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Thai Forces Fire Warning Shots In Standoff With Red Shirts

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Red shirt people i understand you might want to ask for political changes or democracy...

You actually have the right to ask for whaever you want...but please do it from home and stop coming to bkk and annoy thousand of people who tries to do their work, this not good for you, this not good for us, this not good for thailand.

SO ask for whatever you want but please stay home and start doing some work or the country is heading to an economic crash...

Best idea so far in this topic!

Red shirts, F*&% OFF, go home, wait for your chance at the next election...

For F&% s sake, I really, really think that the "parliamentary system" was invented by morons for the sake of children.

Thai people, grow up, or be forever labeled as an immature culture that probably *should* have been colonized... BWE - Burma With Electricity...

Live long *or* prosper (hopefully). (What! U want both!! 5555) :)

I feel better now....

Glad you feel better but if they went home do you really think anyone would listen to them ? I dont think so

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The goverment admitted the policeman was killed by friendly fire.

CNN Annapour interview with Abhsist at 7pm local time.

Ok, running to make the popcorn. Should be fun. :)

Did anyone notice during the interview with BBC, when Abhisit said that martial law wasn't his decision to implement but the army's? Clearly he's not in control, but the army is.

Good point

raised my eyebrows when he said that shows really who is actually in charge.

Announcing it is one thing, implementing it is anther. :)


Soldiers ahve armed themselve up to the teeth for offensive drive. Reds have home made stuff and bamboo poles for defense. Don't let the soldiers become cowards hitting unarmed people. Why no talk offered?

I just want to applaud the soldiers and police for doing their jobs. They were tasked to stop that convoy and they did. Well done, lets see more of that.

For the last few weeks I've been doubting they could get anything right.


Me too. Especially the guy that shot one of his own. They must be really proud.

You know they shot their own.... how?

Sigh.. he knows because he takes in news sources other than The Nation/ThaiVisa. youknow, those big international ones with reporters actually there and reporting 24/7. Multiple ones. :)

:D :D :D

Soldiers ahve armed themselve up to the teeth for offensive drive. Reds have home made stuff and bamboo poles for defense. Don't let the soldiers become cowards hitting unarmed people. Why no talk offered?

If it kicks off its going to be nasty the reds surely have had weeks to prepare for what they know is coming and I think there will be mass bloodshed on both sides if this really kicks off.

One automatic weapon fired into a crowd can take out a lot of people no matter which side its coming from.

The goverment admitted the policeman was killed by friendly fire.

CNN Annapour interview with Abhsist at 7pm local time.

Ok, running to make the popcorn. Should be fun. :)

It's not yet 6:30pm in Bangkok. What's with the 7pm interview? Can't tell time?

The goverment admitted the policeman was killed by friendly fire.

CNN Annapour interview with Abhsist at 7pm local time.

Ok, running to make the popcorn. Should be fun. :)

It's not yet 6:30pm in Bangkok. What's with the 7pm interview? Can't tell time?

I'm excited. Don't want to miss the funniest show of the evening.

Soldiers ahve armed themselve up to the teeth for offensive drive. Reds have home made stuff and bamboo poles for defense. Don't let the soldiers become cowards hitting unarmed people. Why no talk offered?

Nice try. Nobody believes the reds don't have lethal weapons on them. Reportedly some of their fake monks are hiding them under their robes.

... This is a mob of pissed off people overthrowing a government...
No, it's a mob of pissed off people demanding elections. They're pretty tame compared to true revolutionaries like the Sons Of Liberty or the Jacobins.
I would have engaged Phua Thai (possibly but not necessarily including the Red leadership) and come to an agreement on elections. Abhisit has already suggested 9 months, the Reds want 1 month. Enough of this BS already and negotiate something that saves some face all around and gets to elections in half a year or so. Note that not just a timeline needs to be on the table, but also the conditions of the election, or even constitution amendments prior to the election. At the same time, any violent elements in the Red protests need to be brought to justice.

(Sadly even this statement above some people will see as Red.. that's just sad. There is a clear path forward but Abhisit is unwilling (though more likely: unable) to take it. )

Incorrect. The red shirts have said that 3 months for new elections would be acceptable to them and they would disperse immediately if Abhisit agreed. He declined.

