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Bangkok: Central World Shopping Mall Destroyed By Fire


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Hey monkey, I'm missing the warrants against Aghisit and his horde for murde innocent people.

Do you have any brain or lost it last night in a bar???

I have yet to see a single innocent murdered in the riots...enlighten us please.

The Japanese photographer really his camera was an anti aircraft gun. we were only defending ourselves. My condolences to all the families that lost their loved ones.


Edited by jcbangkok
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This is the same Farang that was on the BBC a few days ago at the Red barricade.

I remember a few people trying to identify him.

He is from London.

Here he is again threatening to Loot and Burn down Central World. :)

Anyone know who he is?

Take away his Visa assuming he has one and throw the fuc_ker out of the Country!! :D

I can't quite figure out what he is saying. Can anybody write it down here for us not native English speakers ?

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This is the same Farang that was on the BBC a few days ago at the Red barricade.

I remember a few people trying to identify him.

He is from London.

Here he is again threatening to Loot and Burn down Central World. :)


Anyone know who he is?

Take away his Visa assuming he has one and throw the fuc_ker out of the Country!! :D

I would be pleased to see this happening (or worse, after a tough interrogation). This man has cast a shadow over all of us. Thanks...NOT!

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Hey monkey, I'm missing the warrants against Aghisit and his horde for murde innocent people.

Do you have any brain or lost it last night in a bar???

I have yet to see a single innocent murdered in the riots...enlighten us please.

The Japanese photographer really his camera was an anti aircraft gun. we were only defending ourselves. My condolences to all the families that lost their loved ones.


Well, you're doing the same thing all day, jcbangkok. Saying people said this and that when they never did.

Looks like Karma is catching up with you.


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Hey monkey, I'm missing the warrants against Aghisit and his horde for murde innocent people.

Do you have any brain or lost it last night in a bar???

I have yet to see a single innocent murdered in the riots...enlighten us please.

The Japanese photographer really his camera was an anti aircraft gun. we were only defending ourselves. My condolences to all the families that lost their loved ones.


Sorry about that! the cat started chasing the mouse and I couldn't control it.

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This is the same Farang that was on the BBC a few days ago at the Red barricade.

I remember a few people trying to identify him.

He is from London.

Here he is again threatening to Loot and Burn down Central World. :)


Anyone know who he is?

Take away his Visa assuming he has one and throw the fuc_ker out of the Country!! :D

I would be pleased to see this happening (or worse, after a tough interrogation). This man has cast a shadow over all of us. Thanks...NOT!

This guy has his own thread now


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This photo in particular is the most concerning to me. I asked one of my Thai friends if he knew anything more about it. And it seems these are not the "fake monks" that everyone has been talking about, but the actual monks of the temple that is near the protest site at Rajprasong. Apparently when the army came in, they were rounded up, thrown to the floor and cuffed until it could be determined that they were real monks. I saw another photo of them somewhere yesterday from a Thai newspaper, laying on the floor with their eyes blindfolded in front of the soldiers' feet. If you understand a little about Thai culture and the respect for monks, especially them laying at the feet of soldiers, I believe you understand where my concerns come from. I'll try and find the other photo again, as well.

Regardless, they were breaking the law.

Are you sure they were breaking the law? After all, they were in their temple. And from what I've seen they were sheltering women and children inside the temple and saving their lives.

Yes, 100% as I have full confidence that authorities are not arresting Monks without cause just as they were not targeting reporters with snipers ... neither would serve any purpose and would only hurt their cause.

Oh, and beyond your friend ... any link to prove your statement they were taken from the Temple?

I cut the picture because it downloads so slow.

My wife took one look and said not a real monk, my wife works with monks all the time, a real monk would not cry.

I also doubt the the story about the other image, monks tied at the feet of soldiers. The image next to this one on the same website was a black guard hands tied on the ground at the feet of the soldiers.

A serious charge, I think the author needs to produce that other image.

Edited by rabo
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Well, you're doing the same thing all day, jcbangkok. Saying people said this and that when they never did.

Looks like Karma is catching up with you.


Still waiting for the link to your claim Abhisit said he would resign if things "got worse" as well as your link to you statement that the monks were "in the temple" that are shown handcuffed.

