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Thailand Live Today - Friday May 28

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Truth and Leadership

One of the necessary virtues of leadership at any level is honesty and truthfulness. If a leader is unable to gain the trust and faith of his or her underlings, the resulting paranoia will become a major obstacle to any attempt to rule or lead.

A major survey was carried out to study the characteristics the Thai public wanted most in their leaders. The survey found that the trait Thai society loathed the most in its leaders was dishonesty. The term dishonesty in the survey refer not only acts of corruption but also the act of lying.

With events like the recent rioting and protests deeply affecting all members of Thai society, the need for trust in elected leaders has only grown even more urgent. Everyone is now in the pursuit of 'truth' so that they may feel justified in their decisions and actions to move on.

The government must earn the trust of the public if it wishes to move forward with explaining the deaths that occurred during various operations launched against the anti-government protesters, the naming of terrorists or the arrests and subsequent probes of suspects. Without the trust, there's not a chance the public will believe what the government give as explanations for the above actions.

The pursuit of truth ultimately is a drive that must be adopted by the Thai people to serve it in the future. The ability of the Thai public to be able to exercise good judgement to distinguish truths from lies will help the nation circumvent the bloodsheds that took place in recent weeks. The public must learn how to differentiate between what are facts and what are mudslingings.

The first test of this new drive will be in the public's reaction to the government's explaining of the six bodies found at Pratumwanaram Temple. The Thai people must push for the administration to better address the deaths that took place beyond trying to cast off any blame.

Khao Sod Editorial, May 27 2010

Translated and Rewritten by Itiporn Lakarnchua

Please note that the views expressed in our "Analysis" segment are translated from local newspaper articles and do not reflect the views of the Thai-ASEAN News Network.


-- Tan Network 2010-05-27


The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw




Wounds in the dharma



Published on May 28, 2010

A Visakha Bucha Day visit to Wat Pathum Wanaram, a place of peace engulfed in conflict

Luang Phor, what's this?" the youngster asked. He was holding a little yellow ball wrapped in tape. It was a ping-pong bomb. It was a bomb in a house of peace.

Luang Phor Thavorn Chittathavaro, the assistant abbot at Wat Prathum Wanaram, was stunned. He asked the boy where he'd found it.

"Under a bush," the lad said. He placed the explosive on the ground in front of the monk and rushed off to search for more.

The deputy abbot had already had a far bigger shock. Authorities had uncovered dozens of weapons in and around the temple, a huge cache in all. There were three grenades hidden beneath the dais from which he regularly addresses meditation practitioners.

Was his temple doubling as a red-shirt stronghold? Had this quiet oasis of contemplation become an arsenal for war?

"Weapons were everywhere - I was quite frightened," says the 57-year-old monk, also known as Phra Pisanpatanatorn. "We didn't know how they'd got into the temple."

But he considered it at least fortunate that all that lethal power had been stashed at the wat instead of being turned against people.

"The temple was safe," he insists. "We were protected by an unseen power."

Luang Phor Thavorn runs the eight-rai Dharma Centre at the temple's heart that became the last refuge for anti-government protesters after their Rajprasong encampment was violently broken up on May 19.

"They flooded in without any invitation, fleeing for life," the monk says. They knew that peace advocates led by Gothom Arya had persuaded the abbot to declare the 15-rai temple a "no-killing zone" three days earlier.

"They looked desperate. I had to spend some time cooling them down. I told them to honour four things: promises, restraint, sacrifice and tolerance. Eventually about 80 per cent of the people came to their senses."

Initially a sanctuary primarily for women and children from the red camp, the grounds abruptly filled with "refugees" of all descriptions, nearly 4,000 people rushing in at the last minute while soldiers swarmed outside and gunfire crackled sporadically. After nightfall they crammed together to sleep.

Luang Phor Thavorn went to bed about 9pm and woke again at 4am for the morning sermon. Amid the crowding he preached non-stop for two and a half hours.

For all the kindness shown at Wat Prathum Wanaram, the temple was quickly condemned by some as a hide-out for red criminals.

Senior monks have admitted that many of the 100 monks and novices there come from the Northeast, including Luang Phor Thavorn, a native of Kalasin.