I stand corrected. Makes my point even stronger.. The leadership's inability to resolve a '9 baht' versus '3 baht' negotiation is leading to death, distruction and continues a path of civil war. Honestly, settle on '5 baht' and get on with things already. It saves face for all and is generally the Thai way. That this hasn't happened already can only point at an immense power vacuum OR conflicts of interests among the countries leaders (incl. military, etc, of course)

3 months is no good for the PM. His party needs to wait till after the next army reshuffle or they risk having the reds or PTP stack the army with Seh Daeng clones. There is no way the election will be called before then. And that is why the reds are so desperate to get it. Did you really think that the reds were willing to kill so many of their followers for the sake of a few months without other issues at stake?

Soldiers ahve armed themselve up to the teeth for offensive drive. Reds have home made stuff and bamboo poles for defense. Don't let the soldiers become cowards hitting unarmed people. Why no talk offered?

Nice try. Nobody believes the reds don't have lethal weapons on them. Reportedly some of their fake monks are hiding them under their robes.

That would make for a great picture. If it was true. :). You're posting rumours.

Soldiers ahve armed themselve up to the teeth for offensive drive. Reds have home made stuff and bamboo poles for defense. Don't let the soldiers become cowards hitting unarmed people. Why no talk offered?

Nice try. Nobody believes the reds don't have lethal weapons on them. Reportedly some of their fake monks are hiding them under their robes.

That was my point the hardliners for sure have weapons and molotoff cocktails and if it kicks off both sides are going to pay a high cost

I'm a little sick of hearing the redshirts this and the redshirts that. This is democracy in motion. If a ruling party refuses to openly compromise then the outcome can be violent. People here are passionate about their country. I admire them for that. They are willing to give their life for what they believe in. You whiners that think your opinion matters are just adding to the problem. The Thai people have a leader they believe is illegitimate and they are acting as such.

Many years ago our countries did the same thing the Thai are doing now. GIVE THEM SOME SLACK!!! Your opinion as a farang means nothing but your trivial rhetoric may create discontent that isn't needed. We are bystanders. Pay some respect and allow the process to come to it's conclusion. It is coming soon. I believe we will have a better country that we are visiting than the one that exists now.

Well said.....I second the motion

Markaew nominates himself as a visitor "we will have a better country that we are visiting" but thinks that people who live here should not have an opinion. He is backed up by the usual red apologists. Like them, he has swallowed the "peoples revolution" crap. IGNORE

Soldiers ahve armed themselve up to the teeth for offensive drive. Reds have home made stuff and bamboo poles for defense. Don't let the soldiers become cowards hitting unarmed people. Why no talk offered?

If it kicks off its going to be nasty the reds surely have had weeks to prepare for what they know is coming and I think there will be mass bloodshed on both sides if this really kicks off.

One automatic weapon fired into a crowd can take out a lot of people no matter which side its coming from.

I will agree with you on that.

I would have engaged Phua Thai (possibly but not necessarily including the Red leadership) and come to an agreement on elections. Abhisit has already suggested 9 months, the Reds want 1 month. Enough of this BS already and negotiate something that saves some face all around and gets to elections in half a year or so. Note that not just a timeline needs to be on the table, but also the conditions of the election, or even constitution amendments prior to the election. At the same time, any violent elements in the Red protests need to be brought to justice.

(Sadly even this statement above some people will see as Red.. that's just sad. There is a clear path forward but Abhisit is unwilling (though more likely: unable) to take it. )

Incorrect. The red shirts have said that 3 months for new elections would be acceptable to them and they would disperse immediately if Abhisit agreed. He declined.

I stand corrected. Makes my point even stronger.. The leadership's inability to resolve a '9 baht' versus '3 baht' negotiation is leading to death, distruction and continues a path of civil war. Honestly, settle on '5 baht' and get on with things already. It saves face for all and is generally the Thai way. That this hasn't happened already can only point at an immense power vacuum OR conflicts of interests among the countries leaders (incl. military, etc, of course)

3 months is no good for the PM. His party needs to wait till after the next army reshuffle or they risk having the reds or PTP stack the army with Seh Daeng clones. There is no way the election will be called before then. And that is why the reds are so desperate to get it.

I don't buy into this being so important, other than personally for the individual generals involved. It wasn't the army commander who instigated the last military coup. Even if a Phua Thai government was able to get a general installed who was slightly more sympathetic to their side, it really wouldn't matter in the overall power structure in the army and the people they report to. Note that I'm NOT saying that it's not a topic of discussion in any negotiation, but Phua Thai can safely negotiate this point away and let the powers-that-be select the person they feel is right. ( Because they have little hope of controlling the army anyhow, even Thaksin couldn't do that in 6 years, Phua Thai who are MUCH weaker most certainly can't hope to do that in 6 months ). Seh Daeng is a loud mouth dangerous fool, and really not in a position to take on any serious responsibility in any official capacity. Phua Thai and even UDD recognize this.


