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Red-Shirts Leader Seh Daeng Shot In The Head - Fighting For His Life In ICU - Video

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On Thai TV, one station said that one possible weapon was a Sig Sauer with night vision scope and a .308 round. Something like this attached photo.


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what happened to passive resistance?? It worked for Gandhi :)

It worked for Gandhi because his enemy had a conscience.

It would work for the reds too. IF they were passive.

On Thai TV, one station said that one possible weapon was a Sig Sauer with night vision scope and a .308 round. Something like this attached photo.

Without even determining the bullet type recovered (if even recovered at all) this speculation about what rifle was used is so much hot air.

I'd guess that TV station just picked the most badass looking rifle they could google. :)

Well well, the"expert" here thinks it could have been a 50 cal or a .22

Do you know what a 50 will do to a head? at any distance?

How about a .22? normally used for rabbit shooting? (personally i've been hit twice by one). At distance it would do little damage. Certainly not a sniper's weapon of choice.

Did a quike google did we? "hinting" we are x military?

Pleeease, can we ban these arm chair "ex military" idiots?

Can the ban on armchair "ex military' idiots be expanded to include armchair "judge, juror, executioner" idiots who happily sit at their keyboards apportioning blame and guilt for the most serious of crimes without being privy to anything like the full details, let alone anything closely resembling evidence?

Photo of headshot

Abhisit is a murderer.

How can this man live with himself!

if theres not even penetration of the skull you can be totally shore of that there were no sniper (trained) involved.

1 a sniper will never go for a headshot, chanses for a no kill shot is to great.

2 a sniper bullet kills if it hits the upper boddy. these bullets are made for only one thing compered to the normal GI bullet that must be able to cope with a lot of diffrent targets shields and shot from a gun with a diffrent sight.

So most likely this is done by someone not trained and or not equipped god enough.

another explanation could be that this wasnt a bullet directly targeting Daeng but a recoil of something else. or a shrapnel from something exploding.

Another explanation is that you have no idea what you are talking about. Headshots are as common as body armour. Sniper rounds have no more penetration than standard rounds of the same calibre; the difference is in the accuracy of the round - armour piercing rounds are something different again. By "recoil" I presume ricochet (recoil is the "kick" when the weapon is fired, a ricochet is a bullet striking another object and bouncing off). A ricochet is unlikely, not only because of the location but also because ricochets usually result in an unusually large entry wound and no exit wound.

When is this pointless and uninformed speculation going to end?

Please don't post speculations not based on actual marksman doctrines.

And you are incorrect in regards to what the effects of the introductions of body armours have had on the battlefield. Or what the effect of larger calibers cartridges have against LvIV vests (with or without inserts plates).

Please don't "please". My only "speculation" was that a ricochet was unlikely; if you seriously think that it is likely that he was hit by a ricochet you need your own head examining.

Not only does this have nothing to do with "marksman doctrines", but while there are doctrines in target shooting there are no "doctrines" in operational combat shooting where the only rule is that if it works, do it.

I see no point in repeating myself about body armour/.50 ammunition, however body armour has had a major effect on the battlefield for those wearing it, as anyone in British and American units depolyed relatively recently without it will tell you. I can also assure you from personal experience that the body armour in use three decades ago was good enough to stop the 7.62 ammunition in use today with no problem at all (apart from some bruising).

You must be drunk if you think my reply was in regards to any nonsense-speculation regarding ricochets, and not your line that marksman now aim for the had on the battle field.

You think there is a doctrine that defines ricochet usage (...) or that I was referring to something like that?

Nice strawman, plokum.


Abhisit is a murderer.

How can this man live with himself!

Please post any info on him being sentenced or trialed for murder.

(Since you are on of the people that complained when Thaksin was called criminal or murderer...)

Meanwhile, Seh Daeng's daughter, Kattiyah, refused to speak to the press saying her family had suffered enough from public criticism of her father. She was met by several public personalities yesterday morning, including Bangkok Governor MR Sukhumbhand Paripatra. She had spoken publicly only once about her father, saying she hoped his shooting would be the last.
Meanwhile, former prime minister Thaksin Shinwatra posted a message on Twitter praising Khattiyah for being a tough fighter like her father.
His daughter looked very cheerful and was smiling when she was responding to reporters on TV yesterday. There were no tears or even red eyes.

