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Farang Threatens To Burn Central World Down And Steal Everything From It ..


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I'd like to think that most the people here would have more sense than to do that, I mean, how old are you or are you just trying to troll up some argument?
Just a sad loser who's never achieved anything. A chance for a bit of fame by

Question 2 answer- wrong I went in, however, I did not take sides and didn't throw a stick on the floor guess I must be a bit of a wimp then?

Did either of you make a post about how tough this guy was for throwing a stick on the ground? If not, pipe down. My post was for those saying the guy has no balls. Try reading things in their entirety next time.

Those of you who are snitches & keyboard warriors, have fun with your witch hunt. Make sure to spend a lot of time on this guy, call every tip line you can find and show the video to the world. Keep calling the BBC and show every Thai authority you can. Then when they LOL at you because you have nothing, come back and revisit this post. In the meantime, learn a thing or two about the law, because most of you clearly have no grasp of it currently. Oh, you also may want to go back and read the news BEFORE this jack hole made his comment because the reds already said they were going to burn Central World down.

I'm amazed at the ignorance in this thread. Either you guys live here and keep your head up your arse or you don't live here and pretend you do. Everyone knew the reds made this threat, yet this is more hate pointed to this one falang than there is against the people who actually burned it down. Incredible.

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Isnt this the same guy who was interviewed by Alastair Leithead of BBC a few days ago and aired on BCC news??? He also said something about this not being the land of smiles......I'm sure its the same guy.....

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what about that? same guy in 2 vids

There's goes another idiot that deserves to be get more attention from the authorities...

Of course, because he is actually doing something. Let the Thais find this punk and do whatever it is they will do to him because HE BROKE THE LAW. He didn't say he was going to throw something at the sign, he actually did it. There is a HUGE difference.

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and you take this serious!

nice comedy value, but if you going to take it serious we have to laugh that you believe a falang can steal this much stuff.

news day slowing down is it? or Nation insist this be shown.

careful though, as thai gov might decide get all falangs out of town, barflys and all.

This is typical behaviour of a cockney (Person born within the sound of the bow bells in London UK.) Where there is trouble and a Brit is involved you can bet your bottom dollar that a stupid arrogant cockney is behind it.

He should have his passport stamped as No entry into the Kingdom of Thailand, then sent home on a wire mesh boat in shark infested waters. The idiot!

Iron hoof.

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This is the same Farang that was on the BBC a few days ago at the Red barricade.

I remember a few people trying to identify him.

He is from London.

Anyone know who he is?

Take away his Visa assuming he has one and throw the fuc_ker out of the Country!! :)

Throw him out of a plane would be better

Can't believe that. Please tell me that it was a made up movie. Was he on LSD in LOS????

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Typical low life sexpat loser and dole blagger in the U.K probably a petty thief met a lot of this scum in my police days.

I do hope he gets to stay at the ''Bangkok Hilton'' I am sure the U.K, embassy will deal with him as he deserves in the event of a prolonged Thai holiday.

Hopefully the <deleted> will never breed


Cockney Red.

He better scarper.

or the Rozzers will be round.

Off to the Clink.

Goin'down for a stretch.

Spot on yoshira.

He just applied for a long term visa here! :)

Edited by xenomorph
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I cant believe there are apologists on this thread who play down this sort of thing.

The guy shouldnt have been involved in the first place..we all know this is one law broken for a start.

If you think he is just letting off steam and think its Ok to go about saying whatever you please it only shows your possible ignorance of all the other laws as well..

So if the the guy was running around "venting" opinions on matters that are against the law to talk about would that be OK too??

unbelievable :)

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please dont deport him, we dont want him back lock him away for 20 years.

Lock him up for 20 years for saying he is going to do something, yet no proof he did anything at all other than be there and run his mouth?

You guys work for the Chinese or Cuban government?

Get a grip guys. The guy is a loon no doubt, but none of us know if he did anything at all. Chances are he didn't. And as far as him hinting to the burning, the reds threatened to burn that down a week ago. Even I knew that.

Be careful of what you say and imply here, mentioning Chinese/Cuban. Die hard troll you are, shame on you.

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I cant believe there are apologists on this thread who play down this sort of thing.

The guy shouldnt have been involved in the first place..we all know this is one law broken for a start.

If you think he is just letting off steam and think its Ok to go about saying whatever you please it only shows your possible ignorance of all the other laws as well..

