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Thai Army Tells Red Shirts To Disperse From Rally Base


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Oh, for god's sake why don't you tear-up that little picture of Abhisit that all his groupies carry and admit what the whole of Thailand knows which is the fact that the forty friends of Newin were bought. He even got his father installed as Speaker of the Lower House as part of the same deal. Why do you keep trotting out the same old rubbish? Even members of the Democrat Party (and I know some) will tell you, with a smirk on their faces, that Newin was bought!

Then why do the Reds not protest against Newin???? Oh yes, they might still need him to get a majority (probably going to cost a lot!!!)

I don't know what you mean. Newin Chitbob is banned from politics for five years but is still the de facto leader of the Bhumjaithai party and he in fact created it when he sold forty MPs to the Democrats - The friends of Newin. He was photographed arm in arm with Abhisit many times whilst the sale of his 'Friends of Newin' was being negotiated.

He has burnt his bridges because the chances of any of the Bhunjaithai MPs getting re-elected is practically zero after what they did. So what exactly are you saying?

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On Tuesday, an unknown group of people put up stickers on Silom Road saying that the red-shirt group wanted a new Thailand with Thaksin as president. A move like this suggests that the right wing and elitist forces are employing old tactics to label the opponents as anti-monarchists.

surely there should be charges against whoever made these stickers. It is obvious that it is the PAD as no Reds have been down there.

The area is under lockdown with cameras everywhere anyway.

If the reds did this it would be on tape?

So, the PAD are prepared to commit LM in order to preserve their place in the trough. Nice though that even some at the Nation are seeing through them.

Few at the top their need to be dispatched to calm this down. They are rabid lunatics and more and more (except the intellegent PAD followers on here) are seeing this.

If these are the Elite of Thailand in Silom reading and believing these posters, then they are obvisouly much thicker than the un-educated farmers they so despise. Are they really the worlds thickest Elite?

The gloves are coming off on the Elite side as they are nearing the end of their reign. no pretense now that Abhisit is in charge. Its PAD, Thaugsabun and some dissaffected (with Anupong) army commanders.

Airforce fired verbal warning this morning. In Thai terms, what he said was very strong. So, most of the Army cannot be relied on to shore them up forever, the airforce want to see common sense prevail and a political solution, the police are on the reds side and should not be underestimates and the Navy.. well nuff said.

Those of us who have been here a long time remember when they did actually confront each other!!

grandpops I have a very simple question for you. Easy to answer. The answer is either yes or no. Is Mt. T an Elite? I await your answer.


Failed. Now listen again. I say this often. Yes he is an elite!! he is a different elite and I don't want him back. I have been trying slowly today to give some of you newbies some grounding into these characters and why they hate Thaksin. He basically started shutting down one of the most corrupt autocratic regimes in the world. Any you missed all this because you think he dodged a bit of tax. Poor you, that you have to show your immaturity on here when you post.

Now read your lessons from today about the CRES and this man and tell me are you happy that he is running the country. I posted in depth about why these people fell out with Thaksin today .. on here. And you can't be bothered to read it

So http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suthep_Thaugsuban Nice man? I have been posting this today and nobody has stood up and commented positively on this post. Do you want to be the first.


Yes I will be the first. Suthep is a bad boy for sure. I was very dissapointed by Khun A. keeping him in his adminstration. He should not be in any position. In my opinion he should be in the Bangkok Hilton serving a long time. This is one reason the reds have credible repore with the pepole of Issan or anyone else. They see this guy as above the law and when they are caught on the local corner not wearing a helmet by the boys in brown they have to pay a days wages. The guy who works for me hates his guts and I cannot repeat here what he would like to happen to him.

I know there is a real gap between the haves and have nots in this country. After all I have lived in Isaan for over ten years.

In my opinion the real root cause of the gap falls directly on the current and previous governments. Historically every rulling party has not taken any intrest in educating the Thai people. If they can keep them ignorent (and I am not casting dispersions on my fellow Thais) they can control them with a few crumbs from the table.

