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US Assistant Secretary Of State Campbell Meets Red-Shirts Protesters


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^ What self satisfied drivel. Unlike some here, I'll say it, I was wrong, you are not a fool, but knave.

I note you do not have the courage to even attempt to answer the real point made, which again you know, but you hope to hide such a failure behind verbiage and misdirection. [Maybe you're middle name is Mandrake]

The UDD approach to those they disagree with is to use overwhelming threats, physical intimidation and murder, but you knew that didn't you?



/edit typo//

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^ What self satisfied drivel. Unlike some here, I'll say it, I was wrong, you are not a fool, but knave.

I note you do not have the courage to even attempt to answer the real point made, which again you know, but you hope to hide such a failure behind verbiage and misdirection. [Maybe you're middle name is Mandrake]

The UDD approach to those they disagree with is to use overwhelming threats, physical intimidation and murder, but you knew that didn't you?



/edit typo//

Hi mate, most people on here read the Nation and think Abhisit is handling this situation well. Could you stop using such complicated words? Just call him a terrorist and we'll understand. Cheers.

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Are you guys entirely sober? I think I responded genuinely, and disregarded the name-calling coming my way. Please go re-read what I wrote in the morning. (Or early afternoon, as it may be.)

I pride myself in having friends both in the Red and (somewhat) Yellow leaning camps. Both have good viewpoints to offer. I'm married to a person who voted Democrat all her life (except right after the coup), and will do so again in the next elections whenever they will be held.

But I guess it's easier to just label people terrorists like a broken record. A very '10-years-ago' attitude though, IMHO.

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Are you guys entirely sober? I think I responded genuinely, and disregarded the name-calling coming my way. Please go re-read what I wrote in the morning. (Or early afternoon, as it may be.)

I pride myself in having friends both in the Red and (somewhat) Yellow leaning camps. Both have good viewpoints to offer. I'm married to a person who voted Democrat all her life (except right after the coup), and will do so again in the next elections whenever they will be held.

But I guess it's easier to just label people terrorists.. It's VERY '10 years ago', though.

If this was in reply to my post you may want to read it again.

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^^ I trust you are not unwisely implying that I am non compos mentis owing to, say, imbibing. Not the case I hasten to add. I stand by my declaration that you are a foolish knave.

You really need to understand what is happening here, and I'd suggest that time spent in the north, meeting with some of the UDD organisers, the local operations, the reality of how [and what people are offered] are transported might prove to be an eye opener.


PS Yes I have, though a number would not be pleased to know what I took away from these sessions.

/edit add chevron//

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Are you guys entirely sober? I think I responded genuinely, and disregarded the name-calling coming my way. Please go re-read what I wrote in the morning. (Or early afternoon, as it may be.)

I pride myself in having friends both in the Red and (somewhat) Yellow leaning camps. Both have good viewpoints to offer. I'm married to a person who voted Democrat all her life (except right after the coup), and will do so again in the next elections whenever they will be held.

But I guess it's easier to just label people terrorists.. It's VERY '10 years ago', though.

If this was in reply to my post you may want to read it again.

Thanks! :) Aimed primarily at A-Traveler of course.

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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Well it's 12:58 on my computer clock, typing only meters away from the encampment.

No drink, despite your objectionable comments hereto.


Don't go! How else will us lowly serfs learn English?

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Well it's 12:58 on my computer clock, typing only meters away from the encampment.

No drink, despite your objectionable comments hereto.


So far you have raised the murder of a Chiang Mai Yellow Shirt by a particularly militant group of local red Shirts, then you proceeded to systematically flame and insult WinnieTheKhwai over his general sympathies for Red Shirt ideals as he perceives them, and now you are whinging because he finally gave you a bit back?

Classic cyber-bully aren't you?

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Unlike under Bush, the current people in power in Washington D.C. are decent, reasonable people. The Americans that do care about Thailand, and even for those who don't, good relations and a PEACEFUL Thailand are in the US national interest. Asia in general is very important the US foreign policy, and Thailand is a very important part of SE Asia.

Unlike under Bush, the current people in power in Washing D.C. are sympathetic with any political movement remotely socialist in nature... The presence of this ignoramus in Bangkok should come as no surprise at all.

Well, let's see.. Logically there are only two options:

1. The USA has ended its long standing policy not to negotiate with terrorists.

2. The USA does not consider the Red Shirt movement terrorists.

Now, keeping in mind that Fox News is NOT having a field day as we speak, I'm inclined to lean towards option number 2.

Personal suggestion: Write to Fox, they've spun crazier things than this around to show the US government loves terrorists. They'd probably appreciate some help from the resident Farang crazies on this forum! :)

I'm sure that in some parallel universe where Happy the Clown is Secretary-General of the UN and Thaksin really does represent the plight of impovrished people somewhere, FOX NEWS does have something, ANYthing, to do with this. However, in THIS universe, were they to actually refer to the reds as terrorists, they'd merely be reporting the truth ('wouldn't really be news to most of us though...).

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  • 3 weeks later...

Suthep tells US ambassador red-shirt protests organized by Thaksin

Deputy Prime Minister Suthep Thaugsuban said Thursday that he had warned the US ambassador to Thailand to be careful next time before dealing with the red-shirt movement, saying fugitive former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra was behind the turmoil caused by the red-shirt protesters.

Suthep recounted that US ambassador Eric G. John met him at the Government House Wednesday to explain why US Deputy Secretary of State Kurt Campbell met former foreign minister Noppadol Pattama and former deputy prime minister Chaturon Chaisang during a brief visit to Bangkok.

