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Bangkok: Policeman Killed, 7 Policemen, 2 Civilians Injured In Double Attacks

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The PM now has a chance to solidify his supporters. Regardless whether this is the work of the reds or another faction their very presence on the streets made this attack possible. It is time to end the protests. The PM ought to freeze the roadmap and only negotiate after the protesters have left. They should be given 4 hours to begin dispersing on their own and then the police should move in. Negotiating with terrorists is useless. The reds had a chance to have elections and leave as the winners, they chose to stay and that decision has resulted in more deaths. If they had left the police would have left as well. The attacks have all the traits of a red guard attack. They have allowed themselves to fall under suspicion. Until there is law and order, no more negotiations, the reds should not issue any more demands, they have no credibility.

Agreed, you do not negotiate with terrorists.

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the army, gov and police being lenient to terror creates more terror, either side, red or yellow. Both have do be dealt with. The reds and yellow using different arguments but have the same aim, - terror. Lenience by the authorities and bail granters is taking it's toll now.

The reds are worse due to the mixture of various ideologies, but this doesn't make the yellow leadership angels, does it?

The lenience applied for both sides is the root cause. It's time to cull commanders and generals on both sides in assembly-line styles until a law abiding performance is achieved.

Be nice to a cancer and do nothing, especially when detected in an early stage, will kill you.


I'm not surprised that we have yet another unnecessary killing on our hands. Yes, I believe it was the reds who did it.

As I've mentioned, there is a reason why the PM declared an Emergency Decree. It was to control the situation and prevent incidents like this from occuring.

Yet the "liberals" say, let the protesters break the law... too many women and children.... there is no way out except to negotiate.... it is the best way......

Is it? Let's see how many other unnecessary violence we will have at the liberals so-called non-violent solution.

Again.... FOCUS on the problem and besiege Rathaprasong, or do what you need to do to capture the reds shirts and end this ridiculous protest NOW.

Two Thai policeman killed in attacks near Bangkok protests

BANGKOK (AFP) -- Two Thai policemen have been killed in attacks near anti-government protests in Bangkok, in a grenade blast and a drive-by shooting that also left 12 wounded, authorities said Saturday.

Police said in the early hours of the morning a grenade attack hit a security checkpoint in front of a city park that forms the edge of the protest encampment.

"Eight people including five police and three soldiers were wounded," the Bangkok Emergency Medical Service said. A hospital official said that one 35-year-old policeman died during surgery.

Earlier, one policeman was killed and four others -- two police and two civilians -- were wounded when a man on a motorbike opened fire on a patrol in the nearby Silom financial district, which is under heavy guard.


-- ©Copyright AFP 2010-05-08

Published with written approval from AFP.


Verry strange? Motorcycle drives by....shoots several people........and noboddy is able to shoot back?????

It was a check point ,the police or soldiers are armed......and they know this can happen anny minute.....stilltheir fingers are not on the trigger ???????????????????

Strange ! Very strange ?

shoot at a fleeing motorcycle?

Am guessing this happened very quickly and it probably took time to even realize where the attack was coming from but what would happen to the numerous bullets fired at the motorcycle that missed their target? Am sure the red sympathizers would be screaming about how the army killed innocent people on the roadway with their missed shots. FYI, not an easy thing to hit a moving target in this kind of situation.

Offcours it happens verry quickly ! So ,be prepared ,put obstacles arround so noboddy drives by !

Or were they expecting a motorcycle pushed slowly by 2 man (so you dont hear it comming? Good idea!)???

post some snipers in the windows of the 3th floor ,they shoot straight down ! Or never hearth about tackticks ?

If you cant shoot ? What are they doing there ?

Although sounds great for a TV script, this is the real world. And even trained people don't react this quickly (especially after sitting around weeks with nothing happening) and RULE 1 about discharging a firearm is to know where that bullet is going to go if you miss. AND even the best sharp shooter is unlikely to to hit a moving motorcycle in this situation since there is no way they can train their sights on every passing vehicle or the fact that I highly doubt they have the resources to put sharp shooters at every single road block an area.