In my opinion this is what Mr. T did best. He came up here to Isaan and personally handed out 5,000 to 10,000 Bhat to local people. Smart politition. But he took so much through corruption from these people.

And now this rally is only about getting him back ASAP. If it was for the right reasons I would be a number one supporter.

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Contrary to most of the BS I read on here the one simple way to end all this is for the reds to pack up and go home.

But that wont happn as the leaders, most who now face charges, some have already been convicted, have dug themselves in so deep that they need a fight to try to justify what they have already done.

Very sad that such a small minority can do this to the country.

An election will reveal whether the reds represent a " small minority " :)

A small minority (of the population) in this case is a numeric that is now down to 3,000/65,000,000

We're actually talking of the Red Shirt movement as a whole not the false newspaper figures of the number of Red Shirts attending the rally.

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What am i wrong about?

Expats that think by twisting the facts and at the same time have no say or vote?

Like you, i live here too, and have a vested interest in what goes on, but that doesn't mean im gonna make up some BS,

to show whether i support the reds or yellows,

Do any of you really think that either party is good for Thailand?

Or that the outcome of this red & yellow war is the key to prosperity?

The core problem is far deeper than just this red & yellow war, and as an expat that lives and works here you should have realised that long ago. :D

I have no interest in twisting facts to make myself feel right mate. they are what they are. The deeper problem you refer to is at the heart of this.

Darth Vader vs Yoda. :)

Occasionally Jabba the Hut chimes in but fortunately no body listens to him anymore.

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Totally wrong. The two governments before this one were voted into power by the people. This government (Abhisit) was installed by the Military and the Amartaya when they bought forty Phuea Thai MPs, The Friends of Newin. The forty MPs then supported Abhisit and later formed the Bhumjaithai Party. Bhumjaithai are the largest member of the coalition but are a party that has never stood for election.

Those forty MPs sold the votes of their electorate and made themselves rich but are now too scared to go home and face that electorate. The purchase of those forty Phuea Thai MPs and the millions of votes that they represent must be the largest proven example of vote buying in history. Corruption is rampant in the Democrat Party - take for instance the Ministry of Health scandal or the billion(s) baht Dust Free Roads scam that Bhumjaithai Party nearly pulled off - and Abhisit has the cheek to try and claim the moral high ground. The sooner the Democrat Party is disolved the better for all.

You get who you vote for.

Just because they changed sides (for whatever reason) doesn't change the fact that they were MPs that were voted for by the people.

After the PPP was disbanded, this group of MPs formed their own party. Much the same as all the other PPP MPs went to the PTP (which hasn't stood for election either).

They decided that they didn't like what the PPP/PTP were doing, so they no longer supported them? What's wrong with that?

They decided that they no longer wanted to support an inept government, that was only about one thing - Getting Thaksin back.

Oh, for god's sake why don't you tear-up that little picture of Abhisit that all his groupies carry and admit what the whole of Thailand knows which is the fact that the forty friends of Newin were bought. He even got his father installed as Speaker of the Lower House as part of the same deal. Why do you keep trotting out the same old rubbish? Even members of the Democrat Party (and I know some) will tell you, with a smirk on their faces, that Newin was bought!

No doubt you are right. But all this talk of double standards is a bit ridiculous because both sides use the same standards. I have no doubt that deals were done after the last election between PPP and the minor parties to form government, in EXACTLY the same way that deals were done between Democrats and minor parties after PPP were disbanded.

As I see it, the only real issue here is that the reds are pi$$ed off that their party is not in power and their leader has had things go against him. They can't really complain about the Democrats not being elected fairly because the Pheu Thai party didn't even exist at the last election and the reds support them completely. The reds are no different to the yellows in what they want - they all just want power and the benefits that come with it. I can so easily imagine if the situation was reversed the yellows would be taking to the streets in exactly the same way and the reds would be outraged that the yellows are allowed to get away with it.

Or am I just being cynical?