For his part, though, his faith is firm in "the power of nature".

"The temple will remain" no matter what happens, he says, "and in time they will know the truth. A temple will forever remain a temple."

None of the monks at Wat Prathum Wanaram ever expected such dire circumstances. Luang Phor Thavorn has been there for 37 years. He's seen the surrounding rice fields buried beneath concrete, massive shopping centres reaching toward a secular heaven.

The temple survived, increasingly renowned for its meditation sessions, with hundreds of practitioners gathering every day.

Throughout the nearly two months that the protesters were bivouacked a few hundred metres away, the temple let them come in to wash. As their numbers grew, Luang Phor Thavorn took greater care while accepting his morning alms in the centre's garden - and most of the meditation practitioners stayed away.

After six people were found dead in the grounds after the military crackdown, no one came at all. It was the first time in 37 years that the deputy abbot had seen no visitors.

There are bullet holes in the walls of the wat's outer buildings, and a sea of garbage, as a caretaker scrubs at bloodstains on the ground.

Outside, the curious gawk at the wreckage of Rajprasong and take pictures of the gutted CentralWorld and Siam Theatre. There is debris everywhere - a woman's mudmee silk blouse, a pillow inscribed with the owner's name.

Luang Phor Thavorn is calculating repair costs. About Bt400,000 will be needed just to fix the toilets at Wat Prathum Wanaram.

The cost of clearing the temple's good name - of convincing cynics that the monks weren't knowingly harbouring terrorists - is harder to reckon.

The temple did nothing wrong in opening its gates to the protesters, Luang Phor Thavorn affirms. It was a question of morality.

"If we didn't, the death toll could have been far higher," he says grimly.


-- The Nation 2010-05-28


The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw



Engineers say Centre One can be repaired

BANGKOK: -- The Bangkok Metropolitan Administration has downgraded the structural damage of Center One Plaza, set ablaze during the riots last Wednesday, to level 2 after the Engineering Institute of Thailand (EIT) said the structure was moderately damaged and could be repaired.

EIT deputy chief Thanes Veerasiri said initial assessment put the damage at level 1, as in beyond repair. However, further inspection Thursday showed that pillars, beams and the floor were in a fair condition even though some walls had been razed to the ground, he said.

The owner of Center One is supposed to have the plaza cleared of debris, so tenants can remove salvageable goods before an indepth inspection can take place and the owner can submit an action plan to city authorities. However, the Dokya Bookstore nearby is unsalvageable and will be demolished, he added.


-- The Nation 2010-05-28



House approves 2011 budget bill in first reading

The House of Representatives passed the first reading of the 2011 fiscal year budget bill Thursday night.

After spending over 26 hours to deliberate the bill, the House voted 250 to 172 to approve the bill in principle.

The House also set up a 63-member special committee to vet the draft.

The ad hoc panel will convene its first meeting at 4 pm on Tuesday.


-- The Nation 2010-05-28



Thaksin launches PR blitz after court issues warrant over terrorism

By Thanong Khanthong

The Nation

One day after the Criminal Court issued an arrest warrant over terrorism charges, ex-prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra mounted a global PR blitz to claim his innocence and deny that he financed the red shirts' burning of Bangkok.

He has spoken to three international media outlets - Australia's ABC television channel, the New York Times newspaper and Canada's Globe and Mail daily.

Speaking to New York Times' Seth Mydans ("Fugitive Ex-Leader Denies Financing Thai Protests", published yesterday), Thaksin said he did not finance or organise the red-shirt movement, which ended on May 19 in one of the fiercest upheavals in modern Thai history.

"No, no, no," he said. "I was in Paris - they sent my picture - shopping at Louis Vuitton with my daughter."

He denied helping finance the red-shirt protest, saying the movement sustained itself through donations from both poor and wealthy supporters.

Thaksin also told the newspaper that he was only involved with the protest leaders, but from afar. "I am in contact with them and they ask for advice sometimes," he said, adding that violent incidents had taken place while he was on his way to attend the Cannes Film Festival.

In his interview with The Globe and Mail ("Fugitive Former Thai Leader Warns of Further Violence", also published yesterday), Thaksin refused to disclose his whereabouts. He said national reconciliation in Thailand was "still far away" now that the government has used a military crackdown to bring the two-month red-shirt rally to an end.