So if the the guy was running around "venting" opinions on matters that are against the law to talk about would that be OK too??

unbelievable :)

Could it be thew very apologists that support the latest red-shirt activities?


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I'd like to think that most the people here would have more sense than to do that, I mean, how old are you or are you just trying to troll up some argument?
Just a sad loser who's never achieved anything. A chance for a bit of fame by

Question 2 answer- wrong I went in, however, I did not take sides and didn't throw a stick on the floor guess I must be a bit of a wimp then?

Did either of you make a post about how tough this guy was for throwing a stick on the ground? If not, pipe down. My post was for those saying the guy has no balls. Try reading things in their entirety next time.

Perhaps you should take a little bit of you're own advice and 'pipe down'. :D

Why are you getting so worked up about this? Are you a regular stick thrower or the person of interest? :)

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what about that? same guy in 2 vids

There's goes another idiot that deserves to be get more attention from the authorities...

Of course, because he is actually doing something. Let the Thais find this punk and do whatever it is they will do to him because HE BROKE THE LAW. He didn't say he was going to throw something at the sign, he actually did it. There is a HUGE difference.

You may be right about a court of law I give you that.

But reckon this guy has done more than enough for a bit of a grilling followed by deportation and good riddance.

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being drunk can help with your defence under the criminal code

Yes, that is true. but on reading after a quick search, section 49 and 378 are the 2 I found and it doesn't bode well...

quote from section 378 Thai Criminal Code

"Whoever, drinking the spirituous liquor or the other intoxicant up to be drunk, and behaving

in the riotous manner, or to be unable to control oneself in any public road or place, shall be

fined not out of five hundred Baht."

500 Baht??? I hope there is a better section than this...


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Isnt this the same guy who was interviewed by Alastair Leithead of BBC a few days ago and aired on BCC news??? He also said something about this not being the land of smiles......I'm sure its the same guy.....

Yes it is 100% i recognise his voice too.. very cringeworthy and most embarrasing. Hope these stupid falangs suffer for this.

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After much consideration and looking through my DVD library at titles like Die Hard, Rambo and The Matrix, I take back what I said about this man. I am wrong.

I'm 100% sure this guy single handedly burned down Central World. If Bruce Willis, Silvester Stallone and Keanu Reeves can do it, so can he.

We also need to forget this Thaksin character because I'm also pretty sure he is a puppet for this falang.

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what about that? same guy in 2 vids

There's goes another idiot that deserves to be get more attention from the authorities...

Of course, because he is actually doing something. Let the Thais find this punk and do whatever it is they will do to him because HE BROKE THE LAW. He didn't say he was going to throw something at the sign, he actually did it. There is a HUGE difference.

Look, Tokay. I'm not sure if you live in Bangkok or not, but these riots and the anarchists within worry me greatly, especially since they have set so much of the city on fire recently. If some guy says 'We're going to burn CW down' and then a few days later it gets burned down, it makes me feel extremely uneasy that he is still at large. I don't know what he's planning to do next. I don't know if he's just all talk or if he took part in the actual arson and looting. I realize that there were plenty of videos of red shirt leaders claiming they were going to set the city on fire, but I don't think many people took those threats seriously. I wish they had. Additionally, he is now the poster boy farang for all the Thais to vent their anger on. This is another way this affects us (I'm saying us because I assume that you are a foreigner).

I'm not quite sure why you are defending this guy so strongly.

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But reckon this guy has done more than enough for a bit of a grilling followed by deportation and good riddance.

These guys are idiots. There is no question about it. But if it is not our country and he is wrong to be there and stand with the reds, how can we be right in turning him in? It's not our fight, right? None of it is our fight. So why all the hate?

Perhaps you should take a little bit of you're own advice and 'pipe down'. :D

Why are you getting so worked up about this? Are you a regular stick thrower or the person of interest? :)

I'm not worked up, I'm amused and totally entertained with this thread. I've never seen such a silly thread on TV.

Everyone pounces on some moron while the people who actually burned down the mall and caused the real damage go without mention. Simply amazing. This thread is pure comedy.

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it seems as if the medias not reporting this evening.

Only a short message from a torched Bangkok Bank this evening and this one on twitter.

Pls RT - A resident of Rajavithi Soi 1 is calling Thai PBS for help as the community is on fire. No help after calling all numbers
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After much consideration and looking through my DVD library at titles like Die Hard, Rambo and The Matrix, I take back what I said about this man. I am wrong.