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Please forgive the change of subject here everyone, but again I just want everyone to know that the "rumor" about overstay fees being waived is FALSE. I just rerturned from Cambodia yesterday and I had asked to speak directly to the highest ranking officer in charge there. I was granted permission (he was a 2 star general) and showed him the Admin.'s post about the fees and he actually laughed at me. If you go to ANY border point in this country you will be charged an ocverstay fee even if you have proof that your flight was canceled by the ash cloud.

Please thai visa forum, get your stories and information correct before you put it on the web. Also every at the airport IS being chasrged a fee, period! Thank you all for your understanding.

Perhaps it would have been better to post your message on this thread:



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Please forgive the change of subject here everyone, but again I just want everyone to know that the "rumor" about overstay fees being waived is FALSE. I just rerturned from Cambodia yesterday and I had asked to speak directly to the highest ranking officer in charge there. I was granted permission (he was a 2 star general) and showed him the Admin.'s post about the fees and he actually laughed at me. If you go to ANY border point in this country you will be charged an ocverstay fee even if you have proof that your flight was canceled by the ash cloud.

Please thai visa forum, get your stories and information correct before you put it on the web. Also every at the airport IS being chasrged a fee, period! Thank you all for your understanding.

Perhaps it would have been better to post your message on this thread:



Did the Iceland Volcano affect flights to Cambodia from Bangkok? :D

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I don't need to do any research to tell you that you are wrong if you think that you are right just answer the question.

It states it here...http://www.ect.go.th/english/news51/e25_03_51.pdf

I also don't need to go the web site that you show but I think that you do. The PPP have never been found guilty of electoral fraud.

Thai judges ruled Prime Minister Somchai Wongsawat's People's Power Party disbanded on Tuesday after being found guilty of voter fraud, http://www.welt.de/english-news/article281...-disbanded.html

Pull your head out of your a$% of course they were found guilty. They were disbanded for it.

Edited by chadintheusa
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I live in the middle of the city surrounded by the Red Shirts in central Bangkok, and I just do not feel safe.

They basically have become thugs. There is no more "democracy" in BKK right now. The red shirts decide for everyone what street is open, who and how we are free to move in the center of the city. They even stop and search people.

I do not feel safe around them any more. They have become too full of themselves. They have stopped me to tell me that I cannot drive down the street that i live on, where my family lives. One guy even chased me on my motorcycle as I went home because that day they just made a decision that no traffic was to go down that road.

This is the closest to Anarchy I have ever lived, seriously.

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You remember that time those idiots with the yellow shirts closed the airport for 2 weeks..and then the army didn't crack down on them even though their action directly endangered lives and craeted a national security issue?

I seems as if EVERY thread about current events gets hijacked back to the yellow airport incident. I think this should be a mod issue. ONE thread to talk about that. It shouldn't be acceptable for this done to the death aspect of it to dominate EVERY other topic, especially now, that Thailand is possibly on the verge of civil war.

I do have a proposal about this. I suggest people in future ignore all references to the airport incident. We all know about it ALREADY. We all know the red rationale about that, that they claim they are now excused of ALL crimes because of that past. Nothing new. Why ever reply to this gambit?

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You remember that time those idiots with the yellow shirts closed the airport for 2 weeks..and then the army didn't crack down on them even though their action directly endangered lives and craeted a national security issue?
I seems as if EVERY thread about current events gets hijacked back to the yellow airport incident. I think this should be a mod issue. ONE thread to talk about that. It shouldn't be acceptable for this done to the death aspect of it to dominate EVERY other topic, especially now, that Thailand is possibly on the verge of civil war.

I do have a proposal about this. I suggest people in future ignore all references to the airport incident. We all know about it ALREADY. We all know the red rationale about that, that they claim they are now excused of ALL crimes because of that past. Nothing new. Why ever reply to this gambit?

So that was 2 weeks and this has been going on for how long?

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Sad that people call the reds animals, criminals and what the like. This is what happens when the poor and uneducated are disenfranchised. Any one of us in that position might do the same. If you have nothing to lose and the hope of gaining something.