"The protesters, they were very angry. They were ready to die because they feel the injustice against them. They want to fight," Thaksin was quoted as saying. "Those who survived are very angry. It's not a good sign. I am very worried I worry about the anger and I worry the government has cornered them instead of talking to them."

Thaksin also accused Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva's government, which he said was like a junta, of hunting down the red shirts. He added that he was ready to compromise.

"Those who survived are being hunted by the government. They are innocent people who are being hunted and detained. I'm more worried about that than myself," he told The Globe and Mail. "What I'm concerned about is reconciliation in the country. The government uses the word reconciliation, then creates more conflict."

Agence France-Press reported on Wednesday that Montenegro, where Thaksin has acquired a citizenship, has told the former leader to stop making political comments. "The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has asked the former prime minister to refrain from making any comments," a Montenegrin source close to Thaksin said.

Thaksin also gave a video-link interview to Australia's ABC television channel, in which he said the terrorism charges against him were politically motivated.

"I can assure this is very, surely politically motivated case, allegation. It is not really a it has no grounds," he said in broken sentences. "In my mind I always advocate peaceful protest and I always support my own people that we, Thailand, needs reconciliation. I'm always saying that and I always be."


-- The Nation 2010-05-28



Police hunting for missing 49 red leader

By The Nation

False information of whereabouts being circulated

BANGKOK: -- Police are now pursuing all leads in their attempt to track down 49 red shirt leaders and their key supporters who remain on the run.

"We have already conducted searches at their homes," Pol Colonel Supisal Pakdeenarunart, acting Crime Suppression commissioner, said yesterday.

Arrest warrants have been issued against Arisman Pongrueangrong, Jaran Ditapichai, Adisorn Piengket, Darunee Kritboonyalai, Shinawat Haboonpad, Suporn Attawong and others on charges of breaching the emergency decree.

Their roles in the redshirt rally, which culminated in rioting and arson attacks on May 19, are being investigated.

Plenty of false information about these suspects' whereabouts was being circulated, Supisal told reporters after Pol Lt General Thangai Prassajaksattru, Central Investigation commissioner, held a meeting of all investigation teams.

There has been speculation that some redshirt leaders had already fled the country.

"We are looking into such rumours but usually the Immigration Bureau monitors people who go in and go out of the country", he said.

Arisman, a key suspect, might be hiding in Ratchaburi, he added. Pol Lt General Tritos Ronnaritwichai, Special Branch commander, said many red shirts had gone underground.

"We are keeping a watch on them," he said while declining to elaborate.

The disclosure of some information could obstruct work in progress, he said.

The possibility that the underground red shirts would cause violence was a concern, he said.

"It will take some more time to analyse the situation," he added.

Chatchai Suttiklom, directorgeneral of the Corrections Department, said more than 300 people were now in custody at Bangkok Remand Prison for their involvement in the redshirt protest.

"The courts have already handed down guilty verdicts to some of them," he said.

Correctional facilities could accommodate more detainees if more suspects or convicts were sent in, he said.

No special privileges were being accorded to Australian Conor David Purcell and Brit Jeff Savage, he said. The two foreigners are being held for violating the emergency decree.

"Thais and foreigners have received the same treatment," he said.

The court approved a police request to confine them for seven more days.

Suwana Suwanjutha, directorgeneral of the Rights and Liberties Protection Department, said wounded victims of the redshirt rally or the relatives of those killed could step forward to receive help from her department.

"About 10 people have contacted us and we are now checking whether the complainants have taken part in the riot," she said.


-- The Nation 2010-05-28



Two arrested for poisoning tigers

By The Nation

SUPHAN BURI: -- Police yesterday apprehended two more suspects in relation to the poisoning of four tigers at the Bueng Chawak Park in Suphan Buri's Doem Bang Nangbuat district on May 22 in order to sell the carcasses to a wildlife trader.

Following the arrest of three suspects on Wednesday, the police investigation team learned that the other two suspects were Pisit Udommongkonsit, 29, whose car was used to transport the carcasses, and Nakhon Pathombased wildlife merchant Samran Prempri, 40. Police then arrested Samran, who reportedly confessed to buying the tiger carcasses but maintained he didn't know they were stolen from the park.