Certainly not saying Thai police don't need additional training but from the facts coming out so far, this could have happened anywhere with the same results ... except for the fact in most countries people know better than attacking the police.


Since the road map announcement .. Lets not forget the reds have been demanding the police & army pull back as well as dismantling their check points.

Means, motive, opportunity and previous history.

Yea, logic dictates that it must have been somebody else.


I am a Malaysian. Can anyone elaborate? Yellow Shirts are anti red shirts. How can they (Yellow Shirts) protested in 40 armed bases? Are they part of the military personals disguised in yellow? Does the yellow do not like peace? When they conquered the airport previously no one called them terrorist!!! Now they named their opponents "terrorist". Why? They can protest but others can't. Are the yellow shirts protesters holy? The recent shooting made me suspect that Yellow Shirts army intelligence have a part. The reason before they claim had confisticated about 60 over M79 grenade launcher from red shirt protesters motor bike. Is it confisticated red handed or planted later. I believe it was planted because they need to impilcate the red shirts are "terrorist". If one carry a weapon he won't left idle without using it. But the child story goes that Red Shirts left their M79 idle in their motor bike when the police attacked with rubber and real bullets. As a human being 'think'. I think Yellow Shirts have a part in this recent shooting.

Get Thaksin out of the equation and progress will ensue.

It is much more complex than that; Thaksin is only one of the variables in the equation.

The redshirts are on the verge of getting what they want. It is more much likely that it is someone else who wants to disrupt the peacetrain. :)

This is a possibility.

Another is that the peace plan is something the reds dont want but they know they cant reject it outright. Perhaps they still want Abhisit out and house dissolution ASAP to create a power vacuum.

That is the answer the yellow shirts want and many step in this trap. :D

I am a Malaysian. Can anyone elaborate? Yellow Shirts are anti red shirts. How can they (Yellow Shirts) protested in 40 armed bases? Are they part of the military personals disguised in yellow? Does the yellow do not like peace? When they conquered the airport previously no one called them terrorist!!! Now they named their opponents "terrorist". Why? They can protest but others can't. Are the yellow shirts protesters holy? The recent shooting made me suspect that Yellow Shirts army intelligence have a part. The reason before they claim had confisticated about 60 over M79 grenade launcher from red shirt protesters motor bike. Is it confisticated red handed or planted later. I believe it was planted because they need to impilcate the red shirts are "terrorist". If one carry a weapon he won't left idle without using it. But the child story goes that Red Shirts left their M79 idle in their motor bike when the police attacked with rubber and real bullets. As a human being 'think'. I think Yellow Shirts have a part in this recent shooting.

This power struggle is not about "red shirts" vs. "yellow shirts". It is about the power brokers behind the scenes who are pulling the strings. Think "chess game" not "class struggle".


I'm sick of seeing Nuttawut's lying, deceiving, trouble-making face on TV.

You do not negotiate with TERRORISTS..... besiege Ratchaprasong already and squeeze the protesters out of there.

I am a Malaysian. Can anyone elaborate? Yellow Shirts are anti red shirts. How can they (Yellow Shirts) protested in 40 armed bases? Are they part of the military personals disguised in yellow? Does the yellow do not like peace? When they conquered the airport previously no one called them terrorist!!! Now they named their opponents "terrorist". Why? They can protest but others can't. Are the yellow shirts protesters holy? The recent shooting made me suspect that Yellow Shirts army intelligence have a part. The reason before they claim had confisticated about 60 over M79 grenade launcher from red shirt protesters motor bike. Is it confisticated red handed or planted later. I believe it was planted because they need to impilcate the red shirts are "terrorist". If one carry a weapon he won't left idle without using it. But the child story goes that Red Shirts left their M79 idle in their motor bike when the police attacked with rubber and real bullets. As a human being 'think'. I think Yellow Shirts have a part in this recent shooting.

It's possible the yellows were responsible, but I don't believe they have a history of using grenades.

The guy (policeman) caught with the grenades "wasn't" a red shirt. He was just selling them. He tried to get away from a road block, rode his bike into a dead end and ran away on foot. Stupidly, he left his ID card behind. Could have been a plant, but that goes with the next statement.

