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Red-Shirts Leader Seh Daeng Shot In The Head - Fighting For His Life In ICU - Video

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He was right. Your contribution was pure hot air.

You got caught out.

Mr red apologist.

Right about what,specifically? The only thing he posted that was news was that he had been stupid enough to get shot twice by a .22, and that because it did him little harm so it is not an effectie weapon. Try firing one in your temple at, say, 50 metres and see if you still think "he was right".

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Go argue with yourself over a minor point if you wish.....he is well respected by the red followers.......the results of which you are now witnessing...... :)

Minor point? Hardly.

Well respected by reds? Not the ones i know.

Results which you now witness? Which results might they be? Violence and mayhem? Nah, we already had that... and if your opposition leader was still around right now, things might have been even uglier.

The amount of hypocrites here is amazing.......... :D

You must be drunk if you think my reply was in regards to any nonsense-speculation regarding ricochets, and not your line that marksman now aim for the had on the battle field.

You think there is a doctrine that defines ricochet usage (...) or that I was referring to something like that?

Nice strawman, plokum.

I'm not too sure what you were and are referring to - I never, for example, said that "marksman now aim for the had on the battle field." I never referred to marksmen at all. What I said was specifically in response to what I quoted:

if theres not even penetration of the skull you can be totally shore of that there were no sniper (trained) involved.

1 a sniper will never go for a headshot, chanses for a no kill shot is to great.

2 a sniper bullet kills if it hits the upper boddy. these bullets are made for only one thing compered to the normal GI bullet that must be able to cope with a lot of diffrent targets shields and shot from a gun with a diffrent sight.

So most likely this is done by someone not trained and or not equipped god enough.

another explanation could be that this wasnt a bullet directly targeting Daeng but a recoil of something else. or a shrapnel from something exploding.

which is rubbish at every level. Any decent sniper will take whatever shot he can get, particularly if the chances are limited and he is after a specific individual in a limited time frame; the idea that "a sniper will never go for a head shot", particularly at these relatively short ranges, is just ridiculous - often the only part of the body that can be seen, particularly in counter-sniping, is the head.

And what I said in relation to body armour was simply " Headshots are as common as body armour", as there is a direct and obvious link between the protection offered by decent body armour and the need for headshots for a kill.

"strawman"? I think you need to read posts, including your own, rather more carefully before making such an accusation as you have totally mis-read and misrepresented mine.

"plokum"? That's simply lost me.

SD appears to have been shot from an elevated position if the left temple entry and right side neck exit is to be believed.

Why? The reporter interviewing him at the time, who was two feet away so in a rather better position to report on what he saw, specifically said that Seh Daeng's head was "bobbing about" when he was shot. Depending on which direction it was "bobbing" he could have been shot from any number of directions.

The reporter also said he thought he felt the bullet graze hs own head, which if correct raises more questions than it answers and puts a very different possible perspective on things.

Who shot Sea daeng? .........


Until we get a full Autopsy there is no way we will have any real idea of what happened and that of course will not happen till he is dead.

So WHY are you and others speculating about it, when you have NONE of the information you need??

It doesn't matter who has "been there" (unless you were "there"), or if you are the greatest ballistics expert in the world, Johnny Rambo personified, or just an armchair light-swinger. It doesn't make any difference.

ALL that is known is that he was hit in the head by something from somewhere. Was it .22, .223, .308, .50 / 5.56, 5.66, 7.62, 12.7, a "laser guided sniper round", a bit of sabot from a "sabot rubber round", a stray round fired from a couple of kilometres away, a meteriorite, or a frozen turd from a passing 747? NO-ONE KNOWS. Was it from above, in front, the left or the right? NO-ONE KNOWS - and in all probability no-one ever will.

Go argue with yourself over a minor point if you wish.....he is well respected by the red followers.......the results of which you are now witnessing...... :)

We are well aware that the red rioters are prepared to follow a lunatic.

A lunatic with a direct line to Thaksin.

Not a problem for you that the blackshirts are an integral part of the redshirt movement.

A minor point, eh?

MCOT: Vajira Hospital director: Gen Khattiya's operation to remove bullet from head 'successful' but he's in critical condition with brain edema

Are there any medically qualified people posting on this forum? Possibly trauma staff or operating staff?

They are now stating that his condition has stabilised, but he has brain edema. My medical knowledge is basic, but surely Edema would imply that the bullet did NOT penetrate the skull (Edema being pressure build up and a penetrative shot would give that pressure somewhere to go)? In the images straight after he was shot you see him being dragged whilst they are picking him up and there is a clear trail of blood, but it does seem limited compared with images I have seen of direct head-shots. Does this confirm the reports that he was shot elsewhere, possibly in the nape? From the early indications it does look like, if he does survive this, he will definitely be quadriplegic and possibly brain damaged. Experienced trauma staff will be able to say a lot more than the media is.