So, should I wait for a link to back up your latest untruth?

You do realize it is against the rules of the forum to state untruths don't you?

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This is the same Farang that was on the BBC a few days ago at the Red barricade.

I remember a few people trying to identify him.

He is from London.

Here he is again threatening to Loot and Burn down Central World. :)


Anyone know who he is?

Take away his Visa assuming he has one and throw the fuc_ker out of the Country!! :D

Read ALL of the comments on YouTube. You will learn his name and the part of Thailand in which he lives.

This guy MUST be caught.

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Here's somebody predicting it a few days earlier:

I'm lost for words too.

Anyone here know that idiot? I'm sure there are plenty of people that would like 5 minutes alone with him.

Thanks for posting and agreed, totally left speechless by this guy.

Here's a screen capture shot of the offender:


Is that the same guy as I captured in this photo here - look at the lower left:


Before I go any further I am neutral in all things considered political.

As a guest here in Thailand or anywhere else I have lived, I try to respect the local laws even if I don't agree with some interpretations of those laws...

So, moving on... Who The F***K is that British idiot in the video?

Whoever he is he has to be hunted down and handed over to the authorities.

Better if it's done by the Farang community then at least we shall have helped in some way to help put our own house in order.

Thinking outside the box for moment here: What about if the government or the many businesses that may have been affected by these (alleged) insane actions consider putting his face (and others) on T-Shirts in a most wanted poster type campaign and handing them out for free...

It could be an interesting business concept much like the playing cards they handed out to the US troops before Desert Storm...

There must be many thousands if not hundreds of thousands of photographs and video still images (just like the one shown of this Brit piece of shit) of all the demonstrators taken at one time or another.

All law abiding citizens in possession of such images (no matter how innocent that image may seem) should make those images immediately available to the authorities so that they may compile a data base of faces and actions in order to track those people down and bring them all to justice...

I am not an expert, but I believe there is facial recognition software available to enable this to be done and the relative government agencies should use their powers and authority to set up an independent board of enquiry and compile this data base ASAP.

Start by impounding all the vehicles (cars, pick ups, trucks and motorbikes) that were used to transport people and materials such as bamboo stakes, tires sheeting and other items deemed to have been used in the demonstration.

Pay particular attention to the Taxi's and Motorbike Taxi's owners operators seize their cars and motorbikes, and auction them off to pay the bill for the damage caused and support those who lost their jobs.

Also take their operating license from them and ban them from being a Taxi/Motor bike driver for life. In fact, black list them all...

Not all the participants are/were Terrorists and/or Criminal who caused the unnecessary damage to government and private property and don't forget the maiming and deaths of other human beings... Some were and still are misguided uneducated fools and not only is the education to blame, the entire system is too blame. So they need help to understand how the civilized world works through education

But as a guest in this house we have no right to point fingers at the dirty marks on the walls... We can only observe and suggest.

Who has suffered?

The answer is simple. We have all suffered, Farang, Thai Neutral, Thai Red, Thai Yellow, Thai Men in Brown, Thai Soldiers in Green, Thai Multi Colored Rainbow, Immigrants, in fact every member of society has suffered and is still suffering either physically, mentally or financially as a direct result of these atrocious acts of wanton vandalism, treason and inhumanity.

The world has witnessed a really beautiful people turn into a very very ugly mob using guns, grenades and fire bombs to impose their own brand of greed and corruption they refer to as Democracy. It should have been called DemonCrazy!


The world will not forget the Demon Crazy scenes of chaos and complete disregard for human rights on all sides.

However, one photo will always stand out amongst the many others and that is the one of a proud father holding his crying child up above the barricades while all round him there is danger and chaos. What kind of intelligent person does that? Only a brain dead monkey man in amazing Thailand that's who... You can't even refer to him as a stupid buffalo because buffalos protect their young...

The man is a fanatic, but his religion must be easy money and cheap booze...

He is indicative of those religious fanatics who train their kids to be Maters for a religious cause. But that's another story...

You need a license for a dog but any idiot (have stronger name but don't want to get banned) can have a child... The point is he typifies the mobs intelligence and overall mentality.

That is why they were so easy to manipulate and brain wash.

