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Thai Court Approves Arrest Warrant Against Thaksin On Terrorism Charge

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This government is the worst I have ever seen.. and some of the people here..may have studied for quite sometimes.. become the second class or higher who claims they knows what is the meaning of "democracy".. Thailand has become the biggest joke in international for attacking and hurting those unarmed people.. Those "educated" person thought they can rule the country with their limited knowledge without providing the real care to the people.. definitely will get revenge one day.

From the beginning, the red-shirt gangs is only looking for Election but not a War. Any smart politician should know how to solve the problem UNLESS they worry their power are being stolen after election..

What a mess

Listen, if the red-shirts are only looking for a new election they WAIT for it, they don't come "peacefully" to throw 800 liters of their own blood on buildings, they don't throw grenades on skytrain stations , they don't kill people, and they don't block the economic centre of a capital city, because this is not peace, this is war!

Can you understand that, or are you so stupid to don't be able to understand something so simple. In any country - i mean democracy - in the world what happened during two months in Thailand would not have lasted more than two weeks! So, believe me, Thailand is not only a democracy - not perfect like all democracies but a democracy anyway - and this government is not the "worst" but probably the best you could have find in this kind of situation. No other country in the world would have wait that long to react, but when it's too much, it's too much. The red shirt movements was destroying the country and the government who has been widely patient had to act.

Now, if you want a new election, it's f+++ing simple: YOU WAIT FOR THE DATE OF THE NEXT ELECTION, like any democratic people would do, you don't put a country on fire because you want an election right now!

If it is fxxing simple as what you said.. tell it to the so call Yellow-Shirt Protester before who bring this idea to those red-shirt protester (low educated) and dont try to bring down the previous government before the election come.. What a fxxking contrastive comment are given by you. No wonder thailand will never be the real democracy and I strongly believe you are site for the yellow shirt before.. Shxt

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Well there are also terrorism charges out against Kasit and he became minister of foreign affairs. From Kasit can be proven that he was there and played a roll, from Thaksin you can only assume that he was involved. Fact is that this government does not get it. Was there buzz word Reconciliation? First we need a new PM, a man with big big balls who does not hide and leave the interviews to his buddy Korn but who assures the people of Thailand. For now I would say Thaksin is as much to blame as Suthep and Abhisit. It will become very cozy in prison soon.

The only somewhat reasonable sounding post I've read yet. Most the rest sound like KGB supporters/followers from some backwards thinking country where people have little or no rights....

I better stop there.



The rank and file reds (NOT the paid protesters and worse, the mercenaries on the red payroll in BKK) have legitimate complaints ...... but the show in BKK was about one thing and one thing only. Thaksin

- Do you really believe people are preapred to die, suffer injuires, cause mass destruction just because of one man? Surely, it's about something much more than that.

Are all of you commenting completely clueless? You think any of your calls for "justice" etc are ever in a million years going to happen here? "Bring Thaksin to justice!" Man, you guys live in this country for years and yet know NOTHING!

I'm so grateful we have someone like you that knows EVERYTHING. So, please enlighten us...but please keep it civil (i undertsnd that's hard you..........nearly forgot my manners!) Seriously, give us a concise rundown of what you know.....

I don't know what he knows but I'll tell you what I know, No First World Country will extradite anyone unless

  • They agree with the charges
  • They agree that the sentence would not be greater than it would in the Country extraditing
  • That the Person would get a fair trial
  • And most important, that the Country the are extraditing to has a good Human rights record, with regards to prison conditions

On the 4th issue no First World country will extradite ANYBODY to Thailand as the prisons do not meet Human rights conditions

Regardless of what some of you think we are not all revengeful animals

LOL - thanks Judge Judy. Wonder if you know just how many people have been extradited from "First World" countries to Thailand this year. I do.

Please don’t call me Judge, I leave that to those that have obtained perfection, I really don’t have enough arrogance to judge others as I am not yet perfect myself.

Those are the rules applied by First World countries, Might Just be that some such as USA Canada, choose a different line but I prostrate before your greater knowledge. Maybe you are indeed a judge


Nobody is ever going to send Thaksin back to a murderous third world right wing dictatorship.

why is he in london now laugh against your silly charge. have lawyer now going to cause big finiance problem for thai elites who have money they steal from poor and buy house in london and europe. watch for this.

surprise me that intellegent falang cannot see this is just for use as propaganda on poor farmers. farmers not believe it because they not buffalo like falangs.