Pisit also surrendered to police and reportedly confessed to the crime, saying it was his first misdemeanour.


-- The Nation 2010-05-28




Staying cool under fire

By Budsarakham Sinlapalavan, Nathapat Promkaew

The Nation


Col Sansern

BANGKOK: -- Colonel Sansern Kaewkamnerd, spokesman for the Army and the Centre for the Resolution of the Emergency Situation (CRES), recently discussed his present role, sudden popularity and lack of political ambition in this interview with The Nation's Budsarakham Sinlapalavan and Nathapat Promkaew. The following are excerpts:

Why are you so admired for your role as CRES spokesman?

I think it's because it was prime time during my press conferences, so there were many viewers. There could be two main reasons: first, I used simple language and sometimes added some funny comments. Once during my press briefing, to show that the launcher for a tear-gas canister was different from an M79 grenade launcher, people laughed when I joked I should pull the trigger after the tear-gas launcher was loaded. In another press briefing that showed footage of looted convenience stores, I noted all but a few items in the stores were left untouched - books, magazines and newspapers.

You got higher votes than popular actor Ken Thiradej in a recent poll. Why could that be?

I think it's because recently, people were very much interested in national affairs, so my press conferences attracted many viewers. Later, Ken Thiradej will certainly beat me in the popularity polls, because he is better looking and younger. When the time arrives, I am ready to return the hearts of female admirers to Ken Thiradej.

Has Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva persuaded you to enter politics?

We had some light-hearted talk, and he joked with me about it. I told him I had no plans to enter politics.

Do you have a favourite politician?

I have no interest in politics, and I think my place is not in politics. Many soldiers have entered politics, and all of them reeled back out. I don't want to end up like that. I don't think there is anyone who is so good he is irreplaceable. In my case, despite the praise and popularity, if one day there were no Sansern, there will always be someone to take my place. That's why I don't want to become a politician. After my retirement at the age of 60, I want to travel. I don't have time for that now.

Has your wife teased you about your fan club?

Yes, sometimes. But at home, we often avoid political issues. I feel good to have some admirers. I'd like to thank all of them for their encouragement and offer my moral support back to them. Thailand is returning to normalcy, and it needs the good morale of us all.

Given the fan club and the popularity you have as CRES spokesman, do you think your job is successful?

I think we cannot call it a success yet. If it were successful, I should have been able to create a good understanding for everyone in society. But now, some people still think soldiers killed people in the recent incident.

Interview continues: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/home/2010/...e-30130388.html


-- The Nation 2010-05-28



Special Report: Visakha Puja Day

Visakha Puja Day is another major Buddhist holy day that marks the three important incidents in the life of Lord Buddha, which occurred on the same day of the year - the full moon of the sixth lunar month. The three events are his birth, enlightenment, and nirvana.

On Visakha Puja Day, all Buddhists around the world gather to practice Dharma to recollect the wisdom, purity, and compassion of Lord Buddha. General activities on Visakha Puja Day include merit making, food offering to monks, almsgiving, listening to Dharma preaching, and candlelit processions around Ubosot Hall in the evening. Buddhists are bound to avoid alcoholic drinks and all kinds of immoral acts and perform good deeds.

The Kingdom of Thailand, recognized as the center of the world’s Buddhism, was this year selected for the World Visakha Puja Day Celebration, officially known as the International Buddhist Conference on the United Nations Day of Vesak (ICUNDV). Despite the domestic political uncertainty, Thailand still insisted on organizing the event, which took place from 23-25 May 2010 in Bangkok and Ayutthaya, according to Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University (MCU) Rector the Most Ven Prof Dr Phra Dharmakosajarn. Japan was also assigned as the co-host due to the unrest in Thailand.

The inaugural ceremony was held at the Prince Maha Vajiralongkorn Main Auditorium of MCU’s Wang-Noi Campus in the central province of Ayutthaya on 23 May while the academic conference was on 24 May. Approximately 1,500 Buddhists from over 80 countries attended the event, which was this year under the theme “Global Recovery: The Buddhist Perspective.” The Thai government leader, representatives from the UN and the UNESCO, Buddhist leaders and philosophers from around the world took this opportunity to confer about solutions to the world’s crises from a Buddhist view.