"Yellow shirts army intelligence" ... that's a good consipiracy theory.

I am a Malaysian. Can anyone elaborate? Yellow Shirts are anti red shirts. How can they (Yellow Shirts) protested in 40 armed bases? Are they part of the military personals disguised in yellow? Does the yellow do not like peace? When they conquered the airport previously no one called them terrorist!!! Now they named their opponents "terrorist". Why? They can protest but others can't. Are the yellow shirts protesters holy? The recent shooting made me suspect that Yellow Shirts army intelligence have a part. The reason before they claim had confisticated about 60 over M79 grenade launcher from red shirt protesters motor bike. Is it confisticated red handed or planted later. I believe it was planted because they need to impilcate the red shirts are "terrorist". If one carry a weapon he won't left idle without using it. But the child story goes that Red Shirts left their M79 idle in their motor bike when the police attacked with rubber and real bullets. As a human being 'think'. I think Yellow Shirts have a part in this recent shooting.

This power struggle is not about "red shirts" vs. "yellow shirts". It is about the power brokers behind the scenes who are pulling the strings. Think "chess game" not "class struggle".

Think chess game where people cheat, lie, make up their own rules, invite others to play for them..... a crappy, uninteresting game.


.... and if and when they eventually disperse the protesters... I will NOT visit Ratchaprasong for three months.... that place is FILTHY and probably BOOBY TRAPPED like Cambodia with explosives hidden all over the place... a death trap.... imagine parking in the basement of Central World and having a grenade explode next to you as you are leaving your car.


Well. It looks like extremists on both sides will be able to halt the reconciliation process. The message is 'there will be bombs'. A red radio DJ had his truck set on fire last night in Phayao. The government did not want to instigate a dispersal due to the threats of terrorism as retribution. Well it now looks like there will be terrorism regardless. The protesters need to leave voluntarily now or be dispersed.

I am a Malaysian. Can anyone elaborate? Yellow Shirts are anti red shirts. How can they (Yellow Shirts) protested in 40 armed bases? Are they part of the military personals disguised in yellow? Does the yellow do not like peace? When they conquered the airport previously no one called them terrorist!!! Now they named their opponents "terrorist". Why? They can protest but others can't. Are the yellow shirts protesters holy? The recent shooting made me suspect that Yellow Shirts army intelligence have a part. The reason before they claim had confisticated about 60 over M79 grenade launcher from red shirt protesters motor bike. Is it confisticated red handed or planted later. I believe it was planted because they need to impilcate the red shirts are "terrorist". If one carry a weapon he won't left idle without using it. But the child story goes that Red Shirts left their M79 idle in their motor bike when the police attacked with rubber and real bullets. As a human being 'think'. I think Yellow Shirts have a part in this recent shooting.

This power struggle is not about "red shirts" vs. "yellow shirts". It is about the power brokers behind the scenes who are pulling the strings. Think "chess game" not "class struggle".

Think chess game where people cheat, lie, make up their own rules, invite others to play for them..... a crappy, uninteresting game.

Perhaps, but it has been played for ages.

The Hard reds want nothing less than a shoot out and no one knows how much artillery they have stacked in their camp and around them , it is highly possible that they have been working on this for the last 12 or so months including building up their army and the exact location for the final showdown.

We don't know how well armed they are but I am sure it will be in the hundreds or thousands of armed thugs holding military equipment including back up troops lurking behind.

Also the possibility of booby traps set up in and around the area if the army and police break through.

They cannot be taken lightly and I am sure the government are aware of this and that is why they are holding back to save the lives of the human shields being used.

If this battle breaks out fighting could continue for days or more and many loss of lives inevitable.

The "Cambodian Connection"!?

Anyone ever seen the military equipment on offer there....?