The PR damage caused by these ugly monkeys with guns battling against their government, their country and above their own brothers and sisters is a nightmare for the tourist industry that will not go away.

Bring these animals and their puppet masters both at home and abroad to justice and make them ALL pay for their crimes...

The rule of Law must be upheld or there will be a repeat of this debacle...

Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it...

As a parting note: There is an old saying: Don't eat Yellow Snow!

We may have to apply that to next year's rice crop if the farmers are still pissed (pun intended) off!

So, my advice to you all is: Do Not Eat Yellow Rice!

Peace to all...


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This is the same Farang that was on the BBC a few days ago at the Red barricade.

I remember a few people trying to identify him.

He is from London.

Here he is again threatening to Loot and Burn down Central World. :)


Anyone know who he is?

Take away his Visa assuming he has one and throw the fuc_ker out of the Country!! :D

Read ALL of the comments on YouTube. You will learn his name and the part of Thailand in which he lives.

This guy MUST be caught.

If someone can point me to some real details about the guy, I can try to get the info to DSI. I think the authorities would like to question him, for real. Even if he is all talk, he may have some good info, do a good service for the community.

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Sorry about that! the cat started chasing the mouse and I couldn't control it.

No problem at all ... sorry I yelled :)

I just didn't want that quote attributed to me. Even though I appeared to defend it I was more disagreeing with blaming Abhisit with these deaths without a trial/facts.

But again sorry, I was just visualizing folks continuing to comment on that thread with everyone thinking I said what was clearly a cold things to say.

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One of the earlier posts was not very clear. Something about paybacks and Barnham. Were they saying he would get the contract to rebuild CW. I cannot see how Thaksin is paying him back if his men torched it. That would be more like a present I would have thought. Does anyone now whether barnham uses Thai labour (Issaan) or mynamar labour? If the govt picks up the bill or part of the bill for the rebuilding of CW, will the small shop owners get something from the govt (I mean more than a token gesture)?

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This is the same Farang that was on the BBC a few days ago at the Red barricade.

I remember a few people trying to identify him.

He is from London.

Here he is again threatening to Loot and Burn down Central World. :)


Anyone know who he is?

Take away his Visa assuming he has one and throw the fuc_ker out of the Country!! :D

Read ALL of the comments on YouTube. You will learn his name and the part of Thailand in which he lives.

This guy MUST be caught.

If someone can point me to some real details about the guy, I can try to get the info to DSI. I think the authorities would like to question him, for real. Even if he is all talk, he may have some good info, do a good service for the community.

Can you get lilkitty's info over to them too :D

But seriously ... somebody said he was on BBC the other day being interviewed in the Red Camp ... wonder if there is any posted video of that.

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[quoting name=TAWP' post='3621764' date='2010-05-20 02:51:56]I have yet to see a single innocent murdered in the riots...enlighten us please.[end quote]

So you are judge and jury now, are you? You do write some stupid bigoted stuff TAWP.

I thought it was a fair point. Where are the murdered innocents?

In civilised countries - the sort of countries that the majority of posters on Thaivisa come from - innocence is determined by a trial, not by the cross-hairs in a sniper's rifle sights.

I don't mean this as an insult or disrespectful but do you think before you post or are you in need of medication?

In the United States you are INNOCENT until proven guilty ... There is no criminal court in America that finds somebody innocent. You can only be found not guilty. Somehow I have a feeling most civilized nations have similar laws about being innocent before trial.

As I said before, your mind seems to be working in reverse.

I'm not insulted in the least. But you asking me if I think before I post is a bit of a joke since you are the one who appears to not understand plain English.

What I said was exactly what you said - innocence is determined by a trial, you are innocent until proven guilty. But, in this conflict, the sniper decides who is guilty and who is innocent. All those dead bodies on the street should be considered innocent, the people are murdered innocents.

So TWAP's comment that he hadn't seen a single innocent murdered is ridiculous.

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This is the same Farang that was on the BBC a few days ago at the Red barricade.

I remember a few people trying to identify him.

He is from London.

Here he is again threatening to Loot and Burn down Central World. :)


Anyone know who he is?

Take away his Visa assuming he has one and throw the fuc_ker out of the Country!! :D

Read ALL of the comments on YouTube. You will learn his name and the part of Thailand in which he lives.