The MCU Rector said that Buddhist leaders from other countries strongly believed that Thailand would be able to solve its ongoing internal problems and weather the political crisis by means of Buddhist practice.

Buddhists are encouraged to participate in the activities on Visakha Puja Day this year, which falls on 28 May. Many religious events will be held across the country during the period. Grand celebrations are being organized from 14-25 May 2010 at Sanam Luang ceremonial ground in the capital of Bangkok and will also be held at Buddhamonthon in Nakhon Pathom province on 25 May.

For more information on the conference program, please visit the ICUNDV’s official website at www.icundv.com/vesak2010.


-- NNT 2010-05-28



Thailand: Truth and Leadership: http://bit.ly/aF2nfJ

Bangkok: Wounds in the Dharma: http://bit.ly/9II0i1

Bangkok: Engineers say Centre One can be repaired: http://bit.ly/bvYajk

Thailand: Two arrested for poisoning tigers: http://bit.ly/bKTdaT

Thailand: Staying cool under fire: http://bit.ly/aqKHpP

Conor Purcell: 'Nobody in this country has authority over me.... I'm head of the red gang." http://bit.ly/9Fd5Q7 /via @RichardBarrow

Major political reform needed for Thailand : Surin: http://bit.ly/b1y7tZ

Thailand: Police force must undergo an urgent overhaul : http://bit.ly/bDBqZE

Thaksin puts the battle on world stage: http://bit.ly/bcxIQQ

Buddhists converge on Sanam Luang, make merit with morning alms on Visakha Puja Day, wishing peace to return to Thailand /via MCOT

Thailand: Special Report: Visakha Puja Day: http://bit.ly/98WTOt

Bangkok: "Central Reunion Sale" launched as the rally ends: http://bit.ly/a6qhRW


"Central Reunion Sale" launched as the rally ends

BANGKOK (NNT) -- Central Department Store introduces the “Central Reunion Sale” campaign in a bid to thank customers for their supports over the recent business damaged in an arson attack.

Vice President Marketing of Central Department Store, Piyawan Leelasompop, said the marathon rally of the anti-government United Front of Democracy Against Dictatorship at Ratchaprasong junction had not only paralyzed traffics in Bangkok but also greatly influenced customers’ lifestyle and their spending habits.

Therefore, a special campaign called “Central Reunion Sale” has been launched with an aim to revitalize transaction volumes, in response to the customers’ demands after a long halt in business.

Ms Piyawan said Central had offered 15-30% discount for general products, 10-15% discount for cosmetics, 10-30% discount for Luxe Men and Luxe Gallery sections as well as 10-70% for other quality products. Intensive coupons value 300/ 1,200/ 3,000 THB will be offered for every 5000/ 15,000/ 30,000 THB spending, respectively.

Ms Piyawan added that a hundred million THB has been injected into the campaign and other related activities. The grand sale is now taking place from 27 May 2010 to 6 June 2010 at all Central branches nationwide.


-- NNT 2010-05-28



Thailand Ranked among the Most Dangerous Places for Reporters

According to a report from the Wall Street Journal, Bangkok has now been ranked among the most dangerous places for reporters to work in.

Based on the statistical data composed since the beginning of this year, Pakistan has the most number of reporters killed with three deaths, two were killed in Nigeria. Meanwhile, Somalia, Cameroon, Angola, Mexico, Afghanistan, Iraq and Yemen have each seen a reporter killed in the line of duty.

From the latest data, two foreign press members were killed during the past two months of political turmoil in Bangkok and at least seven were injured. The dead were Hiroyuki Muramoto, a Japanese photographer with Reuters and Fabio Polenghi, a freelance Italian photographer; both were shot.

Also among the injured was a photographer from France 24, who said that it was very difficult for photojournalists to stay alive in Bangkok because the bullets came from all directions, from the armed forces and the terrorists and other unknown armed groups.

This has further damaged the image of Thailand among the foreign press members, investors and tourists.