I am a Malaysian. Can anyone elaborate? Yellow Shirts are anti red shirts. How can they (Yellow Shirts) protested in 40 armed bases? Are they part of the military personals disguised in yellow? Does the yellow do not like peace? When they conquered the airport previously no one called them terrorist!!! Now they named their opponents "terrorist". Why? They can protest but others can't. Are the yellow shirts protesters holy? The recent shooting made me suspect that Yellow Shirts army intelligence have a part. The reason before they claim had confisticated about 60 over M79 grenade launcher from red shirt protesters motor bike. Is it confisticated red handed or planted later. I believe it was planted because they need to impilcate the red shirts are "terrorist". If one carry a weapon he won't left idle without using it. But the child story goes that Red Shirts left their M79 idle in their motor bike when the police attacked with rubber and real bullets. As a human being 'think'. I think Yellow Shirts have a part in this recent shooting.

It's possible the yellows were responsible, but I don't believe they have a history of using grenades.

The guy (policeman) caught with the grenades "wasn't" a red shirt. He was just selling them. He tried to get away from a road block, rode his bike into a dead end and ran away on foot. Stupidly, he left his ID card behind. Could have been a plant, but that goes with the next statement.

"Yellow shirts army intelligence" ... that's a good consipiracy theory.

who says they(yellow) don't. Ever studied about a progressing cancer? Both sides have their crimes committed and nothing ever was done about it, except a few minor issues for the stats.


5000 more reds from Isaan are heading to Ratchasaprong right now. They need to be turned around and sent home, this is not going to calm things down.


redshirt caravan from Isaan of ab 5,000 ppl. just arrived in Bangkok after red leaders called for a million more people to come to the seized area.

Yes, appears the red shirts are serious about this peace offer. Clearly they are still hel_l bent on getting authorities to move on them.

5000 more reds from Isaan are heading to Ratchasaprong right now. They need to be turned around and sent home, this is not going to calm things down.

That is unbelieveable.... do we still think the red leaders are honorable? They obviously want to pressure people to accept THEIR UPCOMING VERSION of the roadmap, or they have no intention of leaving.....

5000 more reds from Isaan are heading to Ratchasaprong right now. They need to be turned around and sent home, this is not going to calm things down.

That is unbelieveable.... do we still think the red leaders are honorable? They obviously want to pressure people to accept THEIR UPCOMING VERSION of the roadmap, or they have no intention of leaving.....

Did you ever think these were honorable people? Until the reds disperse the roadmap is a dead issue.

I am a Malaysian. Can anyone elaborate? Yellow Shirts are anti red shirts. How can they (Yellow Shirts) protested in 40 armed bases? Are they part of the military personals disguised in yellow? Does the yellow do not like peace? When they conquered the airport previously no one called them terrorist!!! Now they named their opponents "terrorist". Why? They can protest but others can't. Are the yellow shirts protesters holy? The recent shooting made me suspect that Yellow Shirts army intelligence have a part. The reason before they claim had confisticated about 60 over M79 grenade launcher from red shirt protesters motor bike. Is it confisticated red handed or planted later. I believe it was planted because they need to impilcate the red shirts are "terrorist". If one carry a weapon he won't left idle without using it. But the child story goes that Red Shirts left their M79 idle in their motor bike when the police attacked with rubber and real bullets. As a human being 'think'. I think Yellow Shirts have a part in this recent shooting.

It's possible the yellows were responsible, but I don't believe they have a history of using grenades.

The guy (policeman) caught with the grenades "wasn't" a red shirt. He was just selling them. He tried to get away from a road block, rode his bike into a dead end and ran away on foot. Stupidly, he left his ID card behind. Could have been a plant, but that goes with the next statement.

"Yellow shirts army intelligence" ... that's a good consipiracy theory.

who says they(yellow) don't. Ever studied about a progressing cancer? Both sides have their crimes committed and nothing ever was done about it, except a few minor issues for the stats.

Both groups favor hate and selfishness but I am not aware of the yellows carrying out such violent attacks as the reds have. But please correct me if I am wrong because I really wasn't following things back then besides the fact the were responsible for a 9 day closure of the airports. I just don't recall bomb and gun attacks or things like trying to assassinate the PM and raiding government offices or international meetings.