Well I agree ALL those elitists robbing Thai people and buying houses, football teams, expensive shopping in western capitals etc want removing from Thai Government as they do not serve the people at all. When are some of you Thai people going to see this is exactly what Thaxsin is doing too as one of the biggest elitists there are and his family, aids and close friends (has he got any close friends as I believe even before he was PM he stitched up his old best pal from what I read here some while ago; what a nasty elitist right wing guy he is ). I think most falangs here are actually very well educated and intelligent enough to see this all perfectly clearly, there are just too many facts to make it irrefutable, sure also the usual suppositions too. Heck I support more socialist principles personally so I am more akin to Red Shirt political philosophy than the Democrats here but cannot support terrorism and feel Abhist has been a fair and honourable man in all of this in the circumstances. BUT no no no not Thaksin he is not a peoples leader at all as he is just clearly a crook who steals from the Thai people for his own gain, a terrorist and a real nasty person and as right wing as you can get. I cannot see how any sane person without a underhand monetary agenda can possibly believe that Thaksin is a hero, it is just totally incredible and unbelievable. If Thaksin really does care about Thailand and its people well why does he not offer to give up all his totally unneeded riches and give it back to Thailand to rebuild it and help the people, he could still keep 5% of what is left and have more than most well off people have anyway.

They should indeed confiscate any other assets he has here and freeze them pending trial and if found guilty indeed use such funds to rebuild some of the destroyed parts of Bangkok, that would be justice so he compensates his fellow Thais who have all lost out by his purported and most likely factual actions and

This government is the worst I have ever seen.. and some of the people here..may have studied for quite sometimes.. become the second class or higher who claims they knows what is the meaning of "democracy".. Thailand has become the biggest joke in international for attacking and hurting those unarmed people.. Those "educated" person thought they can rule the country with their limited knowledge without providing the real care to the people.. definitely will get revenge one day.

From the beginning, the red-shirt gangs is only looking for Election but not a War. Any smart politician should know how to solve the problem UNLESS they worry their power are being stolen after election..

What a mess

Listen, if the red-shirts are only looking for a new election they WAIT for it, they don't come "peacefully" to throw 800 liters of their own blood on buildings, they don't throw grenades on skytrain stations , they don't kill people, and they don't block the economic centre of a capital city, because this is not peace, this is war!

Can you understand that, or are you so stupid to don't be able to understand something so simple. In any country - i mean democracy - in the world what happened during two months in Thailand would not have lasted more than two weeks! So, believe me, Thailand is not only a democracy - not perfect like all democracies but a democracy anyway - and this government is not the "worst" but probably the best you could have find in this kind of situation. No other country in the world would have wait that long to react, but when it's too much, it's too much. The red shirt movements was destroying the country and the government who has been widely patient had to act.

Now, if you want a new election, it's f+++ing simple: YOU WAIT FOR THE DATE OF THE NEXT ELECTION, like any democratic people would do, you don't put a country on fire because you want an election right now!

I agree! Look at The Philippines. After years of turmoil and protests, they have finally come to mature and waited patiently to elect a new leader and a new government.


The Criminal Court has taken back the arrest warrant for convicted former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra on terrorism charges on Wednesday night, Department of Special Investigation (DSI) director-general Tharit Pengdit said.

Mr Tharit said the court had issued arrest warrants for Thaksin and nine other anti-government core members on terrorism charges earlier today but it had decided to recall Thaksin's arrest warrant.

"Further investigation will take place on May 24 at 9.30am," the DSI chief said.

The attorneys had already approved the 10 arrest warrants but the DSI would have to wait for the court's deliberation on Thaksin's case again, he added.

Can't they up the charges to "Treason", more fitting IMO for Mr T..

Terrorism AND treason . . . and maybe more if one went back to his disclosure of assets before being elected prime minister . . . the 2,000 plus murdered in a 'war on drugs' . . . the constant dissension in the southern provinces largely Muslim communities . . .

He's got the money to orchestrate . . .


It is a true shame that Thaksin is such a corrupt self serving individual and apparently now he's a terrorist. For he is truly a master of the political game. If he had only directed that political skill at the social ills of this country instead of at his families' fortune.