Therefore, it is the government's responsibility to salvage the country's image. Correspondents from every major foreign news agencies must be invited to observe that Thailand is truly recovering. They needed to be given a tour at popular tourist destinations and Ratchaprasong Intersection to show that the difficult time is over. The government should think about what to do to create long-term happiness for Thais.

It will be difficult to erase the image of Thailand as a violent place if the foreign correspondents have not yet been convinced that the current situation in Thailand has already returned to normal.

Taken from Analysis Section, Kom Chad Leuk Newspaper, Page 4, May 27, 2010.

Translated and Rewritten by Kongkrai Maksrivorawan

Please note that the views expressed in our "Analysis" segment are translated from local newspaper articles and do not reflect the views of the Thai-ASEAN News Network.


-- Tan Network 2010-05-28



Curfew lift still undecided

BANGKOK (NNT) -- Curfew lift for Bangkok and 23 provinces is still under consideration, according to Center for the Resolution of Emergency Situation (CRES) spokesperson Colonel Sansern Kaewkamnerd.

The CRES will have to discuss the matter with the police before asking for a decision of Deputy Prime Minister Suthep Thaugsuban who is the CRES director. However, the CRES said it had yet to officially discuss the curfew lift.

Curfew in Bangkok and other 23 provinces under Emergency Decree is effective from 24.00 - 04.00 hrs until 28 May. They are Nonthaburi, Samut Prakan, Pathum Thani, Nakhon Pathom, Ayutthaya, Chon Buri, Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai, Lampang, Nakhon Sawan, Nan, Khon Kaen, Udon Thani, Chaiyaphum, Nakhon Ratchasima, Si Sa Ket, Ubon Ratchathani, Nongbua Lamphu, Maha Sarakham, Roi Et, Sakon Nakhon, Kalasin, and Mukdahan.

The CRES has cancelled its meetings on 28-29 May 2010 as they clash with celebrations of Visakha Bucha Day, Col Sansern said, assuring that a meeting would be called immediately if an emergency situation arose.

The spokesperson said the center had launched a campaign to clarify operations of authorities to the public since the anti-government demonstrations, adding that the CRES would also promote national unity more proactively.


-- NNT 2010-05-28



Montenegro says ex-Thai premier Thaksin wont b extradited or put 2 justice without valid proof or international arrest warrant: AP /via MCOT

People take seats infront of the monks at Sala Daeng intersection http://twitpic.com/1rokt0 /via @dany_k

Sala daeng intersection blocked off for opening of sales along Silom http://twitpic.com/1rok3k /via @dany_k

Thailand: AirAsia offers free Thai tickets as fare war takes off: http://bit.ly/b9nWea

Thailand: Curfew lift in Bangkok and 23 provinces still undecided: http://bit.ly/aNdVb4

Bangkok's Silom Road Turns Into Walking Street Fair: http://bit.ly/9cFNYU

Thai Police Force Must Undergo An Urgent Overhaul: http://bit.ly/asuGcF

Major Political Reform Needed For Thailand : Surin: http://bit.ly/9uzS3w

Thaksin Puts The Battle On World Stage: http://bit.ly/bDWstP

Phuket: Big success in bad times: http://bit.ly/9G7VfP

Legendary animator Payut Ngokrachang, Thailand's Walt Disney, died of heart disease at age of 81 on Thursday /via MCOT

Tourists in Thai Resort Are Undeterred by Protests: http://nyti.ms/aD4Tx4 /via @noppatjak


First day of Silom grand sale frenzied with shoppers

BANGKOK (NNT) -- Bangkok’s Silom commercial district is swarmed with shoppers who have been coming to join the “Together We Can Grand Sale” event since this morning.

After the grand sale event kicked off for the first day on Silom Road, from Sala Daeng Intersection to Narathiwat Ratchanakharin Road, Bangkok’s downtown has become frenzied with shoppers as hundreds of street vendors have started setting up their kiosks. The Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA) provided the area especially to aid the vendors who were affected by the recent mass rally.

“Together We Can Grand Sale” is being held until 29 May, from 09.00-20.00 hrs. People can travel to the walking street via the MRT subway and the BTS Skytrain.


-- NNT 2010-05-28



BMA to file lawsuits against rioters

BANGKOK (NNT) -- The Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA) is considering to file lawsuits for the damages caused by the recent anti-government riots, according to BMA spokesperson Thanom Onketpon.