If anybody knows somebody that can comment, could they ask? I will certainly help us all understand what we might be dealing with better than the journalists/government PR can.

I realise that a lot of people are happy to see him hurt. I can't pretend that it doesn't make me relieved to think that he is out of the picture. Bad karma does seem to come to get you eventually, doesn't it!!

The brain can swell massively and a bullet hole is meaningless to relieve swelling. In addition the swelling can push in all directions, damaging other cerebral areas initially unaffected by a bullets trajectory.

Maybe there were bullet fragments removed since both an entry and exit wound was reported.

Stable in a case like this does not mean "will wake up" or "will survive". It means for the time being, there is reasonable pulse and blood pressure even though a machine is breathing for him and lots of other supportive measures are underway. His kidneys failing is a very bad sign in addition to an already very bad trauma.

Amazing, how this could have all been avoided if Elections would be held. :)

Free and fair elections have never been held in thailand yet, Why do you assume they could happen now? There would be vote buying and threats then back to square one...electoral fraud.

Elections are scheduled.

What the red parrots want to hide is the timetable for Thaksin to put his cronies into the army leadership.

That is the reason for the peace agreement being overthrown by Thaksin.

And the rioting now.

Parrot knows this, but what can he do?

After all, he is only a parrot.

you consistant my freind. post rubbish.

Elections in Thailand were only tolerated before because rich elite could and did control outcome every time by kill, threat, buy votes or send in army. Every time friend but you of course don't know this because only like to read propaganda comic of sondhi.

lost control a bit and in come army and then no internet for world to see murderous regime in action.

now, world see abhisit and elite on desperate rearguard killing spree. saving face with some old elites and losing it to population and rest of world.

Considering you regard Abhisit as a killer, why did he hold back for 2 months, and offer them everything they wanted, till they made extra, obviously unacceptable demands.

In any other country, they would have been cleared out long ago. Try that in Burma, China or the USA and see how long you last!

Yes but in Thailand it is accepted that poor are in majority and are kept in line with coups and killings by old style elitist.

everybody know that this power is ending now and influence is less. that why take 3 month now and still army not want to kill kill kill.

It still possible and get more likely that while CRES is holed up in bunker and army running after ghosts all over bangkok that Thaksin supporters plan coup against dems.

Then if you want see draconian purging and jailing etc. wait to see what 100s of years of oppression have built up to in the poor farmers memories. This why army afraid to kill kill kill on demand. This also why have new muppets on tv all time babble about what they is to do. They is to be brought to account some day for try this killing game.

Yes but in Thailand it is accepted that poor are in majority and are kept in line with coups and killings by old style elitist.

everybody know that this power is ending now and influence is less. that why take 3 month now and still army not want to kill kill kill.

It still possible and get more likely that while CRES is holed up in bunker and army running after ghosts all over bangkok that Thaksin supporters plan coup against dems.

Then if you want see draconian purging and jailing etc. wait to see what 100s of years of oppression have built up to in the poor farmers memories. This why army afraid to kill kill kill on demand. This also why have new muppets on tv all time babble about what they is to do. They is to be brought to account some day for try this killing game.

Your only objective is to put in the Thaksin 'elite'.

The reds have zero economic demands

and zero demands relating to redistribution or reorganisation of economic activity.

In short your class war drivel is a complete fake.

From beginning to end.

Go argue with yourself over a minor point if you wish.....he is well respected by the red followers.......the results of which you are now witnessing...... :)

We are well aware that the red rioters are prepared to follow a lunatic.

A lunatic with a direct line to Thaksin.

Not a problem for you that the blackshirts are an integral part of the redshirt movement.

A minor point, eh?

Oh dear Yoshi missed the point again!!!

The minor point is his position the major point is the reaction to his shooting

are you really as far from reality as you pretend to be?

That's right, the rioting reds are just as thuggish as he.

red shirts, black shirts, same same.

As you.

I am a thug for having the intelligence to work out that shooting him would possibly escalate the violence?

Perhaps the ignorance is of they who ordered the pulling of the trigger Yoshi......no vision you see....(well probably you don't see)

You think the attack on the Dusit Thani tonight (from where the shot was 'probably' fired) is pure coincidence......

Thugs, I feel are not blessed with too much ability to evaluate consequences

Does that possibly make you one?..... :D


Global media finally are beginning to catch on.