That he could master mind this tragedy from Europe and still find time to flaunt his ability to shop at a high end Paris boutique while the Bangkok elite are banned from the same ability by his own thugs, and now will be for some time. The symbolism in that one photo that was “captured” by someone in Paris that recognized Thaksin, is interesting.

This incredibly inept self serving government had ample opportunity to prevent or minimize the bloodshed. Were they able to do it; did they want to do it? No, they wandered into the well laid traps of his ambush as if compelled by their own arrogance and greed for power. Even after countless signs were put up on the trail prior to the ambush. “All these thugs want are bloodshed!” “They are not really negotiating, they are just dragging it out!” “These people don't want new elections. They just want to flaunt the government!” Thaksin knew that if his men taunted, challenged, and made them lose face he would get his bloodshed. You knew watching Ahibisit, on TV last week, that they were successful and that today was inevitable.It is interesting that after all this time, as soon as the government does a full on attack of the protesters (April 10 wasn't bad enough) the Red leaders throw up their hands and surrender. Now they will lawyer up, money up, and plead that their protests were entirely peaceful as they have been doing from the beginning. Claim that they were not associated with the men in black.

The men in black, I wonder how they will be tied to this, oh yea, Seh Deang. But he's dead.

Now the red shirts or what ever they re-incarnate themselves as in the next election, if this government can bring itself to have another election, will be using the images of this bloody crack down to entice the votes out of the poor ignorant red rabble that supports Thaksin and have won 3 elections already for him and his party. They won't even have to buy the votes. But I'm sure they will, just to be sure.

I don't want anyone to think that I admire Thaksin, I just don't think the current government is much different. They call Thaksin the number 1 criminal, only because he is so much better at it then the rest of the political leadership of this country. This attempt at placing a Terrorism label on him will be just as ineffectual as their handling of the "RED CRISIS!"

I just wish there would be someone in this country that would actually do something for the good of the country - all the country, not just Bangkok - without first taking their “share” off the top. Good Luck Thailand.

The Criminal Court has taken back the arrest warrant for convicted former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra on terrorism charges on Wednesday night, Department of Special Investigation (DSI) director-general Tharit Pengdit said.

Mr Tharit said the court had issued arrest warrants for Thaksin and nine other anti-government core members on terrorism charges earlier today but it had decided to recall Thaksin's arrest warrant.

"Further investigation will take place on May 24 at 9.30am," the DSI chief said.

The attorneys had already approved the 10 arrest warrants but the DSI would have to wait for the court's deliberation on Thaksin's case again, he added.

With one of the main Reds grievances being that the courts are under the thumb of the establishment terrorism charges and arrest warrants coming out so quickly did seem to validate their claim.

Taking it back for a while makes it slightly less obvious. (at least to the gullible)

The rank and file reds (NOT the paid protesters and worse, the mercenaries on the red payroll in BKK) have legitimate complaints ...... but the show in BKK was about one thing and one thing only. Thaksin

- Do you really believe people are preapred to die, suffer injuires, cause mass destruction just because of one man? Surely, it's about something much more than that.

Nope --- it is about Thaksin ... AND money. I can only assume that you NEVER listened to the hate speech and violence from the rally. That you NEVER watched People TV or (it makes me gag saying it) Truth Today.

Nobody is ever going to send Thaksin back to a murderous third world right wing dictatorship.

why is he in london now laugh against your silly charge. have lawyer now going to cause big finiance problem for thai elites who have money they steal from poor and buy house in london and europe. watch for this.

surprise me that intellegent falang cannot see this is just for use as propaganda on poor farmers. farmers not believe it because they not buffalo like falangs.