I am a Malaysian. Can anyone elaborate? Yellow Shirts are anti red shirts. How can they (Yellow Shirts) protested in 40 armed bases? Are they part of the military personals disguised in yellow? Does the yellow do not like peace? When they conquered the airport previously no one called them terrorist!!! Now they named their opponents "terrorist". Why? They can protest but others can't. Are the yellow shirts protesters holy? The recent shooting made me suspect that Yellow Shirts army intelligence have a part. The reason before they claim had confisticated about 60 over M79 grenade launcher from red shirt protesters motor bike. Is it confisticated red handed or planted later. I believe it was planted because they need to impilcate the red shirts are "terrorist". If one carry a weapon he won't left idle without using it. But the child story goes that Red Shirts left their M79 idle in their motor bike when the police attacked with rubber and real bullets. As a human being 'think'. I think Yellow Shirts have a part in this recent shooting.

This power struggle is not about "red shirts" vs. "yellow shirts". It is about the power brokers behind the scenes who are pulling the strings. Think "chess game" not "class struggle".

These people had created division among Thais. This part is very dangerous in future. Country can split into three. South by Muslim. Bangkok by Yellow shirts and army. North and northeast by red shirts. My believe, if police or army crack the red shirts the danger lies beyond. Maybe the ruling elite success in clearing the street. But they had created an army of militants to fight independant state in North and North East. They can conduct urban guerilla wars. These militants can be easily trained in full combat by their neighbour countries where yellow shirts claiming the Anggor Wat.
Get Thaksin out of the equation and progress will ensue.

It is much more complex than that; Thaksin is only one of the variables in the equation.

Thaksin is the prime factor. He obviously doesn't like the PM's peace plan, makes Abhisit come out of this in a positive light.

The real movement is the blackshirt thugs, run by a military officer and equipped with real weapons of war.

The redshirt movement is there to give it human empathy, women and children as part of what is supposed to be a peaceful demonstration. Then there's some of the reds riled up and hungry for blood, brandish bamboo pikes. All these are the images you are supposed to see.

After April 10th when the blackshirts became visible both sides pulled a "who farted?" as if no one knew who these guys are.

Without Thaksin there would be none of this mess in the streets. This may be one of the grandest displays of cynical self-serving in these parts in decades, on a level above Mugabe. The PM should do what is necessary to have him branded a sponsor of international terrorism. FAST! Someone will clip his wings soon enough, but them I fear he'll be able to buy his way out. Unfortunately, maybe it is best to handle this Israeli style, shut his yap one and for all. I don't think the Thais have such an intelligence/tactical section to handle this, though.


it can be a small group Ultra Right or Ultra Left, whose action is superimposed on the present demonstration.

Speculations are on-going and I will say too much subjective and not positive thoughts.

From all those last two months bloody events, lessons to be learnt:

- Militias from any side have to be disbanded and forbidden. this has to be strictly and strongly enforced.

- weapon smuggling is nearly an open activity in Thailand: strong enforcement of Laws and limitations of weapons bearers are to be reviewed and number of authorised persons to wear guns drastically reduced

- restructuration of Police is a must. Police of Police for cleaning this administration. Police Anti Riot Force, Police commandos. Police not involved in money: payment of fines under Ministry of Finances.......But also Careers less depending on politicians and more on professional criteria, except the very top level. We have seen Police Officers involved in the weapon smuggling...should be very severely punished more than a normal citizen.

- On the army side, it is also obvious that the control of weaponry is too loose....they have to re-consider their procedures

- Courts have to re-enforce Laws on weapons: the wild West was in the 19th century....we are now in the 21th century


It's possible the yellows were responsible, but I don't believe they have a history of using grenades.

The guy (policeman) caught with the grenades "wasn't" a red shirt. He was just selling them. He tried to get away from a road block, rode his bike into a dead end and ran away on foot. Stupidly, he left his ID card behind. Could have been a plant, but that goes with the next statement.

"Yellow shirts army intelligence" ... that's a good consipiracy theory.

who says they(yellow) don't. Ever studied about a progressing cancer? Both sides have their crimes committed and nothing ever was done about it, except a few minor issues for the stats.

As I said in another post, I don't know of any instances where grenade usage has been attributed to the yellows. As far as I know, the reds have never been targeted by a grenade, and only anti-red institutions and anti-red protests have been targeted.

I am not saying the yellows never used guns or were never violent. But I don't think they have ever used grenades.

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