Dispersing them with violence and keeping them uneducated and in poverty will not end the problem. I should know - this is what the apartheid regime in South Africa tried and it failed miserably. The only long term solution is to educate them thereby improving their opportunities in life.

Unfortunately both sides' leaders are a bunch of greedy animals who don't really care about the people. Thaksin was just the smarter crook - he actually gave the people hope through better medicare, etc.

no... he didn't...

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Democracy, as thought by the red-shirts:

Chavalit: The United Nations should send peace-keepers to protect the red-shirt demonstrators.

Weng: If the yellow-shirts demonstrate, the police should arrest them.

Video source: Reuters 2010-04-17

Assuming the translation is correct, that is absolutely hilarious!

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I wish the red apologists who wish to pretend that they are not on the side of Thaksin would make a better job of it.

Maybe they think it is better to dress up as Clark Kent but hide their Thaksin Superman clothes underneath

Yes, there are a lot of these, including the pseudo intellectuals that post on New Mandala and Bangkokpundit. Whenever Thaksin is mentioned by people who don't want a return to his dictatorial, corrupt regime, they claim that the red shirt rallies are nothing to do with Thaksin. However, the rallies are obviously a direct result of the Supreme Court assets case, largely paid for Thaksin and designed above all to achieve political changes that would lead to his return to power as soon as possible. Otherwise, setting a time table for early elections before the end of the year would be good enough.

I find Comrade Weng's plan to petitition the UN pitiful, given that his boss once told the UN it was not his father when he objected to the UN expressing concern over the thousands of brutal murders orchestrated by Thaksin in his war against alleged drug dealers. If he is scared of getting killed or maimed before he can enjoy his tax free offshore stipend, Weng should go home and take his cannon fodder with him, or better still go into exile like his boss and his fellow revolutionary, Jakraphob.

Edited by Arkady
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Totally wrong. The two governments before this one were voted into power by the people. This government (Abhisit) was installed by the Military and the Amartaya when they bought forty Phuea Thai MPs, The Friends of Newin. The forty MPs then supported Abhisit and later formed the Bhumjaithai Party. Bhumjaithai are the largest member of the coalition but are a party that has never stood for election.

Those forty MPs sold the votes of their electorate and made themselves rich but are now too scared to go home and face that electorate. The purchase of those forty Phuea Thai MPs and the millions of votes that they represent must be the largest proven example of vote buying in history. Corruption is rampant in the Democrat Party - take for instance the Ministry of Health scandal or the billion(s) baht Dust Free Roads scam that Bhumjaithai Party nearly pulled off - and Abhisit has the cheek to try and claim the moral high ground. The sooner the Democrat Party is disolved the better for all.

You get who you vote for.

Just because they changed sides (for whatever reason) doesn't change the fact that they were MPs that were voted for by the people.

After the PPP was disbanded, this group of MPs formed their own party. Much the same as all the other PPP MPs went to the PTP (which hasn't stood for election either).

They decided that they didn't like what the PPP/PTP were doing, so they no longer supported them? What's wrong with that?

They decided that they no longer wanted to support an inept government, that was only about one thing - Getting Thaksin back.

Oh, for god's sake why don't you tear-up that little picture of Abhisit that all his groupies carry and admit what the whole of Thailand knows which is the fact that the forty friends of Newin were bought. He even got his father installed as Speaker of the Lower House as part of the same deal. Why do you keep trotting out the same old rubbish? Even members of the Democrat Party (and I know some) will tell you, with a smirk on their faces, that Newin was bought!

No doubt you are right. But all this talk of double standards is a bit ridiculous because both sides use the same standards. I have no doubt that deals were done after the last election between PPP and the minor parties to form government, in EXACTLY the same way that deals were done between Democrats and minor parties after PPP were disbanded.

As I see it, the only real issue here is that the reds are pi$ed off that their party is not in power and their leader has had things go against him. They can't really complain about the Democrats not being elected fairly because the Pheu Thai party didn't even exist at the last election and the reds support them completely. The reds are no different to the yellows in what they want - they all just want power and the benefits that come with it. I can so easily imagine if the situation was reversed the yellows would be taking to the streets in exactly the same way and the reds would be outraged that the yellows are allowed to get away with it.