This guy MUST be caught.

If someone can point me to some real details about the guy, I can try to get the info to DSI. I think the authorities would like to question him, for real. Even if he is all talk, he may have some good info, do a good service for the community.

Can you get lilkitty's info over to them too :D

But seriously ... somebody said he was on BBC the other day being interviewed in the Red Camp ... wonder if there is any posted video of that.

It was a night-time video, not directly in the main camp but on a side of a motorway nearby. The fat Leithead bbc guy talked to him. The bloke was drunk and on meth (imo) he looked actually like he was going to have a coronary tbh. He said "they (the State) could have avoided this but its too late too late!" and he was laughing. Looked like maybe some vest on, but was dark.

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One of the earlier posts was not very clear. Something about paybacks and Barnham. Were they saying he would get the contract to rebuild CW. I cannot see how Thaksin is paying him back if his men torched it. That would be more like a present I would have thought. Does anyone now whether barnham uses Thai labour (Issaan) or mynamar labour? If the govt picks up the bill or part of the bill for the rebuilding of CW, will the small shop owners get something from the govt (I mean more than a token gesture)?

I would imagine they would have insurance to cover civil unrest or terrorism but who knows ... might be very expensive here in BKK.

I also believe the gov't will help out both employees and business if uninsured. They and the Royal Family have been very good about about taking care of folks hurt and/or affected by this chaos.

Not sure how so-called unemployment benefits will pay out for workers though. As I understand it there is not really unemployment but it is more severance pay which workers get entitled to. I guess this would fall under a layoff but also am guessing a number of small business' will go under over this.

I did hear something earlier that the government was covering a percentage of workers wages in some sector while the employer was paying another percentage. If I recall right the employee was still only getting about 60% of pay. Not only do I not recall the details but this was before the fires and was simply the result of not being able to work because of the red mob occupying the area.

Good questions ... just wanted to add my two cents but clearly am clueless too as to how this will play out.

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guys, a note. You are NOT in the United States. You are in Thailand. do try to remember that one simple fact and try to ascertain how THAI law applies to things instead of how the US law applies, cause I am getting tired of reading the same arguments thread after thread after thread. cheers.

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I'm not insulted in the least. But you asking me if I think before I post is a bit of a joke since you are the one who appears to not understand plain English.

What I said was exactly what you said - innocence is determined by a trial, you are innocent until proven guilty. But, in this conflict, the sniper decides who is guilty and who is innocent. All those dead bodies on the street should be considered innocent, the people are murdered innocents.

So TWAP's comment that he hadn't seen a single innocent murdered is ridiculous.

I think I made two mistakes then ... first I thought you were a different poster and made an assumption of where you were trying to go with this.

The second being is that, as i mentioned a bit ago in another post, I was not defending the original comment of nobody innocent died. I was simply arguing that we cannot blame Abhisit ... especially at this point without knowing more. I think the original post (now not sure you but assumed it was you) said something to the effect of throwing Abhisit in jail. The next was the comment about no proof of anybody innocent dying. I took that post to be a sarcastic way of saying what we both seem to be saying now and that is basically the facts are not all in yet.

Bottom line is we should have never went down that road in terms of responding to a comment like that even if it was "possibly" meant as kind of a sarcastic way to make a point.

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a bunch of idiot farangs are grieving over some shopping mall being destroyed.

what about loss of life?

ever think about it??

Well the topic is about Central World, idiot.

No it isn't.

It's about political unrest in Thailand.

(I'll refrain from questioning your intelligence or insulting you with a derogatory term).

No, this topic is 'Central World Shopping Mall Destroyed By Fire'.

Your intelligence does not need to be commented.

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Where are the posters, who I will not name, that were posting endlessly that the government should go in blazing and take out the reds?

Well they did what you wanted and now look at the city and nation.

Bangkok could end up gone if this goes on for weeks and months.

You farang fat butts can go home but Thais are stuck here.

Your idea was indeed a very bab bad idea.

Do you see any Farang looting or setting fires? Thai Rak Thai.

Actually... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i3YqrqhMvco and http://bit.ly/aqhvWy and http://bit.ly/ahr3Gx and more...