CNN Sunday finally pointed out Thaksin is financing and is the organizer of the Red Shirts in their siege of Bangkok, is fully funding them and it. CNN had Prof Peter Langland on air, a specialist in Thailand of the London Metropolitan University to state that it's contradictory that the Red Shirts demanded an election, Abhisit agreed to even move up the election, then the Reds made new and additional demands which forced the government to recognize the Reds are argumentative (politely stated), causing a GE to be removed from the table. 

Simultaneously, the BBC finally has revised its reporting to state that it is simplistic to state this is a class war between rich and poor, that Thaksin and his return is the object.

Global media are beginning to get into the realities of Thailand.

Global media finally are beginning to catch on.

CNN Sunday finally pointed out Thaksin is financing and is the organizer of the Red Shirts in their siege of Bangkok, is fully funding them and it. CNN had Prof Peter Langland on air, a specialist in Thailand of the London Metropolitan University to state that it's contradictory that the Red Shirts demanded an election, Abhisit agreed to even move up the election, then the Reds made new and additional demands which forced the government to recognize the Reds are argumentative (politely stated), causing a GE to be removed from the table.

Simultaneously, the BBC finally has revised its reporting to state that it is simplistic to state this is a class war between rich and poor, that Thaksin and his return is the object.

Global media are beginning to get into the realities of Thailand.

Do you have a video/article/source to this? I just want to see. Thanks.

Global media finally are beginning to catch on.

CNN Sunday finally pointed out Thaksin is financing and is the organizer of the Red Shirts in their siege of Bangkok, is fully funding them and it. CNN had Prof Peter Langland on air, a specialist in Thailand of the London Metropolitan University to state that it's contradictory that the Red Shirts demanded an election, Abhisit agreed to even move up the election, then the Reds made new and additional demands which forced the government to recognize the Reds are argumentative (politely stated), causing a GE to be removed from the table.

Simultaneously, the BBC finally has revised its reporting to state that it is simplistic to state this is a class war between rich and poor, that Thaksin and his return is the object.

Global media are beginning to get into the realities of Thailand.

Do you have a video/article/source to this? I just want to see. Thanks.

Can't find the actual video mentioned, but this is a link to a cnn article that analyses the situation and clearly points to Thaksin's involvement - http://edition.cnn.com/2010/WORLD/asiapcf/...dex.html?hpt=T1

The BBC site just has the usual "Ruling Elite vs Rural Poor" line, maybe someone can post a link to their revised view


So far Abhisit's "restraint" has lead to the loss of over 30 lives.

Those of you who cheered the injury and subsequent death of Seh Daeng may also note how the violence has escalated since then.

Global media finally are beginning to catch on.

CNN Sunday finally pointed out Thaksin is financing and is the organizer of the Red Shirts in their siege of Bangkok, is fully funding them and it. CNN had Prof Peter Langland on air, a specialist in Thailand of the London Metropolitan University to state that it's contradictory that the Red Shirts demanded an election, Abhisit agreed to even move up the election, then the Reds made new and additional demands which forced the government to recognize the Reds are argumentative (politely stated), causing a GE to be removed from the table.

Simultaneously, the BBC finally has revised its reporting to state that it is simplistic to state this is a class war between rich and poor, that Thaksin and his return is the object.

Global media are beginning to get into the realities of Thailand.

Do you have a video/article/source to this? I just want to see. Thanks.

Can't find the actual video mentioned, but this is a link to a cnn article that analyses the situation and clearly points to Thaksin's involvement - http://edition.cnn.com/2010/WORLD/asiapcf/...dex.html?hpt=T1

The BBC site just has the usual "Ruling Elite vs Rural Poor" line, maybe someone can post a link to their revised view

There is no "revised view". The BBC has not noticeably changed its stance at all, and there is a vast difference between Thaksin having some "involvement" and saying that he "is financing and is the organizer of the Red Shirts in their siege of Bangkok, is fully funding them and it", which CNN have not said. As for Professor Peter Langland, his and the London Metropolitan University's "specialist" knowledge is questionable at best; although the LMU cover an unusually broad spread of subjects they are primarily an arts, design and social sciences technical college, with no political department and 20% of their staff due to be laid off for falsifying their accounts and funding (Thailand is not the only corrupt country, despite appearances to the contrary!).

Global media finally are beginning to catch on.

CNN Sunday finally pointed out Thaksin is financing and is the organizer of the Red Shirts in their siege of Bangkok, is fully funding them and it. CNN had Prof Peter Langland on air, a specialist in Thailand of the London Metropolitan University to state that it's contradictory that the Red Shirts demanded an election, Abhisit agreed to even move up the election, then the Reds made new and additional demands which forced the government to recognize the Reds are argumentative (politely stated), causing a GE to be removed from the table.