Is it true that she is a PAD supporter?

She did get up on the PAD stage and give a speech,

a week or so before the grenades were thgrwon at PAD in the night,

after her father publicly trained grenade throwers

and then announced in advance this could happen.

She said she loved her father as her father,

but did not agree with his politics at all.

Does this make her PAD,

or does it means she agreed with some PAD ideas,

and so disagreed with her father, that she was making a counter point to his?


Who shot Sea daeng?

Been giving this some thought, not saying who did or did not do it only thinking of the possibilities .

There was only a single shot fired so it was more than likely an aimed shot.

It seems to me there are two main candidates :

1/ The Army and this can be broken down into two:

1a/ A marksman or sniper if you like.

1b/ An ordinary soldier on the ground

2/ One of his own from inside.

There are also other possibilities such as someone who has been sent in to specifically get him.

A lucky shot or unlucky from his point of view.

Lets look at 1a/ first:

The Thai army has 2 main sniper rifles the Sig Sauer SG and the SR25 both shoot 308 (or 7.62) caliber rounds.

In those circumstances a sniper would aim at the chest not the head, unless he could not see the chest, but then he would be unlikely to risk a head shot for fear of hitting those, including reporters standing around.

In the urban situation we have here the shot would not have been taken from any great distance so the round would have been travelling at close to maximum velocity when it hit and the bullet would have been either solid jacketed or hollow point.

A solid round would have gone straight through the head leaving little or no residue and probably have hit someone else standing behind, this did not happen.

A hollow point would have mushroomed on contact with the scull and blown a large chunk off the other side and continued on to probably hit someone behind causing a massive wound. Neither of these things happened.


The troops on the ground would be carrying 223 caliber rifles of 2 different types the Israeli Tavor or the M16 in different models. Looks like from TV footage it is the M16.

For a start troops on the ground would have been on the other side of the tyre barrier unless they were on one of the overpasses.

Someone on an overpass could have got a shot but we are told that the army have only been told to shoot in self defense and by what I see on TV that is what they are doing.

A 223 fired at short range would act much like a 308 although it is a smaller caliber it has much the same velocity .

A solid round would again go right through while a soft nose would be more likely to break up and leave residue but parts would go through.

The army also have hand guns but it is unlikely at the range they would have been fired from makes it very unlikely it came from a hand gun fired by the army.


He had been seen on TV slapping his own people around and if he has done this in front of the cameras it is probably a habit. Now he said himself that the guards are from the provinces and as such are probably the thugs and enforcers of the big men who have been sent by their bosses, people who are used to being feared and will have beaten people up and probably killed without fear of reprisals in the past. It would be a huge loss of face back home to be seen being slapped around so perhaps there could be some in the ranks who were looking for an opportunity for revenge.

There is also the fact that Sea Daeng had said in public that he would shoot any of the leaders who left. That could give any of the leaders who wanted to go the incentive to arrange to have him removed.

Either of these scenarios would most likely have been done by a handgun at close range but could have been by a hired hit man from longer range.

They Doctors say they have removed parts of a bullet from his head so possibly they can be identified and the angle of the shot properly determined.

The reporter interviewing Sea Daeng said he heard a loud bang before Sea Daeng fell this could have either a high velocity bullet arriving or a close gunshot.

As an explanation when you are at the sharp end of a high velocity round at say 200m you hear 2 bangs the first you hear is the bullet breaking the sound barrier as it arrives and the second the report of the shot, and yes I have been there.

Until we get a full Autopsy there is no way we will have any real idea of what happened and that of course will not happen till he is dead.

Amazing, how this could have all been avoided if Elections would be held. :)

Free and fair elections have never been held in thailand yet, Why do you assume they could happen now? There would be vote buying and threats then back to square one...electoral fraud.

Amazing, how this could have all been avoided if Elections would be held. :)

Free and fair elections have never been held in thailand yet, Why do you assume they could happen now? There would be vote buying and threats then back to square one...electoral fraud.

Elections are scheduled.

What the red parrots want to hide is the timetable for Thaksin to put his cronies into the army leadership.

That is the reason for the peace agreement being overthrown by Thaksin.

And the rioting now.

Parrot knows this, but what can he do?

After all, he is only a parrot.

Who gives a shiite about the yellows they were a bunch of loosers that caused some shit years ago. This is now.