Or am I just being cynical?

Nah, sounds pretty much spot on to me.

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And he is not in charge. Watch your back mate. If he shouts fire, who knows which way the bullets will be flying. Certainly Thailand will be flying up the UN's list of oppressive regimes and even onto US sanctions lists.

PAD, the people who wrested power from the People on the premise they were too stupid to vote, through mob rule and army control by their elite backers are now coming back on to the street to ensure that the power is not returned through the ballot box.

Can I have accurate soundbite of the day for that please on the BBC?

Nice organisation and I am not surprised they are disguising themselves as multi colourted protesters.

Once the yellow shirts go on, then the army will split.

What utter Nonsense Sir.

And how would you know,are you there amongst them or just on the side lines watching one sided news broadcasts,the sooner the red shirts get what they want, the sooner we can all get back to what is called normal in Thailand,the people in the uk dont like Mr Brown and Co,and the rest of the thieves running the government, but you do not see the army taking over,the people elected Thaskin and the people should have been allowed to vote him out,Thailand calls its self democratic,yet the government shuts down the reds telly station because they do not like what it says,There,s a party in the uk called The BNP and i havent yet read a half decent piece about them in the papers, even though they have elected people in councils etc,its called freedom of info, which obviously they have here but only if you toe the governments line.

If I don't like the current govt I vote against them in the next elections... like they do in, um, DEMOCRATIC COUNTRIES

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So where is thaksin - the savoor, the champion of democracy, the champion of no double standards, the pusher for a pardon for himself even though he's committed henous crimes against humanity massive corruption and disgracefully manipulated the people who are now his 'warriors'?

Where is he?

No phone ins - no video link motivational speeches.

Where is he?

Wonder what rubbish the red leaders have told their followers about why thaksin isn't being seen or heard.

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Totally wrong. The two governments before this one were voted into power by the people. This government (Abhisit) was installed by the Military and the Amartaya when they bought forty Phuea Thai MPs, The Friends of Newin. The forty MPs then supported Abhisit and later formed the Bhumjaithai Party. Bhumjaithai are the largest member of the coalition but are a party that has never stood for election.

Those forty MPs sold the votes of their electorate and made themselves rich but are now too scared to go home and face that electorate. The purchase of those forty Phuea Thai MPs and the millions of votes that they represent must be the largest proven example of vote buying in history. Corruption is rampant in the Democrat Party - take for instance the Ministry of Health scandal or the billion(s) baht Dust Free Roads scam that Bhumjaithai Party nearly pulled off - and Abhisit has the cheek to try and claim the moral high ground. The sooner the Democrat Party is disolved the better for all.

You get who you vote for.

Just because they changed sides (for whatever reason) doesn't change the fact that they were MPs that were voted for by the people.

After the PPP was disbanded, this group of MPs formed their own party. Much the same as all the other PPP MPs went to the PTP (which hasn't stood for election either).

They decided that they didn't like what the PPP/PTP were doing, so they no longer supported them? What's wrong with that?

They decided that they no longer wanted to support an inept government, that was only about one thing - Getting Thaksin back.

Oh, for god's sake why don't you tear-up that little picture of Abhisit that all his groupies carry and admit what the whole of Thailand knows which is the fact that the forty friends of Newin were bought. He even got his father installed as Speaker of the Lower House as part of the same deal. Why do you keep trotting out the same old rubbish? Even members of the Democrat Party (and I know some) will tell you, with a smirk on their faces, that Newin was bought!

No doubt you are right. But all this talk of double standards is a bit ridiculous because both sides use the same standards. I have no doubt that deals were done after the last election between PPP and the minor parties to form government, in EXACTLY the same way that deals were done between Democrats and minor parties after PPP were disbanded.

