was approached by a Thai teacher at her daughter's school. The teacher knew she had a farang husband (me). It was suggested that if the daughter was to do well on the school exams, my wife should find the sum of XXXXXX baht (no that doesn't indicate the actual figure, so don't try to figue out the amount) the teacher could insure that the daughter would do well on the exams, and therefore have a chance at university. My wife didn't have the money anyhow, so it never happened. I've been told that "such things don't happen today", but I don't believe it.

When I first came to Thailand in 1977, there were really only two classes; the rich, and the poor. In the 1980's and 1990's a Thai middle-class, much of it in Bangkok, came into existance. That has made it much harder for the well-off (see exanples #1 & #2) to keep the reins of control on. The Pandora's box has been opened, and now all the demons are out. They won't go back into the box, no matter how much they are pushed.

Now the poor Issan farmers and the workers want equal treatment. They don't see themselves as getting that equal treatment from the government. It should be a rule that when a majority of the people don't believe in the fairness or honesty of their government, change of some kind is inevitable. Things will change in Thailand. I'm not sure if it will be for the better or for the worst in the short run...but the old certainty is dying. How long it takes to die, and how it dies, is uncertain right now.

I wish that it wasn't happening, but I can see that it is now.


Edited by IMA_FARANG
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As mentioned by others one of the major problems is the things we are not to mention. Whilst this is the case across Thailand I don't see how anything can really improve and it is one reason why I don't what my kids brought up in Thailand. I'd sooner be in a country where you can at least discuss problems of any sort rather that skirt around them as if they don't exist. :)

That's the way I feel about raising kids here, especially when there's other options.

But I think blaming the unmentionable is a bit of a kop-out IMHO, given that operation Human Shield is now in full force.

I voted Thaksin, the Coup plotters and the protesters on both sides. Protesters should really indicate protest leaders however; the protesters have just been (incredibly easily) duped, yet again.

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For so many problems or complaints the answer seems to be it is Thai culture, Thai way or thai something to that affect.

SOOOOOOOOO my answer to this poll is it is just Thai Culture. Only Thai Culture and solutions can resolve this. I have no idea what those two things are other than neither one will make any sense to me.

Thai culture---If you do not like the governemnt you elected you overthrow it in a odd sort of way. Have one deemed illegal, get other deity figure to pull his weight to another group or you fill in the blanks to craziness, shut down the economy hold the country hostage, on and on.

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Thai education has to take most of the blame.

It's content is poor and taught by poorly educated Thai's that follow a curriculum that should have been binned years ago.

But...............................Does Thailand really want to educated children/teenagers to the point that they will demand decent and well paid jobs?

If they do educate them to a good standard then who will harvest the rice for 120 baht a day?

and who will marry the 1000s of sex tourists :):D:D , FROM EUROPE, CANADA, AND AUSTRALIA!

Edited by hanss
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I voted that it was Taxsin who was to blame and that a corporation of the current govt should be the ones responsible for cleaning it up. However I only mentioned that because there is no choice for the Military, I think at this point the military should end this mess by giving the red shirts a warning of their imminent demise and a chance to leave the capital. Their leaders should be given another opportunity to turn themselves in.

After the warning has been given and the red shirts and their leaders have had ample time (a few days) to pack up and leave and turn themselves in. Then the military should move in on any red shirt demonstrations that remain illegally using deadly force. And the leaders should be abducted or killed by military black ops teams (with a focus on abduction).

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Thai education has to take most of the blame.

It's content is poor and taught by poorly educated Thai's that follow a curriculum that should have been binned years ago.

But...............................Does Thailand really want to educated children/teenagers to the point that they will demand decent and well paid jobs?

If they do educate them to a good standard then who will harvest the rice for 120 baht a day?

and who will marry the 1000s of sex tourists :):D:D , FROM EUROPE, CANADA, AND AUSTRALIA!

Good one.

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There are many causes and many people that are to blame for the situation that currently exists. The blind adoration of Thaksin always puzzled me, it seems like he is a reverse Robin Hood, stealing from the poor, by not paying taxes, and giving to himself, yet they love him for it. Weird. The class system that still exists in Thailand will always breed discontentment among the poor, but they won't be the ones to benefit from any change in government. In my opinion a violent overthrow of the government will only result in a new tyrant being installed. Gradual and peaceful reform is the only way forward.

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When its all over the poor will still be the poor and there will still be double standards and there will still be an elite and there will still be a patronage system. But there will be some dead and maimed people and some of tghe power players may have changed and some extra sources of revenue to the elite may be available.

And the poor will be a little better off than before but probably by the same amount as if nothing had happened. And the middle class will be a little better off than before and will be relatively better off than the poor and the elite will be relaitvely better off than everyone. This is the nature of history, struggle and exploitation. The history of struggle just results in different exploiters or sometime just the old ones. But dead bodies come along the way.

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There are many causes and many people that are to blame for the situation that currently exists. The blind adoration of Thaksin always puzzled me, it seems like he is a reverse Robin Hood, stealing from the poor, by not paying taxes, and giving to himself, yet they love him for it. Weird. The class system that still exists in Thailand will always breed discontentment among the poor, but they won't be the ones to benefit from any change in government. In my opinion a violent overthrow of the government will only result in a new tyrant being installed. Gradual and peaceful reform is the only way forward.

If Thaksin was really the saviour of Thailand as he protrays himself, he would have come back to Thailand to face his prision sentance and done his time, it would have shown his honourable intentions and he has repsect for Thai law/courts.

The fact that he has run and hid, indicates to me his true intentions....nothing to do with the people....but all about power and control for him, nothing more and nothing less...

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Stupid Poll......No one factor/person is responsible for the mess in Thailand/ Thai politics is in and no one factor/person will fix it..

You could click more than one group of person as responsible, and you can choose 'all peace loving thais' as the people who should work hard to fix this problem.

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