The yellows proved to that it's perfectly okay to overrun government house and take it over for 8 months and basically live there, then take over 2 international airports and hold hundreds of thousands of tourists stranded in Thailand for 10 days. They used grenades, firearms, slingshots. And they attacked police and army personnel and beat them up, even killed one of their own guards (his body was found at Don Mueang after the yellow shirts left).

That was "years ago". So what do we have today? Red shirts, you're right, who have seen that it's perfectly okay to do what the yellow shirts did and not having to go to prison. Since the yellow shirts are, 2 years later, still not in prison. Even worse, the yellow shirts are allowed to hold more demonstrations and dictate the government how to handle the red shirts.

You are correct. The yellows set the precedent. This is why the reds have been so bold. They knew they could get away with it and they have.

Mark my words when the next government is in power, the opposing side will resort to the same puerile tactics and on it will go -- all in the name of "democracy."

Agreed 100% - until there is a leader strong enough and with enough confidence and character to deal equally and justly with all those who have broken the law, regardless of position, status or wealth the vicious circle will continue. It doesn't matter who started it, what matters is having someone who can end it and at the moment I can see nobody capable of doing that. Unless they start at the very top and work down, impartially and, if necessary, ruthlessly, there is no end in sight. Da Torpedo was sentenced to 15 years for just speaking out in public; all those who have broken the law and encouraged others to do so should receive similar treatment.

I don't think that lese majeste is really seen as 'speaking your mind' here.

And yes the yellows did prove that you could get away with this sort of behaviour in 21st century Thailand. What they did was wrong, what the reds are doing now is equally wrong, but true to form substantially more violent. Thailand needs to stop relatively small groups of its citizens acting in this way or this shit will never stop. I think we agree for the first time ever Mr Leech.

Amazing, how this could have all been avoided if Elections would be held. :)

Elections WERE held in 2007. They were offered for later this year. The terrorists didn't leave they just added more demands. I believe that Nov 14th has been taken off the table now so that means 2011 unless Abhisit gets generous again and offers them early, OR the coalition government that represents the MAJORITY of Thai citizens crumbles before then.

stop telling misinformation - it does not represent the majority - utter, utter rubbish - it represents MP's changing sides so the people who elected them have not got the government they elected - total rubbish - Abhisit 'generous again' you are a one aren't you? he won't have a choice - it isn't over by a long shot - he has made a HUGE error

Are you including the MP's who ran with the policy that they would not enter into government with the taxinites, and then promptly changed their minds once the election was over? Seems to me that those voters eventually got what they voted for...

Meanwhile, Seh Daeng's daughter, Kattiyah, refused to speak to the press saying her family had suffered enough from public criticism of her father. She was met by several public personalities yesterday morning, including Bangkok Governor MR Sukhumbhand Paripatra. She had spoken publicly only once about her father, saying she hoped his shooting would be the last.
Meanwhile, former prime minister Thaksin Shinwatra posted a message on Twitter praising Khattiyah for being a tough fighter like her father.
His daughter looked very cheerful and was smiling when she was responding to reporters on TV yesterday. There were no tears or even red eyes.

Is it true that she is a PAD supporter?

She did get up on the PAD stage and give a speech,

a week or so before the grenades were thgrwon at PAD in the night,

after her father publicly trained grenade throwers

and then announced in advance this could happen.

She said she loved her father as her father,

but did not agree with his politics at all.

Does this make her PAD,

or does it means she agreed with some PAD ideas,

and so disagreed with her father, that she was making a counter point to his?

No need to speak around it. She supported the PAD. Prior to the airport takeover, many in Bangkok supported the PAD.

You are totally and utterly wrong. The only time that a soldier (sniper) would shoot anybody in the head would be during a war

or possibly during the current State of Emergency if he could prove it was an act of self defence. If he could not show that he acted in self defence he would be charged with murder.

Could you also tell me when the trial that convicted Major General Khattiya of treason was held?

Major General Khattiya was unarmed and in the middle of an interview with a reporter. He was also standing quite near a group of policemen. The fact that the sniper aimed at his head is proof that he intended to kill the Major General and if found will be charged with murder. Likewise, the people who ordered the killing will also be charged with murder irrespective of their position in society. As the whole area is surrounded by the military it seems very improbable that the sniper was not a member of the armed forces.