As I see it, the only real issue here is that the reds are pi$$ed off that their party is not in power and their leader has had things go against him. They can't really complain about the Democrats not being elected fairly because the Pheu Thai party didn't even exist at the last election and the reds support them completely. The reds are no different to the yellows in what they want - they all just want power and the benefits that come with it. I can so easily imagine if the situation was reversed the yellows would be taking to the streets in exactly the same way and the reds would be outraged that the yellows are allowed to get away with it.

Or am I just being cynical?

Better analysis than m,ost on here and definitely superior to the garbage on most other sites

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I wish the red apologists who wish to pretend that they are not on the side of Thaksin would make a better job of it.

Maybe they think it is better to dress up as Clark Kent but hide their Thaksin Superman clothes underneath

Yes, there are a lot of these, including the pseudo intellectuals that post on New Mandala and Bangkokpundit. Whenever Thaksin is mentioned by people who don't want a return to his dictatorial, corrupt regime, they claim that the red shirt rallies are nothing to do with Thaksin. However, the rallies are obviously a direct result of the Supreme Court assets case, largely paid for Thaksin and designed above all to achieve political changes that would lead to his return to power as soon as possible. Otherwise, setting a time table for early elections before the end of the year would be good enough.

I find Comrade Weng's plan to petitition the UN pitiful, given that his boss once told the UN it was not his father when he objected to the UN expressing concern over the thousands of brutal murders orchestrated by Thaksin in his war against alleged drug dealers. If he is scared of getting killed or maimed before he can enjoy his tax free offshore stipend, Weng should go home and take his cannon fodder with him, or better still go into exile like his boss and his fellow revolutionary, Jakraphob.

Asking for UN peacekeepers is just another diversion to keep up the illusion that these are peaceful protests. Thailand would be worse off under UN peacekeepers. You see they are professional soldiers. Soldiers who like to go home alive. Soldiers who would not hesitate to shoot the first person to jab at them with a sharp stick. They have no sympathy for the reds and don't speak Thai so they can't understand the lies being spouted........wait a minute I think I just convinced myself. UN please.

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There is no Thailand if the government can't disperse a mob of 6000 armed rebels occupying an important district of the capital. No, it is not a game. It is about the very existence of Thailand as a nation. This is civilization vs. anarchy. Would the red thugs be tolerated for weeks in your country? You say yes? I don't believe you.

:D In Europe it would never be tolerated to have a PM and government that wasn't LEGAL. Freedom of speach and no weapons that's the issue. Abhisit is a laughing joke all over the WORLD, he has lost his face totally and his real support. The only supporters left are those who have a financial problem if a legal election and a new Parlement was to be the outcome of this TURMOIL. Some individuals hope for blood to be sheed, God bless those fools. Be sure of one thing Abhisit and those behind him are allready moving values and large amounts out of Thailand is this very moment!

I think the laughing joke is somewhere in the south pacific - fix bangkok's traffic in six months? - scandalous! :)

should be easy... same as the "war on drugs"... just shoot any motorist who's doing something wrong... or we think is doing something wrong... or we think might do something wrong... or we just don't like, for whatever reason...

Edited by warfie
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On Tuesday, an unknown group of people put up stickers on Silom Road saying that the red-shirt group wanted a new Thailand with Thaksin as president. A move like this suggests that the right wing and elitist forces are employing old tactics to label the opponents as anti-monarchists.

surely there should be charges against whoever made these stickers. It is obvious that it is the PAD as no Reds have been down there.

The area is under lockdown with cameras everywhere anyway.

If the reds did this it would be on tape?

So, the PAD are prepared to commit LM in order to preserve their place in the trough. Nice though that even some at the Nation are seeing through them.

Few at the top their need to be dispatched to calm this down. They are rabid lunatics and more and more (except the intellegent PAD followers on here) are seeing this.

If these are the Elite of Thailand in Silom reading and believing these posters, then they are obvisouly much thicker than the un-educated farmers they so despise. Are they really the worlds thickest Elite?

The gloves are coming off on the Elite side as they are nearing the end of their reign. no pretense now that Abhisit is in charge. Its PAD, Thaugsabun and some dissaffected (with Anupong) army commanders.