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Anyone wondered why possibly the government hasn't gone forward with designating Thaksin a terrorist.

Presumably most insurance policies in Thailand don't pay for acts of terrorism.

In the end the $$$ is king in this country.

Well they did get Terrorist warrants for the other folks and if I understand it right they did get one for Thaksin too but then they took it back and said they will decide on the 26th about him. Assuming there is not something under the table going on ... I would "guess" they really want to make sure they can tie him to terrorism since Thaksin is out of country and Thailand doesn't want to cry wolf and loose credibility.

As for terrorism insurance ... I think that is radically expensive and if they don't have it, things may get sticky. I remember reading the Central World complex cost like $7 Billion and I think that may have just been for the additions/upgrades they did when Central World bought the place but what of the other 30+ building fires?

I also seem to recall (but foggy on this) that the World Trade Center in NY wasn't even insured for terrorist attacks too long prior to 9/11 and that the only company willing to provide the insurance was Lloyds of London .... but like what is going on in BKK, there were lots of rumors and conspiracy theories going around and this may have been one of them.

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with all the conspiracy theories going around and the fact that central was perhaps not uncoincidentally targeted, is this an open enough forum to name the individuals or families behind the central business?

if this has been done elsewhere, pls redirect me.

i get so bogged down in the usual thai bs news stories where no individuals can be named...if these guys are possible victims, can we name them?

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This is the same Farang that was on the BBC a few days ago at the Red barricade.

I remember a few people trying to identify him.

He is from London.

Here he is again threatening to Loot and Burn down Central World. :)

Anyone know who he is?

Take away his Visa assuming he has one and throw the fuc_ker out of the Country!! :D

I can't quite figure out what he is saying. Can anybody write it down here for us not native English speakers ?

From the original YouTube poster:

Man : 'We're gonna smash the f**kin Central Plaza to shit.

Me : 'Really?'

Man : 'We're gonna steal everything out of it and burn the f**ker down. Trust me, get pictures of that f**ker. We're gonna loot everything, gold, watches, everything, and then we're gonna burn it to the ground'

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Where are the posters, who I will not name, that were posting endlessly that the government should go in blazing and take out the reds?

Well they did what you wanted and now look at the city and nation.

Bangkok could end up gone if this goes on for weeks and months.

You farang fat butts can go home but Thais are stuck here.

Your idea was indeed a very bab bad idea.

Not sure where you are getting your info but the gov't (army) NEVER went in blazing to take out the reds. If they did there would have been a massacre of thousands of people and likely Central World would not have burned ... Although I am certainly not advocating they should have done that, I bet some people still wish they had.

As I understand it the army never entered the red fortress until the leaders gave up.

As for going on weeks ... doesn't look like that is going to happen and am guessing they may even cancel curfew tomorrow but leave the areas the violent red mob destroyed closed.

Not sure how others feel but it seems really sick to me to blame lawful authorities for the actions of criminals unless you are arguing they should have stomped out the violent criminals sooner. But in my opinion Abhisit did a GREAT job especially considering all the internal and external factors involved.

In addition to those who committed these acts those who need to be held responsible are the red mob leaders who wound up the mob with hate speech day in and day out for 6-weeks creating this monster.

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Here's somebody predicting it a few days earlier:

I'm lost for words too.

Anyone here know that idiot? I'm sure there are plenty of people that would like 5 minutes alone with him.

Thanks for posting and agreed, totally left speechless by this guy.

Here's a screen capture shot of the offender:


Is it not funny that his body-shape and look (incl. tat-design) is fairly typical of a specific sub-section of 'expats' (or child-support runaways) that so often is the group most of us would like to see less of?

The generalizations are sometimes correct...

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Of course many many working class Thais will be out of a job because of the torching of Central World.

You make it sound as if Central World was a workers' paradise.

I doubt there will be nary a tear shed by the toilet cleaners, floor sweepers and security guards that had obscene wealth and snobbery rammed down their throats on a daily basis.

On that logic, let's burn every "hi-so" shopping mall!

"rammed down their throats" ??? You make it sound like it was torture. It was a job, and one that is now no longer available.

And all for nothing more than a pathetic revenge vendetta being served IMHO.

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