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Atm Time Wasters


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Have you ever been held up at an ATM by someone in front (always seems to be a Thai) clicking away, apparently searching for the balances on many, many accounts?

They have a list on a scrap of paper or in their phone and they tap away for MINUTES on end.

Only after 99% of my patience has gone and I'm aching to punch them in the kidneys do they finally extract some cash and push off!

This makes a mockery of a fast service and I'm sick of it.

ATMs were not invented for this. The people at the desks inside were!


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Well one of the features of ATM's now is the ability to transfer cash to others accounts, pay bills, order pizza etc, so I guess you are wrong, they have these features.

Is it annoying at times, yes. :)

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Well one of the features of ATM's now is the ability to transfer cash to others accounts, pay bills, order pizza etc, so I guess you are wrong, they have these features.

Is it annoying at times, yes. :)

I`ve only taken cash out and didn`t know about the extra facilities. Thanks for enlightening me.

It happened once to me and the guy had a lot written down on a piece of paper, now I know why. Next time I won`t get annoyed.


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Ever been at an ATM trying to make a money transfer and some a**hole is behind you tapping their feet and making huffing sounds? I like to check all my balances and drop my receipt a few times when there's someone like this behind me...

Find another ATM if you can't wait...there's about a million of them around.

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Ever been at an ATM trying to make a money transfer and some a**hole is behind you tapping their feet and making huffing sounds? I like to check all my balances and drop my receipt a few times when there's someone like this behind me...

Find another ATM if you can't wait...there's about a million of them around.

Actually I think its about fair usage really. Ive waited in line while some woman completed about 20 different transactions without any consideration for anyone else. Myself, when I do my business at the ATM, I always pick non peak times or one of the many atm's around the place that don't seem to attract too much traffic.

Of course it works both ways & expecting everyone to be finished transactions within 20 seconds is a bit rude too.

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Why is it that when a Thai person uses the ATM in front of you, it's always the very first time that they have used an ATM in their life? :)


Edited by simon43
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Why is it that when a Thai person uses the ATM in front of you, it's always the very first time that they have used an ATM in their life? :D


Why is it every time a first time ATM user is tapping away at the keys of an ATM when a farang with blue skin and a funny hat always turns up? :)

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And this happened to me.....

Knowing I will be withdrawing B100,000 (of B20,000 each time). After two withdrawals I have let the person behind me go and re-joined the cue behind them, only to have to wait while they took an exceedingly long time withdrawing more than I.

What wound me up was that I had given way to them, but they couldn't give two hoots - Sometimes Ignorance is bliss and I wished I had blissfully taken my time and not noticed that I may have been inconveniencing them in the first place.

There are people who simply can't give a F£$K about others, I think that sums up the whole quite conveniently.

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Why is it that when a Thai person uses the ATM in front of you, it's always the very first time that they have used an ATM in their life? :)

What I want to know is why whenever I join the end of a line of say 10 people waiting for anything when I get to the front I'm the only person left queueing and nobody is behind me - this really annoys me and it happens all the time !

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Why is it that when a Thai person uses the ATM in front of you, it's always the very first time that they have used an ATM in their life? :)



This is one of my pet hates. Why do so many people, not only Thai, still have to read every single f*cking word on every f*cking screen although they must have been using them for f*cking ages.

I could use an ATM in Klingon and still be out of there in a matter of seconds, it really ain't rocket science.

Oh. And while we are at it, if you do feel the need to read every character on every line of your mini statement then please do step aside first in consideration of all of those people stood behind you. They are there for a reason, believe it or not.

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Well one of the features of ATM's now is the ability to transfer cash to others accounts, pay bills, order pizza etc, so I guess you are wrong, they have these features.

Is it annoying at times, yes. :)

I`ve only taken cash out and didn`t know about the extra facilities. Thanks for enlightening me.

It happened once to me and the guy had a lot written down on a piece of paper, now I know why. Next time I won`t get annoyed.


Thailand is the ATM capital of the world. Just go to another one couple hander meter away

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Do not forget, there are many Thai people out there who also have multiple ATM cards due to lending out money. Often as not they will be making sure funds are available and either transferring funds to their own account or withdrawing the due interest instalments in cash. It can take some time being a money lender (loan shark) :)

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You can pay your mobile phone bill, pay quite a few other bills for that matter, pay for airline tickets, etc etc etc, in addition to transferring money to other accounts, etc. You can also now deposit money (special atm tho) and get your passbook printed as well.

In fact, the banks encourage people to do their transactions at the ATM machine. And while you may find it annoying that you have to wait, I suspect were you in the same position you would want someone to have a little patience while you undertook your transactions.

Oh, what the heck am I talking about? naturally, all farang are perfect, never make anyone wait while they get their business done and can always figure everything out immediately.

Some of you really need to get over yourselves.

//rant over//

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You can pay your mobile phone bill, pay quite a few other bills for that matter, pay for airline tickets, etc etc etc, in addition to transferring money to other accounts, etc. You can also now deposit money (special atm tho) and get your passbook printed as well.

In fact, the banks encourage people to do their transactions at the ATM machine. And while you may find it annoying that you have to wait, I suspect were you in the same position you would want someone to have a little patience while you undertook your transactions.

