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Briton In Red Shirt Demonstration Regrets Video Arson Gibe

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Presence at an illegal rally during SOE was a crime, penalty 1 year jail, later increased to 2. Being a foreigner present at an illegal political rally is a crime, penalty deportation and black-listing. Incitement to commit a felony is a crime, being part of a mob committing arson is a crime, having prior knowledge that a crime is to be committed and not reporting it is a crime - and the penalties can be bloody severe.

Being an idiot with a big mouth, however, is not a crime, mores the pity!

Yup, I'm no lawyer, but I reckon this Jeff Savage has committed a crime and thus should be arrested in accordance with Thai law. He has and was 'actively engaged' in this rally by his own admission and as the poster above said 'incitement to commit a felony is a crime' is surely true under Thai law also ??? Err, I think the youtube video evidence is pretty clear about this point eh :D

Imho: Thailand does not need foreigners like this in it's country and surely they have the power to remove at least one 'undesirable' namely Jeff Savage. Please do your duty the Royal Thai Police ...you know where he is eh :)

Yes it's online again ..see for yourself Mr. Policeman.
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Jail? This man has committed no crime besides 'shouting his mouth off' does not warrant a custodial sentance. Foolish to get involved in a protest that he does not belong to, and also foolish for his unwise words. Big fuss over nothing here, I am becoming more dismayed by TV members being overwhelmingly self-rightous, pompus and harshly judgemental

It was illegal for foreigners to even join the demonstrations.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but... Doesn't the word "illegal" mean that it is a crime?


Me speeding on my way to work everyday is illegal too or come to that downloading a movie on TPB yet I won't have to fear a custodial sentence for these infringements should I get caught.  :)

You are comparing speeding and downloading a movie to what he was asking for

You have to be joking

“I hold my hands up — it was me, and I’m ashamed that I lost my temper,” he told The Times by telephone from his home in the Thai resort town of Pattaya. “I was tired and emotional and full of steroids. I said we’re going to burn down Central — I was being sarcastic.”

A Brit, tattoos, steroids, empty threats, throws tantrums, home in Sisaket and lives in Pattaya. I get the picture.

Not all us Brits (or expats from other countries) in Si Sa Ket are like this muppet. Some of us are really quite pleasant.

My sentiments exactly. It's truly staggering reading about the disproportionate and draconian punishment the hang'em-high-mob wants to see meted out to this guy who, whilst being a complete tool, has NOT been accused nor found guilty of any crimes (other than lacking some judgement). This medieval mindset of crime and punishment displayed by many of the posters on this and other forums makes the Sharia suddenly appear lax and benevolent by comparison. :)

Some people should clearly take a step back and take a look in the mirror, checking they haven't become what they are decrying. :D

here here. Whilst the guy in the vid is indeed a deluded muppet - some of the people on here have advocated torture, the death penalty without trial and cruel and unusual punishments which border on psychotic. There comments are far more worrying as the guy in the vids.


I asked nicely for posters to stay on topic. Specifically regarding the issue of Britain and/or the colonial past. That includes it's own colonial past. These remarks and replies to them are off-topic and the posters will receive warnings.

What a IDIOT , typical english houligan , past colonial behaving, arrogance and stupidity put him in thai jail for a long time ,then send him back to that his bankrup country .

Obviously you are not a Brit You cannot even spell And know nothing of Britain .

Although you are a bit of a prick I agree he is Typical of a football hooligan of any country !!


Who in their life hasn't made a stupid threat of some kind? Even a silent threat in ones own mind without opening your mouth. There's a big difference between thought, the spoken word and action and that dude didn't act so why the hype? He's an idiot and if he really wants to set fire to something I'd be happy to give him my lighter in the full knowledge that the only thing he'd burn are his fingers!

What a IDIOT , typical english houligan , past colonial behaving, arrogance and stupidity put him in thai jail for a long time ,then send him back to that his bankrup country .

Obviously you are not a Brit You cannot even spell And know nothing of Britain .

Although you are a bit of a prick I agree he is Typical of a football hooligan of any country !!