Airforce fired verbal warning this morning. In Thai terms, what he said was very strong. So, most of the Army cannot be relied on to shore them up forever, the airforce want to see common sense prevail and a political solution, the police are on the reds side and should not be underestimates and the Navy.. well nuff said.

Those of us who have been here a long time remember when they did actually confront each other!!

grandpops I have a very simple question for you. Easy to answer. The answer is either yes or no. Is Mt. T an Elite? I await your answer.


Failed. Now listen again. I say this often. Yes he is an elite!! he is a different elite and I don't want him back. I have been trying slowly today to give some of you newbies some grounding into these characters and why they hate Thaksin. He basically started shutting down one of the most corrupt autocratic regimes in the world. Any you missed all this because you think he dodged a bit of tax. Poor you, that you have to show your immaturity on here when you post.

Now read your lessons from today about the CRES and this man and tell me are you happy that he is running the country. I posted in depth about why these people fell out with Thaksin today .. on here. And you can't be bothered to read it

So http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suthep_Thaugsuban Nice man? I have been posting this today and nobody has stood up and commented positively on this post. Do you want to be the first.


Yes I will be the first. Suthep is a bad boy for sure. I was very dissapointed by Khun A. keeping him in his adminstration. He should not be in any position. In my opinion he should be in the Bangkok Hilton serving a long time. This is one reason the reds have credible repore with the pepole of Issan or anyone else. They see this guy as above the law and when they are caught on the local corner not wearing a helmet by the boys in brown they have to pay a days wages. The guy who works for me hates his guts and I cannot repeat here what he would like to happen to him.

I know there is a real gap between the haves and have nots in this country. After all I have lived in Isaan for over ten years.

In my opinion the real root cause of the gap falls directly on the current and previous governments. Historically every rulling party has not taken any intrest in educating the Thai people. If they can keep them ignorent (and I am not casting dispersions on my fellow Thais) they can control them with a few crumbs from the table.

In my opinion this is what Mr. T did best. He came up here to Isaan and personally handed out 5,000 to 10,000 Bhat to local people. Smart politition. But he took so much through corruption from these people.

And now this rally is only about getting him back ASAP. If it was for the right reasons I would be a number one supporter.

Glad I came and looked for your reply.

I actually agree with so much of what you said that it would be churlish to look again to pick fault.

Knowing Thais as the opportunists and side swappers they are, I think it difficult for Thaksin to come back now. He is finished as he (if he had any credibility) could fly into Chiang Mai, raise his supporters and route Abhisit.

They will want leaders (if they succeed) that saw this thing through. Plenty more up and comings now.

I still think the Elite will try and shoe Newin in, but his time could be past as well. AM sure the Army will not relish the prospect of calming joint mobs of yellows and reds if this man ever gets near power. Now that could be a coup to please the whole country if they got rid of him.

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There is no Thailand if the government can't disperse a mob of 6000 armed rebels occupying an important district of the capital. No, it is not a game. It is about the very existence of Thailand as a nation. This is civilization vs. anarchy. Would the red thugs be tolerated for weeks in your country? You say yes? I don't believe you.

:D In Europe it would never be tolerated to have a PM and government that wasn't LEGAL. Freedom of speach and no weapons that's the issue. Abhisit is a laughing joke all over the WORLD, he has lost his face totally and his real support. The only supporters left are those who have a financial problem if a legal election and a new Parlement was to be the outcome of this TURMOIL. Some individuals hope for blood to be sheed, God bless those fools. Be sure of one thing Abhisit and those behind him are allready moving values and large amounts out of Thailand is this very moment!

I think the laughing joke is somewhere in the south pacific - fix bangkok's traffic in six months? - scandalous! :)

should be easy... same as the "war on drugs"... just shoot anyone who's doing something wrong... or we think is doing something wrong... or we think might do something wrong... or we just don't like, for whatever reason...

He has run out of countries that will let him organise a revolution from within their borders.