Simultaneously, the BBC finally has revised its reporting to state that it is simplistic to state this is a class war between rich and poor, that Thaksin and his return is the object.

Global media are beginning to get into the realities of Thailand.

Al Jazeera certainly didn't pull any punches when their news anchor positively eviscerated the blood sucking attorney in Thaksin's employ.


Al Jazeera seem to have some of the best coverage and a good interview yesterday - broached a lot of "taboo" subject matter with Government supporters making them squirm quite badly.

I think some of the earlier comments about the BBC were the result of not actually fully understanding the articles.

Perhaps it's best if people read the WHOLE thing and put not context - not just cherry pick

Global media finally are beginning to catch on.

CNN Sunday finally pointed out Thaksin is financing and is the organizer of the Red Shirts in their siege of Bangkok, is fully funding them and it. CNN had Prof Peter Langland on air, a specialist in Thailand of the London Metropolitan University to state that it's contradictory that the Red Shirts demanded an election, Abhisit agreed to even move up the election, then the Reds made new and additional demands which forced the government to recognize the Reds are argumentative (politely stated), causing a GE to be removed from the table.

Simultaneously, the BBC finally has revised its reporting to state that it is simplistic to state this is a class war between rich and poor, that Thaksin and his return is the object.

Global media are beginning to get into the realities of Thailand.

Al Jazeera certainly didn't pull any punches when their news anchor positively eviscerated the blood sucking attorney in Thaksin's employ.

I was wondering why, given these protests are nothing to do with Thaksin, why Thaksin's lawyer was talking to the red leaders in Ratchaprasong yesterday.

There is no "revised view". The BBC has not noticeably changed its stance at all, and there is a vast difference between Thaksin having some "involvement" and saying that he "is financing and is the organizer of the Red Shirts in their siege of Bangkok, is fully funding them and it", which CNN have not said. As for Professor Peter Langland, his and the London Metropolitan University's "specialist" knowledge is questionable at best; although the LMU cover an unusually broad spread of subjects they are primarily an arts, design and social sciences technical college, with no political department and 20% of their staff due to be laid off for falsifying their accounts and funding (Thailand is not the only corrupt country, despite appearances to the contrary!).

Just for accuracy, the academic in question is Peter Leyland, who is a Professor of Public Law, specialising inter alia in Thai constitutional law. I'm probably closer to John's view than his, but as a former fellow member of the SLSA (lapsed), I felt obligated to spring to his defence.

There is no "revised view". The BBC has not noticeably changed its stance at all, and there is a vast difference between Thaksin having some "involvement" and saying that he "is financing and is the organizer of the Red Shirts in their siege of Bangkok, is fully funding them and it", which CNN have not said. As for Professor Peter Langland, his and the London Metropolitan University's "specialist" knowledge is questionable at best; although the LMU cover an unusually broad spread of subjects they are primarily an arts, design and social sciences technical college, with no political department and 20% of their staff due to be laid off for falsifying their accounts and funding (Thailand is not the only corrupt country, despite appearances to the contrary!).

Just for accuracy, the academic in question is Peter Leyland, who is a Professor of Public Law, specialising inter alia in Thai constitutional law. I'm probably closer to John's view than his, but as a former fellow member of the SLSA (lapsed), I felt obligated to spring to his defence.

LMU is not a technical college.

The law department is well-respected nationally and is one of the largest in London.

Also has a significant number of current law PhD supervisions.

Global media finally are beginning to catch on.

CNN Sunday finally pointed out Thaksin is financing and is the organizer of the Red Shirts in their siege of Bangkok, is fully funding them and it. CNN had Prof Peter Langland on air, a specialist in Thailand of the London Metropolitan University to state that it's contradictory that the Red Shirts demanded an election, Abhisit agreed to even move up the election, then the Reds made new and additional demands which forced the government to recognize the Reds are argumentative (politely stated), causing a GE to be removed from the table. 

Simultaneously, the BBC finally has revised its reporting to state that it is simplistic to state this is a class war between rich and poor, that Thaksin and his return is the object.

Global media are beginning to get into the realities of Thailand.

It's about time! But how much damage have they done to Thailand by their sloppy reporting?

So far Abhisit's "restraint" has lead to the loss of over 30 lives.

Those of you who cheered the injury and subsequent death of Seh Daeng may also note how the violence has escalated since then.

Abhisit's restraint has obviously saved untold numbers of lives.

In regard to the shooting of Seh Daeng, you would be wise to wait until you and the rest of us know exactly who was behind silencing him. Of course the violence has escalated since his shooting. Doesn't that alone make you pause to wonder who benefited from it?

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