Well I agree ALL those elitists robbing Thai people and buying houses, football teams, expensive shopping in western capitals etc want removing from Thai Government as they do not serve the people at all. When are some of you Thai people going to see this is exactly what Thaxsin is doing too as one of the biggest elitists there are and his family, aids and close friends (has he got any close friends as I believe even before he was PM he stitched up his old best pal from what I read here some while ago; what a nasty elitist right wing guy he is ). I think most falangs here are actually very well educated and intelligent enough to see this all perfectly clearly, there are just too many facts to make it irrefutable, sure also the usual suppositions too. Heck I support more socialist principles personally so I am more akin to Red Shirt political philosophy than the Democrats here but cannot support terrorism and feel Abhist has been a fair and honourable man in all of this in the circumstances. BUT no no no not Thaksin he is not a peoples leader at all as he is just clearly a crook who steals from the Thai people for his own gain, a terrorist and a real nasty person and as right wing as you can get. I cannot see how any sane person without a underhand monetary agenda can possibly believe that Thaksin is a hero, it is just totally incredible and unbelievable. If Thaksin really does care about Thailand and its people well why does he not offer to give up all his totally unneeded riches and give it back to Thailand to rebuild it and help the people, he could still keep 5% of what is left and have more than most well off people have anyway.

They should indeed confiscate any other assets he has here and freeze them pending trial and if found guilty indeed use such funds to rebuild some of the destroyed parts of Bangkok, that would be justice so he compensates his fellow Thais who have all lost out by his purported and most likely factual actions and

what you falangs miss is that a few elite run thailand.

you cannot understand because just see smiling face of girls in bars and think because you are on buying side rather than selling side you are part of hi so elite.

this thread about warrant is just so funny to us SCANDINAVIANS!

It is a true shame that Thaksin is such a corrupt self serving individual and apparently now he's a terrorist. For he is truly a master of the political game. If he had only directed that political skill at the social ills of this country instead of at his families' fortune.

That he could master mind this tragedy from Europe and still find time to flaunt his ability to shop at a high end Paris boutique while the Bangkok elite are banned from the same ability by his own thugs, and now will be for some time. The symbolism in that one photo that was "captured" by someone in Paris that recognized Thaksin, is interesting.

This incredibly inept self serving government had ample opportunity to prevent or minimize the bloodshed. Were they able to do it; did they want to do it? No, they wandered into the well laid traps of his ambush as if compelled by their own arrogance and greed for power. Even after countless signs were put up on the trail prior to the ambush. "All these thugs want are bloodshed!" "They are not really negotiating, they are just dragging it out!" "These people don't want new elections. They just want to flaunt the government!" Thaksin knew that if his men taunted, challenged, and made them lose face he would get his bloodshed. You knew watching Ahibisit, on TV last week, that they were successful and that today was inevitable.It is interesting that after all this time, as soon as the government does a full on attack of the protesters (April 10 wasn't bad enough) the Red leaders throw up their hands and surrender. Now they will lawyer up, money up, and plead that their protests were entirely peaceful as they have been doing from the beginning. Claim that they were not associated with the men in black.

The men in black, I wonder how they will be tied to this, oh yea, Seh Deang. But he's dead.

Now the red shirts or what ever they re-incarnate themselves as in the next election, if this government can bring itself to have another election, will be using the images of this bloody crack down to entice the votes out of the poor ignorant red rabble that supports Thaksin and have won 3 elections already for him and his party. They won't even have to buy the votes. But I'm sure they will, just to be sure.

I don't want anyone to think that I admire Thaksin, I just don't think the current government is much different. They call Thaksin the number 1 criminal, only because he is so much better at it then the rest of the political leadership of this country. This attempt at placing a Terrorism label on him will be just as ineffectual as their handling of the "RED CRISIS!"

I just wish there would be someone in this country that would actually do something for the good of the country - all the country, not just Bangkok - without first taking their "share" off the top. Good Luck Thailand.

No one deny that Thaksin is a briber.. however, the government shouldnt kill those unarmed people just to keep their power... LIFE is more important than anything..

The Criminal Court has taken back the arrest warrant for convicted former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra on terrorism charges on Wednesday night, Department of Special Investigation (DSI) director-general Tharit Pengdit said.

Mr Tharit said the court had issued arrest warrants for Thaksin and nine other anti-government core members on terrorism charges earlier today but it had decided to recall Thaksin's arrest warrant.

"Further investigation will take place on May 24 at 9.30am," the DSI chief said.

The attorneys had already approved the 10 arrest warrants but the DSI would have to wait for the court's deliberation on Thaksin's case again, he added.

because thaksin has a real lawyer in real world and if any of these plebs go for holiday to where he is, they will be up on charges of libel.

happy holidays in europe to all rich thais from democrats. watch for the writs in the real world.

It is a true shame that Thaksin is such a corrupt self serving individual and apparently now he's a terrorist. For he is truly a master of the political game. If he had only directed that political skill at the social ills of this country instead of at his families' fortune.