Too many armchair rambos on this forum - thinking that armed force, muscle and firepower can solve a fundamental civil grievance - albeit tainted with vested interests, but isnt everything. If history teaches us anything it is that no one learns from history. Remember the massacre of Amritsar that ultimately lead to the end of the British Raj in India. 1000+ unarmed civilians, women and children machine gunned down in cold blood by an over zealous officer and some 40 fusiliers.

No civilised government (with the benefit of a media feeding frenzy on tap) can turn its army on its own people, slaughter 100s, injure thousands in an incident of brute force and expect to survive. The entire country would likely rise up in total anarchy. I doubt any of the poltitians or generals want that kind of blood on their hands for the rest of their lives. They would never be able to sleep soundly after that. Too many people know too many things.

So as Khun A so skillfully points out, patience, realism, negotiation and the preservation of law and order is the answer, plus an already agreed timely an orderly progression to a fair election. I dont know what the argument is about (I do really, it the reds who want to rush the fences so they can ram through a corrupt vote and get themselves bought into power as shown before. Its not rocket science.

Soldiers ahve armed themselve up to the teeth for offensive drive. Reds have home made stuff and bamboo poles for defense. Don't let the soldiers become cowards hitting unarmed people. Why no talk offered?

Nice try. Nobody believes the reds don't have lethal weapons on them. Reportedly some of their fake monks are hiding them under their robes.

That would make for a great picture. If it was true. :) . You're posting rumours.

I've heard the same thing, plus they have the guns they seized and the grenades of course. And since when did anyone refrain from posting rumours here?

Soldiers ahve armed themselve up to the teeth for offensive drive. Reds have home made stuff and bamboo poles for defense. Don't let the soldiers become cowards hitting unarmed people. Why no talk offered?

Nice try. Nobody believes the reds don't have lethal weapons on them. Reportedly some of their fake monks are hiding them under their robes.

That was my point the hardliners for sure have weapons and molotoff cocktails and if it kicks off both sides are going to pay a high cost

What is also a problem is the fuel packs in the tire barricades... if they are lit... I fear many of the Reds will be injured by the smoke... honestly... the whole place is a death trap.


We had an eye witness report from a poster about the fake monks hiding weapons here on TV. In any case, it is surely a FACT that some red shirts are carrying lethal weapons. Also, spears, Molotov cocktails, and slingshots can kill as well. Red shirt apologists, please desist from any further silliness of painting the reds as innocents in Bangkok. Sure, they are USING some innocents to shield themselves for cowardly protection and propaganda purposes. AL QUEDA does the same!

I understand that the moderators need to be cautious during this time of unrest and sympathize with the difficulties they face doing a thankless job. Since we're no longer permitted to post and discuss news clippings in the General Forum, I thought I'd bring a story to your attention here. Abhisit told the BBC on Tuesday why he won't call for a new election.

Thailand crisis: Red-shirt protesters and troops clash

On Tuesday Mr Abhisit told the BBC that while he wanted a political solution to the crisis, immediate elections were not the answer.

"There is a clear threat that if we hold elections too soon, with the mood running as high in terms of divisions and in terms of tension, elections would turn violent and they would solve nothing and we could be back into this vicious cycle of demonstrations." http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/8648109.stm

This is one the biggest red herrings in the overall argument for not holding an election in 90 days.

What evidence is there that the yellow shirts have any decent numbers in the support base beyond Bangkok ? I simply don’t believe they have such big numbers! All the yellows and Abhisit do is come with every reason under the sun why there cannot be an election while people are being killed.

But it is reasonable to assume that a large proportion of the 22 million in Isaan are red supporters ? Sure the PAD might put up a fight after they lose ( which they will ) but I am sure they can be contained !

We had an eye witness report from a poster about the fake monks hiding weapons here on TV. In any case, it is surely a FACT that some red shirts are carrying lethal weapons. Also, spears, Molotov cocktails, and slingshots can kill as well. Red shirt apologists, please desist from any further silliness of painting the reds as innocents in Bangkok. Sure, they are USING some innocents to shield themselves for cowardly protection and propaganda purposes. AL QUEDA does the same!

There are reports from journalists visiting the "red fort" abour guards in black with lethal weapons

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