Oh, what the heck am I talking about? naturally, all farang are perfect, never make anyone wait while they get their business done and can always figure everything out immediately.

Some of you really need to get over yourselves.

//rant over//

How did you know i was perfect :)

Just have to accept that this is the way how it goes in Thailand. I like how things were done in Holland all by internet banking. Not the crappy unsafe way (where you still have to call the bank) here. But they are getting there so you wont hear me complain too much.

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this has happened to me ,, many times ..waiting for a thai ,

playing ping pong , on the atm

i think ,, they just want to be seen to be active at the atm ,,

looks good ,, and then they withdraw 200 bht ..

pisses me rigt off ..should have ATM ,, for farangs only ..

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Oh, what the heck am I talking about? naturally, all farang are perfect, never make anyone wait while they get their business done and can always figure everything out immediately.

Some of you really need to get over yourselves.

//rant over//

It seems to be the way for nearly every topic on Thai Visa, Farangs can always do things better than Thais.

I watch in amazement as Thai guys build a house with no formal training, it just seems to come naturally for many of them. ( Now we'll have posts about how poor their workmanship is ), my house is great, and no way could I or any bunch of untrained Farangs that I know have built it.

And at the time these guys were getting something like 150 Baht per day !! Amazing !

They just seem to be able to get on with it, and do it, whilst many Farangs spend all their time complaining. ( I think we've been spoiled ! )

I wouldn't know where to start myself, same as many Thai guys Play guitar quite well, I've been playing for years and am still useless !! :)

Many Thai people have many traits and skills that I wish I had.

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I could use an ATM in Klingon and still be out of there in a matter of seconds, it really ain't rocket science.


seriously, i'm with you guys. why they always have like 3 atm cards. ever peak at the screen and see the balance of like 200 baht? what kinda numbers you crunchin with yer 200 baht???

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sorry off topic, but related.

a few years back i went on a visa run to vientiene(laos) after a long journey and going through all the procedures and paperwork, the group that i was with(organised trip) were taken to a small hotel where we would stay the night, while our visas were processed.

anyway a few of us decided to get a few beers in and sat around chatting, exchanging stories and that night after a heavy afternoon session we all went out for a meal and more drinks.

later on in the evening a guy that i had been having a laugh with and befriended pulled me to one side and started asking me if i would be interested in pulling off an atm hoist. i couldnt believe what was hearing at first, thinking the drink was having some short of adverse affect on my hearing. after taking a double take on the situation, he carried on going into detail about how he had targeted atms in and around a certain area, because they werent built into a shop front and had unsecure mountings. the fact that he had several thai mates already in on it and that they planned to use a pick-up truck and clamps to pull the machines out and then lift them onto the back of the truck. ensuring all cameras filming would either be disabled or blacked out. then hide the the pick-up along with the machine until a later date, when all the heat had died down. he was dead serioue too and asked me again when we all got back to the hotel.

woke up the next morning thinking, nah it must have been the drink talking. but no, before we parted and went our seperate ways on arrival back in bangkok he gave me his email address and tel no and asked me to get in touch if i was interested.

to this day, i still keep one eye on the news to see if theres any reports of atms being taken from outside any 7/11s, petrol stations, shopping malls or banks in the area where he said he lived.

Edited by tigerfish
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Well I do not think this is symptomatic to Thailand only. I experience this at all walk up ATMs in most countries. The only time it seems not to annoy me are the times I am at the drive up. Maybe more people need to do online banking.

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Its not just Thais that do this its everyone.

Of course, but Thais seem particularly adept at it.

Some of you really need to get over yourselves.


I watch in amazement as Thai guys build a house with no formal training, it just seems to come naturally for many of them.

You are easily amazed. Bunging posts in the ground and in-filling with haphazard block-brickwork is not exactly rocket science.

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yes it is very annoying, I understand many things can be done at the atm but they even take too long over this.

Another annoyance I am sure many will agree on is escalators, just get on the bloody thing, why do they stand there with their foot out while about 10 steps go past, then they get brave and eventually get on, and then at the bottom some stop as soon as they get off meaning you all pile into the back of them, especially when they have a shopping trolley :)

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If I sense annoyance behind me, I swish funds back and forth between various accounts just to increase their annoyance levels.

You know you can have an ATM installed in your place of business (if you have enough foot traffic) and the bank will even pay you rent. You can then complete your transactions when your shop is closed (assuming you are able to install it indoors within your property). Have a few friends who have done this.


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Why is waiting in line at a atm any kind of problem. Most of the foreigners here have nothing but time. 5minutes one way or the other in a day means nothing. These kinds of issues are really none issues, Sure I admit it is nice to get things done and be on to the next thing a person has to do, but how many of us have anything else to do. Except maybe go spend the money we get from the atm.

Or is the thai girlfriend waiting for her money and guys are worried she will find another if they take to long getting her the money.

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It's annoying sometimes but even more so 9 years ago when we only had one ATM machine servicing the whole Amphur. It would run out of money by half past Saturday then Monday mornings, after a refill at about 10:00 AM, the que went for 100's of meters. Now we have more ATM's than Motor Bike shops :) which are serviced by private contractors 7 days a week.

Basically not a problem here in the rice paddies.

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