That he could master mind this tragedy from Europe and still find time to flaunt his ability to shop at a high end Paris boutique while the Bangkok elite are banned from the same ability by his own thugs, and now will be for some time. The symbolism in that one photo that was "captured" by someone in Paris that recognized Thaksin, is interesting.

This incredibly inept self serving government had ample opportunity to prevent or minimize the bloodshed. Were they able to do it; did they want to do it? No, they wandered into the well laid traps of his ambush as if compelled by their own arrogance and greed for power. Even after countless signs were put up on the trail prior to the ambush. "All these thugs want are bloodshed!" "They are not really negotiating, they are just dragging it out!" "These people don't want new elections. They just want to flaunt the government!" Thaksin knew that if his men taunted, challenged, and made them lose face he would get his bloodshed. You knew watching Ahibisit, on TV last week, that they were successful and that today was inevitable.It is interesting that after all this time, as soon as the government does a full on attack of the protesters (April 10 wasn't bad enough) the Red leaders throw up their hands and surrender. Now they will lawyer up, money up, and plead that their protests were entirely peaceful as they have been doing from the beginning. Claim that they were not associated with the men in black.

The men in black, I wonder how they will be tied to this, oh yea, Seh Deang. But he's dead.

Now the red shirts or what ever they re-incarnate themselves as in the next election, if this government can bring itself to have another election, will be using the images of this bloody crack down to entice the votes out of the poor ignorant red rabble that supports Thaksin and have won 3 elections already for him and his party. They won't even have to buy the votes. But I'm sure they will, just to be sure.

I don't want anyone to think that I admire Thaksin, I just don't think the current government is much different. They call Thaksin the number 1 criminal, only because he is so much better at it then the rest of the political leadership of this country. This attempt at placing a Terrorism label on him will be just as ineffectual as their handling of the "RED CRISIS!"

I just wish there would be someone in this country that would actually do something for the good of the country - all the country, not just Bangkok - without first taking their "share" off the top. Good Luck Thailand.

No one deny that Thaksin is a briber.. however, the government shouldnt kill those unarmed people just to keep their power... LIFE is more important than anything..


to fire upon your own flag is unforgivable, and accepted by government,

a true sign of weakness,

there must be change and unity to prevent this,


The US might have been on the fence before, now they will be going out of their way to do the Thai government favors.

Its only so long before the US/Thai Government negotiates to have Thaksin extradited to Thailand during one of his 'vacations'.

Nobody is ever going to send Thaksin back to a murderous third world right wing dictatorship.

why is he in london now laugh against your silly charge. have lawyer now going to cause big finiance problem for thai elites who have money they steal from poor and buy house in london and europe. watch for this.

surprise me that intellegent falang cannot see this is just for use as propaganda on poor farmers. farmers not believe it because they not buffalo like falangs.

Well I agree ALL those elitists robbing Thai people and buying houses, football teams, expensive shopping in western capitals etc want removing from Thai Government as they do not serve the people at all. When are some of you Thai people going to see this is exactly what Thaxsin is doing too as one of the biggest elitists there are and his family, aids and close friends (has he got any close friends as I believe even before he was PM he stitched up his old best pal from what I read here some while ago; what a nasty elitist right wing guy he is ). I think most falangs here are actually very well educated and intelligent enough to see this all perfectly clearly, there are just too many facts to make it irrefutable, sure also the usual suppositions too. Heck I support more socialist principles personally so I am more akin to Red Shirt political philosophy than the Democrats here but cannot support terrorism and feel Abhist has been a fair and honourable man in all of this in the circumstances. BUT no no no not Thaksin he is not a peoples leader at all as he is just clearly a crook who steals from the Thai people for his own gain, a terrorist and a real nasty person and as right wing as you can get. I cannot see how any sane person without a underhand monetary agenda can possibly believe that Thaksin is a hero, it is just totally incredible and unbelievable. If Thaksin really does care about Thailand and its people well why does he not offer to give up all his totally unneeded riches and give it back to Thailand to rebuild it and help the people, he could still keep 5% of what is left and have more than most well off people have anyway.

