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There Is An Intruder In Your House, In The Middle Of The Night

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Hi, you are tucked up safely in your Thai bed, when you hear a noise in the early hours.  You get up and can see an intruder going through your possessions. He is up to no good. What are your rights in Thailand??????

can you kill him, if he attacks you?

Can you only do serious hard to him, if he attacks?

Do you scream at the top of your voice, hoping he will run away?

Do you wake your wife up, and ask her to deal with it?

( and what weapons are you allowed to keep in your house for such an incident, and also is it wise to have weapons, or have nothing?? )

maybe, if you fight him, and scare him away, he may come back later with his friends for revenge ?? )

What are your rights if you have a burglar?

(if the burglar scrapes his knee, while climbing your wall to get into your house,can he claim compensation from you :) joke btw ( but can happen in the UK )

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If it's male I tell him there is a beer waiting for him in the fridge and to help himself.

If it's female I invite her to bed with me.

Either case it's a win win situation. You can't have enough friends.



but if he attacks you, can you kill him in self defense? your word against a dead thai man's word. i guess the dead thai man would have more rights than you??

but if he attacks you, can you kill him in self defense? your word against a dead thai man's word. i guess the dead thai man would have more rights than you??

Dead Thai more rights

Dead Farang...Suicide


I once had the village drunk open my gate walk the 30 yards towards my kitchen and harass the wife for some money to buy more alcohol.

The guy was shitfaced and wouldn't leave her alone and would not leave the property.

I stood and observed while my retired cop self wanted to physically escort him off the property, but being the alien didn't want to give a Thai an ass whippin..

The uncle, the Thai cop, was called and came over and gave the drunk an ear full..an oral ass whippin' and told him to disappear within seconds or he really would "disappear".

I asked him as to what I can do being a alien when confronted with these situations.

His response was that as long as this guy was on my ( the Mrs. ) property I had a right to do almost anything that would get him off the property, including deadly force.

The key word he kept refering to was : " On your property ".

So, I would say that if you caught a burglar inside your house and felt threatened..you would have the authority under the Thai law to do what ya gotta do.

I would still suggest that you left the Mrs. ( or any Thai ) to do it as it would be less grief for all parties involved.

Still unknown what the Thai law actually says, but according to the Thai Police ( uncle ) the guy has basically signed his death warrant.

I once had the village drunk open my gate walk the 30 yards towards my kitchen and harass the wife for some money to buy more alcohol.

The guy was shitfaced and wouldn't leave her alone and would not leave the property.

I stood and observed while my retired cop self wanted to physically escort him off the property, but being the alien didn't want to give a Thai an ass whippin..

The uncle, the Thai cop, was called and came over and gave the drunk an ear full..an oral ass whippin' and told him to disappear within seconds or he really would "disappear".

I asked him as to what I can do being a alien when confronted with these situations.

His response was that as long as this guy was on my ( the Mrs. ) property I had a right to do almost anything that would get him off the property, including deadly force.

The key word he kept refering to was : " On your property ".

So, I would say that if you caught a burglar inside your house and felt threatened..you would have the authority under the Thai law to do what ya gotta do.

I would still suggest that you left the Mrs. ( or any Thai ) to do it as it would be less grief for all parties involved.

Still unknown what the Thai law actually says, but according to the Thai Police ( uncle ) the guy has basically signed his death warrant.

I doubt he speaks for the Thai judicial system and its many characters so I would not take that advise too seriously.

If it's male I tell him there is a beer waiting for him in the fridge and to help himself.

If it's female I invite her to bed with me.

Either case it's a win win situation. You can't have enough friends.


What happens if she is a lady boy and you don't realize till she is in bed with you?


Obviously the first thing I would do would be post on TV that i have an intruder and I would then go about asking for advice about what to do.

Then being a foreigner I would allow him to do whatever he wanted for fear of being evicted from the country and losing my king like status.

If it's male I tell him there is a beer waiting for him in the fridge and to help himself.

If it's female I invite her to bed with me.