14,000 people affected by the riots have been registered with the BMA, and there are 3,951 complaints filed with the Center for Resolution of Emergency Situations from 21-27 May 2010. For preliminary assistance, the BMA has already given compensation to some of the affected people, Mr Thanom said.

The BMA can bring charges against the rioters to the Civil Court for damage compensation with help from the Lawyers Council of Thailand. After the charges are filed, the police will have to conduct further investigations, the spokesman said.

There is no need for business operators who have already filed complaints with the BMA to ask for legal assistance from other government units, Mr Thanom said.

Meanwhile, Deputy Interior Minister Thaworn Senneam has given moral support to BMA employees affected by the turmoil. He was informed of damages incurred to the BMA in order to ask for budget from the government to renovate properties affected by the riots.


-- NNT 2010-05-28



MRTA arranges market space for rally affected traders

BANGKOK (NNT) -- The Mass Rapid Transit Authority of Thailand (MRTA) in collaboration with Bangkok Metro Public Company Limited will arrange a market space inside the BTS Chatuchak station to relieve traders' hardship caused by the month-long anti-government protests and arson attacks.

MRTA Deputy Governor Chukiat Photayanuwat stated that the area around Metro Mall located inside the BTS Chatuchak station will be allocated as the temporary market space for the traders affected from the prolonged anti-government protest to conveniently put their products on sale at no rental cost for six months.

Interested traders can register to reserve their space from 28 May to 1 June at 10.00hrs – 17.00 hrs at Metro Mall located inside the BTS Chatuchak station. Further information can be reached by dialing 082-704-1993, 085-099-6035.


-- NNT 2010-05-28



Fire-gutted Center One to Reopen Next Year

An executive of the arsonized Center One shopping mall expects its reconstruction to be completed by January next year. Meanwhile, engineering agencies still have not found critical damage in the building's structure.

Deputy Bangkok Governor Pornthep Tejapaibul today led officials from the Civil Engineering Department of the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration, or BMA, and the Engineering Institute to inspect the damage at Center One, one of the shopping malls set on fire during the red-shirt riots.

The site is still declared an off-limits and dangerous zone.

The bureau will consider if the building's structure is damaged beyond repair before drawing the reconstruction plan.

The deputy governor further said the BMA may consider providing tax incentives and seeking soft loans for vendors at Center One.

The BMA has initially cooperated with three shopping malls, namely Century, Metro Fashion and City Complex, near Center One to arrange for commercial spaces for retailers to resume their businesses.

Deputy secretary feneral of the Engineering Institute, Thanes Weerasiri, said today's inspection has suggested the main structure of the building, including its pillars, remain in good condition without any visible cracks on them while its walls need to be under a close watch to prevent a collapse.

He said the seriousness of the damage is in a middle range but there must be inspection for the cracks on the floors and the strength of pillars holding up the walls.

Meanwhile, deputy managing director of People Plaza Company, which manages Center One, Thani Rujinam, said its closure will cause his company a loss of 10 to 20 million baht a month.

Thani also revealed his company will refund the three-month advance lease money and guarantee fund to vendors at Center One while those who wish to return will receive special privileges from the company when the mall reopens after its reconstruction, which is expected to be completed by January next year.


-- Tan Network 2010-05-28



Both sides of silom have been turned into a walking street for 3 days. http://twitpic.com/1rqfee /via @richardbarrow

BMCL metro operator providing space at Chutuchak station for 100 protest-affected retailers free for six months /via MCOT

First day of Silom grand sale frenzied with shoppers: http://bit.ly/97EPNR

BMA to file lawsuits against rioters: http://bit.ly/9keFb1

MRTA arranges market space for rally affected traders: http://bit.ly/d89NsF

Bangkok: Fire-gutted Center One to Reopen Next Year: http://bit.ly/cwvkOD

Bangkok: Pol Gen Pateep: Curfew in Bangkok may be lifted: http://bit.ly/bOcO6n /via MCOT

Work-in-progress Google spreadsheet of deaths from the Redshirt protests by @thai101 http://bit.ly/bkXlwR /via @legalnomads


Curfew in Bangkok may be lifted : acting police chief

By The Nation

BANGKOK: -- Curfew in Bangkok may not be extended when it expires on Saturday, acting police chief Pol Gen Pateep Tanprasert said Friday.