'shumi330' you fool! Don't slag off all us Brits but would be lovely to meet you in a dark ally with a couple of my hooligan mates! Racist! There you go banned for 48 hours and hope it works both ways as your comment is out of order


I love it how everyone on here is calling this guy a football hooligan, can i bring to your attention June 2011 when Thailand host England in a friendly international match

Who in their life hasn't made a stupid threat of some kind? Even a silent threat in ones own mind without opening your mouth. There's a big difference between thought, the spoken word and action and that dude didn't act so why the hype? He's an idiot and if he really wants to set fire to something I'd be happy to give him my lighter in the full knowledge that the only thing he'd burn are his fingers!

So are you in full possession of all the facts ? I am sure you are not !!

He made serious threats during a SOE Being an idiot is not an excuse He broke many Thai laws and must face Thai law

We are Farangs and those of us who are level headed know although Thais are lovely people We are and always will be Farangs and they will use us for their own ends

The Reds received a lot of attention when Farangs started shooting their mouths off during the protests

This idiot will receive no support from the Reds. He served his purpose

Who in their life hasn't made a stupid threat of some kind? Even a silent threat in ones own mind without opening your mouth. There's a big difference between thought, the spoken word and action and that dude didn't act so why the hype? He's an idiot and if he really wants to set fire to something I'd be happy to give him my lighter in the full knowledge that the only thing he'd burn are his fingers!

is that your best effort at a defense?

when will they learn to stay out it........not your country you have no rights so shut the hel_l up is all i say

How right you are; I keep trying to tell the Thais that here in the US when they express their opinion. They should shut their mouths or get the heck out of my country. One guy at the temple actually had the nerve to talk about Obama. Too bad this is not like Thailand, I could have just punched him and no one would have said a word. :)

Who in their life hasn't made a stupid threat of some kind? Even a silent threat in ones own mind without opening your mouth. There's a big difference between thought, the spoken word and action and that dude didn't act so why the hype? He's an idiot and if he really wants to set fire to something I'd be happy to give him my lighter in the full knowledge that the only thing he'd burn are his fingers!

So are you in full possession of all the facts ? I am sure you are not !!

He made serious threats during a SOE Being an idiot is not an excuse He broke many Thai laws and must face Thai law

We are Farangs and those of us who are level headed know although Thais are lovely people We are and always will be Farangs and they will use us for their own ends

The Reds received a lot of attention when Farangs started shooting their mouths off during the protests

This idiot will receive no support from the Reds. He served his purpose

What are you trying to say? I don't know all the facts as I'm sure you don't but the fact is the guy was an idiot and acted irresponsibly. He's made his bed and will have to lay in it but he hasn't actually done anything wrong other than being an ar--ho as his words were wind and not followed up with action thank god!

"Use us for their own ends?" If your getting played by Thais I'm sorry for you. I'm pretty broke so tend not to get played. Try earning less money and you'll see that Thais are actually very helpful and accomadating.

Actually 2 people died at Central World. So, if he was involved, it's manslaughter, not just arson.

In most jurisdictions, death caused in the committing of a felony is classified as murder, not manslaughter.

Sorry Murder has to be premeditaded

Death not intended is manslaughter

Not sure about Thailand but what OzMick posted is correct as the premeditation comes with felony you are committing where there is a risk someone could die as a rssult of your crime it's murder even if you didn't plan on it. yes I watch too much Law & Order :)

I thinkyou'll find that's most jurisdictions in America.I think in Thailand its closer to the UK definition ofmurder (though correct me if I'm wrong - just on what I was told):

”The unlawful killing of a human being under the Queen’s peace with malice aforethought.”

The mens rea for murder is malice aforethought. This does not imply any ill will or premeditation, however, but rather the intention to kill or cause grievous bodily harm. If you intend to hurt someone badly, and they die, in the UK that's still murder. If you intend tokill someone and accidently kill someone else, that's transfered malice, which is still murder. Without malice its at worse man slaughter - forethought can be immediately before, it doesn't have to be planned.

This is from today's London Evening Standard.