Suthep quoted the ambassador as explaining that Campbell met the two in their capacity as former Cabinet members and Campbell wanted to meet Thai government leaders but an arrangement could not be made as the government was busy.


Suthep said he told the ambassador that the red-shirt protests were systematically planned and established and the red-shirt leaders received orders from Thaksin.

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Suthep tells US ambassador red-shirt protests organized by Thaksin

Deputy Prime Minister Suthep Thaugsuban said Thursday that he had warned the US ambassador to Thailand to be careful next time before dealing with the red-shirt movement, saying fugitive former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra was behind the turmoil caused by the red-shirt protesters.

Suthep recounted that US ambassador Eric G. John met him at the Government House Wednesday to explain why US Deputy Secretary of State Kurt Campbell met former foreign minister Noppadol Pattama and former deputy prime minister Chaturon Chaisang during a brief visit to Bangkok.

Suthep quoted the ambassador as explaining that Campbell met the two in their capacity as former Cabinet members and Campbell wanted to meet Thai government leaders but an arrangement could not be made as the government was busy.


Suthep said he told the ambassador that the red-shirt protests were systematically planned and established and the red-shirt leaders received orders from Thaksin.

The professional diplomats of the US in respect to East Asia and the Pacific, in the instance of Ambassador Eric G John Thailand in particular, didn't already know this??? Yes we know that to Thais all farang are stupid, but these guys just might be little less stupid than the mass of us  :) .  

AsstSecState Campbell and Ambassador John, long time colleagues in their professional expertise of East Asia the Pacific and Thailand, met with inactive (banned) Reds who respectively are the former FM and former Deputy FM in the proxy Thaksin governments of the Red Shirts. The US is doing that which it should and must do, i.e., prepare to deal with any government that exists in the country that is its oldest treaty ally in Asia. Diplomats of any other nation could not initiate such a meeting or accomplish it, even in the face of the weak consequence of only a perfunctory lecture concerning the obvious by the FM and former Airport Occupier Kasit and now one by the enforcer Suthep. 

Thaksin, who has a doctorate from a below the radar university in Texas (where neither the brain electrons nor the English are quite up to standard either), hasn't dared try to set foot in the United States nor would he think he ever again could, especially now that a Thai court of law has issued an arrest warrant against him on the grounds of his being a terrorist who financed, directed and privately gloated over the burning of Bangkok - undoubtedly with more mayhem by him to come.

The government at long last is working on the money trail because, in addition to knowing the money trail strongly impacts the officials of Interpol - as does the quietly expressed views of the US Government to Intepol - the government well know that once the US Department of the Treasury places a 'hold' on the finances of a reasonably questionable or targeted character, his global money flow stops dead in its tracks (excepting the rogue states such as N Korea, Somalia, Yemin etc).

Under such realities, who needs or wants the Mossad?


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Thaksin, who has a doctorate from a below the radar university in Texas (where neither the brain electrons nor the English are quite up to standard either),

But apparently perfectly sufficient for the die-hard lefty liberal journalist Dan Rather, who rose to fame and fortune at CBS Snooze, after receiving a BA Journalism from the very same university.

Better reposition your slip, Publicus, your elitist snobbery is showing yet again.

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Thaksin, who has a doctorate from a below the radar university in Texas (where neither the brain electrons nor the English are quite up to standard either),

But apparently perfectly sufficient for the die-hard lefty liberal journalist Dan Rather, who rose to fame and fortune at CBS Snooze, after receiving a BA Journalism from the very same university.

Better reposition your slip, Publicus, your elitist snobbery is showing yet again.

Sam Houston is a Tier 4 university, but has particular strengths in Criminal Justice Studies, which was Thaksin's area of study.

Having graduated from both the equivalent of Tiers 1 and 3/4 in my own country, I would say that Tier 1 is definitely preferable for undergraduate study (and a lot harder to get into), but for postgraduate it depends on your interest area. Some Tier 4 universities may be very strong in one or perhaps two areas and that's all. If you're interested in tropical marine studies, for example, the best place to go may be a university located in a tropical coastal region that does great work in this area, but nothing exciting in other areas. Some low-ranking universities are, for example, former agriculture schools, teachers' colleges, theological seminaries, etc, that had to combine and upsize because of government funding requirements.

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If he supposedly earned a Masters AND a PhD at English-speaking universities, why is his English so dreadfully bad?

Did he have someone stand in for him when he defended his thesis?

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Having graduated from both the equivalent of Tiers 1 and 3/4 in my own country, I would say that Tier 1 is definitely preferable for undergraduate study (and a lot harder to get into),

Unless of course one is an illiterate jock with a 4.0 in football or basketball to overcome the 1.0 in 6th grade arithemtic and 3rd grade reading. Then all bets are off and academic standards get flushed down the shitter.

I graduated with a degree in the physical sciences from what could be termed a "Tier 3" university. We also had a 2-year pre-engineering program for all the wanna be's who didn't get accepted as 1st year students in a nearby "Tier 1" university's engineering program. Yet what did the statistics show? Those who were accepted into the Tier 1 school as 3rd year students, had an overall higher graduation rate and higher grade point averages in their 3rd and 4th year studies than those who started the program as 1st year students. So in that context, which is the better school?

At least in the US, academic standards in the university system have gone in the tank for the majority of schools, especially those controlled by the government education monopoly. The fact that Thaksin graduated from Sam Houston U. or Sam <deleted>' Peckinpah U. has no bearing on anything. Publicus just used as another opportunity to reveal more about himself and those ruling elite snobs inside the Beltway that he so feverishly defends.

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