Citing that police are able to control the situation in Bangkok and suburbs , Pateep said the current curfew, imposed from midnight to 4am, may not be necessary after Saturday.

Gen Pateep said he had ordered City Police Commissioner Pol Lt Gen Santhan Chayanont to evaluate the overall situation in the capital.

His report will be forwarded to Deputy Prime Minister Suthep Thaugsuban, responsible for domestic security affairs and director of the Centre for the Resolution of the Emergency Situation, to decide.

If the curfew is extended, it would affect many people who work at night. Currently, Bangkok and 23 other provinces are under the curfew.

He is not worried about the curfew being lifted, saying the state of emergency is still in place, so the curfew could be re-introduced if anti-government protesters continued their underground movements

Meanwhile, security at Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva's home in Sukhumvit remained tight Friday. Armed soldiers and police remain posted around his house while concrete barriers have been installed at front of his residence.

Abhisit is expected go to Government House later Friday to attend a meeting to prepare a meeting with foreign envoys and foreign journalists on Saturday regarding the government's operations against anti-government protesters.


-- The Nation 2010-05-28



DSI to plan Thaksin’s arrest next week

BANGKOK (NNT) -- The Department of Special Investigation (DSI) will call a meeting with concerned agencies to plan the arrest of ousted ex-premier Thaksin Shinawatra, along with the remaining leaders of the United Front of Democracy Against Dictatorship (UDD)

Reporting on the progress of the pursuit of Mr Thaksin, DSI Director General Tarit Pengdit said the department would convene with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the National Police Bureau, and the attorneys to discuss the arrest procedure of the fugitive. The session will be held on 1 June 2010 at 09.00 hrs after the court on Tuesday issued a warrant for the ex-premier on grounds of breaching the emergency decree and committing terrorism.

Mr Thaksin has continually made appearances in many countries worldwide and is now living in exile in Montenegro under the local citizenship.

Meanwhile, investigative officers are in the process of collecting evidence to seek arrest warrants for the rest of the UDD leaders who have made speeches on UDD stages in both Bangkok and upcountry. The documents are expected to be issued within next week.


-- NNT 2010-05-28



DDPM warns residents of flashflood

BANGKOK (NNT) -- The Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation (DDPM) warns residents in 25 provinces across the country of flashflood, forest water, and landslide during these few days.

People residing near waterways and lowlands in the 25 provinces are warned to beware of dangers from heavy rains which can cause flashflood, forest water, and landslide from 27 to 28 May 2010. The department also advises the residents to keep abreast of weather forecasts.

In addition, they are suggested to evacuate to high ground immediately if the water level increases dramatically in a short time, its color changes to the same color as soil of the nearby mountain, wild animals are alert, or a loud sound of gushing water is heard.

The 25 provinces include central provinces of Kamphaeng Phet, Uthai Thani, and Nakhon Sawan, western provinces of Tak, Kanchanaburi, Ratchaburi, Phetchaburi, and Prachuap Khiri Khan, as well as eastern provinces of Chon Buri, Rayong, and Trat.

Others are northeastern provinces of Nong Khai, Udon Thani, Sakon Nakhon, Nakhon Phanom, and Mukdahan, as well as southern provinces of Chumphon, Surat Thani, Ranong, Phuket, Phang Nga, Krabi, Trang, and Satun.

The DDPM has hence instructed its local offices to monitor the situation closely and have necessary equipment prepared. Residents affected by natural disasters can notify the DDPM for assistance via hotline 1784 around the clock.


-- NNT 2010-05-28



Bangkok: streets spring back to life again: http://tweetphoto.com/24303646 /via @freakingcat

Bangkok: Curfew in Bangkok may be lifted: acting police chief: http://bit.ly/ago5Mf

DSI to plan Thaksin’s arrest next week: http://bit.ly/azgwTZ

Flashfloods & landslides being warned by Dept of Disaster Prevention 2 residents of 25 provinces across the country: http://bit.ly/aPLmPW

Thailand: Australian 'red shirt' defies court: http://bit.ly/c93DDW

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