I'm 100% sure this guy single handedly burned down Central World. If Bruce Willis, Silvester Stallone and Keanu Reeves can do it, so can he.

We also need to forget this Thaksin character because I'm also pretty sure he is a puppet for this falang.

I would have thought you're dvd library consisted of daffy duck and tom and jerry.

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what about that? same guy in 2 vids

There's goes another idiot that deserves to be get more attention from the authorities...

Of course, because he is actually doing something. Let the Thais find this punk and do whatever it is they will do to him because HE BROKE THE LAW. He didn't say he was going to throw something at the sign, he actually did it. There is a HUGE difference.

Look, Tokay. I'm not sure if you live in Bangkok or not, but these riots and the anarchists within worry me greatly, especially since they have set so much of the city on fire recently. If some guy says 'We're going to burn CW down' and then a few days later it gets burned down, it makes me feel extremely uneasy that he is still at large. I don't know what he's planning to do next. I don't know if he's just all talk or if he took part in the actual arson and looting. I realize that there were plenty of videos of red shirt leaders claiming they were going to set the city on fire, but I don't think many people took those threats seriously. I wish they had. Additionally, he is now the poster boy farang for all the Thais to vent their anger on. This is another way this affects us (I'm saying us because I assume that you are a foreigner).

I'm not quite sure why you are defending this guy so strongly.

No one is defending this guy, bro. All we're seeing is a small bunch of homies venting their frustration coz it's curfew time and they can't go out and burn any more tires.

Losers defending losers.

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He's obviously the lager lout missing from the BBC's stringer's. Couldn't make a buck out of real stories so has to create his own. Send him back to mother England. Another example of Western influence. No - I know - he hasn't got a football match to throw rubbish, scream and shout and trash! :)

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In many western countries its not illegal to PLAN a crime, its only a crime when you actually DO what you plan. My guess would be the same principle is used in thai court. Of course this guy is in a grey area, they could argue that it was his plan that where used in the looting/arson, but it will be difficult to prove.

Not since 9/11. Since then, the laws have been considerably beefed up to catch more terrorists in the act of planning as well.

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There is an extremely offensive (in my view) video making the facebook rounds of CNN reporter Rick Sanchez and his bimbo correspondent making very disparaging and disrespectful comments towards "He who must not be named". CNN has lost my viewing for that, guess im stuck with BBC World

Edited by SomTumTiger
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No one is defending this guy, bro. All we're seeing is a small bunch of homies venting their frustration coz it's curfew time and they can't go out and burn any more tires.

Losers defending losers.

Could also be that emotions are flaring due to the entire city having been in flames. This hasn't exactly been an average week.

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Look, Tokay. I'm not sure if you live in Bangkok or not, but these riots and the anarchists within worry me greatly, especially since they have set so much of the city on fire recently. If some guy says 'We're going to burn CW down' and then a few days later it gets burned down, it makes me feel extremely uneasy that he is still at large. I don't know what he's planning to do next. I don't know if he's just all talk or if he took part in the actual arson and looting. I realize that there were plenty of videos of red shirt leaders claiming they were going to set the city on fire, but I don't think many people took those threats seriously. I wish they had. Additionally, he is now the poster boy farang for all the Thais to vent their anger on. This is another way this affects us (I'm saying us because I assume that you are a foreigner).

I'm not quite sure why you are defending this guy so strongly.

I'm not defending him, I'm posting logic and common sense. We are not in communist China (yet) yet many in this thread want to punish him as if we are.

Yes, he said something stupid. Yes, he is a moron. Yes, MAYBE he should be QUESTIONED about what he said and why he was there. However, everyone already knew the reds were going to burn it down. This was THE WORD in the red camps. When the main camp fell, Central and Paragon was going to burn. He does not have information that was privileged. I knew it was going to burn a week ago. Everyone was talking about it. He just repeated what everyone else was already saying.

So he says something dumb and now people think he single handedly burned down Central and should spend 20 years in prison. I give falangs a lot of credit, but not that much.

How about we get ALL the facts and THEN work it out. That is why I'm posting here. Many of you are on a witch hunt. If everyone was jailed for 20 years for saying something stupid, we'd all be rotting behind bars right now. Lets see if video surfaces of the falang burning anything down or throwing a single stone. Then if he is guilty, hang his ass. Until then, all we have is a dumb falang saying something stupid that everyone else already knew was going to happen.

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