They should indeed confiscate any other assets he has here and freeze them pending trial and if found guilty indeed use such funds to rebuild some of the destroyed parts of Bangkok, that would be justice so he compensates his fellow Thais who have all lost out by his purported and most likely factual actions and

what you falangs miss is that a few elite run thailand.

you cannot understand because just see smiling face of girls in bars and think because you are on buying side rather than selling side you are part of hi so elite.

this thread about warrant is just so funny to us SCANDINAVIANS!

Anybody farang in living in Thailand for a long time surely understands that he/she is not part of the Thai elite. If you were to spend time in Thailand, you'd know this already. You're English is pretty bad for a scandinavian. Are you really from there?

How very sad that most of the people participating in this thread actually believe all the propaganda. This is not about Thaksin. Yes, he is a figurehead because at the beginning of this fight he was the only one who stood forward and had money to support a movement. But it has become much bigger than Thaksin - but the government (and this is where you people are so stupid) is still using him because they want to tarnish him. The government knows how popular he is in the north and Isaan and want to diminish his power.

This is about democracy and equal rights. Not Thaksin. You stupid stupid people.

This is, contrary to your misguided ideas, NOT about democracy nor about equal rights.

This is about power, money or both.

Nobody is ever going to send Thaksin back to a murderous third world right wing dictatorship.

why is he in london now laugh against your silly charge. have lawyer now going to cause big finiance problem for thai elites who have money they steal from poor and buy house in london and europe. watch for this.

surprise me that intellegent falang cannot see this is just for use as propaganda on poor farmers. farmers not believe it because they not buffalo like falangs.

Well I agree ALL those elitists robbing Thai people and buying houses, football teams, expensive shopping in western capitals etc want removing from Thai Government as they do not serve the people at all. When are some of you Thai people going to see this is exactly what Thaxsin is doing too as one of the biggest elitists there are and his family, aids and close friends (has he got any close friends as I believe even before he was PM he stitched up his old best pal from what I read here some while ago; what a nasty elitist right wing guy he is ). I think most falangs here are actually very well educated and intelligent enough to see this all perfectly clearly, there are just too many facts to make it irrefutable, sure also the usual suppositions too. Heck I support more socialist principles personally so I am more akin to Red Shirt political philosophy than the Democrats here but cannot support terrorism and feel Abhist has been a fair and honourable man in all of this in the circumstances. BUT no no no not Thaksin he is not a peoples leader at all as he is just clearly a crook who steals from the Thai people for his own gain, a terrorist and a real nasty person and as right wing as you can get. I cannot see how any sane person without a underhand monetary agenda can possibly believe that Thaksin is a hero, it is just totally incredible and unbelievable. If Thaksin really does care about Thailand and its people well why does he not offer to give up all his totally unneeded riches and give it back to Thailand to rebuild it and help the people, he could still keep 5% of what is left and have more than most well off people have anyway.

They should indeed confiscate any other assets he has here and freeze them pending trial and if found guilty indeed use such funds to rebuild some of the destroyed parts of Bangkok, that would be justice so he compensates his fellow Thais who have all lost out by his purported and most likely factual actions and

what you falangs miss is that a few elite run thailand.

you cannot understand because just see smiling face of girls in bars and think because you are on buying side rather than selling side you are part of hi so elite.

this thread about warrant is just so funny to us SCANDINAVIANS!

Anybody farang in living in Thailand for a long time surely understands that he/she is not part of the Thai elite. If you were to spend time in Thailand, you'd know this already. You're English is pretty bad for a scandinavian. Are you really from there?


Some (many) of posters here on Thaivisa seem close to having a coronary when they talk about Thaksin and having him arrested on charges of terrorism etc.

May I respectfully suggest that this is not going to happen. Like it or not, Thaksin was the elected PM of Thailand, and he was deposed in a military coup. Western nations are unlikely to arrest a man who was illegally deposed from his high office. That's very clear, judging by his shopping trips in Paris.

For the sake of your hearts, it would be better to consider how Thailand can learn from these terrible events, and how it can build a society that is fairer to all, where all sectors of society can play a role in building a stronger nation that respects the views of majorities and minorities, disenting and non-disenting (spelling?).

I've kept out of these threads for the past few days, because it's like a child's shouting match. With the exception of some valid and constructive comments, the discussions about the riots and Thaksin have been truly, truly pathetic.

If anyone needs them, I can suggest a source of heart pills.


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