It would appear that Jeff is less 'sorry' than first reported:


Although Savage say he was not there he admits he was outside Channel 3 Television which was also set on fire and has been off air since Wednesday.

"I did not do any looting. I did not set fire to anything, but those who did are my brothers. I am not worthy of them," said Savage.

"The attack on Channel 3 was organised. I saw the elder leaders giving directions. The Red Shirts hated Channel 3. There was a BMW showroom next door which was totally untouched."

Savage, who last worked as a hospital driver in Tonbridge, Kent, spoke after Thai police were alerted to the video taken by Scots teacher Andy McGinley, 28, from Glasgow. He said: "I could not believe what this idiot was saying. I just thought he was an anarchist but what he said was prophetic."

Of Thaksin Shinawatra, the former prime minister who most Red Shirts want back in power, Savage said: "This has all gone beyond Thaksin Shinawatra now. I have no time for him. He's one of the elite. Nor do I have time for the foreign elitist scum in Bangkok."

Savage is now in hiding with his Thai wife in the resort of Pattaya. "I am standing up for the poor," he said. "The war is over for the time being. But in two months time things will start up again. The attacks will begin."

There he goes again... New threats!

If the other one later happened, why shouldn't we trust him on this one as well?

This guy isn't going to give up his old habits. He is so brainwashed with this after he found his life had finally got a better meaning. Better meaning than driving an ambulance. Anyone who doesn't believe that he is anticipating with others on how to create more problems in the future? That guy has catched the Che Guevara syndrome.

Can't they just lock him in or at least throw him out?


Seeing as he may be spilling the 'protestors' deepest strategies, they may want to keep him safe. :)


He joined the protest even though the government had stated that it was illegal for farangs to do so....

He admits prior knowledge to a crime that was actually committed...that makes him an accomplice to the crime.

In one video he is seen throwing some things at the soldiers......That is assault at least

These are the crimes that he has committed.....

The fact he threw stuff at soldiers and run to the back of the crowd giggling like a schoolboy or that he threw a stick on the ground and acted like a right idiot only reflects on his mental state.

Unless he is guilty of criminal acts, let it go.

Personally I have no problem with farangs being politically involved.

I don't think you'll find a nation anywhere on the planet that allows foreign visitors to participate in political activities. It's a visa violation.

How would you feel, for example, if a foreign country was funneling large campaign contributions to a particular candidate in your home country?

apart form England do you mean? where we give them 4 years to defend their actions and even get the tax payers to pay for their defence and after that still dont kick em out.......Abu Hamza is a perfect example.

this guy is a total embarresment to all farangs in LOS and i cant beleive he didnt know something so should be stamped on serverly. im sure there are more than a few people keeping their eyes open for him and his safest option would be to hand himself in to the authorities and pray. but we dont want him back here thats for sure.

Just a link of an interview of the now infamous Jeff Savage. Sry if i'm duplicating moderators but it is quite an amusing read:


Please send this guy home, please, please, please ...he's a complete ....fill in the blank.

Nice guy! If anyone knows where he is we have roast beef, potatoes, carrots and onion gravy tomorrow so would be great if he could stop by. If he's a vegan let me know in advance as I'll have to change the menu! No offence to vegans', not taring you with the same brush and I mean that! Just joking.

Andrew Drummond sounds like a fool but freedom of speach comes into call here so let the man have his say even if you don't sympathise with him. I for one don't!


I think this guy was simply stating what the violent red leaders were saying on stage. His red Thai friends told him about it if he isn't fluent, and he told the camera what was going to happen. It wasn't a complete shock really. I think the legally damning thing for him is that he was participating in an illegal occupation, when foreigners aren't even allowed to protest at regular rallies in Thailand. I would like foreigners to be able to protest at legal rallies, but I don't make the Thai laws.

Who in their life hasn't made a stupid threat of some kind? Even a silent threat in ones own mind without opening your mouth. There's a big difference between thought, the spoken word and action and that dude didn't act so why the hype? He's an idiot and if he really wants to set fire to something I'd be happy to give him my lighter in the full knowledge that the only thing he'd burn are his fingers!