As with the killings on 10th April the SDI (who are working as part of CRES!) say that they will carry out the investigation.

(I have used the word murder and not the term attempted murder as it is unlikely that anybody could survive being shot through the top of the head with a 7.64mm bullet).

Don't security forces (police/army) around the world sometimes take out criminals using snipers?

And not only security forces of the country involved. Reported on Fox News today that the US has authorised the assassination of a muslim preacher in another country ( didn't catch all of the story, but think he was involved in the TImes Square bombing attempt. Also, let's not forget the many assassination attempts by the CIA on Castro.

Plus the US drones that murder countless innocent civilians in Afganistan etc.

Plus the recent Israeli assasination in Dubai.

So let's not get too high and mighty about assassinating someone who is, and was described as a terrorist by the ( legal ) PM.

Amazing, how this could have all been avoided if Elections would be held. :)

Free and fair elections have never been held in thailand yet, Why do you assume they could happen now? There would be vote buying and threats then back to square one...electoral fraud.

Elections are scheduled.

What the red parrots want to hide is the timetable for Thaksin to put his cronies into the army leadership.

That is the reason for the peace agreement being overthrown by Thaksin.

And the rioting now.

Parrot knows this, but what can he do?

After all, he is only a parrot.

you consistant my freind. post rubbish.

Elections in Thailand were only tolerated before because rich elite could and did control outcome every time by kill, threat, buy votes or send in army. Every time friend but you of course don't know this because only like to read propaganda comic of sondhi.

lost control a bit and in come army and then no internet for world to see murderous regime in action.

now, world see abhisit and elite on desperate rearguard killing spree. saving face with some old elites and losing it to population and rest of world.

Sorry if this link has been posted before - but imho it deserves to be seen again and again. In fact, they should show this clip every hour on every TV station in Thailand. You want civil war? This is what it looks like - retribution and counter-retribution - where murderers rule and all good things go out of the window. Dangerous, dangerous, precedents being set here.

Yes, seen that on Thai tv over and over. Don't understand why a truck full of armed soldiers would just surrender to an apparently few red shirts. Strange things happening all over, like the red shirts setting up another tire road block without any attempt by the authorities to stop them. Really wierd.

Amazing, how this could have all been avoided if Elections would be held. :)

Free and fair elections have never been held in thailand yet, Why do you assume they could happen now? There would be vote buying and threats then back to square one...electoral fraud.

Elections are scheduled.

What the red parrots want to hide is the timetable for Thaksin to put his cronies into the army leadership.

That is the reason for the peace agreement being overthrown by Thaksin.

And the rioting now.

Parrot knows this, but what can he do?

After all, he is only a parrot.

you consistant my freind. post rubbish.

Elections in Thailand were only tolerated before because rich elite could and did control outcome every time by kill, threat, buy votes or send in army. Every time friend but you of course don't know this because only like to read propaganda comic of sondhi.

lost control a bit and in come army and then no internet for world to see murderous regime in action.

now, world see abhisit and elite on desperate rearguard killing spree. saving face with some old elites and losing it to population and rest of world.

Considering you regard Abhisit as a killer, why did he hold back for 2 months, and offer them everything they wanted, till they made extra, obviously unacceptable demands.

In any other country, they would have been cleared out long ago. Try that in Burma, China or the USA and see how long you last!

what happened to passive resistance?? It worked for Gandhi :)

It worked for Gandhi because his enemy had a conscience.

Do tell. Have you forgotten the massacre so vividly depicted in the film?

Ghandi didn't win. The Brits left because India was no longer governable ( IMO ), and the Indian and Pakistani governments certainly didn't, and don't, follow his teachings.

The only thing most humans understand is force, but that is understandable, because most of us have barely emerged from the cave, psychologically speaking. Has there been a single day since Homo Sapiens extermerminated the Neanderthals that there has not been deadly human conflict somewhere on the planet?

Another ex-judicial killing by abisit.
The government is full of terrorists

Maybe our new friend would like to discuss Thaksin's extra-judicial killings.

These we know for sure.

On the other hand fish aren't very loquacious.

what happened to passive resistance?? It worked for Gandhi :D

It worked for Gandhi because his enemy had a conscience.

Do tell. Have you forgotten the massacre so vividly depicted in the film?