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I wish the red apologists who wish to pretend that they are not on the side of Thaksin would make a better job of it.

Maybe they think it is better to dress up as Clark Kent but hide their Thaksin Superman clothes underneath

Yes, there are a lot of these, including the pseudo intellectuals that post on New Mandala and Bangkokpundit. Whenever Thaksin is mentioned by people who don't want a return to his dictatorial, corrupt regime, they claim that the red shirt rallies are nothing to do with Thaksin. However, the rallies are obviously a direct result of the Supreme Court assets case, largely paid for Thaksin and designed above all to achieve political changes that would lead to his return to power as soon as possible. Otherwise, setting a time table for early elections before the end of the year would be good enough.

I find Comrade Weng's plan to petitition the UN pitiful, given that his boss once told the UN it was not his father when he objected to the UN expressing concern over the thousands of brutal murders orchestrated by Thaksin in his war against alleged drug dealers. If he is scared of getting killed or maimed before he can enjoy his tax free offshore stipend, Weng should go home and take his cannon fodder with him, or better still go into exile like his boss and his fellow revolutionary, Jakraphob.

Asking for UN peacekeepers is just another diversion to keep up the illusion that these are peaceful protests. Thailand would be worse off under UN peacekeepers. You see they are professional soldiers. Soldiers who like to go home alive. Soldiers who would not hesitate to shoot the first person to jab at them with a sharp stick. They have no sympathy for the reds and don't speak Thai so they can't understand the lies being spouted........wait a minute I think I just convinced myself. UN please.

Mor Weng is quite clearly insane.

"Every man has got a breaking point. You and I have. Mor Weng has reached his. And very obviously, he has gone insane."

Bring in UN peacekeeping troops precisely because he and the other RS leaders refuse to negotiate???

Really, he has gone insane. Perhaps a result of reading "On Contradiction" over and over again in bad mountain light with mosquitoes biting the webbing between his fingers and toes. Christ, it nearly did me in and I only read it once.

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I live in the middle of the city surrounded by the Red Shirts in central Bangkok, and I just do not feel safe.

They basically have become thugs. There is no more "democracy" in BKK right now. The red shirts decide for everyone what street is open, who and how we are free to move in the center of the city. They even stop and search people.

I do not feel safe around them any more. They have become too full of themselves. They have stopped me to tell me that I cannot drive down the street that i live on, where my family lives. One guy even chased me on my motorcycle as I went home because that day they just made a decision that no traffic was to go down that road.

This is the closest to Anarchy I have ever lived, seriously.

And this is allowed to happen? Bye Bye Bangkok for me

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I live in the middle of the city surrounded by the Red Shirts in central Bangkok, and I just do not feel safe.

They basically have become thugs. There is no more "democracy" in BKK right now. The red shirts decide for everyone what street is open, who and how we are free to move in the center of the city. They even stop and search people.

I do not feel safe around them any more. They have become too full of themselves. They have stopped me to tell me that I cannot drive down the street that i live on, where my family lives. One guy even chased me on my motorcycle as I went home because that day they just made a decision that no traffic was to go down that road.

This is the closest to Anarchy I have ever lived, seriously.

And this is allowed to happen? Bye Bye Bangkok for me

A friend of mine lives in a condo in the red shirt area with his wife and two young kids. It is bad enough getting in and out for work and shopping etc but is not sure what the reds expect him to do, if any of his family have to go to hospital in an emergency. They showed no sympathy for patients in the Police General or Chulalongkorn Hospitals but they expect good medical treatment when they are injured fighting security forces.

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A friend of mine lives in a condo in the red shirt area with his wife and two young kids. It is bad enough getting in and out for work and shopping etc but is not sure what the reds expect him to do, if any of his family have to go to hospital in an emergency. They showed no sympathy for patients in the Police General or Chulalongkorn Hospitals but they expect good medical treatment when they are injured fighting security forces.

Learn to speak Thai, or be nice to them. Or get a gun, or in case of emergency... er.. talk to them. :)

Dam_n nusiance these natives, what!

Edited by whiterussian
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