So are you in full possession of all the facts ? I am sure you are not !!

He made serious threats during a SOE Being an idiot is not an excuse He broke many Thai laws and must face Thai law

We are Farangs and those of us who are level headed know although Thais are lovely people We are and always will be Farangs and they will use us for their own ends

The Reds received a lot of attention when Farangs started shooting their mouths off during the protests

This idiot will receive no support from the Reds. He served his purpose

What are you trying to say? I don't know all the facts as I'm sure you don't but the fact is the guy was an idiot and acted irresponsibly. He's made his bed and will have to lay in it but he hasn't actually done anything wrong other than being an ar--ho as his words were wind and not followed up with action thank god!

"Use us for their own ends?" If your getting played by Thais I'm sorry for you. I'm pretty broke so tend not to get played. Try earning less money and you'll see that Thais are actually very helpful and accomadating.

What is your definition of not doing anything wrong ?

He broke several Thai laws That is a crime and to my way of thinking if you commit a crime you are doing something wrong

And as those crimes were during a SOE I would think he was doing something seriously wrong " Ignorance is no excuse for breaking the law"

Yes many Thais are helpful and accommodating but not all and for the record I am a poor teacher working for a living here in Thailand for the last 5 years

With Thais it is all about show and saving / losing face as the protests have shown It is not always about money

haven't time to read through 18 pages of threads but if anybody knows where this fool lives, report him to the Police

Why, so they can buy him a beer? Don't you know which side the police are on?

Just a link of an interview of the now infamous Jeff Savage. Sry if i'm duplicating moderators but it is quite an amusing read:


Please send this guy home, please, please, please ...he's a complete ....fill in the blank.

Nice guy! If anyone knows where he is we have roast beef, potatoes, carrots and onion gravy tomorrow so would be great if he could stop by. If he's a vegan let me know in advance as I'll have to change the menu! No offence to vegans', not taring you with the same brush and I mean that! Just joking.

Andrew Drummond sounds like a fool but freedom of speach comes into call here so let the man have his say even if you don't sympathise with him. I for one don't!

Eh? Andrew Drummond is the interviewer, the name of the foreign criminal is Jeff Savage. Did you make an error there?

when will they learn to stay out it........not your country you have no rights so shut the hel_l up is all i say

How right you are; I keep trying to tell the Thais that here in the US when they express their opinion. They should shut their mouths or get the heck out of my country. One guy at the temple actually had the nerve to talk about Obama. Too bad this is not like Thailand, I could have just punched him and no one would have said a word. :)

Your taking the pish I hope? Even the white people don't belong in the USA so maybe they should all go back to Italy, Ireland, the UK or whatever blade they crawled in from. I feel privalidged to be living here as I've never seen that kind of bigotary in all my 9 years living here and actually feel very welcome here. Please tell me your joking?

Elwood62 could you please take a reality check! There's a landing strip just down the road from me so please come back to earth

Who in their life hasn't made a stupid threat of some kind? Even a silent threat in ones own mind without opening your mouth. There's a big difference between thought, the spoken word and action and that dude didn't act so why the hype? He's an idiot and if he really wants to set fire to something I'd be happy to give him my lighter in the full knowledge that the only thing he'd burn are his fingers!

So are you in full possession of all the facts ? I am sure you are not !!

He made serious threats during a SOE Being an idiot is not an excuse He broke many Thai laws and must face Thai law

We are Farangs and those of us who are level headed know although Thais are lovely people We are and always will be Farangs and they will use us for their own ends

The Reds received a lot of attention when Farangs started shooting their mouths off during the protests

This idiot will receive no support from the Reds. He served his purpose


What a IDIOT , typical english houligan , past colonial behaving, arrogance and stupidity put him in thai jail for a long time ,then send him back to that his bankrup country .

I agree he's a hooligan and a disgrace to his country and deserves to be pushined..

but are the people that burned the mall "typical Thai hooligans"?

You can't tar everyone with the same brush.. Not ALL English people are hooligans!

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