Ghandi didn't win. The Brits left because India was no longer governable ( IMO ), and the Indian and Pakistani governments certainly didn't, and don't, follow his teachings.

The only thing most humans understand is force, but that is understandable, because most of us have barely emerged from the cave, psychologically speaking. Has there been a single day since Homo Sapiens extermerminated the Neanderthals that there has not been deadly human conflict somewhere on the planet?

and of course when POWER and MONEY are involved then real EVIL rules ....Khun T famous comments on the "dark forces" comming out to haunt the joint........

err ...who in T land has the most money anyway...................cant say..... right..... :)

Another ex-judicial killing by abisit.

The army has shown remarkable restraint considering they are being shot at and bombed with M79 grenades.

Another ex-judicial killing by abisit.

The army has shown remarkable restraint considering they are being shot at and bombed with M79 grenades.

But once you are perceived to have put a shot into the opposition leaders head......isn't all that thrown out of the window.....the whole firing range is opened up!!!!

and of course when POWER and MONEY are involved then real EVIL rules ....Khun T famous comments on the "dark forces" comming out to haunt the joint........

err ...who in T land has the most money anyway...................cant say..... right..... :)

So when do you think TV will be reviewing your membership status?

Pretty soon if they have any sense.

Another ex-judicial killing by abisit.

The army has shown remarkable restraint considering they are being shot at and bombed with M79 grenades.

But once you are perceived to have put a shot into the opposition leaders head......isn't all that thrown out of the window.....the whole firing range is opened up!!!!

So he was the opposition leader was he?

Another ex-judicial killing by abisit.

The army has shown remarkable restraint considering they are being shot at and bombed with M79 grenades.

But once you are perceived to have put a shot into the opposition leaders head......isn't all that thrown out of the window.....the whole firing range is opened up!!!!

So he was the opposition leader was he?

Go argue with yourself over a minor point if you wish.....he is well respected by the red followers.......the results of which you are now witnessing...... :)

Amazing, how this could have all been avoided if Elections would be held. :)

Elections WERE held in 2007. They were offered for later this year. The terrorists didn't leave they just added more demands. I believe that Nov 14th has been taken off the table now so that means 2011 unless Abhisit gets generous again and offers them early, OR the coalition government that represents the MAJORITY of Thai citizens crumbles before then.

stop telling misinformation - it does not represent the majority - utter, utter rubbish - it represents MP's changing sides so the people who elected them have not got the government they elected - total rubbish - Abhisit 'generous again' you are a one aren't you? he won't have a choice - it isn't over by a long shot - he has made a HUGE error

Are you including the MP's who ran with the policy that they would not enter into government with the taxinites, and then promptly changed their minds once the election was over? Seems to me that those voters eventually got what they voted for...

Hmmmm CMF was the guy crying "The Reds Have Won!!!" When Abhisit offered early elections. He doesn't have enough knowledge about Thailand to understand people like Newin (and that Newin switching sides won't affect the Friends of Newin being re-elected no matter what party banner they run under, including the Dems. He wasn't living in Thailand in 2007 at the time of the elections so maybe he doesn't know that in the run up to the elections that the small parties promised their constituencies they wouldn't join with PPP to form a government. If he is upset about Newin being a turncoat then he needs to study Newin and how Newin joined with Thaksin.

The electorate of the MP's that left PPP have certainly gotten EXACTLY the government that they voted for! In fact they are probably VERY happy that Newin sits in a position of influence even though he is banned from politics. (No crying about that you reds .... Thaksin's people recruited him first but didn't keep him!)

BTW CMF look back on March 19th and you will see that even that early Abhisit said that early dissolution of parliament was possible (even though you say he said he would NEVER consider it!)


The army has shown remarkable restraint considering they are being shot at and bombed with M79 grenades.

But once you are perceived to have put a shot into the opposition leaders head......isn't all that thrown out of the window.....the whole firing range is opened up!!!!

So he was the opposition leader was he?

Go argue with yourself over a minor point if you wish.....he is well respected by the red followers.......the results of which you are now witnessing...... :)

Minor point? Hardly.

Well respected by reds? Not the ones i know.

Results which you now witness? Which results might they be? Violence and mayhem? Nah, we already had that... and if your opposition leader was still around right now, things might have been even uglier.

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