Either case it's a win win situation. You can't have enough friends.


What happens if she is a lady boy and you don't realize till she is in bed with you?

Make sure that shim left her knickers on and her bra off. :)


Many Thai people including a cop have told me that IF he's uninvited and has jumped the fence or forcefully and (illegally I guess) gained entry then you are within your rights to physically remove him. With the cop, who couldn't speak much English, I gestured punching, he said yes. I then gestured shooting, he said only in the leg!!

Seems like the law is closer to common sense here than in the west where we all know of some ridiculous precedents being set for intruders suing the resident etc.

I don't think you'd want to do too much damage but the customs here seem to favour the victim, not the intruder.

The key to all this is that entry must be uninvited and forced - not an unlocked gate.


Don't hurt him. We don't want him to think badly about Falangs. BTW, what color shirt was he wearing?


My father in law is a cop and says the same gpdjohn's uncle copper says, do what is needed to remove him. Which I will do without a doubt.


some people talk about shooting.  as a resident what weapons are you allowed to keep in your house to confront an unwanted intruder.

i guess a baseball bat, cs spray, but are you allowed more ''serious'' weapons??

Still unknown what the Thai law actually says, but according to the Thai Police ( uncle ) the guy has basically signed his death warrant.

That was my understanding.......... just make sure u stop at the edge of ur property

some people talk about shooting. as a resident what weapons are you allowed to keep in your house to confront an unwanted intruder.

i guess a baseball bat, cs spray, but are you allowed more ''serious'' weapons??

Use the search function on TV...more "serious weapons" been done to death


There was a former SAS guy on the Phuket forum (The Gentleman) who found two burglars in his house and kicked the heck out of them. He reported that ended up getting charged with assault.


You no doubt have heard the old saying, Dead men can't talk.

You fire 2 shots, one to kill him and the other through the roof. When questioned you say you fired the shot through the roof as a warning FIRST, and he didn't heed the warning so the second bullet was into him as you feared for your life.

End of story, this was the first thing I was taught by my Thai husband. And as he said to me don't hesitate, hesitate and your dead before you can get a shot off.


" Get them off the property" really doesn't sound feasible.

What, ask politely? No way I'm giving up my one advantage of surprise

I have hammers , stakes , etc planted around the property and I keep a nasty mean looking knife, purchased locally , clean of my fingerprints- for protection, after the fact.

you can't kill him coz you will be charged with murder

You are wrong! If it is night time - and your WIFE...not you, has a gun and permit - you can kill him if he is inside the house! I think you may have a problem killing them on your "property " but inside your home is a different matter. If you actually shoot them, it may again raise problems. The Thais tell me to wash my hands in petrol to remove the powder residue, and get the wife to fire a spare shot - apparently one of the first things the BIB do, is to swab your hands for gunpowder.

You really need to think of it in a way as "Am I prepared to let someone come into my home and slaughter us all, me the wife and kids? To me the, the answer is simple, if I kill the bastard and save my family, and even if I spend 25 years in clink - then it has been worth it, no doubt about it!

" Get them off the property" really doesn't sound feasible.

What, ask politely? No way I'm giving up my one advantage of surprise

I have hammers , stakes , etc planted around the property and I keep a nasty mean looking knife, purchased locally , clean of my fingerprints- for protection, after the fact.

I could not imagine letting myself or my family being so vulnerable as to get into a hand to hand fight with some <deleted> on Ya Ba with sticks and knives, if I could simply blow his head off - why give yourself the extra hassle? If they are in your home in the midlle of the night, they are up to no good!


it is common sense:

Anybody entering uninvited a locked house at night signs his death warrant.

The tenant cannot for sure see if the intruder is armed or not.

The safest is to shoot to kill, especially if wife and children are in the house.

Even more so if there are several intruders. If you just wound one, he could become a problem while you take care of the others.

As far as I know, if an intruder forced entry, the Law (it could also be the criminal procedure code) automatically grants the Tenant the benefit of assumed self defense.

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